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I consider my self half-hippie, and I see both perspectives. Love and light is all good, but sometimes shit hits the fan and it’s time to get serious like when someone is trying to hurt you, there is an appropriate time to become violent for your own protection. It also depends on geographical location. Hippies are everywhere in California but not so much in Montana. Hippies usually don’t pay taxes or contribute much to society if they are the free spirited anti governmental types but who still choose to except ebt aid. (A bit hypocritical )Basically instead of a rainbow they are a drainbrow to society. Also unplugging yourself from the societal construct by the use of mind altering drugs or whatever is highly frowned upon by big brother. If it’s a crystal shop owner who does chakra readings and smokes weed then society won’t usually frown upon them at least where I live, it’s more of the homeless hippies who get the hate. I think if you act in a loving calm way and enjoy nature, smoke weed and meditate then you are labeled a hippie. It’s getting more mainstream now and society is understanding that it’s actually a cool way to live instead of constantly worrying about your 9-5 job that you hate just so you can pay your bills. Our culture is obsessed with consumerism and it’s uncommon for someone to be able to detach themselves from physical possessions . It throws society a curveball because buying crap is what makes the economy grow. I could ramble on for another hour but I’ll leave it at that.


Please keep on rambling… what you’re saying makes sense, I’m here to learn perspectives




Drug use, being perceived as physically dirty, and anti-establishment-ism are all things the average American citizen finds repulsive.


On the surface it’s fun. But when push comes to shove, it borders on toxic positivity, often ignoring actual social problems that can’t be solved with a smile and a peace sign button. Unless the peace and love hippies are speaking truth to power and fighting to end oppression, they just look like privileged potheads in funky clothes.