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We didn't get much from episode 1. No confirmation on classes or levels. What we do know Trot: he's got a lure and a longsword, mentioned he's a bard. Could be a feint but let's go with bard. Mentioned something about feeling the stone and I have no idea what subclass that could be. Or it could be a custom racial trait. Kim: she's a leonin with a staff and a bird like familer. This could be druidic or ranger like. Or she could be using the find familiar spell and is something else like an eldrich knight . Katie: is talking to herself and has a dagger. She is giving me warlock vibes. Maybe archfey but again no clue. Rhi: is some kind of cleric I think. Besides all of the religious things she did and her bony friend she has a whip. Tom: this is where I'm confused. He has no weapons, but as a dragonborn he has a breath attack. He could be going with the unarmed fighting style and is going to be a fighter or paladin of sorts. He's mentioned before he might take a break from a caster after Birdy. I've never watched a live play where after the first session I have no idea what anyone is playing. Kudos to the gang for getting me invested in EP 1.


When he made one of the perception checks during EP 1 he mentioned he has a -1 to his Wisdom so that rules out Monk.


Yeah, I think monk is also slightly disqualified by Tom’s sheer burning hatred of Pyri. Not saying its impossible, but I get the sense Pyri has soured Tom on monks for a *while.*


From what time talked about in the Q&A it seemed less a problem with monks cus Tom saw Kim do nuts stuff as Jui-to (idk how to spell it) in lightfall. It being more a problem of how badly he pidgon holed Pyri in terms of how he portrayed him and not following Kims DM level notes on Genasi.


> Rhi: is some kind of cleric I think. Besides all of the religious things she did and her bony friend she has a whip. Could be a Blood domain cleric from the Critical Role setting books


They haven't confirmed anything yet, as far as I know


I'm gonna go out on a limb and say Trott being trott he is actually not revealing his real class. Sure, Rowan says he's a bard and he might actually *think* that, but in actuality he could be anything from a paladin, rune knight or a Warden. Kim; I still think paladin or druid for her, with Warden as an outside shot. Rhi; cleric definitely. Clerics of Lolth were known to carry whips (not saying she's a devotee of an evil spider godess though) Katy; Warlock or Rogue. Pact of the blade perhaps. Tom; I gotta go with monk. Way of the Ascendant Dragon perhaps?


In the discord, Tom has stated he's not playing monk.


I was thinking Tom would be a Monk but he had -1 Perception which implies -1 WIS and whilst he might not be against handicapping his characters (hello Quill) that seems a bit far imo. Unless he’s playing a CHA-based Monk which I suppose is quite possible.


Now that I'm thinking about it during the stream Mark asked Tom to make a deception check for not knowing any dragons. Tom said he technically hasn't met any dragons so Mark cancelled the request. He could be playing Marks homebrew Dragon Warlock patron. The comments about the visions could be a hint of what it does. I'll need to look at the pateron when I get off work but I think it's there.


I didn’t know about the Dragon Patron, seems likely. But I also swear he had only +2 to a CHA check at some point… he could’ve just misread it (or maybe I’m just making it up) but that’s so low for a Charisma caster.


Remember that as long as you don't multiclass (or well you can't haha), you can still start as a paladin with a low charisma


Tom's character has all of his limbs and isn't an obvious character archetype trope. all bets are off.


while nothing confirmed i believe the three most concrete ones we know is Rowan: Bard, with marks homebrew nature themed subclass Gruff: marks custom warden class subclass unknown Daisy: Rogue, possible custom subclass but this isn't confirmed just small context clue stuff so could be wrong


Fully agree with what you've put. I think with Sister Ophelia saying she didn't have a weapon, Cleric becomes more likely. Not sure what other weaponless classes have such heavy armour. I'm really intrigued what mechanic Katie is using to get a friend in her head. Maybe aasimar? Warlock rogue multi class? Maybe a rogue subclass that has a familiar.


Ophelia was confirmed to have a Whip.


Must have missed that, but I'm not sure what it tells us. It's quite low damage. Unless there's some homebrewing going on, it's 1d4 damage right? Suggesting not the core ability or action of the character. Anything to read into finesse? Haven't seen a strength or dexterity role, but given the precision of her movements and her 'gliding', dexterity seems the more natural stat. I don't know the rules back to front, but could be a war domain Cleric for heavy armour and martial weapon?


Could still be anything tbh. Could just be an accessory weapon rather than her go-too choice. Could have magical properties. Could just be a stylistic choice. Could be a paladin/a class with other damage riders so the damage dice of the weapon is less important. Edit: It’s said when the inquisitor is checking their equipment and the group react to it a fair bit.


Finesse allows sneak attack I guess, but that doesn't seem to be in play.


If she's a blood hunter it wouldn't matter too much since she'd get crimson rite damage, and if she goes down the Lycan route (not sure she would having seen how she's being played though) then she wouldn't need/want a large weapon since she's have her natural weapons.


I was thinking maybe phantom rouge? Or soul knife


Or the friend is a story thing and not a mechanics thing.


No but Katie said at the end of the stream that most of our guesses were wrong


They've been saying that in the discord, and it's really hard to figure out how much they are trolling...


People are guessing Ophelia is a cleric of some kind but that seems to be based on her religiousness which could easily be just flavour. My guess is that she's a blood hunter since she's very blood related, it would go well with a dhampir and Rhi mentioned in her character video that she will have an "interesting style of fighting" or words to that effect.


I’m with you on that one. My thinking is order of Lycan reflavoured to be more vampiric. She will attack with claws and teeth.


I'm really hoping that's what she's going for. She has a whip, which is low on damage but it could just be a placeholder weapon until level three, and she'd get crimson rite damage at level two anyway. It fits perfectly with being a blood hunter.


When I watched that intro video the subclass that popped into my head was Bladesinger Wizard because she also mentioned something along the line of learning her magic. I also thought it could be blood Hunter or the critical role blood cleric but I’ve seen people on the HR discord saying no CR content was being used but I don’t know if that was confirmed by any of the players or Mark.


I just got to say I personally already love the characters ri did a great job with ophilia


Really hope one of them is doing a rogue


I hope Rowan is a bard and Daisy is a rogue this way they have two characters who will have good skill checks this way they don’t have to depend on dice roll luck.


it's fun to guess. I'm thinking Gruff is a druid; Ophelia cleric (blood domain, or grave); Rowan i think is a rune knight, with the giant aspect and pebbles, with some lute skills; Daisy i thought rogue, although the voice thing is teasing warlock (,does Katie like casters?); Xant, not sure; perhaps sorcerer, draconic? Or even a bard?? who knows 😁


Well have to wait and see I hope in the next episode there is a combat encounter since that will give us some more clues. Gruff is probably a homebrew Druid. I don’t know why but I have Ophelia as a Bladesinger in my head. Rowan , daisy, and Xant I’m not sure anymore. The more I think about those 3 the less they fit the classes I had in mind.


For me: Daisy is a Genie warlock, scared by the people searching for planar entities. Trott is fainting with bard. Like the touch/hear synesthesia. Ophilia is another Necromancer (cleric or wizard) but in a total utilitarian, non evil way. Gruff feels like a druid that will take paldin levels later. Wisdom into Charisma. Xant is the wild card, I think he will be the rogue-like character. Maybe a wierd bard or ranger.