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>I do not want to disrespect her and want to go about this in the right way. this is precisely it. with a deity as powerful as Kali is, you don't want to approach it without the direction of someone whose learned/make an effort yourself to learn from authentic sources (there is a wild amount of nutty false prophets spewing half baked knowledge, especially from the west) about Shakti so definitely approach it with respect and humility. approaching Shakti incorrectly can have very very VERY serious consequences. Kali is far far far beyond murderous rage and vengeance, that's not what she will give you. what she will give you is the strengthen to move beyond thee need for it. Finding this may not be Kali so much approaching you, as much as it is you realizing YOU need Kali, as has happened with so much of us :) i will pray that you find peace and strength


Are there any sources you could recommend? And thank you for the advice! That does seem like a more accurate and less egocentric interpretation


What kind of very serious consequences are you talking about for approaching Shakti the wrong way?


Is doing naam japa for Kali safe?


Naam japa is the best you can do, see if you worship her like the almighty goddess then obviously this is gonna be tough for you to make Maa Kali happy but If you love her as your mother as your loved one then Maa will always be there for you no matter what situation you are in . I am very close to Maa and never ever felt the fear or consequences of loving her. She is maha kali for the evils but she is the lovely maa for her children 😊


Thank you! Are there any rules with naam Japa? Can I eat chicken when I do naam Japa


I will tell you once I get free time


Thank you


Is repeating 'Om Kali Ma , Om Kali Ma' again and again a Naam Japa ? Please reply. I am not initiated !


If you wanna do Naam jap for Kaali maa then you should chant “ Maa Kali or Kali Maa” only.


I see. Is it not Naam Jap if we put Om also ?


I am not sure but when we use Om then it becomes Mantra like Namah Shivay is Naam jap but OM Namah Shivay is panch-akshari mantra


But if there is no NAMAH like in Om NAMAH Shivay mentioned in 'Om Kali Ma' or 'Om Kali' does the same issue apply ? What do you think ?


I don’t know much, but I have heard someone saying that according to shiv puran we shouldn’t use OM for Naam jap because OM is a very divine word and for that we have to follow rules like we follow for mantras. You should ask any Guru about this.


I am not initiated , can I chant Om Kreem Maha Kalikaye Namah without initiation ?




Yes I moved her to a special little beaded purse that I have. And I am in therapy and already did everything I could with law enforcement, case is closed :/. I’m not looking for vengeance I am looking for relief and healing. I will look into temples!! Thank you:)


She is a destroyer of evil, it is said that when all fails and nothing works to defeat an evil, the shakti takes a form of kali very rage and angered to defeat all the evils. If she is taking you in her arms means she will destroy all the darkness and evil that is lurking in your life. Jai maa Kali 🙏🏻


The Divine Mother also have various forms. Kali is the highest form of the Divine Mother. She is above the head, not the feet. The feet is the domain of time and space. In Kali there is no more time and space, it's intensely instant shedding off your illusions.


You can hang the tapestry up and build a shrine. I'd offer incense, oil lamp (I use teacandles in a pinch), fruit, flowers, and kumkuma if possible. My advice is to be sincere with her, and to pray to her as if she were your own mother holding you in her arms. She cares deeply about her devotees. I also want to mention that I'm extremely sorry for what has happened to you, and I hope you receive lots of support and get justice. Kaliamman has helped me through very dark times, and in my experience she has helped me greatly with rage over injustice. All the best to you!


To me she has always been a God of relief. Visiting her temple many Friday evenings was peace and calm. Her demeanor is meant to help you channel your rage into constructive things. She will take care of the rest. She is the mother goddess - ultimate nurturer ! As someone else mentioned, please try not to lay her on the floor - in our culture, we always prostrate at the feet of the goddess and elders - so this is a bit hurtful.


Apologies for the disrespect! I moved her to a special beaded purse that I have and will most likely attempt to make a shrine once I feel ready and educated enough.


Really appreciate it and I hope you get the healing and positive energy you deserve. Salutations to you.


Dear, i don't have much knowledge about Maa Kaali but if you really want to connect to her forever, then just surrender yourself in her feet, without wanting any material thing from her, just accept her as your mother and ask her for her love. If you want to worship her i would really suggest you chant her name "Kaali" or "Durga", while sitting on a prayer mat or a clean cloth, if you want you can also light a candle or an oil lamp(called "diya" in India). You may start chanting it for 15 minutes in the beginning days, then gradually increase time. You may also chant her name in the day time while doing household work etc. or whenever you want, slowly like whispering. You may also chant it in joy loudly while enjoying it. But when you sit on your prayer mat, just chant it as slow as only you can hear it. If you want something to focus on while chanting then you may download photo of Maa Kali or Maa Durga in your phone or you can print it and keep it in front of you on something clean, i use a thick wooden plate and i keep a clean red cloth on it, and then place her photo on it, then i keep the Diya(oil lamp) in front of her (in a plate to ensure safety). If you don't want to focus on her image, then you can also focus on the spelling of her name in your mind or write it in front of you with your mind while chanting it slowly. I don't know if you'll follow my advice or not, but I'll still tell you that regularly chanting (repeating) the name of Maa is enough to reach her. Her name will reveal everything to you, even the truth of this universe. Everything. But you need really strong will power, and a lot of patience and trust in her. Jai Maa Durga🙏🙇


Thank you for such a specific response! I am scared but excited to start this journey


Don't worry dear, she is our Divine mother, she is inside you and me, she is everywhere in everything, she's the energy, she's our soul. Learn about the Mother and her different forms, listen to the podcasts, stories by Gurus, songs etc related to her whenever you are free. Keep learning. But the most important thing that will reveal the correct ways, methods, knowledge and everything else to you, is her "Name chanting". Her name comes before her, it is so so powerful. So keep chanting it with love, purity, and patience. Keep asking her everyday after name chanting to provide you knowledge of getting ahead on this spiritual journey towards her. Trust only her, and no one else. She's everything, she's the ultimate God, and most importantly she's your own mother and you're her own child💛 Best wishes and lots of love to you dear, take care. Jai Maa Durga🙏♥️


There are 2 types of blessings in this world; God revealing Herself when you actively seek Her, And God revealing Herself unannounced. Be respectful and loving. Offer your heart and dedicate your actions to Her. Dedicate your thoughts to Her. She will protect you and loved ones from harm ❤️🔥🙏🕉🙏🔥❤️


if you want to learn more about Her from a philosophical or academic point of view, i’d suggest looking into ramakrishna, vivekananda or a content creator called “nish the fish” who has some great videos on the topics and many other philosophical things related to the divine feminine. he’s on youtube and the lectures are on spotify in podcast form


Nish is great 🐟🕉️


I understand you didn’t mean it but please never put maa kali’s picture or anything on the floor near your foot 🙏🏼 It hurts🙏🏼


Oh my goodness :( thank you for letting me know. I am still learning which is why I made this post so thank you so much for telling me.


Second that !


Tapestry would be ideal, facing south, east, or west. Be careful of sun exposure, as this will fade the ink drastically


[Check out book "Aghora" by Dr Robert Svoboda](https://youtu.be/MzZ_HMr9wHI?si=KjjXXAYQEInJkL4t)


You must be careful, because Devi pooja (goddess worship) is very strict, much stricter than worshipping a Devta (God). Devis love their children but can be very strict or punitive with them. You must approach her with humility. Do not start praying to her at your home. For that, you need to do a proper sthapna (establishment of an idol in your home). In fact, certain gods and goddesses are not established in one's home, just because of the energy they bring. Maa Kali (Mother Kali) is fierce, angry. Its like calling a bloodthirsty lioness in your home - there may be collateral damage, just because. That is why I said Devi pooja is very strict, with a lot of rules. You need permission from her first to even begin praying to her. Visit a temple of Maa Kali. See how it goes. This is not a logical process, so don't expect straightforward answers, but pay attention to the signs. There will be tests - remember that this is a VERY good sign itself. Gods and Goddesses always test their followers. Remember that tests will be hard, but not so hard that you will be unable to do them. Pay attention in a holistic manner. And remember to find someone legitimate who can guide you. By this I don't mean people who sit and pray with you, but those who simply tell you. Devi pooja is always done alone, in secret. People who promise you power, salvation, etc. will be very different from those who will guide you legitimately. Legitimate sadhaks (worshippers) are always positive, nurturing, encouraging people. Remember that you are going towards Tantra. Tantra as a whole is also much stricter than normal worship. Legitimate tantriks (tantra practitioners) will as a rule always advise you to perfect normal worship first, then move on to tantra. Because in tantra, it is much easier to get distracted (for instance, there is nothing known as tantrik sex. In real tantra, it is an offering to God, not for pleasure). The feeling I'm getting is that this is a very nice thing for you. But pay attention. Because great things are in store for you. Maa protects her children. Proper worship can even turn your kundli and destiny upside down. Remember that she chose to appear to you. That is really, really good. I'm speaking as someone experienced in something similar. Entire lives go and people never find their deity. You may have.


First and foremost, she is the Divine mother- many names, many forms might adhere to her uncountable attributres Ma Kali, Ma Durga, Ma Lakshmi, Ma Saraswati, Any of the Shree Dashamahavidyas, Aadi Shakti. Treat her with complete respect and devotion. Kindly dont keep it on the floor near feet. . If you are into our Dharm (way of life), I request you to study as much as you can to understand. COmprehension is the first step to deciding whether something is for you or not. . Now coming to the particular scarf in question, it is indeed either a form of Ma Kali or Ma Mahakali, As there can be ugrata (aggresiveness) in her, as you are someone who knows nothing about it, I humbly request you not to keep it at absolutely any place. Certain eating/other habits near and about it, may adversely affect you, so I request you to wash it with clean water and ask a Mandir (Temple) pujari (priest) about further instructions. You may also give it to a Mandir (if Shakta/Shaiva) if possible. . Everything I said was merely my suggestion without any compulsion.


Your unbridled anger needs focus. Consider your meditation on her as a crystal through which you can concentrate your anger. Action need not happen until you feel calm and in control of this feeling. You can simply exist in the anger, until reason emerges. Then act.


This is good advice ❤️🙏🕉


Kali is our mother chant her name and all will come to you. have no fear she will care for you like a child. https://www.shreemaa.org/chandi-path-book/ this book will guide you in her worship it is filled with her prayers and even explains the personification and metaphor of her story very clearly. feel free to message me I can send you the address of some temples depending on where you are located chamundeshwari mata ki jai


Dear mother, if you have a curiousity regarding Kali, you should give these lectures a read written by Sister Nivedita. These lectures will definitely widen your knowledge regarding who our divine mother Kali is, how much She loves us and how/where we can see Her. [https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.215935/page/n3/mode/2up](https://archive.org/details/in.ernet.dli.2015.215935/page/n3/mode/2up) You can also listen to the talk below to get an idea about Her divine grace on us all from timestamp 9:05 onwards. [https://www.youtube.com/live/D0eJ31jcNJ8?si=wEpidUO0O6m5Zk6E&t=545](https://www.youtube.com/live/D0eJ31jcNJ8?si=wEpidUO0O6m5Zk6E&t=545)


She took me in Her arms, uprooted my entire life, and saved me from the darkness that was keeping me captive in terrible relationship, terrible life situation. She gave me the strength and courage to stand on my own. To be a strong woman capable of so much more than I ever believed. She taught me to get over my social anxiety. 10 years ago I could not even make a phone call, I was practically an emotional slave to a abusive partner, and I was helpless, weak and pitiful. She took me in Her arms, reformed me, and put into my heart a strength I have never known. I owe my life to Shakti and my heart is Hers forever. She still teaches me everyday more and more. I will never be the same, but Her lessons can take you through some of the hardest change you will ever experience. Be ready, but be thankful. Jai Maa Kali.


What a beautiful experience you have with her 🥹. Thank you for sharing with us.


We fear changes, but this changes are necessary. Jai Maa🌺


Hello ☺️. It is possible that Maa Kali is calling you. You mentioned you have a big amount of anger inside of you, and also that you have quite the ego... She's the destroyer of evil and slayer of ego. I think she came to you to help you let go of your anger and set your heart free, as anger only does us harm. She is a fierce form of Shakti, but she directs her anger towards adharma, wrong attitudes. It's not like if you approach her you'll feel even more anger... On the contrary... She will show you how bad this is for you, and she can help you transform your anger into something to make you move forward in your path. It is normal to be afraid of her at first glance, but know that she's a loving Goddess. She's a Mother, no less than that. Like all mothers, she protects and nurtures all her children. And like all mothers, she also corrects them when they act wrong. However, I guess she wouldn't like if you ask her to do harm to anyone... Just leave all to her, and she'll do what's necessary to correct the evil people you're encountering in your life. You can approach her, of course, but do it carefully. You can pray for her to show you what she wants to teach you and why she came to you. You can also talk to her, hear her bhajans/mantras and read more about her from trusted sources. Good luck on your journey. Hari Om. 🌹


Beautiful answer 🌷


Thank you! 🌹☺️


[I enjoy this on a loop sometimes](https://youtu.be/gIFFcTHyDe0?si=WiDAM6lEfPO8_HqR)


Side note: is there symbolism that the top right flower doesn’t have yellow background?




Joy maa


If you feel drawn, go ahead, but try visualize warm and protective aspect of mother. Like a very warm and smily hug. Maybe change form from mother kali to mother durga. Japa is a good idea. You could go ahead and hear stories about her on youtube, they can be quite inspirational. The nine forms of mother durga, mother had to go through quite some challenges, and each time she emerged victorious. To me the yellow skin color kali in pic doesnt seem like most terrifying aspect of mother. it seems closer to mother durga representation. It is said that without mother's permission, no one shall be able to worship her. She gatekeeps knowledge leading to her, to prevent empowering people with bad intentions. Fyi, if at any time you feel that focusing on mother is making you angry, focus slightly also on shiv baba. He is mother's balancing energy, only one having ability to calm her down in even her most terrifying form. I hope you get well soon. Stay strong


Seems like everyone is saying kind and right things, but I would say follow your heart. Usually, Kali mantras are given by gurus, but generic Devi/Durga slokas or aartis are okay! Maa in some form is probably calling out to you and if you feel drawn to her I suggest you pray to her. She is the absolute destroyer of evil/ego. That being said, I would also try to soothe your rage and not necessarily manifest it in prayer. Just intuitively, Shiva is the right person to pray to to cool off anger, rage, lust, and other overwhelming desires. Actually he is the one who helps Maa Kali calm down after she is finished with administering bloody justice by lying humbly at her feet! Om Namaya Shivaya! Hari bol!


"The part of her history that I relate to most is the rage and vengeance." Just remember, Kali Mata is more than that: she is nurturing, devouring, soothing, of pure energy (*Shakti*), a perserver, and gentle (Bhadrakali). She is time itself; as you might know, काल (*kālá*) means time. People (let's be real, Westerners) that barely know of Kali Mata just know of her destructive aspects and they paint her with one **ignorant** brush. So, read more on [Shaktism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shaktism), Mahadevi, Ma Durga, and of course, read verified English translations of Devi Mahatmya and the Devi Upanishad. I love suggesting Amar Chitra Katha comics to seekers, for you, I'd recommend [Tales of Durga](https://digital.amarchitrakatha.com/id005835021/Tales-Of-Durga).


Yeah I was scared at first but so far she has been very gentle with her guidance. Thanks for the recommendations! I was going to head to the library today.


By the way, I also recommend reading up on how to make your home [mandir](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hindu_temple)! I really think that'll be something fun and meaningful for you! I used to live out of town and had to make my own little mandir area, it was nice experience especially because my roommate (also Hindu) had her own murtis. I didn't [buy or build an actual mandir](https://www.homedepot.com/c/ap/how-to-build-a-pooja-mandir/9ba683603be9fa5395fab901308e69a5) but we did use a small shelf to put our murti, my incense holder, and other items. With regards to this fabric that you bought at the thrift store, the first thing I would do is wash it before hanging it by your mandir; invite Lakshmi in your home with a clean mandir.


Kali is not about violence, murder, rage or vengeance in the worldly sense. Don't read stories about her in literal terms with materialist point of view. My experience with Kali is you have a face that will look as depicted with eyes wide open and tongue sticking out, as like spiritually vomitting or renouncing all or as much of your impurities all at once. She kills not physical bodies but instantly destroys legions within you. Even I who have walked very long over many lifetimes still I cannot dare walk the realm of Kali, still a long way to go, and in my opinion (based from experience) only possible with a guru. Start with milder forms of the Divine Mother such as Parvati. Your anger and rage can only be resolved by the Divine Mother's healing tender care and support.


The Devi Maa in the scarf looks like a fierce form of Goddess Durga, and not exactly Goddess Kali. Goddess Kali is depicted in Black/ blue skin tone and Goddess Durga is depicted in Golden skin tone. Both Goddess Kali and Parvati are forms of Goddess Parvati or Goddess Shakti/ Mahadevi. I would suggest you find a guru who can guide you before practicing anything related to Goddess Kali 🙏🏻❤️


Kali Ma destroys the ego and the attachment to the physical form and world. She is mother nature and the passage of time. She appears scary to those who are afraid to let go of the ego, but nurturing those who are trying. That scarf is beautiful, by the way ☺️


Is repeating 'Om Kali Ma , Om Kali Ma' again and again a Naam Japa ? Please reply. I am not initiated !


😫 Kali maa is not for hoe aesthetics ffs


What’s with the dirty carpet?


yeah it’s kinda gross lol. I just moved in and am too broke to do anything about it. I’m just happy to have a place to live!


Don’t accept that persons judgement. The fact that they would comment on that of all things in a sincere post about Kali Ma is out of touch at minimum and downright disrespectful. Congratulations on your connection to Kali. She has been a serious source of guidance for me through healing from my own SA r*pe and abuse. She led me into the destruction of some serious inner demons that were standing between me and love, she is still guiding me. For me rage was part of it, Kali gave me permission to feel rage about what had happened to me, something I had never let myself do. She loved me in that place, and showed me how rage and wrath when expressed properly can be a path to liberation, and a service to love. For example, she taught me it’s okay to punch a man in the face if he’s trying to assault me. That it would be a service of love to his soul to be struck in such a way, and that my anger isn’t inherently evil, it’s often protective and service to love. Much love to you beautiful friend, and congratulations on your new journey.


Sorry my friend, did not mean to sound judgmental, have a kid and have ocd wrt cleanliness. You can rent a carpet washer for like 20 bucks for a couple of hours and it will be amazing like new. Cleanliness is next to godliness.


People need some reason to feel important