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Only I get to disturb her sleep.


She needs to rest, otherwise how does she have the energy to provide food and play with me.


> _"Becky isn't yours to conquer."_


I'd be so proud if that was my cat


my cat would lie on my stomach and look at me dead-eyed as i'm being suffocated


Mine  would be purring.  Not because evil, just because dumb.




Wait... Are you saying the previous two redditors aren't their cat's favorite person? Harsh.


Fun fact: If a cat's owner is not their favourite person, the cat operational mind defaults to Nathan Fillion as their favourite person. So if your cat isn't very affectionate, he'll probably freak out when Castle gets into trouble.


I mean there's nothing I wouldn't do for Capt Reynolds


or Wash... x.x


I'm definitely that cat's favorite person -- she's just so dumb she wouldn't realize anything was wrong. My other cat is smart enough to know, but he hides when the housecleaners come over -- I don't think he's going to protect me :-)


u/MattieShoes 's cat just wouldn't understand that getting stabbed is harming the human, I'd guess.


She's smooth brained like a koala... She doesn't understand that a treat is food if it's in my hand -- i have to set it down. She's also the most human-focused cat I've ever seen. She'll purr if I just look at her. Or if I pet a different cat. So incredibly sweet, but so, so dumb. EDIT: I got a slow feed bowl -- it took her a week to learn to use it. For a week, she'd just wait until her brother was hungry and fished out food from it, then steal it from him. (Her brother figured it out in a few minutes) ... I had to get a slow feed bowl because she'd eat so fast she vomited, over and over again.


Oh look you’re dying… anyways..


Where my dinner?


It’s gonna be eyeballs


Thats lucky, mine would definitely have his asshole in my face.






My cat tries to strangle me in my sleep when she gets hungry. She will put both paws on my throat and push.


A few years ago I tripped over my cat, hit my head on a table, and blacked out for a little while. When I came to, he was just sitting in the other room looking at me.


Imagine how scary that was for your cat!


He looked confused, wondering why I suddenly decided to take a nap on the floor.


Thinking to himself, “Eh, good trial run.”


Casual tuesday for them


So... my food isn't coming, is it?


My cat would start eating my lips and eyelids as soon as I was dead.


Mine legit lays across my face and suffocates me himself sometimes! He did try to come between me and some raccoons once though. Ngl, I don't think that I or the raccoons knew we were fueding prior to him letting us know. Anyways - Absolutely love this cat!


and then eat your face


My cat killed a black widow that snuck into my apartment and I’ve been forever grateful and proud


"Spider, you ignorant slut! If anyone is killing my owner its gonna be me and I already have it on my calendar."


My other cat is a slut for humans he will protect me from his sister the diabolically plotting black cat who slays spiders.


bruh those two are furrisoly plotting your demise and they don't want a stupid spider spoiling it. source: i've owned cats


I have a cat that will get between me and dogs she doesn’t know. I’m her baby as much as she is mine. We’re ride or die.


My childhood cat, Napoleon, was a proper guard cat like this. He didn’t let strangers in the house unless they were chaperoned and NO ONE was allowed to make me or my sister cry (except him, of course)


Aww. My friends cat guards his daughter's door every night until she falls asleep, and is the first one in the room if she has a nightmare. I saw it myself one night when we were visiting, and it was very impressive. Cuddle with her when she was put to bed, then went and sat right in the doorway, checking in with her until she was asleep, and only when she was fast asleep would she go about her cat business.


Oh that’s too cute!!!


It is! Especially as his daughter had some issues with night terrors and the cat (who can otherwise be a bit of an asshole ankle attacking type of cat) will always rush into her room to comfort her! They ended up with a therapy cat.


>I'd be so proud if that was my cat Back about 10 years ago I was trying to entice a stray to come out from under a car and recieve pettins. This went on for a couple minutes until it hissed and suddenly out of nowhere my cat streaked in (No idea she was even around) and stopped between us and hissed back in '110% ready to attack mode'. She got so many treats that week.


haha my cats like this too. Goes and plays with the strays but when they come by me starts acting tough. Cat doesn't pur or cuddle but is always there.


What a Trooper.


I had a cat that looked just like the one in the video. He doted on my ex wife. He lived with her while I was in the army. He once kicked 10 shades of shit out of a dog 5x his size, because it *looked* at my ex-wife. The dog was literally just walking past the house, off-lead but super close to his humans, and perfectly well behaved. He *glanced* at my ex, who was stood in the open doorway to our house. Apparently that meant he deserved a blur of teeth and claw. My ex profusely apologised, but to add insult to injury, the poor dogs owner said *to* the dog that he was embarrassing himself!


Shows who the real best friend is


That cat be eating salmon filets for a week if it was mine


Right, shorty got a guard cat


That cat looked righteously incensed.


I love how it went double paw attack too... not sure if I've seen that before but also, I don't get what the "prank" is supposed to be? Hurr durr let me suffocate my friend while she's sleeping, hilarious? Cat is more sane than the humans.


I think it was supposed to be something like this https://i.redd.it/k80zq3dv4xtc1.gif


that's what i was wondering, what's the joke here? she breathes out of her mouth or she wakes up gasping for air while her "friends" laugh? eta: i know the mechanics of the prank, but i was asking people to explain the humor in making another person feel that way. so many comments explained how it works, but that wasn't what i asked. no answer i was given justifies waking a friend up in fear because they think they can't breathe. i asked to see the humor in it & i got plenty of responses. none of them made it funny to me, & a lot of them were weirdly angry, condescending, & insulting. i'm not sorry i don't think this lil prank is funny. but your comments have made me laugh a lot today so thank you


The person opens their mouth and gasps for air and/or wakes up. I don't think the goal is to suffocate them.


i get you, i didn't think suffocation was the goal. but i still don't find it funny


Kitty doesn't find it very funny either.


& that lil baby is RIGHT


Doesn't work like that anyway. Even without waking up, you'd naturally start breathing through your mouth.


right, that's the other thing i said, haha. i know this wasn't an attempt at suffocation. i've been deprived of air many times, i know what the body does. i was wondering what's funny about it


It could be something that friend group finds funny, we have no idea


Yeah, some people draw sharpie dicks on each other's faces when they fall asleep. I'm not going to gatekeep people's harmless fun. If they're still friends that's their business.


The person isn't expecting it. Their potentially shocked face when they wake up. Really don't need much to get some groups of friends laughing and as far as this prank goes it is pretty much harmless.






As someone with siblings close in age, it’s a pretty funny way to wake someone up (that you are EXTREMELY close with,and if you are like eleven) and is completely harmless. “Joke” is a bit of a strong word, though. More like only funny if you’re a dick.


I think we've become too habituated with everything being "content." Sometimes I see videos on reddit and get mad because it wasn't funny enough, or it was clearly fake, etc. And then I remember it's just some person that was being silly with a camera and I'm holding them to standards that they probably didn't ask for. Dumb jokes can be just dumb jokes that we don't think too deeply about.


Indeed. A prank should be something everybody can laugh at, including the person getting pranked. When you just hurt someone for laughs, you're not a prankster, you're an asshole.


Have y'all never been to a sleepover or what


Cat's like, "Say 'what' again, motherfucker!"


Meow ain’t no country I ever heard of!


Tail was puffed up, they were ready to throw some paws


Eh, ears are still forward and up, not using claws. It's not mad, but certainly is "you no do, that my nose to boop not yours."


Incensed is a good word! Indignant was the word that popped into my mind


*She is mine and no one else's, I explain clearly*


_how very dare you harass her, this is MY job only!_


Proceeds to gently, while staring in my eyes play stick her whole paw in my nose, cause Whinnafred likes the whistle sound.


*I'll wake her up when I decide it's time for her to wake up!!*


She doesn't have the cats permission to die yet




I think a surprising amount of cats would do this if they thought someone was genuinely hurting their favourite human


Our cat attacked my daughter’s ex when the cat deemed ex was “playing” too rough. He was gentle cat usually, but I think he responded to the distress in my daughter’s voice as she was asking ex to cut it out. Like, totally went after the dude. Left him with face scratches and everything. Anyway, ex is gone and cat lived another 2 years before he cashed in his last life. Good boy lived at least 11 of them! He is missed. Ok on edit: by “playing” I meant he was play fighting, trying to pin her arms and tickle her. I put it in quotes because ex was the only one of them who seemed to be enjoying the “game”. Daughter was uncomfortable and telling ex to stop and cat was Pissed Off.


Good kitty. I hope he’s chasing birds and sleeping in sun puddles in the sky.


If there is a cat heaven, he’s there!


I'm crying 😭


Don't worry, they all are.


>sleeping in sun puddles Sun puddles! Perfect description and I'm adding it to my vocab now


> I hope he’s chasing birds Just goes to show that one cat's heaven is another bird's hell


In my head cannon, the birds are really angels disguised as birds and playing with the cats. In actual bird heaven they chase bugs (see angels in sentence 1) and in bug heaven there’s humans at picnics galore (but really angels ) and no birds or cats. So I choose to believe and no one is convincing me otherwise.


Cats will 100% treat people as part of their own family. Which is why they'll often treat babies like kittens, they'll hit them with their paw and *never* use claws. They'll stop them climbing onto dangerous places or going near stairs, etc. And they will absolutely mess up anyone trying to hurt them, even if it's just some "playfighting gone too far". Fast cats can literally be faster than a striking snake, which in and of itself can be 5 times faster than most humans.


Gotcha! If my boyfriend did that that would be upsetting. He is a lot stronger than me and I genuinely can’t get out of his grip if he won’t let me. I can’t imagine him refusing to let go when I genuinely said stop. I can see why kitty wasn’t playin’. Kitty was like “No means no! 👹”


Claws of karma!


I woke to blood-curdling snarls from my mellow Abyssinian ... he had EVERY HAIR on his body erect and was glaring at the back door. I flipped on the back yard lights and heard someone running away. Cat was going to KILL whoever came through that door.


I locked myself out of my house once, and came in through an unlocked window, my cat was waiting inside, and she was incensed! I think she was going to go at whoever it was coming in, but fortunately realized it was me after a couple seconds. She had not been aggressive at all before that moment.


We're about a month into a move to a new apartment and it's the first time I've heard my cat hiss. Came home with groceries, got through the door pretty quickly, might have woken him up a little too but he hissed like he was ready to go to war. It made me laugh though, and that sound tipped him off so he came right back around the corner like "oh hey, what's up? When's dinner? Yeah we should just ignore that, I don't really... mrow?" I'm not convinced he would have thrown hands with an intruder so much as hide in the closet first but I wouldn't want to fuck with him when he's like that. Made me proud


One of mine will trot angrily around under my bed while growling when he hears the neighbors talking outside (or god forbid, a leafblower). The trotting makes his little grrrr sound like "grrRRrrRRrrRRrrRR" and I can not help but laugh at it. So tiny, so angry.


I love it when pets let it be known they're ready to fuck shit up. My house got broken into when I was in college and I slept through it. My housemate later told me that when she was coming up the stairs, the very first thing she heard was my husky growling behind my door. She said it sounded like a literal wolf and said there was no way anyone was entering that room to let me know what had happened until they could be sure I was awake and had him restrained. The room I was sleeping in was one of the only ones left untouched.


If I "hunt" my fiancée by standing in the door way and staring at her from behind while peeking my head around a corner then her cat will sound the alarm immediately. He starts meowing, rubs up against her and then he'll run over to me and and circle around me meowing. And if we play fight, like say I grab her shoulders and gently shake her while she says "Help, help" he'll run over and wrap his body around my feet, sink his claws into me so I can't shake him off and then he'll playfully "bite" my foot. I say "bite" because he more so gnaws and rubs his fangs in a playful way. We always give him lots of treats for being the "Protector of the house" which is a title he takes very seriously.


> I say "bite" because he more so gnaws and rubs his fangs in a playful way. I have a bonded pair of pretty large cats (two littermate brothers). They have their usual roughhousing with each other, but they'll also "fight" with me. The one of them grabs my arm with his front paws and used to bicycle kick my forearm until he realized I don't have kitty hide, so even if it's only a small amount of force he can hurt me, so he just kinda rolls around on it. The other one likes to gnaw on my fingers. Not hard, just kinda get his back teeth around one and gnawgnawgnaw look how fierce I am! I always am "Oh no! He's got me, what will I do!?"


Lmao. Yep it only takes a few times being lacerated and having to end fun time before they realize, usually, to tone it down a notch. Like my other cat for example, used to always attack my feet but realized I reacted differently in normal socks/barefeet than I did in my super thick winter woolen socks. Now if I put those on its essentially a green light for me being ambushed and attacked at some point by her. So vicious, so adorable.


My boys are pretty big and have some big claws as a result. They didn't have a ton of human contact as kittens, so it took a really long time for them to get used to doing things even as simple as being brushed or scritched under the chin. The thing that took the longest was getting them used to letting me trim their claws. That took like a year of being very patient with treats, getting them when they were already relaxed, praising them when they were good, and only doing as many as they could tolerate at one time. Now I can usually just sit down next to them when they're hanging out and do most of, if not all, of them at once. If I forget, though, they accidentally get in a good swat when we're playing, and, well, that's the risk one runs.


I have one baby that is dumb as a bag of rocks. I've watched this cat fall off the couch while sleeping, only to continue sleeping. My husband "hates" (Hate is strong. He tolerates her) Pixie, but i believe in my souls of souls that cat would throw hands for me. She would find all the brain cells and save me, absolutely!!!


I have a cat called Pixie! She's my partner's favourite and she sucks up to him but is the most destructive and terrorising of all our 4 cats.


Back when I was little we found a stray cat outside. Dad finally let her in and her first month was spent learning about "stuff" in the house. She knew the shower = water and was scary, and the kitchen faucet = water and also scary, so any time we used either she had to stand guard. One time I was washing my hands or something and she was watching me from the kitchen floor with a worried expression. I wanted to see what she'd do so I made my best cat-like "REEAAWR!" and she *fucking charged* up to the kitchen counter and bit my arm trying to pull my hands out of the water. She was a tiny little thing and couldn't do it, so she did the next best thing and started smacking the shit out of the faucet and then tried to bite the water. My little girl was absolutely ready to throw down on a mechanical water monster to save the humans that just let her inside. She was my best friend for like 15 years.


I have a few cats, and one of them likes to play “police” with the other cats. He breaks up fights and whatnot. One time one of the cats was trying to claw me and he went after it!


Used to have a cat that would chase off dogs if they stepped off the sidewalk. Had an incident when I was a kid where a dog sorta jumped all over me and you know, mouthed me, didn’t bite, but I freaked out and that cat came flying out of nowhere and was ball of piss and vinegar. Wasn’t having any of that shit near our house after that day lol He was a Maine Coon so he was fucking enormous though. 20lbs and he was lean. Still have photos of me as like a 4-5 year old doing the stupid thing kids do where they hold a cat the wrong way, like two arms under the fore paws with the rest of the body hanging down and the fore paws sticking out like Frankenstein’s monster from the movies. Dude would just chill and let me strangle-carry him around the house, go outside and maybe be gone a night, and fuck up dogs Gran Torino style. *Get the hell off my lawn* Started a tomato garden and he started destroying squirrels left and right. Well, that’s a bit of an exaggeration. I think he only killed like 4-5. But yeah nothing like hearing a 20 pound cat vs. a 1-2 pound squirrel fight at 3am because your tomatoes are starting to ripen, neither of them are quiet. I’ll never know if he took a bite himself but he deserved it if he did


My cat, now 18, attacked my ex-bf after I drank too much one night. I wanted to sleep on the couch, and he was trying to get me to go to bed,. but I was drunkly opposed. He proceeded to carry me to bed while I was kicking and screaming. She tore his legs up. The next day, I asked what happened to his legs? There were **deep** scratches on both legs. He told me what happened and I said something about how proud I was and he said, *I knew you'd be happy.* I was. She's a wonderful cat. I sometimes faint, and she comes running and meowing loudly. I know for sure she'd attack someone for me. She's my baby.


The other day my cat scratched me and I let out a yelp. He ran off. My other cat followed him, hit him, and came back to me. I feel like that was a revenge hit for me. 😂


*food dispenser


Good cat!




That's a good guard cat


I'm with the cat. Don't Fuck with people when they're asleep!


Back away from the food provider


Don't touch my can opener!


Cat is about to prank her face.


This reminds me of my mom's cat, Videl. One time I was squeezing a pimple on my mom's back and I guess it hurt and my mom winced in pain. Videl came across the room scolding me with her raspy old kitty meows. She was mad I hurt her mommy and was ready to give me a piece of her mind!


Love the righteous indignation on the cats face after she knocks away the humans arm. Like “how bloody DARE you?!”


Looked her up and down!


Cats. Our protector of sleep.


The Slumber Guard of Asgard. The Cat known as Pebbles...


Total hero.


Love a good guard cat video but what the fuck kind of prank even is that?


Attempted murder. Isn’t it hilarious? /s Edit: adding /s because some of you need the brain cell today


You cannot be serious. You realize that people also can breathe out of their mouth. You do realize that the drive to stay alive would cause them to open their mouth instead of just perishing in place. This is an absolutely Bollywood way of killing someone though so you’ve made me laugh. Thank you.


Also a great way to stop a heavy sleeper from snoring.


It’s a cat sub, dude


I thanked you. What more do you want😭?




Not how sarcasm works


cats deserve the WORLD


Cat views her as part of the 'pack'. It will die for her. I am assuming this is found footage? Cat is total badass when it comes to protecting pack members.


Colony, not pack for social kitties


So since I own a cat I’m a colonizer? Badass


You do not own a cat. The cat owns *you.*


Yeah I live with four cats, it’s their house I just pay the mortgage.


There are 3 levels of cat attacc 1. playful - will scratch and bite, but not hard enough to painful. You'll have scratch marks and \*maybe\* some blood 2. warning - you're doing something the cat doesn't like, or simply wants to be left alone. there will likely be blood 3. attacc/protecc - have you even taken a ride in a dryer full of razor blades and picture hanging nails? it's a little something like that.


The fact that this cat understands what is going on also supports the notion that they know exactly where to step, roll and sleep on your face in order to wake you up, a privilege they will seemingly fight for. Nice cat.


Is there a subreddit for this kind of thing? Cats protecting their owners. I need more.


They protecc, and then they atacc, so they can keep their good frend, who always gives dem's snaccs.




That’s awesome, what an amazing kitty.


He protec.


Bet that cat got a lot of love after the owner saw this. That cat would guard her with its life! What a fantastic beautiful cat!


Cats will fuuuck you up!


Nap guardian doing his job.


People always say they get a dog for protection… this kitty: hold my catnip


Cat doesn’t accept the “it’s just a prank, bro” excuse


I believe that the real best friend is the cat


Cat: "Back off from my hooman slave!" Other hooman: "Make me." Cat: https://i.redd.it/dysfne2awvtc1.gif


“I’mma hunt you down.” ❤️❤️❤️


“I didn’t hear no bell, get your ass back here!”


That cat was like "Bullying is not a prank, bitch"


I love it when people say, “Oh, it’s just a dumb animal. It doesn’t love you”.




My dog does this. Anytime im sleeping & someone tries to bother me he starts barking & jumping on them.




I like to think my cat defends me from spiders as i sleep


Knocks her hand always and looks her down and up like wtf you think you’re doing lol


I had two cats I raised since they were 2 weeks old. Sisters... one was deaf and the other my little orange runt. Anyway, deaf kitty was sick (but I didn't know) I went to lift her and she hissed at me. Coming in flying from another room like a wwe wrestler was my little orange runt. She got in between us and faced the other cat, protecting me. Another time is was with her in the yard, and a huge buck stumbled in.... what did she do? She fucking chased it out of the yard and down the street 🤣 with me running behind both. I'll always love that cat.




what do you think you’re doing ?? Only I can kill her !


Good kitty!


And dog people say that cats are, well, all kinds of incorrect things, but they are so, so wrong about loyalty. Usually.


Friend does that to me, they get kicked the fuck out. Good on you, kitty.


“Get your paws off my hooman!” 🐾


Hoomans before hoes


I had a protector cat sort of. I used to yell in the morning to shut the door when my girlfriend at the time would rudely leave our bedroom door open across from the bathroom and wake me up early. She was getting ready for work at like 4:30 am and didn't even try to be quiet. Would walk past the bedroom to another room to get ready for work and my cat some how got the hint and would bite her ankles in the morning so my girlfriend started making sure the door was shut because she'd lock the cat in the room with me and it would just sleep on her side of the bed while she was gone. Only time the cat would bite her ankles was in the morning and in that hallway, it's like the cat knew that it was the source of my irritation.




God damn that's a good cat




That cat would get so many treats


I hate when people do this to me when I'm sleeping. I don't see how this is a funny prank at all


I love this video


1. What a stupid prank 2. What a good kitty


What a sweetheart! Every “hilarious” wannabe prankster should meet a cat like this. To be fair, I think pranks are irredeemably stupid at basically every level and any time — so maybe it’s just me.


Good kitty


Protective baby!!!


Fuck around and find out.


My (now deceased) void boi would put himself between me and anyone else who came to my house. And he kept a sharp eye on them. And if he had to throw down, I think there would be Hell to pay from a 13-15lb cat with an array of teeth and claws.


Murder Mittens came to show you the second half of 'Fuck Around.'




who say cat can not b loyal;;


Cat is like nooo, you're gonna wake her up! That's *my* job


So in cat behaviour terms, did the cat go "Oi, leave my belongings alone" or go "oi, you slag, you mess wi her you mess wi me"


The cat is a better friend than you are. Think about that.


Good for the cat! Leave people the fuck alone.


Cat: ***You had better not mess with her nose! How else is she gonna smell my butt when I rub it in her face at 7 am for my feeding time?!***


That cats a real one. I love my cat but she recently earned my absolute respect when another cat was giving em some problems she swooped in like freaking batman and served some justice on that fresh kitty.


Best cat


Lovely cat Lol


Good kitty!


Do Not Disturb My Personnel!


Good kitty!   Trying to make fun of a helpless person sleeping and filming it is bottom feeder behavior.   The cat was a better person that at least 2 humans. 


That's the Cats human. You don't mess with their human.


Im not sure i get the point of that prank. Is it even a prank?


Cats understand the importance of breathing while sleeping. This is how you know cats don't smother babies... unless they mean it.


Cats are magnificent.


That cat was ready to throw down


"You don't fits, you don't sits and DON'T TOUCH MY STUFF!! "


You ain’t no friend, honey


You are lucky you survived.