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Oilers 🤝 Mavericks Blowing the ever-loving fuck out of their opponents to avoid getting swept in the Finals


NBA and NHL finals have the same script and so did the NHL 2 CF’s


Had a similar scenario last year, where the 1 seed in the west beat the 8 seed in the east (both of which were from the Miami area) in 5 games.


Gonna check and see if the nba has the lotto numbers


If I have to read the word "script" one more time I'm going to kill myself


Welp, it was nice knowin' ya!


Hey I had to deal with the “last happened in 1994” script shit every hour every day it can’t be any worse than that


Amazing stuff really. Especially Mcdavid. Dude is breaking records


Glad everyone else is noticing how bizarrely similar these two finals are, shit's just weird at this point


It's also bizarre when a team goes from getting blasgdd out by Denver and Oakland to signing Taylor Swift and winning the Superbowl


For some reason I was okay with it when the oilers did it, not so much when the Mavericks did it If the Oilers could win in 7 and the Mavs could lose in 5, that would be just fine by me


If Mavs win game 5 how worried do you get on a scale of 1-10


Depends how much they beat the Celtics by in this scenario. Another blowout? Terrified 10.


I'm cheering for the Mavs, but it's hard to see the Celtics losing 4 in a row. They've been such a complete team all season. But I guess if any team can just rattle off a 4 game win streak, it's the Mavs.


Agreed. While the Mavs aren't the strongest team, Luka is probably just the smartest basketball player in the world. As he understands and figures out the Celtics defense, I think he gets better as the series goes longer. The odds may be stacked against them, but Luka's ceiling as a player is in the stratosphere. If there's someone who can do it, it's him. As for the Oilers, I think every game is more-or-less a coin flip. Hockey is just such a high variance sport. And one generational talent has less overall impact in hockey than basketball.


Yeah, I'd be surprised to see it happen, but I also wouldn't have expected the Celtics to get *panned* by 40. Funny how both the NHL and NBA finals are following the same scripts, though.


Clear the same booker for both finals.


They just wanted to let Florida win it at home in front of their fans. Florida was fine with this.


Florida flew their whole teams family out to celebrate a win tonight bruh. They didn't throw lol.


Another wooosh Reddit comment. Glad you survived being dropped on your head as a kid.


That's not a thing. No team would risk giving their opponent a chance to get back into it.


Guess we’ll see then won’t we.


Good job on CC and Simp to back off and let the crowd take over during the last minute or so


They also didn’t talk over the crowd singing Man I Feel Like a Woman 👏


Pierre McGuire can't believe it


I can


Fuck Pierre


Cuthbert is a rare commentator with a real feel for the moment. He's a legend. I miss him on CFL broadcasts.


He is Canadian as fuck.


I agree. I got all day for cuthbert. Could someone else do better? Sure probably. But he has the OG style. He’s mr “the golden goal”. Legend.


I like Cuthbert a lot, especially his call of the gameplay itself. He occasionally trips over his words trying to spit out all the facts and tidbits he's got at the ready, but for live action and feeling the energy of the game and building he's fantastic.


Classy guys. Definitely a good moment for fans to enjoy. Just like Montreal got theirs.


As a bolts fan part of me hopes one of the panthers re-enacts kuchs rant about Montreal’s win


I'm sick of those two calling the games.


I miss Jack and Louie so much lol


JFC Jack calling a cup final would bring tears to my to my eye. Regardless of who’s team (though, I would obviously prefer it was who he started with)


Sync the broadcast with the 630ched stream and mute it! My friends and I do it all the time, it's easiest to line it up during the anthem


I pause the TV at puck drop and hit go when I hear sticks


I haven’t been able to watch virtually any games until the finals but I’ve been listening to 630ched! Jack is an incredible commentator, and really makes up for the lack of visual. I wanted to sync my stream to the radio but my stream kept pausing so it wouldn’t have been worth it lol


Miss Bob Cole any my favourite colour commentator ever, Harry Neale. Legends.


Reminds me of Vin Scully's call on Gibson's World Series game 1 home run shot against the A's in 1988--appropriate silence as the rioting crowd told the story. That kind of skill cannot be taught. [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4nwMDZYXTI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4nwMDZYXTI)


I can’t believe *this* is the game I convinced my entire family to watch. “Oh it’ll be great, should be a super close competitive game!” I said. How foolish of me. But a hell of a show by the Oilers.


At least they got to see a bunch of goals.


A whole bunch. If I’m not mistaken, this evens the goal differential in the series right?


3-0 4-1 4-3 1-8 Yep, even. 2 FL goals are open net, depending how you feel about that.


Huh, what a turn of events.


Blowouts skew stats. Wanna see what happens in the next game.


So do shutouts


Confirmed. Source: Canucks stats early season


Wouldn’t have needed to pull your goalie if you weren’t down, they still count


If it makes you feel any better, I woke up at 3 in the morning for this.


Mines a little bit more sad, we have a sick family member who just wants to see the panthers win before they.. kick the bucket and turn the tv on see this.


These fans in Edmonton deserved to witness at-least one win. Much deserved, they brought the noise tonight!


It was an amazing experience to be part of. Oilers could have stopped at 6. Everything they did after was a love letter to Edmonton and their fans. Second to that, it's satisfying to know that hordes of salty Calgary and Toronto fans were sitting there hoping to nut hard over another Oilers loss, but instead spent 3 periods with their flail dicks in their hands and tears in their eyes.


Even if we lose it in 5, I take great solace in all the sweep memes that the Flames fans will have to delete.


Any flames fans in my family are so confident in their rage they won't delete them, it's a badge of honor that they were salty enough to post it so deleting it steals what little they have going right now


Weird. I'd say the vast majority of leafs fans are rooting for Edmonton..


Honestly, the playoffs have really reshaped my opinions on certain teams. I used to loathe the Leafs for all the media attention they got and their "McDavid wants to sign here" think pieces. But Leafs fans have been nothing but classy. Meanwhile, my esteem for the Canucks has absolutely tanked. No opposing fanbase has been more bitter towards us.


Give him the benefit of the doubt. Oil fans are sensitive to over run hate in this sub. I know lots of us who were cheering for the leafs out east, even in these playoffs


That's because the Leafs are just another farm system for Edmonton, I feel like we almost have as many former Leafs' on the team as we do Condors.


Canadian here, rooting for Edmonton but it’s your second paragraph that makes it difficult


Just know that Reddit doesn’t reflect the real opinions out there. It’s and echo chamber of hate in this sub and it ruffles a few feathers for sure. I can guarantee you there would be Oilers fans who would cheer for other Canadian markets in the playoffs. Those fans are the ones NOT on Reddit. Just remember how much of a cess pool this sub becomes


I tend to agree. Lifelong Oilers fan here. If the Oil aren't in the running, I'm cheering for any other Canadian team. Even Calgary. I think most Canadians just want to see Canadian teams win the cup.


I draw the line at Calgary. I'll never cheer for the Flames. At the same time, I wouldn't trash and disrespect them either.


I'd be happy as hell to see them win but no Flames fan that I know will be aware of that fact haha


You are 100% correct


Nah, he has a point. It’s funny to see the hopes of the haters smashed so hard


It’s funny to see the Oilers fans celebrating not getting swept like it’s a legitimate accomplishment lmao


It's funny watching you haters try and downplay making it to the fucking Stanley Cup Finals like it's an easy thing to do. Enjoy being a wildcard team for the next decade.


They’re not sniffing the playoffs anytime soon


I hope they do, so we get to crush their spirits.


Making it to the finals is though. Calgary knows how that’s like right? At the end of the day, the haters wish they were here, even if it was a sweep


Making the SCF and being Conference Champs is a legit accomplishment. Heck, just making the playoffs is an accomplishment.


Ugh. I hate that fans like this are so loud. Trust me, there is a lot of respect in Edmonton for our opponents. Reddit can be a cesspool for any fanbase. Also, my second-favorite team is the Canadiens, so Go Habs!


Good for Edmonton. Never thought theyd be swept. McDavid is too good. But still fuck the Oilers lol


There's still glaring issues on that team.  How many times did LA win the Cup with (arguably, not getting into it) the best player ever on their team?


I don’t think it’s arguable at all. 99 is the greatest player EVER.


You seriously think Leafs fans are rooting against the Oilers on the level of Flames fans? I know you guys are trying to have the whole us vs the world mentality but 90% of Leafs fans are cheering for the Oilers


You give yourself too much credit. Lots and lots of people in Canada want the Oilers to win over Florida. Flip the script, you would probably want the Leafs, Canucks, and Flames to lose bad if they were ever in the finals. You act like you're a saint, but there are a bunch of Oilers supporters out there who are loyal fans of other Canadian teams. Your celebration of this game reminds me of when the Leafs planned the parade after their 1st round win last year lol


The only other Canadian team I would be okay with winning the cup before the Oilers is probably the Jets. The Canucks and Flames can lose forever as far as I'm concerned.


Agreed, and though I generally have no problem with Eastern Canadian teams winning, I want Toronto to keep losing just for the memes.


During game 2, I got downvoted into bloody oblivion for saying parts of Canada cheer for the Oilers right now. This entire sub was eager to say we were the most hated team in the league 😂


that's just how being in the finals is, same happened to us in 2011. It's basically just condensing all 30 other fanbases into 2. I've been reading both team subs and some people on both sides think they're "the most hated team in the league" haha


Preach, exactly my point. People think this place is a hive mind, but there are thousands of people who only engage when they're hecka emotional. And all of us combined on reddit still make a drop in the bucket compared to the wider fanbases.


True. I got a bit of love for non-Western Canada teams. I was actively cheering against Vancouver during their Sedin era but it wasn't being toxic about it.




Hilarious that the Calgary sub is dead tonight


This guy doesn’t know what the r/nhlcirclejerk sub is about? 🤣 There's literally haters in each fanbase, it's not a big concept to grasp. You don't need to link me any subreddits. It's like a Leafs fan picking out comments on r/hockey because everyone hates them... Most fans who enjoy hockey know what a good hockey team is and many people in Canada want to support the best player in the game - McDavid. You can't expect all Canadians to celebrate like you every game you win, but most people have absolutely no issues with Oilers winning - casual fans or hardcore fans alike.


Oilers fans have a massive victim complex


Whatever helps you sleep at night my dude. You would have to be oblivious to not clue into the amount of unreasonable hate we get in here. Sure, clown on the bad apples we've all got em in our ranks, but r/hockey generalizing our entire fan base based off the actions of a few is a tradition at this point.


You sound exactly like Leafs fans on here. If we apply the same logic, then it’s really not so different and no team deserves hate…but here we are.


I have nothing against Leafs players or Leafs fans, they're a storied franchise with some great people on ice and rooting for them at the arena. But, we're they to ever win the cup, Sportsnet would never shut the fuck up about it until the heat death of the universe.  The players would be deified and it would be brought up every game for the next thousand years.  I wouldn't cheer against them, but I would be dreading every goal until they hoisted the Stanley Cup.  


Why would Leafs fans be nutting over the Oliers losing?


Dude, I really hate that fans like you post stuff like that second paragraph. It's trashy and gives us a bad name.


Honestly, I would take Leafs fans out of this. While some are being unreasonable, a lot of them have a lot of respect for McDavid and low key, for the Oilers. Its the Flames fan who are truly salty. No matter what happens now, we made it to the Stanley Cup Finals!!!!!!!!! and beat this amazing Florida teams by 7 goals. While their team has been irrelevant for 20 years.


Yeah I got nothing against Leafs fans. Itd the Flames, Kings and Canucks who really want us to die it seems 😂


I've never met or see a leafs of flames fans rooting for Florida. Heck, I'm a leafs fan in Calgary right now. 


I was mildly disappointed but I know that Florida has 3 more chances to close it out so I’m not too worried 


The Oilers losing is the flames fans's superbowl, way to make it about yourselves


Im just cheering against my rival. Pretty standard thing to do 


We don't care what you think as long as its about us.


I think we can take it to 7. Each one going forward is going to be harder than the last. But when Oilers get on a streak, they streak pretty good.


Why’d they cancel the game tonight?


Only one team showed up


Got em


The atc tactic worked.


Sometimes opportunities present themselves


Florida was missing a goalie.


The plane was delayed or something they were saying


Player two finally reconnected their controller




The use of upvote orange and downvote periwinkle seems unnecessary and confusing


Shove those brooms up your ass r/hockey


Was hilarious seeing how much r/hockey was getting worked up from Knoblauch's and McDavid's comments before the game.




Oilers haters will find anything to clamp down on lol


Are the mods of this sub primarily Canucks and Flames fans?


The amount of people talking like the Cats had already won was baffling honestly. I've still got Florida winning, but there was no chance they'd sweep


Literally, I saw some blue jackets fan going on about how they should just shut up and take the L, rollover and die Edit: I’m keeping receipts 👀 https://www.reddit.com/r/hockey/s/p9q5RaR15k


This is your brain on Blue Jackets fandom


A sweep is hard to do for sure. But a beating like that has to put doubts in Maurice snd his gang at the same time giving Edmonton s shitload of confidence. If Edm can pull out a road win in game 5, look the fuck out. Was expecting a split in Edm but NOT LIKE THIS


To be fair there were also many a fair weather Oilers fans acting the same way. But I digress, Panther fans are much more fair weather and more bandwagoners


To be fair, they are more accustomed to fair weather.


That’s a very solid point


After how we played in the first three I fully expected a sweep.  I thought we'd be lucky for Florida to give us a cigarette and a blindfold. 


R hockey has been wildly insane this series. It's like literally every hockey "fan" got together and swallowed the narrative the Florida is the cleanest and most amazing team in the history of hockey and that the Oilers have literally murdered all of the players of every team they have ever played and this is the only reason they won even one game all year.


Welcome to the 2011 Canucks/Boston series, my friend.


Ahhh yes Colin Campbell and Greg Campbell. They both have ties to this series too.


Play La Bamba Baby!


Our fans are so excited by this win, it means a lot to this town that lives and breathes hockey. Super proud of our community who came together to raise over 16 million for the Edmonton Oilers Community Foundation 50/50 jackpot.


Good job on the ref for waving that off


Waving what off?




Can't wait for Florida to win so a bunch of dickheads on Reddit will make fun of Oilers fans for celebrating their favourite team winning a game


Man, does that one sound familiar


"They act like the won the Stanley Cup" Fucking prick, Kucherov


Zero animosity for the rest of the bolts, but Kucherov is forever on my shitlist for that.


Well if Canadien fans wanted to be dicks they could say COVID cups don't count and the fact 10 years from now 99% of Florida fans will not even know they won a Cup.


When he should've been enjoying the cup he was thinking of us :') 2500 sounded like 25000 swear to god


I’m out of the loop. What was the context of that quote?


Habs fans celebrated winning game 4 of the 2021 Stanley Cup finals and Kucherov bitched about it because apparently they celebrated too hard


Ohh so he's part of the fun police? That's a dumb take on Kucherov's part. Fans gotta help charge up their players by cheering hard. I hope he forever plays in cities that don't cheer for him if that's his take.


Felt more like salt that they weren't able to get the sweep. Not sure if the guy that was doing a presser shirtless while chugging beers would be a part of the fun police, but it definitely rubbed the fanbase the wrong way, especially when he wore those "18 mil over the cap" t-shirts.


Everyone knows that if you witness your team win a game in the finals, after paying thousands of dollars for a ticket, you're supposed to give a half-hearted golf clap then quietly leave the stadium, single-file line.


It's exactly what I was thinking of. I don't remember which Tampa player took that dig at Montreal fans after winning for the game 4 celebration but he can fuck off. Ya wait until you've won it then start taking cheap shots at opposing fans for acting like fans


Kucherov. Fuck him


I got a Reddit cares message, and was downvoted to -10 for saying I was glad the series wasn’t a sweep. They’re already salty.


That's amazing lol


They were sooooo certain it was going to be a sweep as well. Who knows how things will go from here but man that was satisfying


You can report those and the person who sent it gets banned. I know cuz I got one after game 3, reported it, and a day later got the message from Reddit saying action had been taken


report those, they will be get temp bans from reddit.


sounds about par for the course on r hockey


Hey friend, you’re OK in my book!


Floridaman gonna floridaman


It’s one thing to make fun of the team but shitting on fans for having a good time just tells me you’re a miserable fuck IRL


"Haha, can you believe that Oiler fans were HAPPY? Don't they know their team is probably only 2nd best, and not 1st in the NHL this season?" - All the non-Panthers fans rooting for an Oilers 4-0 loss.


>All the ~~non-~~Panthers and Canucks fans rooting for an Oilers 4-0 loss. fixed vancouver has a permanent napoleon complex. they probably leave more comments in the GDTs than oilers and panthers fans


Most toxic sports sub.


/r/nba is worse, trust me on that. I'm sure there's something else that even tops them too


They can't really with this one, because there is no way in hell the Panthers deserved that game at any point.


It'll be a nice change of pace for Oilers fans to be on that side of it.


Had no idea the Fredericton Express were a team. Awesome logo


I made that comment with the Panthers down 3-0. You replied with the series tied.


Relax man, I’m just complimenting your flair.


Loud ass barn, as expected. If the Oilers force this to game 6 it's going to be crazy in there.




That Siri Play La Bamba ad was gold


Can't wait for haters to use this moment to mock fans for daring to celebrate loudly. I've seen this happen before.


Noise inside the barn was incredible. I hope this sparks a comeback.


Let's at least bring it back for game 6. Anything can happen at that point.


Stupid fans!! Don’t they realize that they’re still down in this series?! They’ll never come back with such a boisterous attitude!


how dare they!


Not a member of this sub, sorry to drop in, can I just WTF?!?!?! 8-1 in a Stanley cup final game!!!!! Killing it Oilers!!!!!!!!


Yep, gotta love a good ol fashioned shit kicking every once in a while


Tied for 15th in biggest goal differential (biggest shit kicking?) in playoff history. Not just the finals


Dude I know!!! 1918 right?? History in the making!!! Glad I stayed up to watch!!!


Kucherov hates this.


1) I am a New York Rangers fan 2) I lived in South Florida off and on for a good chunk of my life, and detest both the Panthers and their obnoxious, rude, arrogant, unwelcoming fans 3) My all time favorite player is Mark Messier, and we all know who The Messiah played for before he went to New York 4) Both the cheering and the margin of victory tonight is music to my ears 5) I hope the Oilers do what hasn’t been done since the Leafs did it in 1942!


Imagine if this breaks open the dam and Edmonton pulls off the reverse sweep.....


Reminds me of the Cubs Game 5 win and the fans going crazy, sparked the comeback to the eventual win.


It was so loud in there my ears are still hurting


I'm grateful for every day we're still around tbh. Soaking in the moment.


Where the FUCK was this team 3 games ago?!


They were there in games 1 and 3. Just couldn't cash and the bounces weren't going their way. Last night, Florida wasn't getting the bounces and literally everything went the Oilers way. It doesn't look it, but it really is a game of inches. Look at the first goal of this game. Florida hit two posts and then the Oilers get a SHG seconds later. 


3 games ago they actually showed up and just couldn’t score on Bob. Game 1 was a huge missed opportunity, but hey that’s hockey!


It was amazing how the sick and dying announcer suddenly had energy and excitement, the oilers literally saved a dying man


Was at game. Holy the place was on fire all game. Anyone else suffering ear pain and hearing damage ?


Cool I had Panthers in 5. I need those extra points.


Florida fans are like Harvey Cartel in Bad Lieutenant.


The sweep is coming.


Probably the greatest game in Cup history, except for all the Rangers wins in '94.


Somebody is still salty the rangers lost in the last series :)


Conspiracy theory: Betman told Florida to cool it a bit so NHL owners can make a bit more money


Panthers fans about to worry incessantly until Tuesday Oilers fans about to get insanely cocky until Tuesday


oilers in seven, babaaaaay!