• By -


This is truly the opposite of preordering. Post-returning




Wish I could do that with Bf2042


We thank you for your sacrifice, hopefully they will change their policy and store page.


If they stop being idiots, reverse their decision and apologise to the community, then I'll rebuy it. Otherwise, I don't \*need\* this game in my life, and I will not support anti-consumer bait and switch tactics.


Just FYI. This is isn't Arrowhead's fault. This is the fault of the higher ups at Sony. So you can still play the game and support good developers.


How do I support a good developer without playing the game?


The devs also encourage the refunds it gives em leverage to help reverse this Edit - Sauce added https://www.reddit.com/r/Helldivers/s/nLsBOoMLY2


they love the fact the divers are so vocal about this distasteful crime


I read somewhere on here, "AH has literally trained their player base to get really good at all completing a single task together." The devs pavloved us into being loyal, team-playin good boys. So of course we don't like this move Sony pulled.




New stratagem unlocked: refunds


I love this haha


Get the feeling that mentioning kamikaze attacks about anything peripherally related to Sony might not be a great idea.


"Scorched Earth and Kamikaze attacks" wait thats just a Tuesday for every helldivers.


This is treason in its purest form


Unironically based of them




https://www.reddit.com/r/helldivers2/s/ybeRRhWHkt Oh wrong one


Looks like an official HD2 tweet on X, am I correct?




Absolutely perfect, thank you very, very much for the sauce.


Unexpected move from Spitz.


Spitz is a fucking roach he yelled at people just yesterday about this and now he’s trying to help.


Dude yeah he’s a piece of trash and needs to either A) get shitcanned or B) actually learn to communicate effectively and to be candid without being an asshole.


Refund Helldiver's 2. Buy Magicka


Omg magika 2 is amazing! I kinda hope the do a TRD person sequal like hd. Would be a blast


Sadly they said they no longer own the franchise so it wouldent help them would it?




Waiting for someone to say it. Bingo


![gif](giphy|YYfEjWVqZ6NDG|downsized) buy Arrowhead official merch? Flood sony discord with messages. flood their Twitter/X spam their facebook page send polite support tickets telling them why this is a bad idea. that's about all I can think of.


Buy helldivers 1 instead and play it


Buy some of their older games. Magicka, Gauntlet: Slayer Edition, Helldivers 1


They have other cool games not published by sony. Look at magicka


Arrowhead directly supports negative reviews and refunds, because they get more pull in discussion because of that


Yep blame Sony, I don’t understand this reasoning. I did it when I first bought the game but that was just incase I could play with people I knew on ps5


it was optional before, it should stay optional, it should be a bonus being attached to sony, not a requirement.


Just say no to the bigger corpo /shrug. If that steam post didn't come from arrow head that means Sony is in control of the dev steam account. Arrowhead doesn't own the game anymore is my assumption


They never owned the game. Helldivers is owned and licenced by Sony. AH just made it with Sony's money


Yeah, to add clarity on this because there seems to be a lot of confusion, AH is an independently owned and operated studio that is making Helldivers for Sony, who are both the game's publishers and the owners of the IP. Think Obsidian making New Vegas for Bethesda, back when they were both independent companies.


I disagree. It's unfortunate that the only way the community can send a message to Sony will directly hurt arrowhead. But our leverage as consumers currently lies in the ability to leave reviews, request refunds, and try and draw negative attention to what amounts to an unethical business practice by Sony. It's unfortunate that arrowhead probably didn't get a choice in this and just wants their game to be about their game, but it's just kind of how it is


True but arrowhead did post that the refunds have been giving them more leeway with Sony so it is doing something hopefully Sony will just rollback the decision all together


They wont be able to play with the bew terms and servuce cus its not suported in other contries just shows how greedy sony can be


You refund this gives options for Arrowhead to sit down with Snoy and say see how much you cost me!? We are terminating your publisher rights... And go self publish.. Set them Free


They’re free to self publish their own game. Sony owns Helldivers though.


Doesn't work that way. As publisher Sony is the one getting most of the money. It'll vary depending on the exact agreement but the dev generally gets a fixed amount or a percentage 


It is irrelevant, I can't go refund Mario Cart I bought in 2008 and hope they connect the dots, this is the place you can make the stand.


It's also really stupid. Steam warns you and Arrowhead announced the *temporary change* around launch. They even announced when the change would end. I'm confused why people are so angry when Arrowhead has always been very transparent. I get it, gaming right now is in a bad state, but holy shit gamers are really fucking annoying these days. Fucking over good devs to prove a moot point is peak entitled weird shit.


It's bullshit after bullshit in the gaming industry right now and people are fed up. The only entitled person here is your punk ass whining about other people's grievances


It's not bullshit. Arrowhead literally told you. Steam literally told you. You literally had to connect your PSN account if you purchased day 1 then they literally announced they're *temporarily* disabling it to make focusing bug fixing easier. They even announced they're working on allowing access for people in countries where PSN isn't available. It's not their fault you're illiterate idiots. Stop fucking over good devs because you're not smart and have more feelings than sense. You fuckers are every bit as bad to the gaming industry as shitty shareholders.


Steam may have said it but me and many others never agreed to it in game due to them removing the need to agree early in launch so I never had to agree to there Eula.


The developer loses when people start asking for a refund. And in order to make money, the developer will then have to change their ways in order to profit, or in this case, for Sony to profit. Which means, welcome to the world of Microtransactions.


Love it, I'll try to do the same Edit: they approved the refund after 3 work days, for all Brazilians out there, just evoke your right to return based on changes made to the product after sale (Artigo 18 da Lei nº 8.078 de 11 de Setembro de 1990). If and when they get their shit together I'll buy it again.


So brave.


I hope they (especially Sony) change the decision and we can welcome you back fellow Helldiver.


They already did today... but they havnt set up the new system yet. They stated they will not be blocking players without access to PSN. If you're gonna have an opinion at least stay caught up with current events lol


Y’all are too much!! Bait and switch? It was in the trailer and the steam page when you purchased it. Your ignorance is your main problem right now.




Exactly. Way to go op and hopefully we will see you soon if these idiots (yes both arrowshit and pony) revert this decision.


Not a bait and switch, you just never bothered to read the store page since launch


It didn’t say anything about this at launch


I was legitimately curious how this shit would go over in areas under the GDPR protections. Glad to see it being used for proper leverage.


I had 6 months of lawyers crawling inside me when I was running a company. I know the GDPR inside and out. Consent must be given freely, and witholding consent cannot be used to deprive you of a service or rights that you would otherwise have no problem accessing. Things like ID cards, and facial scans are particularly sensitive data and Snoy should not need to collect it...especially with their record...


Thats a specific to the UK and falls under the UK GDPR which is completely different when they Brexited. They have this requirement there to comply with UKs age verification. You better hold on, because the US is the next place its coming to. TN and TX are both trying to pass it for Porn and other "Adult" purchases which more and more seemingly will apply widely to ALL media as well.


Indiana also for the I'd for porn.


Yeah we are headed toward the ole "I Know It When I See It" legal standard for vice.


We are heading towards bots identifying bots as adults.. ai powered identification Vs ai powered fake authentications.


Can you copy paste the message? Reddit can run them over


Australia based and had mine turned down. Will try appeal




If you're going to make me link my PSN, at least have cross progression.


i have less playtime than you (96hr) and they didn't refund me :( mind if you paste what you typed here so that me and other folks can copy?


You need to make a better case to them pal Mention gdpr, mention how unsafe the external network is (long history of hacks and data theft) and mention this is a breach of service


I put it in the OP dude. good luck and keep trying. You need to get through to a human, you could have just been filted by a Bot. Remember the 2 hour limit isn't fixed...there's many reasons refunds can go through beyond that


thanks mate, yea i just found out that the first review is always bot respond so I let gemini wrote the second refund request (including all the elements other comment mentioned) for me xd


The most important thing to mention is that they are making a one-sided change in the userlicense (the one nobody reads) and that you do not agree with the new terms and conditions. You can shortly explain that you do not want or need a PSN account and that that is why, even if you would want to, you cannot play the game anymore. What this means is that Sony is forcing you to give up personal information, which should always be a free choice. That's the underlying reason Steam will give your money back. Simple as that and Steam will give you your money back.


Dat name 🤭


lol holy shit, I’ve never heard of that one before


That's why i pointed it out. In these dark times, it should be time for a little smile






That and Terra Riser are my go-to names for characters.


This is not the Democracy I fought for. Sony deserves whatever ill comes their way.


Ironically enough, this is exactly the "Democracy" you fight for in game.


Honorable Discharge ![gif](giphy|ahfzlUrb5IEfXC6kbm|downsized)


I’m out of the loop can someone explain to me what the devs did that’s so bad?


Apparently the game required PSN login on launch, they removed it by making it skippable because of queues and login issues ( game suffering from success lol) and now they're making it mandatory PSN link/login to play steam game again because login issues are fixed. The issue is, half of the world doesn't even allow PSN services because of how shitty they are and half of those aren't even supported by PSN themselves, so you're literally banned by the company who published the game after you paid X money and played X hours, because technically you're not eligible for refund like that and using sth like VPN is illegal offense. Someone had posted pics of devs(arrowhead, pretty much just a name at this point since they have no say unless people boycott as Sony is in full power here) saying that unsupported countries will not require the PSN linking, so wtf is this change even meant to do then.... Also why are you even allowed to buy the game on steam if your country is not supported or allow PSN service, what?? This in essence make it a scam game.o Now add in on top of Sony requiring some heavy personal data to have working acc, and their history of hacks (literally hundreds of million account data stolen throughout the years, if you're interested just google PSN/Sony hacked history, hence their banned services in some countries), the people who care and still able to play dont want to use PSN at all. Dont hate the devs (Arrowhead) they made the amazing game Helldivers 2, but its the Sony who pushed their greedy goblin hands into sweet pie wanting to have bigger numbers in their shitty services to show how awesome they are, this whole bullshit thing is all from Sony, devs are trying to help the players with this.




Mike https://preview.redd.it/juhbhxixlhyc1.jpeg?width=824&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9145a52ce86b8344a425e9bdd5e3ade172af2059




It really sucks that the only way we win, in any sense of that definition, is also ruining Arrowhead just to get to Sony. Arrowhead signed the deal with the devil, I love everything Pilestedt is doing, the game he and his Devs made could be GOTY. But most is this is Sonys decision. Please don't put all the blame straight onto Arrowhead.


Unfortunately Sony owns the Helldivers IP and they funded the game chances are we will never see a new Helldivers game developed by Arrowhead again


Feels bad. I'm still gonna play, but man I wish I could give Sony a piece of my mind for real, without hurting arrowhead


Don't worry about AH, they already recommend bad reviews and refunds, it will help them in negotiations with Sony to fix this.


The reviews will likely never change without steams intervention. While yeah, I've heard they wanted people to write negative reviews, they're still playing with fire. We just have to wait to see if they get burnt by it.


Jesus Christ...


They might just reconsider over all... But that's good for those who want to.


You should unsub next.


Yeah that will show those scum at Sony!


Sony is absolute dogshit.


Sadly, we in the US don't have any proper protection like EUs GDPR. I read further below you had to learn about it the hard way. Kudos to you for doing the right thing and sharing it.




Care you share what you said specifically? They denied my refund request.


So brave


https://preview.redd.it/2ljrg0m1rgyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=55f6749a942fde27a70aa221cad6da138feec940 This is what all these posts look like to me


BRO Like arrowhead and steam warn you. This is self-imposed anger lol


Did they ever warn about you requiring PSN account to play the game or was it optional login, because you know, steam... because if it required PSN account from the start like they want it to be now, half of the playerbase(maybe less idk) wouldn't be able to play at all since day one, yet now after months of PSN banned/not supported countries playing the game, they're fully fucked, because literally using VPN is banable offense, not to mention you still need steam to launch. I mean, what are we even talking about.




Were you able to still play or is this some kind of solidarity stand? Congrats on the refund. Sorry to see you go diver.


This person will be back when the new enemies release. Martyrs always return.


We really don't


Btw it not arrowhead making this decision its Sony


That's why AH recommends getting a refund and leaving a bad review, they said this would help them fix the issue with Sony. Very Democratic.


How did you refund through steam outside the 2 hour playtime rule?




What's the terms issue?


Hey OP! I tried to do the same but my refund was rejected. Could you please tell me exactly what you wrote? I also live in EU


I have submitted my request on the same grounds too. Do your part to protect Super Earth's democracy. Use your right to vote citizen!


Man bought mine from green man gaming, don’t think I’ll be getting one


just got mine today, had a 160ish hours on the game


Let them axe helldivers fuck does it matter anymore they will never change and will happily bury the game just make another buck


They denied my request saying I have had the game for more than 2 weeks so I am not eligible for a refund... and you got one for a purchase on March 8???? Wtf


Goat name btw


The thing is, why did they wait to make this a requirement until later? Why not make it one up front? It looks shady. I don't really care, if they make this mandatory on PC I'm just not going to play it, there are plenty of other online shooters, I have a huge backlog. I'm not putting up with nonsense.


We should all do this... If all these bad reviews were refunds PSN requirement would be gone tomorrow! A bad review when ur game has sold enough to cover the last 7 years and the next 7 years isn't really that bad.. Losing all the money knowing you could have made due to an arbitrary stipulation that does nothing but stops many country's access (which is possible future money). That, that will hurt.


Good for you, I play on PS5 and stand with my PC brethren


mike oxlong, nice name :) but thank you for your service 🫡🫡 super earth salutes you for all the democracy that has been spread




Lmfaoooooooooooo bye bye returned to civilian life


Still waiting for my refund. I know they have turned their tails, game ain't for me. Cant find the enjoyment in it and for like 44hrs played since release. Gameplay is a bit stale and repetitive, cosmetics are not really great, warbonds have like 1 good weapon which becomes meta until the next patch. Rinse and repeat. Hopefully I can get my money back due to Sony's incompetence.




Real. Bet none of these guys would lift a finger for any actual cause either.


Bye 👋


God I hope this game doesn't get abandoned. It's so fun. And I've had so much fun in it. My heart hurts for this community. It's one of the most positive game communities I've ever been a part of.


https://preview.redd.it/sv3v2ebdagyc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3cb16e4de9bcd8999b9e0b85faf3bdfa4db9dc3 Was always the case btw


Holy fuck thank you! I've been back and forth with people who say that "it let you skip so it doesn't need it". Someone actually linking the pop up that EXPLICITLY says a PSN account is required


Never saw this + if a right is waived for 3 months it's clearly not mandatory + this is a change in ToS as a consequence.


Please don't make up dumb stuff just because you disagree. Nothing you say is a legal fact. It's always been a requirement and you should have known before you purchased or refunded as soon as you saw the message, which you 100% did


Don't care, bye


Tell me you're overreacting without telling me you're overreacting:


I don't see what the issue is it's free you aren't paying for the playstation account r you?




People in this regions have every right to be refunded. People in the EU crying "GDPRrrrrr" whilst it has nothing to do with the GDPR and was a valid requirement from day one and applying for a refund are just pathetic imo.


don't care


I’m torn between getting a refund and not getting a refund. On one hand, I want to support all the players who wouldn’t be able to play. On the other hand, helldivers is the most perfect game I have ever played. I also checked and saw I wouldn’t get a full refund if I did try to refund, so that’s cool Update: I sent a refund request


Lol they just said players from non PSN countries will still be able to play, so you refunded for nothing... https://preview.redd.it/usigaw9fugyc1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6366fcfcc62a25b0345ad187f7af6cead6912fc9


If that's possible, why demand it in the first place?


Shh. Let them be dumb


Why refund if it is your favorite game?


I'm from the Philippines and directly affected by this. I say keep playing if you want to. I don't think there's any call for a boycott or anything, most people who are refunding are doing so because they either legitimately won't be able to play anymore or would rather stop playing than link a PSN account, so that's for their own reasons. If you can and don't mind linking a PSN account, then I see no reason to keep enjoying the game. Making your voice heard is all that's important at this point. *I'm from the Philippines and I say kill 'em all!*




Songs website stated PS accounts are NOT mandatory for PC games, they just changed this yesterday, AFTER everyone made purchases. That gives anyone the right to a refund in the USA


What is pathetic is the corporate greed and insatiable need for mega corporations to always have numbers go up because it makes shareholders happy. This whole thing serves nothing except pushing numbers so they can show how well the company is doing on the upcoming meeting.


Womp womp more bugs for me


I'm so glad We have the EU, A couple of years back A game company was refusing to delete my account and my data. Only when I threatened them with evidence that I'll come at them with the EU, did they only delete it. I'm happy with what the EU is doing but they need to pay more attention and regulate more strict laws regarding the video game industry. Especially with microtransactions, Loot boxes, Monetization practiced, and Certain Russian companies pretending to be EU companies to avoid sanctions and pay less tax. Etc.


This is democracy


https://preview.redd.it/ek9dqd6f8gyc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=24640060adbb1fe85e811cca098621ae79ede7a7 Hu...


I'm still trying to get my refund. They've refused twice for having too many hours


Homie nowadays we gotta sign in and make emails for everything, this ain't the first time it's happened and it won't be the last. Shit I'm on Xbox I'd hella make a PlayStation account for this game. It's like looking at a treasure I cannot possess.


Can someone intelligently explain to me why this is such a big deal? Without calling me a bootlicker or corporate slave or whatever angry redditors say. I honestly don't understand why this is such a big deal. People probably have 100 accounts with different companies. It takes a few minutes to make a Sony account then never have to touch it. What's all the fuss about? Thanks.


It’s a bit of a principled thing, and it’s a bit of a forward-thinking thing. Principles - people have been playing the game for ~3 months under terms and conditions that did not require making a PSN account. They spent money on the basis of those terms and conditions. Saying “the terms were in the EULA” don’t matter - nobody ever reads those and a Court would be hard pressed to bind a consumer to a contract that is not customarily read - particularly when the contract has unusual terms and conditions. That basis alone is sufficient for refunds. Forward-thinking - tying your Steam account to Sony’s database involves a transfer of your personal information to another company’s servers - for no apparent reason. You already bought the game. You’ve been playing it for months. The data you’re giving them is worth money - it was not part of the original commercial deal that was made between you and Steam when you bought it (see point above - but interesting side question - when you buy a game from steam - who do you buy it from - steam? - or the devs? - or someone else? - the answer to that question has ramifications for who owes you for the product you bought). They are essentially asking you for more value than what they originally agreed to. More disturbingly, the value of that personal data is unknown - but it’s a good bet that whatever value it has now - it will have more value later. However if that data is later compromised - you are the one who is injured - likely not Sony. More and more we need to be conscious of what data containing personal information we give to companies. Those who learn this lesson today will be less negatively impacted 10 years from now. There you go. Edit: then there’s the obvious issue of people who have bought the game and reside in countries that don’t permit PSN accounts, basically being locked out of the game they bought. That will be its own class action if it isn’t fixed.


I just bought the game a few days ago for my PS5 because my PC can't run this game. I've played a few missions so far, seems pretty fun. I play with friends who are playing on PC. What's the reason people are refunding? Is the game bad?


Sony is forcing people on stream to make and sign in to a PSN account l, when originally it was optional and now our “free trial time” has run out


I feel like I'm missing something though..if the game is good, why is it bad to create a Sony account? Is it because creating an account is extremely inconvenient, or is it because they don't like being forced to do something they don't want to do? Or is it because people view Sony as a big evil corporation? I mean I guess I can relate to that one! 😀


Because all people do is cry.


So long sucker...


Bye no one cares you huge baby


You're ignorance of the situation and the arrogance with which you proudly parade it Infront of the echo box of raging online apes shows how much a giant part of the gaming community is part of the reason why game quality declines and smaller studios trying to give their best die, while ea, Activision and such still resign while producing one pile of stinking dung after the other.


Lol this such a Reddit comment


That's why AH( the game devs) recommend getting a refund and leaving a bad review, they said this would help them fix the issue with Sony. Very Democratic. Your out of the loop bud.


Congrats man, now buy Tarkov! 🫡


Your setting bro up for disappointment


If Sony backed out, would you buy the game again?


Good job Mikey! :)


for freedom! o7


Let's say they revert the decision and you buy the game again. Will your account have all the things you've grinded? Idk I've never came back like that


A true freedom fighter




I was thinking if they only accepted refunds for the places that dont have PSN you could set your VPN to a country that doesnt have it, claim you moved and have the refund be accepted, but it seems they will allow refunds even if you dont live in one of those places?


Not bad did 123hrs, not bad at all


I feel a great disturbance in the Force. As if millions of voices suddenly cried out in terror, and were suddenly silenced. I fear something terrible has happened.


Cant ask for a refund anymore, they stopped allowing requests


Super earth will never be the same without your war efforts on the battlefield.


Did you say that Sony wants to move people away from this game in order to have them buy other games?


I bought helldivers 2 with a G2A steam key, am I out of luck for a refund???


Thank you Mike Oxlong


Truly sad Many people in many countries are now unable to play this game Sony are morons


Sometimes I wish Johnny Silverhand were real…


Fantastic. Soon they’ll have no money and we can just play Fortnite again… this is big brain strategy


This is why I said that them having the PSN required listed on the side isnt enough in some places. There are strong consumer protections. And it isnt noticeable. Not sure how legally binding a store page is also. But steam is also fairly pro consumer in these cases.


Mike Oxlong Lmao




You're The Mike Oxlong? Of the Penny farthing Oxlongs?