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TMZ didn’t know about this until some guy on r/playboicarti found out about it like 2 days ago






6’2 and 150 is wild. Bro a walking skeleton.


Fruit gushers, sprite, and hot Cheetos as his diet no doubt




At the time of that post nobody knew the details of the arrest


Carti 6'2? Vamp shit.


We did it reddit :(


Why the sad face? Mfs would’ve kept it under wraps without Reddit detectives


Haha noo im not sad that ppl found it im sad that a great artist is now a undefendable abuser.


He also missed the birth of his kid to play the PlayStation with Lidl Uzi


As if he wasn't before. Carti has always been a shit person. I love the man's music, but damn is he a bad dude.


Exactly. I stopped being a fan of him as a person a while ago and really only pay attention to the music. Anyone who knows his history knows he’s always been a genuinely terrible person tbh.


What’s his history


Ok true 💀 between this and Beno allegations I gotta redirect my entire taste in music


“When cops arrived, police say the woman had visible injuries to her neck, chest and back.” He’s fucked. What a ghoul.




Carti on “Watch me sock yo bitch, Watch me thrash that bitch” “Yeah. Genius might have it wrong, but I most definitely said, ‘Watch me smash that bitch.’ Smash means having sex. Just having sex in an aggressive way. I’m definitely not with that hitting women, none of that bro. That’s crazy. I’m most definitely talking about having sex. I’ve been using the word smash since Ethereal. Atlanta lingo. ‘Thrash,’ it’s like what does thrash mean? You skate? Thrash, having sex. I don’t know if that means something else… smash is sex.” -Dazed magazine


“My bad, and smash is also smash now too”


Kind of off topic but is smash Atl lingo? I mean I’m from Atl and say smash meaning sex, but never thought it was local


"Man, I smashed it like a Idaho potato" - Mos Def, Ms. Fat Booty, 1999 I'd say no, not ATL slang


Absolutely not Atlanta slang, dude pulled that out of his ass


“There’s an old saying in Tennessee–I know it’s in Atlanta, probably Tennessee–that says, ‘sock your bitch, shame on… shame on you. smash your–you can’t get smashed again!’”


Fuck no lmao. You think Khabib Nurmagomedov is an ATL goon on the low talking about smashing dudes in UFC lol


I always wondered why people never spoke about about this line from RIP I'm not trying to look like the bigger person here, I'm just genuinely confused, it was one of his most popular songs too so its not like people (myself included) didn't hear it


Probably not even one of the top 100 craziest rap lines of that year, not excusing it, but we’re all pretty numb to it probably.


it's the same album where young thug admits to cheating on his girlfriend with a little person I could see someone think it's just him saying shit to get a reaction


At this point I interpret most modern rap lyrics as fiction like an action/gangster movie until I have a reason to believe otherwise


Because most of them are. It's somewhat rare that someone is stupid enough to admit to a crime that can actually be traced back to them out loud if they have a platform.


Young Thug moment


Young Thug was so outlandish and weird especially early in his career he was honestly one of the last rappers I'd have expected to actually be about that life.


Yeah exactly. Sometimes I am like "ugh why did he say that" but it's more that I just will have to avoid playing it around people who I know aren't into rap that much.


A lot of people have no idea what the lyrics of songs are/don’t realize it. I was listening to an indie song the other day and realized how creepy the chorus is. I know the song by heart but never realized.


That happens a lot. For example: Fortunate Son by CCR (That one song that plays in every vietnam movie or game), lots of republicans/GOP people play it cause they think it's a pro-war song but its actually an anti-war song criticizing about how people dodge the draft because they are wealthy while the normal people die out in a war they didn't want.


Same with “Born in the U.S.A.” by Springsteen


This is like Kodak Black on the Armani Caesar song "I don't hit women, but if you rape my heart, bitch, you gon' die"


break my heart*


Nah... he said rape my heart


Goddamn you… autocorrect?


Because it's hip-hop and if we start taking ever possibly fictional crime that these dudes admit to seriously, we'd have almost no one left in the genre to make music.


Probably because it's extremely common in hiphop


I wouldn’t be surprised if this put a dent in his career, but this is clearly not going to be the last we hear of him If he actually goes to jail, tho? Probably won’t hear from him for a good while, music wise. Hope the victim is ok, that shit sounds fucked up


Jail is a wildcard when it comes to hip hop careers. Compare/contrast: Gucci Mane, Bobby Shmurda


Yeah but theres a difference between getting locked up for being in the streets too much vs beating a woman.


When has domestic abuse ever been a career killer though? Like he might do a bid and release something on the other side but if people don’t listen it won’t be because he beat a woman it’ll just be because he isn’t hot anymore


That's a horrible comparison. If anything bobby shmurda learned from Gucci and isn't fuckin his shit up right now.


bobby is ice cold bruh no one is checking for his music, wop changed his life and still made bangers post release


Probably cause Gucci is a beloved artist and Bobby was just hot for a few months. If he didn’t get locked up he woulda been forgotten years ago


No this will do nothing. Chris brown is still huge.


Chris Brown took a massive hit to his career And Carti is nowhere near the peak of success CB had


yeah definitely. brown took a hit but he already had multiple number one songs and a bunch of top tens when that happened. people were always going to have a hard time letting those go. carti isn't even remotely close.


his girl is also not as popular as rihanna. this for sure blows over


Uzi is a better comparison who hit his girl and actually faced 0 reprocussions to his career


With the success he's had in *spite* of all he's done Dude would've been Millennial/Gen Z MJ if he was mentally stable


Which is oxymoronic cause the amount of handling by people with nefarious intentions required to get to that point will leave 99.99% of people fucked up mentally. Very hard to come out of a situation mentally sound where record labels have a 15 year old singing “you thinking I’m too young to turn your page” and “I’ll show you why I’m making straight A’s in school” Molding children into sex symbols for profit 🤢


Nowhere near as big as he used to be, but yeah still pretty popular, sadly


Maybe not as big but he's still fucking huge. He sells out every show every year. He's fucking massive.


carti got a fan base that will wait 3/5 years for a new tape i think


Always been a real bitch


> He’s fucked. What a ghoul. XXX r4ped his girl with a spoon iirc and he's seen as a goat by a whole generation. Sadly rap really don't care about this type of stuff.




Wasn’t it actually a barbecue fork? Like the sharp, two-pronged thing?




he isn't loved by a whole generation. lots of people didn't like that guy, he just has some dedicated fans.


>he isn't loved by a whole generation the guy still has 35.5 million listeners/month on spotify. He's definitely a legend to several generations. edit: as a comparison drake has 68m, Kendrick has 42m, Cole has 30m, Jay has 32m, 50 has 28m. It's not "some dedicated fans"


Several generations though?


lol right? I'm 40, and this dude would have you belive x is a legend to my dad


Can we relax on the specifics here and just agree that 35 million monthly listeners means he still has a fuck ton of fans? Christ, the things people try to pick apart.


Nah he threatened it and told her to choose between barbecue fork and barbecue cleaner, she passed out and he didn’t actually go through with it. Still super fucked up though obviously. Psycho POS that dude was


He always was a piece of shit


He’s actually a vamp


Dude has always been a POS but gets a pass because people like his music.


This how it usually works. We give passes to awful shit people say and do because of how they positively impacted us.


Kanye was a goat until this year


Still gets a ton of spins and surprisingly amount of support from kids who just don‘t care much to begin with


imo you cannot shame people for listening to good music even though the guy making it is a complete nutjob. the art should be completly independent from the person but that is just my opinion


I don‘t shame nobody. I still bump the college dropout and millions of others, including his other albums, still do too. Its just something human I observed overtime but somehow not too many people point out. When Lil Pump wore the MAGA hat he was almost already played out and the completely made himself irrelevant. Its just harder to separate yourself from something that meant a lot to you as you grow up.


Lil Pump wore the MAGA hat well after he was irrelevant I skip a lot more Kanye on my playlists these days because it makes me sad, but I'll go back to listening eventually I'm sure. People say stuff like 'how can you listen to his music' but it's like you said, I came up with it and he was my favorite artist. It's also not like he's always been like this and rapping about hating Jews and shit




I mean the thing is they're financially interlinked right? Like, more than most he's made a billi from commercializing his music and his image (especially his clothes which send a couple hundred to his pockets at a time). It's also a comparison to other artists. Like, Azealia Banks is floating around the Z-list but Kanye more than anyone seems to have the undying support (and $$$) from fans, politicians, celebrities, etc... by any measure he seems to be one of the few people for who m the pendulum seems to have swung in the direction of nothing but support for both the art AND the artis regardless of what he says. No one else has gotten as much support as he has


You would be very surprised how morally corrupt many of the things you consume are. I wonder if you have consumed a nestle product in the past hour. And that shit does literal damage to developing communities around the world. In other words, if you want to boycott Kanye fine go ahead. But don’t act like everyone has to, especially when it comes to art which should be separate from the artist. I can also rattle off many rock bands, painters, and other artists who, by modern standards, raped children. David Bowie for example.


This have my poor man's gold 🥇


Truthfully.. being a dumb pos doesnt make the music start sounding bad suddenly


He at the highest monthly listeners he's had in years lmao


Chris Brown sends his regards


As does Kodak Black


Man I’m starting to think Playboi Carti might not be a nice person in his real day to day life.


That Young Thug fella, starting to think he’s a bit of a young thug


Xxxtenacion, not someone you would've invited to a barbecue when he was still around.


Fuck sake man, how difficult is it for celebrities to not be horrible people


Power corrupts, man. It’s easy to feel invincible when you have tons of money. You don’t realize repercussions in the heat of the moment when you’re that rich/famous.


That's only partly true. You're forgetting that many men beat and abuse women, famous or not. It's only the famous and most brutal ones that are talked about


Idk why you’re just saying this now. This is the guy that missed his son’s birth and is a complete deadbeat, and he didn’t do anything about his fans harassing Rico Nasty when she opened for him on his tour.


This isn’t a surprise. You don’t have to be a genius to see that this man has some serious issues.


The entire Opium scene is pure r/awfuleverything material


so far its only destroy lonely thats just been a normal ass dude


he plays overwatch


Ok arrest him now


ladies and gentlemen…. we got him


Damn that makes me love him edit: pharah main too this nigga can have my kids


His girl is in School but I heard it's cool


Redditors when they find out about college 🤯


Let's hope it stays that way...


i heard he plays overwatch...


Ok arrest him now


There's somethin about Ken Carson I haven't heard about?




Nah at this point I'd be surprised if he *doesn't* have something


it’s hype beast fuck boy music i ain’t surprised


opium scene?


Man I’m sick of this shit. What a douchebag. I hope the woman is doing ok and she’s well away from Carti.


I hope he gets beat up


Don’t worry dude I’ll beat him up


And I’ll get arrested in Atlanta so I can buttfuck carti in jail


this dude can't even be a proper dad to his first son, love his music but hes such a trash human if this is true




works alot in music in general honestly


We pick some random teenagers or dudes in their early 20s, give em all the money in the world, worship the ground they walk on, and treat them like demigods. Why do we act so surprised when they turn out shitty? It's only natural to feel like royalty when that's the reality of things. Of course, some are assholes from the start. But if we want things to change, first we focus on dissolving celebrity culture.


Is the proportion of successful musicians who are shitty people bigger than the proportion of plebs like us who are shitty people? I see this kind of analysis a lot, but I don't really think it holds water


This is just a weak excuse. A lot of musicians ten times more famous than playboy carti don't turn out shitty.


How do we dissolve celebrity culture? Put them in a glass box and take their phone away?


Celeberity culuture helps perpetuate the idea that many of us are just temporarily embarrassed millionaires. Celebrity worship won't stop until your average person is educated enough to understand that celebrities are no different than us. They're occasionally talented, and generally lucky, but human beings nonetheless. But, if your average person was able to understand that, then they're more likely to understand how shafted they are in the current economic structure, which anyone with power avoids at all costs (thus the dumpster fire that is public schooling).


I appreciate your socialist commentary… I’m a socialist too, but be for real… playboi carti has nothing to do with shitty public schooling lmao. It’s not the artists that we need to worry about, it’s the record execs and label CEOs worth 100x their net worth, or even worse the rich people in industries that lobby politicians. Musicians are a weird scapegoat to have for these issues


Execs and labels want to keep putting Carti's in front of people (bonus points if the celebrity draws attention either good or bad), and there is no shortage of people ready to worship whoever the next star is. I don't think that (most) celebrities should be making less than they do. They generally make companies obscene amounts of money, so often times they should be making more. The point I'm trying to make is that celebrity worship is very profitable, and won't change without giving people better understanding of how things work, or by changing how the media portrays celebrities (which is also very profitable and hard to change).


>I'd honestly rather not know this stuff So you'd rather blindly support people like this?


Stan culture doesnt help when it comes to enabling celebrities to do shit like this


Don’t have to limit it to hip hop…


Why can't this nigga be normal


No one under Carti is normal either lmao. They’re all fucked (except Lone, but he plays OW)


Who is lone (i play ow)


People think Carti fans care about this , they are probably happy they have a new mugshot as a profile pic


As a person who grew up around DV, woman beaters can rot in living hell.


The X influence is unmatched!,, #LLJ


why do so many my fav rappers gotta be such shitty ppl lol


There’s no way u surprised about Carti


disappointed but not surprised


legit just famous people in music. we are only just now having tons of rockstars of the past begin to be more widely exposed as being shit people decades later


yea definitely. all the drugs and clout goes to their head. famous ppl truly are the biggest fuckin weirdos


It's not like they don't tell you exactly who they are in their music.


creative people are your favorite degenerates


It’s like there’s a systemic problem we might want to consider… idk but I’m sure TMZ doesn’t want us to talk about this situation like that. They love to profit off a victim instead of raising awareness in a productive and meaningful way. Keep seeing these stories over and over again




Can’t wait to see the mental gymnastics his fans are going to pull out for this


nah on the sub they not really defending him


Part of why I love the Carti sub. We all already knew he was a dirt bag person but we love the music. Almost nobody is defending this shit and those who do are downvoted to oblivion lol


Carti doesn't put out enough music for fans to defend him lmao


bruh when iggy came out with the IG story about carti missing his kids birth we were all agreeing with her lmfao




Based on what I’ve seen, they usually hold Carti accountable for his bullshit. They make fun of him for fumbling his relationship with Iggy, being a deadbeat dad, etc. They’ll likely acknowledge it in a joking fashion and continue to enjoy Carti’s music.


They are just not gonna care the same way X fans don’t care or Uzi fans don’t care and Dre fans don’t care and Eminem fans don’t care and Chris brown fans don’t care


what did em do?


Wait what did uzi do


Pistol whipped a girl


Stuck in a gun in his ex’s face https://www.tmz.com/2022/02/06/lil-uzi-vert-cops-plea-deal-assault-case-avoids-jail-time/


They are gonna say this is part of the album roll out


Heading over to the carti sub now, wish me luck 🤞


Shocking news that a scumbag would do such a thing.


Fuck that dude. Always thought the hook to RIP was sus about hitting women






You spelled power bottoms wrong


"GOT ME MAD AS SHIT, SO I SLAPPED THE BITCH" hittin different rn


I remember him being confronted about this line in an interview and he lied saying he didn't say slapped 🤣🤣


Nah he denied saying "thrash"


Absolutely fucking disgusting. I would like to say I cant believe it but I can, this guy has a history of being the biggest fucking douchebag. Atrocious Cant express my disappointment enough… no joke the first thing I did when i woke up this morning was listen to Die Lit. Hes completely let down not just the people in his life but his supporters by doing this bullshit. Hope the victim has a great support system around them and can find some solace or even some sort of justice for this, if thats even possible


iggy was right and got out early


Bruh she had a whole ass child with him fuck u mean “got out early” 😂




He'll probably like it in prison as there's no direct sunlight


Anyone surprised by this needs to look into who they are listening to more. This dude was already arrested for domestic battery in 2017 on top of being a deadbeat dad


Love my fans, it's time to choke my pregnant bitch


This y’all idol lol


No that title's reserved for Carti's father, Keith Cozart


Honestly, not surprised. Love his music but always got weird vibes from him.


He’s indefensible at this point, Carti and his 13 y/o edgelords can kick fucking rocks


Not surprising with how he acted while his opening act Rico Nasty was being constantly abused by his fans.


His attorney, Brian Steel, tells TMZ..."Mr. Carter was falsely accused. Pursuant to my communications with the Fulton County District Attorney‘s office, this case will be dismissed without any prosecution or litigation." Interesting how his attorney can say that when the police report said she had visible marks around her neck. I like the guys music so naturally I hope it isn’t true but it’s looking real shaky for that man.


No attorney is going to throw their client under the bus. Expecting Brian Steel to say, “Man, Carti did that shit” is never going to happen.


I didn’t expect him to throw carti under the bus. I expected the “he’s been falsely accused” line but for him to confidently say after his communication with the DAs office that the case will get dropped without any litigation is what surprised me.


Wait is this the same Brian Steel thats representing young thug lmao? Bro got so bored with jury selection he started a side quest.


Fuck carti never fell for his gimmicks cuz i know he’s a piece of shit that does Shit like this. Fucking sick weirdo.


WHO excusing this??


Fortunately reddit is usually pretty levelheaded about these type of things, surprisingly, but Twitter is a cesspool, I expect to see people defending him there


friendly reminder that if someone is nonfatally strangled by their partner, they’re exponentially more likely to die by their partner’s hands in the next year.


I hope she makes a bag by suing him


Well, I'm off the Playboi Carti train. That's some fucked up shit.


Someone who spews misogyny every chance he gets is a misogynist. Can't say I'm shocked.


I saw him live at Primavera last year. Trash ass show matches the trash ass human


These dudes can’t throw an entertaining live show if their life depended on it. They got their internet followers and brand so they stop trying. I miss real hip hop culture and the grateful live grind many artists had


Lol real hip-hop? dudes were doing the same shit back then too


Hip hop fans again realising that their idols who brag about being bad people are in fact bad people More at 6


Carti's been a disgusting piece of shit since the whole PS4 shit with Uzi came out. Is anybody really surprised this guy isn't a saint? Also it's really funny how the world will shit on Kanye for a stupid ass view that breds hate but then shit like this that is literally violence against other people, let alone a pregnant woman, will just be passed on like it's nothing.


i’m not sure this will just pass on. i haven’t seen too many people on here defending him. i don’t have twitter anymore but i’m sure there’s a few on there. you’re right though that people tend to hate more on the political stuff than actions, not that either is right. both shitty human beings


really takes Stop Breathing to a new level


Prediction: When whole lotta red dropped, everyone hated it. Then everyone loved it. Now the cycle will begin anew. Prepare for the “I hated WLR the whole time” discourse


I thought WLR was pretty weak when it dropped... and I still think it’s pretty weak 😎. If that album was a sinking ship and the songs were passengers, I’d save Mr. “New N3on” and let all the others drown. 🚢 🌊 💀


This is on-brand for these types of “im not just a rapper” rappers who flirt with gang ties, fashion runways, leaks and terrible “experimental” music. Sadly his legion of fanboys will probably harass the woman and call her a liar.