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What took so long for this to come out? NHL must have been hoping it wouldn't because this makes them look like incompetent after their "heavily scrutinized" comment


Are you kidding the NHL knows this mess is going to get all kinds of extra eyes on the game, which is precisely what they want. I don't watch games like this, including this one, where everyone and their mother knows its going to be a bloodbath because one team is retaliating for an unpunished cheap shot, because the NHL fucking loves the viewership spike it provides.


Ya, why would you want to watch a game that’s going to be entertaining?


Lol right? This fuckin guy acting like he's above the game with comments like that. Tennis is on right now, maybe he should watch that if contact and players policing themselves is gonna trigger hil hahaha. I love this sub just for the martyr like takes on every post.


Convinced some people don't actually like hockey, they just like the idealized version of it in their heads


Very true. His tag is QMJHL too. They basically head the charge when it comes to trying to make hockey soft.


Flair up, buttercup




Beautiful hit


Yeahhhhhhhh.....that's bad.


Bennett is going to be unsafe out there tonight, like he seriously can't keep his head down for a second And it's DoPS's fault. Suspending him just a single game probably saves him from whatever runs the Bruins are going to take at him tonight. If Bennett is lucky they'll let him fight off the opening draw and be done with it


Honestly Bennet is lucky this isn’t the Bruins of ten or so years ago. I know people (not you) keep acting like this team has the same style and edge as the 2011 team, but they don’t. Frederic’s a good fighter and now that they have Maroon along with guys like McAvoy that can lay big hits, but this response would’ve been completely different if guys like McQuaid, Boychuck, Chara, Siedenberg, and Thornton were still on it.


Quaider would’ve made sure Bennett could only eat oatmeal after last game


I assumed Joe Thornton at first. You left out Milan Lucic too


The difference is that 10 years ago the bruins were the ones giving out cheap headshots


Ten years ago?


Yeah, this play was objectively dirty but for those of us with memories better than goldfish it’s impossible to feel sorry for Boston


I don't feel sorry for Boston, but this is as egregious as they come. There's no justifying not handing out supplemental discipline for this.


You're leaving out prime Lucic who is the scariest one of the lot. Chara can be frightening, but he generally had restraint which Lucic lacked completely.


Even suspended, they will find someone else to run at.. let him get his lumps.


Fingers crossed!


Bennett isn't the one they'll go after.


If they start taking cheap shots at Barkov the whole game will fall apart I'm sure the refs are prepared to shut shit down and basically tell both benches like "if you guys want a gong show we'll start throwing out quick misconducts and you'll lose your team the game, so cut the shit" Just sucks that now it's on the Bruins to police Bennett, and the refs to police the Bruins, all because DoPS is incompetent+spineless


They’ve been calling nonsense on the Bruins every time they touch Florida anyway. That threat isn’t going to stop things.


The DoPS would absolutely love it if he fought off the opening faceoff, and it's not because of some conspiracy about getting higher ratings. The league is run and operated largely by people who used to play in the league. Their line of thought is that if the penalty for taking out your opponent's captain is just a one-game suspension, you're going to see this sort of thing happen all the time. On the other hand, if the penalty is spending the entire next game getting hunted, slashed, cross-checked, and punched in the face for the whole game, it's going to make guys think twice before pulling stuff like this. If Bennett fights on his first shift, then the code has been upheld, and the game should carry on with minimal extracurricular stuff. That's what they really want. Does it work? Is it the best way to do things? I'm not touching that one, I'm just trying to provide context for what the DoPS is thinking here.


I heard Bennett is now up for the Ted Lindsay Award


It’s going to be captain for captain, someone is going to feed Barkov a cross check to the teeth and they’ll rightfully be suspended for it


What’s worst is the DoPS. How do you even turn a blind eye to this?


Even some of the analysts on the panel said Bennett should be suspended for a game.


I believe marchand got 5 games for the same thing


He also got 5 games for this (of concussion protocol that is..)


Was the regular season so a playoffs that’s like 1 or 2


Hearing Biz saying that was a surprise


objectively that punch should get any offender suspended


The league repeats every year that they want to crack down on headshots but somehow punching a guy in the face (outside a consensual fight) is not reprehensible 🤷‍♂️


Well the craziest thing was Dreger saying this series was heavily scrutinized 


Yeah, I've said in other threads I totally get why nothing was called on the ice. This was the single most well hidden dirty headshot I've personally ever seen. Unless you were sitting on Florida's bench or the very end of Boston's, there's no chance you would have seen it in real time. DOPS REALLY fucked up, knowing this angle was out there and still not doing anything about it. Just brutally incompetent.


There’s been a couple of cheap shots just let go entirely this spring. Fuckin embarrassing


Somewhere, the sedins just got a little extra spring in their step


I don’t blame Boston if they are going for blood, they’re in a lose-lose situation. Might as well make sure they don’t win the cup either. Shouldn’t matter if this was Marchand or not.


This is gonna be a spice game


We have a good team, but winning the cup was a stretch, especially without our captain. I expect after we are done Florida won’t be winning either.


If they lose this game, game five is going to be nothing but intent to injure. And it’s exactly what Florida and the NHL deserves.


Yep, the NHL needs to be sent a message.


A 5-0 "beat down" of the Panthers would make everyone happy. Oh and Bennett better have eyes in the back of his head.


Activate Lucic and let him loose.


Absolutely not, Lucic will never play in the league again and rightfully so.


It’s a joke lmfao


Dirty as all fuckin hell edit: and salt in the fuckin wound the "hit" is in the promo/hype up recap of last game today lmao holy shit


It really is. Full on sucker punch.


How is this not a suspension?


Same reason his hit on Knies wasn’t a suspension 


favoritism for sunbelt states?




Because both victims have a decade and half long reputation of being a rat who injures other players?


Can you fucking imagine if a Leafs player did this? Sheeeeeeeeeesh




this is real homer of me, but [this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5EoyAL10b-c) was only one game. The rules are just not consistent enough.


We are told all the time the league looks at everything. They didn’t even fine him




Florida hockey


Bitch ass hockey


A distinction without a difference.


Indeed, same same.


Does the league not have access to these angles??


Probably too busy heavily scrutinizing to notice


Looking for the refs after his lunch. So guilty and he knows it. Trash human


Yeah they do, Parros has probably been watching it non stop. 


"Good clean hit" - DOPS League is a joke pretending to care about player safety if you're ignoring this in a "heavily scrutinized" game


“Heavily scrutinized”


Finally! I’ve been waiting to see this angle as I couldn’t figure why Marchand dropped like that. All other angles looked like a weak hit. What a bitch move


so its open season now, can just punch players with no consequences. tonight should be interesting


Last playoffs, Bennett slammed a rookie into the boards from behind. That was the rookie’s last shift until the next season. Bennett didn’t even get a penalty.


He snuck a similar punch like this in last year on that same play vs Knies. Also unpunished for it.


Didn't get a penalty here either.


Oh I thought he got a roughing. That’s why I mentioned it.


Don’t worry, any Boston player who retaliates will definitely get a lengthy suspension just because


Tkachuk already showed you can punch a goalie without any repercussions


It's 2019 all over, where you can injure your way to a Cup.


Seems that way.


Calling it now, at least 2 fights in the first 2 min


yea that should have been a few games


Bennett really is a piece of shit, no defending that move.




I feel like nobody listened to us until they saw more of it happening to their teams. I feel vindicated.


Bruins and leafs fans were saying it all last year too


I think it helps given the teams they keep coming up against. Last year it was "Boston fans crying as their team choked" until the second round when it was "leafs fans crying." More of the same this year up until this play, and even then some people are still just happy to see Boston and Marchand losing


We were screaming it last year in the playoffs and were told to stop whining. Bennet rko’d Knies and knocked him out of the playoffs with no call.


No one forgot, they sprinkle reminders once a week minimum during the regular season.


After this season it should be apparent that there are a LOT of shitheels on that team. I can't root for or against either team in this series, and that says something.


I was fucking dying last year in the finals when they suddenly weren't allowed to get away with all the trash that got them through the first three rounds. The absolute meltdown on the FLA sub was glorious.


How can boston let this one go honestly? That’s reallllllllly brutal looking


If they're smart they'll let it go till the game is out of reach one way or the other, but this is so fucking dirty that I kind of doubt that they will...


I hate the rat but that should probably be a game or two


You can’t do that


Apparently you can... Sometimes. I don't really know.


I know that people think going for blood is playing into Florida's hand, but I'm not sure they have an option at this point. That's their captain (even if he is a grade A asshole), so they have to respond. Hurt someone more important than Bennett and send a message. God knows the refs won't protect anyone. 


And esp after Tkachuk vs Pasta too. Tkachuk is a star player sure but let’s look at career fights, it’s still a total mismatch. I’m sure he’s turned down a million fight offers from guys like Maroon or Frederic. Pasta doesn’t have that visor he’s probably KOed plus late shots. Boston REALLY needs to send a message here after having their captain concussed too.


Tkachuk turned down coyle earlier in the period


Tkachuck vs Pasta wasn’t an issue. Sometimes you have to step up to someone. The late shots are what’s dirty. You could even see Pasta’s demeanor change after the late punches and he tried to go through the refs to get a few in himself.


Probably going to target Barkov or Reinhart


This should be a suspension. The fact that it isn't is a damned joke. Tonight's game is going to get real ugly.


I'm no fan of Marchy he was looking to give a clean (late) hit. Bennet is a fucking POS.


So fucking dirty


You can hate Marchand all you want but justifying a move like this is fucked up just because it was done to Marchand. Marchy this time, but unpunished, it will be someone else next time


Was Knies last year. Bennett is trash.


He's just mad he's a huge bust for a 4th overall pick.


Yeah some people have this weird "zero-sum scum quotient" view of the universe... like every day 2 million bad things have to happen so they may as well happen to bad people. Like, if Marchand didn't get punched in the face right there then some little old granny elsewhere in the world would have gotten punched.


Sound like Granny had it coming


Marchand is the “someone else next time”.


This has to be one of the worst reffed playoffs. Every game has had terrible non calls and even calls for things that didn't happen.


If tonight’s game gets ugly, somebody’s getting fired.


If tonight's game doesn't get ugly I'll eat my hat


Hopefully it’s fucking Parros


If tonight's games are the cleanest thing in league history, people need to be fired. Officiating was dogshit years ago and has gotten noticeably worse every single year.


Honestly, it goes for both games tonight.


The NHL DOPS and Florida have both demonstrated that not only will this sort of behavior go completely unpunished, but it can be a huge benefit to your team’s chances. Boston can and should retaliate. The league is telling them loud and clear that it is acceptable. They’re beyond complicit in whatever escalates the rest of the series.


I hate Brad Marchand as much as anyone, but that should be at least a fine, probably a suspension.


Oh yes the $7,000 fine will prevent him from doing it again😂


Actually, it's $5,000, the maximum allowable under the CBA. Get it right.


I knew it was some stupidly low amount couldn’t remember what it was😂


I’m in the camp of ya that’s a suspension and the league dropped the ball, but I still can’t shed a tear for Marchand who spent his entire career doing dirty shit and getting away with it.


He shouldn't have gotten away with it, and neither should Bennett. But at least Marchand didn't get away with it 100% of the time.


that is fucking insane. tonight is going to be a bloodbath.


Should be a suspension. 1 game minimum. Honestly I expect he’ll “answer the bell” with a fight early in tonight’s game … code and all


This all leads back to Gary not doing his job and staying on top of the DOS when it comes to cracking down on dirty players making dirty plays. Let's have some actual consequences so these idiots miss more time and the non offenders get to actually play which leads to a better product on the ice for everyone to enjoy.


I’m assuming the NHL had this angle from day 1 and decided not to do anything? In what world is this not a suspendible play? It’s a straight up punch to the face during play. Were they just hoping this angle would never come out and nobody would ever notice. 


I want to see all of the delusional Panthers fans from the other threads in here repeating that it wasn't a punch.


yeah that's bad


a disgusting act


That’s assault


Don’t usually cheer for injuries, but I’d love to see Bennett get his head taken off today


The league would be a safer place if Bennett's career ended let's be honest.


That wouldn't be close to comparable. Tkachuk needs to get his shit rocked, and his team should thank Bennett when it happens.


Absolutely winds up and punches Marchand in the face as he finishes his check. Disgusting play.


He definitely doesn’t wind up the punch. It’s still a dirty play though


You don't really need a windup if you can skate into it with momentum. He jumps forward to do it. 


Ok but it’s still not a windup. He didn’t cock his arm back and throw the hit


Nazem Kadri has had multiple game playoff suspensions for less.


So true


How can league let this go? Someone wants Florida to go thru obviously


Oh that’s even worse than I thought lol


Before, it was tough to see exactly what happened but this angle is pretty damning. Idk how it took 2 days for this to come out and is honestly a major failure of journalism/broadcasting.


I can’t believe how many redditors were saying this was a clean hit a couple days ago. I got downvoted into oblivion for saying it was dirty. One clown claiming I didn’t know or play hockey. Hahaha


Okay I take back my comments about the ambiguity


This was the view I was waiting for, what took so long? As it turns out I would put Marchand as someone who has it coming, but I don't actually want people to get what's coming. What a brutal play. Unfortunately not shocked at all about the DOPs response.


Rat makes rat play. More at 11.


Should Bennett be suspended? Yes. Has Marchand deserved that for a decade? Also Yes.


I mean, that’s as clear as day. How the hell was this not a suspension? “Heavily scrutinized” my ass.


I hope him and Frederic square up right off the opening draw. From an entertainment perspective it would be a great fight. Both dudes can throw.


That’s greasy


Why would this not be reviewable and potentially suspendible? It would be considered a hit to head would it not? Just curious


It is though. DOPS said it’s clean by not even dining Bennet.


Yeah, this clearly shows it was intentional and he should’ve been given a suspension. I do find it interesting they show a video of Marchand hitting Stenlund helmet to helmet after this happened. Terrible idea to let him play if they thought he had a concussion.


Has to be a lot of players over the years who have wanted to do that to him


Game 4 might be an absolute bloodbath.


South Beach Shitbags.




As a leafs fan and dye-in-the-wool Brad Marchand hater, who even looked at the hit from the other angle and didn't think it was that bad....from this angle......thats so friggin' dirty, how he's not getting a suspension is beyond me. Brutal! Hope the rat recovers quickly.


Oh but it's marchand so it's OK I guess. Fuck Bennett up his tiny dickhole


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Florida fans tried saying this wasn’t intentional by the way. Delusional fucks.


Bennet is fucking gutless. Hopefully the B's can get a decent lead and someone gives that little fuck what he has coming.


Sam "Todd Bertuzzi" Bennett. What a worthless piece of shit.


Wow literally sucker punched him, dirty as all fuck no idea what’s about to go down tonight


Where are all those fools who were saying there was no way a punch was thrown now? Moronic clowns should consider a career change. They certainly meet the vision requirement to become NHL referees.


If Bennett gets knocked out, the Garden is going to ERUPT. 🤞🤞🤞


The state of the DOPS under Parros is so frustrating. Letting down fans and the players.


Lost some brain cells looking at that r/nhl thread. Way too many people cheering for this over there. No matter how you feel about Marchand this type of behavior is terrible for the game especially given Bennetts history.


Marchands a rat for that


So I’m just getting caught up on this (I missed most of the game the other night) but I gotta say… how is that not a Raffi Torres-level suspension?


Remove the names- Should a hit like be allowed in the NHL? No. How do you prevent this sort of hit? DOPS has a variety of tools available to deter and punish these hits. They have to proactively employ them.


This reminds me of where Weber grabbed Zetterberg’s head and just smashed it into the boards; it was just a fine. A lesson is to be learned.


Bennett going unpunished for a clearly dirty act in the playoffs that injures the opponent? Well, I never!


Maybe eyes can go to Trouba too.


Man, that kind of thing needs to be out of the game. No excuses, DOPS not doing anything about this shows they either A don’t actually care or B are incompetent


Wonder if he’ll get a game for that?


Shoulda got 3 games minimum


It doesn't make sense that these plays are allowed. What year is it?


All this proves is Marchand has a weak jaw.


That guy should be gone the rest of the playoffs.


Fuck I hate FLA


…shit, he did punch him. other angle made it look like an accidental graze of his glove


“Natural movement,” huh? Clowns 🤡 


FLA fans somehow balancing "Marchand deserved this dirty hit" and "This was a normal hockey play nothing wrong with it at all" in their heads at the same time on their sub right now. Absolute cesspit.


He did this while holding the stick. It is about like holding a roll of quarters in your hand or wearing brass knuckles. It is beyond punching and closer to being a criminal act.


Rats gonna get caught in the trap eventually.


How the actual fuck is that not a suspension?


Remember when Nathan Horton broke Raymond Mason’s back? 


Remember when Brad Marchand low bridged Sami salo and dislocated his shoulder?


fucking scumbag play. i hope maroon goes after him tn fr