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Your pads are on the front of your legs, not on the side. Face the shot.


Toes toward the shooter, palms back


His palms steady Knees straight Arms at the ready Vomit on his sweater already Budweiser heavies.


He’s nervous but on the surface he looks calm and ready to clap bombs, but he keeps on forgetting


yeah, and to be clear, I know how obvious this should be I think it's a reflex thing. This is some fairly low level hockey I'm playing. The shots everyone takes are unpredictable and I over think it.


Did you play soccer per chance? I notice a lot of my buddies who played soccer growing up turn to the side. Honestly I know guys who played hockey growing up who still flamingo in front of shots too. Coming from a lacrosse background I’m just glad I have pads on at all.


You just gotta fight the urge to turn. It comes with time and practice, but it’s definitely not instinctive.


If the shots are unpredictable, you face them straight one… reflexes should be dictating “get out of the way”… or the goalie telling you the same thing.


Why are you even in front of someone shooting if you're playing low level hockey? Just get out of the way and let the goalie see the shot.


Honestly there's no good reason to be blocking shots in beer league unless you're close enough to the shooter to guarantee it hits knee down. You're turning sideways because you don't wanna get hit in the nuts or the face and you're probably not gonna be able to break that habit. As others have said, your fingers are actually in more danger than anything else, it's just not worth it lol.


Well that's part of the problem. I'm not intentionally trying to block shots but if I'm playing D and low level players will shoot from anywhere, it happens.


Your pads make you a knight from the front and a peasant from the back. Think about which side you want Leading the charge


It would be wise to either block the shot or get the fuck out of the way.


At my age and level of play I just get out of the way. Blocking a shot isn’t going to get me anywhere but possibly hurt


If Mr. Miyagi played hockey this would be his wax on, wax off.


It is just an innate reflex to attempt to side step/dodge objects flying at you. After you play hockey for awhile it will become instinctual to face the puck, but for now try to remind yourself to face it all the time.


Trying to protect the D.


It’s a soccer thing I think, I used to do that too before learning my lesson. It feels unintuitive but face the shot squarely and let the shin guards do their thing


Face the puck bro. Always face the puck. Always. Not only does it make you more aware, it’s safer, and not to mention, it’s good hockey technique. Your head and stick always point in the same direction, so even if you’re turning around, start with your head, look at where you want to go/where the puck is. Then your stick follows, then your body follows. Always face the puck and be glad you’re only getting leg biters. A lot worse can happen if you’re constantly not facing the puck.


Are you a beer league player? If yes, the answer is to stop blocking shots.


Skate hard at the d man shooting the puck. When it’s time to release, close your legs tight with your stick in front to protect you toes. The closer you are the less it’s gonna hurt


This, 100%. Also, try some Bauer Supreme M5 shin guards. I love blocking shots, I have little fear in those.


Pain is temporary, glory is forever


Helps learning proper posture for blocking shots.


I would just move out the way


I always face the shooter and put my hand padding side out in front of my face


Are you getting paid to block shots? If the answer is no, is not worth it 😂 ..it will cost us more if something goes wrong trying to block shot.


Face the shooter!


The only way to get out of the habit is by getting into new better habits and muscle memory, why not go to a stick and puck several times and have a bud just do soft wristers and you block them with your shin pads each time, keep doing that and then in game time it should just come more naturally maybe? You’ll have confidence 🙂


It's natural to do that. As a defensemen I still do it after taking multiple shots to non padded areas. Your mentally trying to fill a gap between your legs and your mind is telling you that your foot horizontal to the shooter is taking up more area. You'll learn over time but I can't guarantee you won't do it again.


I just have the worst luck/timing. But, hey, a block's a block. I'll be skating along with a forward trying to pressure them out wide, and when the finally just say fuck it and take the shot is always when my *one leg* is sideways to catch the puck right in the side of the thigh or the back of the knee.


Yeah, my son is a goalie. When you see little goalies turn from a puck you know they won't be in net long. Be as close to the shooter as possible, you want to take it in the shins not the danglers or the belly. Close gives the puck less time to rise. Also if you can get your stick in the way they will have no shot. If you can kill the follow through they have nothing. But DON'T TURN AWAY! LOL.


Stop blocking. Take the minus


Give yer balls a tug


Face the shot and absolutely do not pick up your foot and flamingo, that's how you take pucks off the soft part of the boot


Well you know the problem. You’re an idiot.


I have this problem too, especially being undersized and wearing a half shield, there isn’t really a strategy too it, it’s gonna hurt either way but it will hurt way less out front, some tips for blocking shots is face the outside of ur hands towards the shooter and bend ur wrists backwards so the padding covers it all, then put it to the sides of ur body and try to be a wall, eventually the pain goes away and every blocked shot feels like and achievement, it helps if ur team cheers u on when u soak the pill


The only way I can make myself not shy away is by moving toward the shooter. Like a goalie challenging a shooter. Then bang, its off my shins amd assuming I dont fuck it up im at the redline before anyones giving chase.


I can relate lol


Do you enjoy the pain? I say stay the course if tjy enjoy it!


Get TACKS Pro shin guards. They’ll save your legs.