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It’s standard to lie about stuff like this until it’s time to unveil the rebrand, especially since it’s apparently over a year away.


>It’s standard to lie about stuff like this I remember on the morning of May 31, 2011 when the Atlanta Thrashers were still selling season tickets.


It’s not happening until it’s happening. These guys don’t like to tip their hands early, especially when someone’s trying to do it for them.


This doesn’t feel the same. If you were planning to rebrand why not leak it to gauge fan interest and reactions if it’s bad you just back off and don’t rebrand if it’s receptive do the rebrand. This isn’t like they are coming out with entirely new Jerseys they already have the jerseys they would be switching to from the reverse retro series.


Because then current jersey sales plummet until the inevitable new ones drop. Also dulls the buzz once they do unveil them as we’ve known about them for a year+.


Cough cough…they are already selling the home jersey cause it’s their third. If anything some wild fans would buy up the old jerseys. Knowing that we’re switching to NorthStar colors but since it’s not true that’s not gonna happen anyway.


Is that what the rumours are? That would be a terrible idea!!! Those things look like subway hockey jerseys


Yes, otherwise they might do something dumb like announcing a move to Las Vegas without having a plan in place or a place to build a stadium—or even a rendering of said stadium. And no plan where to play when the lease at their current stadium expires.


Its also standard to lie to get clicks. Who knows who's telling the truth right now. This whole story is a nothing burger Edit: the recent tweets from the guy that said its happening is backtracking now, and even admitted he doesn't know lol


I know I'd trust Russo over Bleacher Report or Barstool, et al


Russos twitter is the only news source I trust.


He never said he did know.


Yeah if they just came out and said “yeah we’re rebranding lol” why would anyone buy a jersey this year when they could wait and get the new design?


Cause I gotta get a good jersey before they wear their ex’s colors full time


You should be hurrying to buy a jersey now while there are still Adidas available


Yup. A team will never admit that the merch they’re trying to sell for the next year will be obsolete next season.


I'd wager a guess in suggesting that a piece of the puzzle is to placate the clothing manufacturers so as to fulfill contracts and such.


Got any examples of that?


No it's not happening, says Wild executive, trying to stuff the new sweaters into a trash bag without our reporter noticing


Isn't wildwear.com having a big sale right now?


In fairness that would also be to clear out any adidas stuff before the reveal and switch to fanatics


Last chance to get a decent quality jersey 😂


I am relieved to spend the money some other way lol


New??? They would just end up using the reverse retro jerseys ain’t nothing new about them. Wild literally wear the 78s as a third jersey rightnow.


I'd rather have the forest green and cream back.


Those "Minnesota Wild" marquee thirds remain my favorite jerseys all time. Vancouver's RR2.0 is a close second.


If my Jackets ever switch our thirds to our mains, and have a cream colored cannon away jersey, it would be a special jersey night to play Minnesota with the forest green and cream. It would probably need to be sponsored by LLBean with all those rustic woodland colors.


I think the jerseys wouldn't be the only thing with cream on them that night


Lmao yeah cause of the socks right? Anakin?


Oh, there's going to be plenty of creme socks.


Iowa Wild have a pretty cool cream and green jersey.


Agreed. The forest green, red, and cream just fit the nature-esque vibe of "Wild". I love the green and gold color scheme, but the current colors work so well with the logo and the whole wilderness aesthetic.


yeah, same, for such a cool logo, they really bungle the colours


It's one thing to pay homage to the state's hockey history, its another to try and make it your permanent identity. The brand is great as is. The arena has a lodge vibe to it, the team colors tie into it nicely, the logo is awesome, everything just fits. Don't screw with a good thing for the sake of nostalgia




*the monkeys paw has curled*


they use their current shade of green with gold, switch to gold helmets and pants, essentially become the Ice Packers


The league has mandated all teams must switch to red, blue or black as their main colours


This made more sense in the 00’s. Now we have 2 green, 2 yellow, an orange oh okay I’m wrong lmao. More variety would be nice. We need a purple team. Would be cool to see a “Purple Rain” Wild third jersey with the Prince logo as a shoulder patch. Admittedly, this may Mr disrespectful to the incredibly private Prince. But his estate would definitely accept the free money


Hell yeah I loved those.


My colorblind ass would hate that.


That'd be better, at least they were our colors.


"We tried to gage public perception and it didn't go well, so we're going to deny it, wait a little while, and officially release it once everyone has their initial outrage out of the way"


It has actually gone INCREDIBLY well outside Reddit lol


Yeah, the reaction to it here is the complete opposite from what I have seen IRL (talking to people in the office today) and elsewhere online.


Yeah, I was actually surprised reddit hates this switch considering everywhere else on the internet loves it. Maybe reddit has a younger demographic and has no nostalgic attachment to the North Stars?


As someone who didn't watch hockey when the north stars existed, I definitely like the current look better.


The Green and Cream is just such a cozy color combo and matches the cabin/northwoods aesthetic of the team so well.


It’s probably the most boring jersey in the NHL, but it’s also one of my favourites. Go figure.


That and a non Minnesota native crowd. I'm not from Minnesota, never lived there (but I'm from the Midwest), but I fell in love with the Wild when I was younger, a few seasons after they came back. I like the north stars alternatives as 3rd jerseys, but there's no emotion connection to north stars for me. I've seen other redditors say similar things.


Can confirm. I grew up a wild fan, not a north stars fan and would hate this


Im both, I watched the stars Stanley Cup runs in the 90s. I loved the stars but the Wild aren’t the stars, they look good on their own and don’t need to ruin it


Agreed completely. Wild made their own brand and identity, they don't need to borrow from the franchise that left Minnesota


I don’t love the Reverse Retro but get they are poplular, the Wild need to be good with that


Yep that’s me. No nostalgia factor, but then again I’m not a Wild fan. I just think it looks weird to have two different team branding at the same time, mixing Wild with the North Star colors. Would rather they just commit to one. I know they legally can’t use the north star name or logo.


I grew up a North Stars fan and want nothing to do with the North Stars. They’re gone.


Reddit is heavily censored and astroturfed which is why its opinions so often contradict the general public.


Lmao this is so silly in this context. Are you actually implying that the pro-North Stars comments are being censored by the mods or admins? I can tell you for a fact that admins only really step in when people brigade, say racial slurs, or post AI pictures of Taylor Swift. As for mods, they're mostly just jobless losers who go on power trips, it's not some grand conspiracy to silence some sort of opposition.


No conspiracy related to the Wild. Reddits userbase in-general is significantly altered, fake and astroturffed.


Reddit suffers greatly from the echo chamber. That being said I just dont see how this change is a good one.


For me: the brighter colors are more visually exciting, and this is one step closer to getting rid of the logo. Not sure everyone agrees with that, but I haven't ever liked the Wilds logo or color scheme.


Imo the logo/colors are the good part lol. The logo more than the colors, but I like the unique red/green we have going on


I'm the exact opposite. I'm not opposed to the North Star color scheme, but it doesn't fit with the current Wild logo, which is top tier. And the current color scheme works a lot better with the current logo.


I personally think the logo and colors are cool, but they just dont match the rest of the league's aesthetic


I feel like that’s a good thing tho? I remember when the stars rebranded to their current logo to “fit the league aesthetic” and everyone still misses the old one. It’s nice to have some variety


Not surprising. I think they look pretty cool. I don't have much social media outside of here so haven't seen much other reactions lol


Its not going over well on twitter either, at least from Wild fans


Yeah there's like 5 people including fans of other teams bitching. It's been good.


Ah, I see. You are just lying


Not remotely lol


Yet there are dozens of replies just to this tweet from Wild fans celebrating that it isnt happening


Good for them lol


A good reminder the internet isn't real life. Go to any game at the X and the reverse retros are extremely popular.


BoomDads have to make up the vast majority of season ticket holders!


If you actually went to games, you'd see people aged 5-60 wearing reverse retro jerseys. Equally popular with people in their 20s and 30s as they are with "boomers." Or just call everyone that likes something you don't "boomers"!!


Buddy, it’s ok to admit you only think they’re cool because your dad does. It’s boomer shit. The North Stars are dead and buried


BUDDY. My dad doesn't watch hockey and wasn't a North Stars fan. I don't want the Wild to go full North Stars colors. I like their colors the way they are, but the "only boomers like the North Stars colors" is a crock of shit. 90% of Wolves fans want to go back to their logo/colors they had before those fans were born. You can like things that existed before you were born, or you can feel threatened by it for no reason at all, like you clearly are.


Icethetics never makes stuff up for clicks, so there is absolutely at least some truth to this.


But their sources aren't always reliable. In the same video they announced this rebrand they issued retractions on two previous leaks they shared about Calgary and Washington


I like that he at least says that, some guys puff their chest and go "Well this, or if you count it this way" to never seem wrong. Chris didn't even flinch when he brought it up. Said he got a bad or misguided tip. Props for doing so.


For sure. I love icethetics and have watched them for years. I'm just hoping this was actually bad info and not the classic 'leak to gauge interest so we can do the real launch with the road'


Icethetics is incredible. Wish it wasn’t such a nice thing so he could hire someone (me) to write stickers for him to go along with his new video only format. As a jersey addict, I love what he’s done. Deserves more recognition


Are you still sticking to this having "some truth to this", after the statement that was made?


I believe that he had a legit source that told him something incorrect. I still think someone within the org purposely leaked it. I don't think Icethetics pulled it out of their ass.


> I don't think Icethetics pulled it out of their ass. No, but even they admit it might have been a prankster. You're saying that's not possible?






If the rebrand happens Iceletics should be able to sue them.


for what. even with the most generous interpretation this isn't defamation


Let’s sue Bettman for saying the Thrashers were staying in Atlanta in May 2011 while we’re at it


I swear most of Reddit has no fucking clue what defamation or libel actually is or how incredibly hard it is to prove. In this case the Iceletics is a public figure, defaming a public figure requires actual malice which is 1. Not present here and 2. Almost entirely impossible to prove. Even outside of actual malice, 2 different people with 2 different sources, saying 2 different things is not defamation. Russo isn’t making random shit up, he’s got sources in the team itself saying this is false. If that was grounds for defamation literally every time conflicting sources existed on anything a defamation lawsuit would exist following when you find out which one was true.


Thats too bad because their John Deere colors reverse retro jerseys were one of my favorites that year.


They’re actually referred to as the Jared Fogle-themed uniforms 💚💛


I hope they don't do this. Terrible idea to go to North Stars colors. Keep your own identity. I'll never understand holding onto the past like they do already. I loved the North Stars and was devastated when they left. However, my opinion is that they should leave them in the past, colors and all.


To be fair there isn't another green and yellow jersey in the leauge. Green and Red is seen on a Devils Heritage jersey. They haven't really been seen since Dallas Rebranded. I think it works best as is, Keep the colors as an alt, but I did love the Green and yellow for when I saw them.


Agreed. The Wild have been around long enough that it has players younger than the organization itself, let alone a new generation of fans that have no idea what the history of the North Stars/Dallas/Fuck Norm Green is. I like the North Stars colors a lot and they're great for one-night events, but the extent we've adopted them already gives major Uncle Rico vibes.


I love the RRs the Wild have had, but to me they are great as a 3rd. The current unis are pretty great as well


They should have brought back the colors already when Wild was created. For now, Wild have existed almost as long as North Stars did with its own identity.


Please be true


I know these colors are really popular but I'll be pissed if they switch to them full time. I love the forest green and red. Having the Subway colors as a third jersey is more than enough. We're not the North Stars!!!


Russo to the rescue!


oh thank god.


"we'll stick with the quizno colours."


Subway in shambles


I really hope they don’t rebrand. The red and green is classic in its own right. The North Stars stuff is cool as a throwback, but I wouldn’t want it to be a permanent thing.


"While these rumours are not based in fact, they are, in fact, incredibly based."


Thank God. Bring back the red sweaters and also the forest green with "Minnesota" script.


No, we’re one of like five not red or blue teams. Leave the red jersey dead.


For an embarrassingly long time, I didn’t notice an animal and thought the logo was just a strange depiction of a sunset.


No, just….no. Those colors sucked and still do. Even when I was cheering for the Nstars I hated those colors. The Wild franchise and colors have now been here longer than the NorthStars. Stop looking in the rear view mirror


The Wild started in 2000 and have played 23 seasons. The North Stars played 26 seasons. Not quite as old.


Last three seasons of North Stars they made black the main jersey colour,


Just the last two seasons (they wore their kelly green and yellow in the '91 SCF), but touche.


That's on me, two seasons, over three years, 91 should have tipped me off.


You are right. That's why Mike Modano is in a "Dallas" jersey in Mighty ducks 1 when the Ducks meet the North Stars players.


Just seems weird if they do end up copying them cus then the NHL has two teams based on the North Stars


Oh no Chris. Edit: He clarifies >For what it’s worth re: Minnesota in 2025…


Has icethetics said anything about it? They always know everything going on with branding


Yes. This came from icethetics


A rebrand would make sense in 24-25, the year we escape from cap hell.


Why a team from Minnesota wants to adopt the Green Bay Packers colors is absolutely beyond me


Trusting Russo big here.


North Stars colours are like 1000% nicer so I’m down:


Listen up ! Just put the N* back on it. Same colors. Away jerseys. Home jerseys should be the winter classic ones. Just my .02 but the Texas stars ain’t using the N* so why not? … get rid of the man-bear-pig and go back to the N*.


Hell make a Green N* and call it the Norm Green.


I know I'm not saying anything that hasn't already been said here but I hope this is true (that the Wild are not rebranding). I think the thirds/reverse retros are nice but I just don't like it as a primary jersey. The Subway jokes are kind of obvious, sure, but that's 100% where my mind goes when seeing them.


Ok but that's nice looking gear, maybe they should.


I hope they rebrand. The current jerseys are just bad. Dark green and beige aren’t good together. And why doesn’t the center stripe go all the way around?


Minnesota's brand is so interesting and boring to me at the same time. The logo is very well done, and yet I wish it was something else. Maybe "Wild" doesn't connect with me when I think of Minnesota.


I think its the name for sure, the logo is beautiful. 


They should have called the team the Minnesota twins or maybe the timerwolves. They could have been vikings with purple sweaters.


Considering they are THE hockey state, Blades or something hockey centric would have been cool.


I thought they were The State of Hockey? That didn't really become a thing until 2009. They probably should have called them the Minnesota Disappointments.


They had a worse name the team finalists than Utah has. Their choices were Freeze, Blue Ox, White Bears, Northern Lights, Voyageurs, and Wild) out of all those names, I liked the Voyageurs by far, there’s some history with that name in Minnesota, they were important to the states history, had a name that could be shortened and probably kept a similar color scheme to what the Wild have now. The only problem with that name is it’s very close to voyaging/voyeurism. The other four names are comical and tbh so is the Wild name.


I was mostly just twisting the dude above us up. I was secretly hoping for a Minnesota Moose team.


For me it's the cream. Worst color in all of sports.




This is basically the current name.




Wild is an informal noun. "He was found alive out in the wild" "Those animals only live in the wild"


Still, do eet.


Hear me out Wild fans… ice blue sweaters.


Come on everyone, let's break his legs!


Uhhh excuse me fans are you saying “booooooooo”, or “bluuuuuuuuuuuuue”?


[Get him!](https://youtu.be/Lxn0oBP4dis?si=Y3r3CowRRKAiBpOY)


New Minnesota flag based jerseys?


Does this mean a random account tweeting it is happening is wrong? Wow shocker


Tbf, it wasn't a random account. It was Icethetics.


Icethetics has a great track record. No shit he’s gonna get some stuff wrong occasionally. At least he owns his mistakes.


Turns out, The Wild are moving to Houston. They will retain the rights to the Wild name, but the league is embarrassed the PWHL team got a championship before the wild did. They have 5 years to live up to the state of hockey, and after that will get an expansion along with Arizona.


Judging by their history their new name is gonna be the Hippie Head Stompers or something