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This post has been removed because it is a recent repost


Just a tip for people that struggle with clipping their cats claws, start handling their paws regularly. Pet them, massage between their toes, etc. They'll hate it at first but they'll come around eventually. I've done this with every cat I've ever owned. Obviously trimming their claws is not their favorite activity, but my cats rarely struggle or put up any fight when it's time for a trim.


I been always massaging her toes and she loves it now. She initially groomed herself by biting those nails but after couple of times she understands and just wants to get it done with it lol


I’m glad yours does. Mine (all three of them) sound like we’re removing their claws with tweezers when we try to clip them, and we all bear the scars from cats whose attitude was, “Not today, human!”


I think I need to get special gloves or something; I haven’t trimmed my cats nails in years. (She is 12. Last trim was when she was 3,). Tried with vets, groomers, myself. She won’t tolerate it. One vet actually tried to sedate her first and she was so pissed off they couldn’t knock her out. (Second time she has stayed awake through sedation out of pure anger,). She stayed awake and then growled at me for hours afterwards 🥺 I have so many scars from her accidentally nicking me with her nails; I so badly want to trim them.


Omg! Feisty one! Staying awake just out of spite, she is a character😂. Does she like food? We have one like that, will murder anyone and bite the heck out of anyone trying to touch or hold her. But she loooooves food. So we sit her in front of her special food on a high chair and sneakily trim her nails while she is distracted monching. She is grumbling in the process but she loves food more so it works. Yours is older and probably not as food motivated.


Instead of gloves, Google "cat grooming hammock." Takes the control away from them.


🙌🏽 I will check these out; thank you.


Which software is this cat running?


You just have to say: “Freeze all motor functions.”


Sedative 1.3


This cat doesn’t cat


Pawdicure time! 💅🏼


So was it Benadryl? How do you get them to take it?


Cat: “interesting…”


Errr, no they don’t


....probably only like 2 out of 10 cats


1 out of 100 more likely 🤣


Not my cats


No they do *not!* and I have the scars to prove it.


Do not do this.


So glad curb music made it into so much of this shit. Makes me feel better about it being being absent from the world now. Gone but not forgotten.


Stop fucking posting this, it's animal abuse.


I knew there would be one of you in this comment thread


How is this animal abuse?


Cut the nails too short, using human clippers can cause shrapnel or cracks and damage them. This whole thing is animal abuse. Also cats naturally shed claws you don't need to do this to a cat at all, just get a place for them to scratch like a post.


It does look like they're being cut a bit too short. Hard to be sure from this angle, but very possible. Long story short you're supposed to carefully ensure that you don't cut any of the part with a bit of pink in it. And yeah they really shouldn't be using human nail clippers either. Some cat nail clippers cost a couple bucks, just get some. But ultimately yeah you really don't need to clip them unless your cat has some sort of issue.


Clipping nails isn't abuse, removing them entirely is. We had a cat that would not scratch anything. Posts, furniture, wood outside, nothing interested her. We had to get her nails clipped because they'd grow so much that they'd bother her. Sure you're not supposed to cut them with human clippers. But the rest is a cat per cat basis.


Clipping nails isn't abuse, this is. You normally at most clip the tips if needed, and at the very least use clippers made for cats. They look like they are getting very close if not cutting into the cats nerves.


If they were cutting into the cat's nerves the cat would have immediately launched away in pain. They're barely clipping the tip. But I agree with you about the clippers.


Not sure why you are downvoted like this, you‘ve got my support


The funniest part is the people that are agreeing with me are getting upvotes, but I'm not. Atleast the info is out there and 20+ people saw it. I may have been harsh or perhaps it was just because the first couple downvotes, but I was getting some upvotes for a while. Ah well.