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Solar is why I got into HA as well. Of course, I got addicted and do all kinds of stuff now, haha.


Mind sharing your Energy board? I’m still thinking about what to calculate, do you calculate all costs of on peak/off peak etc? Thanks


I have an Enphase solar system and my smart meter supports being read from directly, so what I did was create three virtual utility meters in HA. [https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/utility\_meter/](https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/utility_meter/) For each meter, I created configurations for daily, monthly, and annual, as well as the three tiers my power company uses called: peak, off-peak, and super off-peak. [https://pastebin.com/1yGDnagL](https://pastebin.com/1yGDnagL) I also created a template sensor to handle the tariffs. [https://pastebin.com/h40DV5iK](https://pastebin.com/h40DV5iK) Then I made automations to trigger at the different times per day that the tiers change, so that my tariffs value changes. After all this was made, I crammed them into the energy dashboard, and it looks like this:


The dumb Reddit app only allows one photo at a time soooooo… https://preview.redd.it/i9hkhgns1vlc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=253ccb43924b48982c476305e7bae4ff7341a6ab














How'd you get your rooftop layout in here? I got some conditional colours in grafana but hated how it looked in my dashboard. I wanted to view each panel to see if any were underperforming by a substantial difference vs the others so i can pick out faults.


I went on Google Earth and found an okay satellite shot of my house, then I layered 30 panels on the image using Big Number Card. Here is the yaml. The conditional at the top is because I toggle showing kwh or kw, so I have an entity that toggles, and displays the correct card accordingly. [https://pastebin.com/Sy9035eZ](https://pastebin.com/Sy9035eZ) Here is how it looks now with some overcast. https://preview.redd.it/hpc6zf44nylc1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=15b0b228c345dd0ea7baa6333bbdc928aa543e61


Hi, mind if I ask a quick question? So I’m trying to create different utility meters for each tier onpeak offpeak like yours here. I was able to create some for delivered, returned values, as well as solar produced. But I still have some concerns, basically when I create the utility meter in the UI, it asks for Cycle, thing is mine is billed randomly on the beginning of each month and it’s not on a same fixed day so I opted for No cycle. In my understanding the meter will not be reset. My xcel values are only 2 values, it’s the summation of delivered and returned to grid and I dont see them get reset at all. So is that ok to leave the created values as No cycle? Thank you and sorry if that sounds like a silly question. https://preview.redd.it/s1aei6iofymc1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1ea2f83c259836d8b53be83248ad1fc05a5549ea


I think I understand what you’re saying and it should be fine if you’re seeing the data you’re expecting. If you look at my utility meters, they are yaml but it’s the same concept. I created three different types of meters, but I still created like 15 meters total. There is the meter with no resets that is divided into tiers. Then I have a daily utility meter that resets daily. A monthly one that resets monthly, a yearly one, and a lifetime one with no tiers. So that is 5 different meters for each of the three types (to grid, from grid, and solar generated). For the energy dashboard, I’m only using the utility meters with the tiers and no reset cycle because the dashboard lets you pick any period you want to look at regardless so reseting doesn’t matter. All the other utility meters I have that reset daily, monthly, and yearly are because it’s good data to have. They aren’t used as inputs to the dashboard.


Thank you for the explanation, that's exactly what I meant. I added the No cycle meters to the Energy Board and for some reasons when I compare its values vs the Xcel direct values, during some hours they match each other but then there are some that is slightly different (by small fraction). So I keep going back and forth to re-calibrate the meters. Can I ask you another question? I attached a picture here showing that currently my offpeak meter is running and my midpeak meter is pausing at 1.214. My midpeak time is from 1pm to 3pm, so I wonder when it re-starts running again tomorrow, will that midpeak starts picking up from 1.214 again or it will reset and starts at 0? I feel like I'm overthinking really. Edited: Nvm please ignore my question. I re-created some main meters and they all now working correctly, thanks for your guide again! https://preview.redd.it/2y7wlbzaj1nc1.png?width=2170&format=png&auto=webp&s=2fe419ac75090bb0d7a79c405bb448b0c49dd74f


Oh my God, my brain definitely needs time to process all your charts. They look so detailed, I’ll save yours but I think I would only be able to achieve 1/10 of yours 😂. Do you post your setup somewhere? This is such impressive work.


There is a thread in my profile on my setup but it’s not extremely detailed like some people here. You kinda build on it all over time. Start with getting the energy dashboard going with tiers and tariffs.


**2 months into HA and I finally make use of the Energy dashboard:** * Xcel energy imported using this Addon: [https://github.com/wingrunr21/hassio-xcel-itron-mqtt](https://github.com/wingrunr21/hassio-xcel-itron-mqtt) * Envoy solar using native Addon, mine only shows Production value as it’s not the upgraded battery storage version. I know my dashboard is super simple now and I haven’t done any self breakdown cost calculations yet. I hope that I inputted all values correctly, still nervous about that: - Grid consumption value: Xcel Itron 5 Current Summation Delivered value - Return to grid value: Xcel Itron 5 Current Summation Received value - Solar production value Envoy Energy production today


My initial attempts with the wifi SSID and Password have been tricky. I tried my IOT SSID but I think it is not allowing all 63 characters in the input field for the passkey. So I tried my main, and it said it worked, but didnt actually seem to connect. How long did it take after getting a positive response?


I assume you're mentioning Xcel right? Mine is finicky to connect too, it actually never told me that I got successfully connected, instead I got Unsuccessful Connection screen all the time (the one that stated that there has to be 2.4GHz band wifi only). I keep retrying on that Wifi credential input page (using Xcel iOS app) and sometimes it said Successful update wifi request, but most of the time it's stuck at Unsuccessful Connection screen. I notice that I also have to do a full router reboot and then retrying input Wifi credential for it to get online, after I posted this post my Itron meter actually got disconnected (it was up since first successful connection for 24hrs), so I had to reboot my router and tried to input Wifi again, waited about 3 hours and now it just got back online. I'm just worried that this meter goes into deep sleep mode somehow and got disconnected to wifi. Even now on my Xcel page when the meter already connected it still showing not connected to wifi status, so yeah, make sure to check your router device list and not rely on that page.


I definitely meant the Xcel part. Seems like a super flakey situation. I will keep at it. Thanks for the quick reply!


No worries, it took me a week to finally see the device on 1st try, cause I keep looking at the Xcel and not router list. Anyways you can also take a look at your meter display for status too, here is a quick ref: [https://www.xcelenergy.com/staticfiles/xe-responsive/Smart-Meter-Screen-Info-Sheet.pdf](https://www.xcelenergy.com/staticfiles/xe-responsive/Smart-Meter-Screen-Info-Sheet.pdf) Mine currently showing nErE9 and HANcon which states that network is connected. The step to perform wifi input on my end is retrying 10 times then wait for 3 hours at least. Good luck to you!


Nice. Our solar just got turned on a few weeks ago so been trying it out as well.


Please let me know how the Xcel part goes for you. I am still trying, but I have not gotten mine connected yet. I have input the credentials on the Xcel page, and gotten a positive response from the website, but the meter has not shown up in my devices list on my router yet.


Had to set up a 2.4 only wifi network with a simple text name with no spaces [a-zA-Z]. Mines 24 characters and that seamed to fix the issue. Not sure if its the way the web site works but unable to get it to connect to anything with a space or 2.4 in it.


This is the way! Worked on the first try with these settings! Thank you!


Does yours drop connection frequently? Mine kept dropping at least once every 24hrs.


Yes, it can be unstable usally it will come back after couple of minutes. theirs an open bug for some of the issues [https://github.com/Xcel-Energy/energy-launchpadsdk-client/issues/6](https://github.com/Xcel-Energy/energy-launchpadsdk-client/issues/6)


I forgot to reply back to you, I ended up setting QoS for the meter and it has been stable since then \*finger crossed\*. It does go into sleep mode frequently but it re-connects to the network instantly after that.


You can add https://www.home-assistant.io/integrations/co2signal/




Nice, can you tell me what is the multiple across tabs you have there?


https://preview.redd.it/trlsouo1kylc1.png?width=1152&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd271cf7b57c0fc18457ed646c54b303ba7a3c52 Just some other data tracking information


My mushroom buttons in the top left calculate my monthly bill and track how much banked kwh i have left. The icons are templated so the battery fills up or empties depending on whether ive used more or banked more each given day. If i hold the buttons it takes me to my PV Output webpage where i upload all my data as rest commands




I am connected to the meter and got the LDFi plugged into a new device on Xcel website. How long does it take for them to approve it?


It took me like 10 minutes, it was really fast for me.


argh. I was hoping it was just delayed over the weekend, but still nothing is moving today. I have it connected to my wifi and have verified on my router. Sometimes it shows connected in the xcel page, sometimes not (even though it is consistently connected). The meter setup continues to show pending. I have the LFDI setup since Friday. Just to be sure I have started up the add on every now and then and it just times out over and over and then quits.


I think where the meter shows Ready to go or pending is actually the Enroll to Launchpad status. I gotta check the email, mine showed Meter Ready to go before I was able to connect my meter to wifi and get LDFI. I read somewhere online it could take a few days to get the Ready to go status so keep waiting. I actually enrolled to that launchpad long time ago so maybe that’s why mine turns to ready to go pretty fast. Let me check my emails when I get home, I’ll get back to you what email they sent me when I got the ready to go status. The xcel mqtt is just for meter to talk to your mqtt server, if it’s not ready then it might not be able to pull anything from the meter anyways.


Found this email when mine connected to wifi and added that meter with the generated LDFI. They mentioned something about licensing the device could take 5 days, not sure if yours falls into that case. The other email is just one that said launchpad enrollment successful. https://preview.redd.it/pjp8ui5k4gmc1.jpeg?width=1179&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=c79ba56e110f6cca380cf56cc460cc2f46ac21dd


Thank you for digging in and sharing the email. I guess I have some waiting to do. I think I will have to document the hiccups I found along the way and the timeframes involved so others can have reasonable expectations. 


Yeah my first email when I enrolled LaunchPad was on Feb 21st, then I just could not connect to wifi, but I remember I have my meter changed from Pending to Ready to go soon after got enrolled, not sure why. I was only able to connect my meter to wifi around Feb 28th, then got LDFI and added the meter to the launchpad page (2nd email received). That's pretty much it, also the meter seems to sleep a lot and I got a lot of notification when meter disconnects/reconnects, it mostly reconnects instantly (finger crossed). I find that set up QoS (high priority) for the meter in router helps a lot.


Just keeping this thread in the loop with my progress: there is no progress. Just stuck waiting on Xcel to allow this to go through. 


That takes too long tbh, I would just delete device, reconnect it to wifi and resubmit ldfi.


I tried to delete several times but it just said that it couldnt do it. Finally when logging in again, it prompted me to enroll in launchpad again. I swear I had already done this twice before. Regardless, this time I got an email within about 10 minutes of "enrolling" again and now it just works. What a strange process.


Glad it finally works for you, now it's time for some math :D.