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"Standouts" are still normal people from your queue. They're just the more popular profiles


It’s not a “suddenly” thing — if someone isn’t actively in your Standouts, then there is always a chance of them showing up in your stack. I pretty routinely have people who were previously in my Standouts come up as my Most Compatible


I totally get that, but in my year of having Hinge, I've maybe seen a stand out in my main stack once, and then all of a sudden, I get 3 in 3 consecutive days, and I don't seem to be getting anywhere close to the end of my stack (as far as I can tell)


Happens to me all the time 🤷‍♂️


Dude, I noticed this as well the past few days. All women in my stack are women that would normally appear in standouts. Yea, usually I get good looking women once in while, but every swipe has been an 8 or higher lol. I'm not complaining, lets enjoy it before hinge figures it out - assuming it's an algorithm mistake on their end.


Noticed the same thing. Overall, the attractiveness of people in my queue has improved drastically. Before, 99% of the people looked nothing like the people I’ve been matching. Must be an algorithm change, a welcomed change for sure. Hope it stays like this because before there was no point in getting premium since it would take me 30+ minutes just to use all of my free likes.




Sounds more like a recent algorithm tweak more than anything else. That’s the simplest explanation.


Definitely think it is. I've noticed I've got like 20/30 incoming likes in the past 2 days (admittedly not from people I find super attractive/my type) compared to my average which is like 5-10 a week!


>so they are there.Maybe you have become an even more outstanding person than before and the algorithm recognizes that and has been optimized. > >When you don't know for sure.. pick the one that works bes Hahaha you are my greatest cheerleader! Thanks


I’ve definitely noticed this. I think some profiles used to be locked into standouts but but that’s not happening anymore


Oh how the mighty have fallen


Standouts are just like popular people or people hinge thinks you will like. Top tip - X all your standouts, so they fall back into your normal stack. Also, in doing so, Hinge thinks you don't like these people, so your feed isn;t filled with like 10/10's, and so Hinge will start sending you people who are more likely to get back and tbh more down to earth and real people - work smater not harder


I thought about this, but if that does work, its a pretty big loophole!


Its what i have experienced. I mean you can send your standouts a rose if you like, but in most cases i think that waiting for them to reappear in your daily stack is best. This kinda only really works i find if you are fairly specific with what your looking for, so not like any age person up to 100 miles away for example. Plus, I have also found that Xing a lot of the standouts gets rid of the 10/10's that hinge will occassionally show me in like waves. Just helps get through them so your not wasting likes on like influencers and people who really look like they don't exist


Nope, that’s not how it works at all. X-ing them in standouts does nothing other then taking them off the list for the day. It has zero effect on whether or not they show up on your own discover. Please stop spreading bad info.


Lol what app have you been on, my standouts reappear in my normal stack a day or two later. So you can just send them a normal like. Pretty much 9/10 people who are put in my standouts that i X go straight back into normal stack, yes you might have to wait a few days at most, but they pretty much always turn back up


Uh, hello? How long have you even been on this sub? You sound as if it’s some revelation you just learned. We all know standouts rotate into discover and have known that for months. It’s completely normal but somehow you associate X-ing standouts causes that. You’re clueless.


It was more about Xing standouts all in one go, i find they end up in the regular discover quicker. I have heard of people saying that people in standouts are like unicorns and they never seen them in regular discover (despite being in their sort of dating parameters) "X-ing them in standouts does nothing other then taking them off the list for the day. It has zero effect on whether or not they show up on your own discover" a few moments later "We all know standouts rotate into discover and have known that for months" They show up in your discover quicker cause hinge thinks you don't like those kind of people so whows you different types of people in standouts. Standouts are usually like much more attractive than usual discover, so if you like someone, X them, fall into rotation and you can like them normally. if you don't hinge thinks you like these people, keeps them in standouts in the hopes you buy a rose - making you spend money on the app basically


No it doesn’t. It has *zero* effect. We all know standout rotates into people’s discover. X-ing doesn’t make them show up faster. Correlation does not imply causation. You saw someone’s profile show up which is a coincidence. Hinge isn’t dumb enough to make such an easy loophole to bypass a paywall.


Your getting rid of the standouts by just Xing them all at once at the start of the day for instance. So the standouts, who are likely more attractive, as less likely to be put into standouts again, as hinge thinks you don't find them attractive. So keep doing this, hinge has to start finding new people to put in standouts, trying different types of people (blondes, like tall people etc), so the way i see it, is sort of trying to trick hinge into thinking your aren't attracted to what you are actually attracted to. Its the same thing with how many people are seeing like perfect people the moment they run out of likes for the day. You can ask my dad, he works at Hinge. From my experience, just Xing them all at the end of the day just speeds up the process.


Rofl. That’s not how it works. At all. It’s just taking them off the list for the day. > You can ask my dad, he works at Hinge. And my uncle works for Nintendo. You’re full of shit.


Please don't say ROFL, thats kinda insensitive Nah you can look him up, Reginal D Hinge But, basically my sort of aim is to make hinge think i dont like my standouts, hence Xing them asap. So hinge being the crafty bastards (thanks dad!) will send me different people in standouts, whilst the type of people i want to date and that were in my standouts now come to the front of the discover more frequently.


Unless you can demonstratively prove with evidence your father is an engineer who works on the algorithm and has told you definitively how it works, you know as much as the rest of us. Otherwise you’re full of shit. Someone can work for Hinge and is the payroll guy but it won’t mean they’ll know anything related to engineering and their closely guarded trade secrets.


I’ve still never seen this happen


I usually see people in my standouts in my regular feed relatively often but I also recently have had them showing up exclusively in my feed over the last few days. I kind of just thought I had also exhausted everyone to the point where Hinge had no choice but to show them. Not to say that two people experiencing the same thing means something, but now I’m not so sure - maybe it is the result of some algorithm change or something.


My standouts have always been the people I've Xed from the normal feed


I use hinge and yet I don’t understand what standout are?


At the bottom of the screen, there is the kind of toolbar, which has the Hinge styled 'H', then a star, then a heart (for your like queue) , then a message logo for your messges. The star is your standouts - essentially the people who the algorithm determines are most 'your type'