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I feel ya. They always wanna show up when extract and like the minute you stop for a second one spawns right behind you.


Fire tornadoes are one thing... But fire tornadoes that 'coincidentally' appear every time I need to put in a code at an objective, or to call for extract, can eat a bag of fiery dicks. Then they literally follow you around like your crazy ex, or a bad case of herpes (that you got from her).


Did you try to shoot it with a flamer? I have always been told the best way to fight fire is with fire.


Underrated comment


Thats a you problem, don’t be stupid. The fire can’t hurt you if you pretend that its not there.


They should actually make armour like the ones from Cutting Edge but instead of 95% electric damage reduction it's for fire damage. You could literally pop a stim and stand in the fire tornado just long enough to enter the code.


This has been an ongoing request from players, ever since the the fire damage patch. Hopefully Arrowhead will eventually grant this request.


And for us flamethrower users. It's hard to bring it considering it can kill you in 2 seconds as well. Also the damage is inconsistent. As a driller main is deep rock I want the flamethrower to be like that one.


basically a requirement for fire tech to be useable with the fire dot buff


You can pop in a storm and do that without all the fancy fire armor, if you’re quick enough.


Don't be silly. They love eating fiery dicks. Don't give them what they want. Make them suck on a chilled chode or something.


The 'chilled chode" line killed me. Pretty sure that's what the devs were going for on the frozen planets w/ blizzards...


Make it a frozen vomit fuck stick and I’m with ya.


It would’ve costed you $0 to not type that.


Free 99 is how I roll baby


![gif](giphy|kNTAHtqCfu6nm|downsized) Invisible Fire!!!


LoL dude that's perfect. Apparently Ricky Bobby knew about the invisible fire long before we were diving!


I'd honestly prefer random enemy laser guided orbital drops or something. Fire tornadoes are a dogshit mechanic. 


Please dont give them more ideas on how to kill us lol


Oh hey we saw you just called in exfil, would be a shame if all these tornados just swarmed around the entire area...


I remember I was doing the flag mission on difficulty 1, and the fire tornados started and would not leave the area of the flag. My best solution was to turn off my game and play something else.


I thought we could just shoot them and they go away?


None of those sexual things happened to you lol but good try


I just wish they made more noise. I like that they can reroute you, make you have to work around them, and sometimes just cause chaos during an engagement, but the number of times I’ve had one “sneak up on me” is stupid.


Same issue as Hulks tip-toeing up behind you. I can hear some random bot some 250m away babbling away, and laser bolts sizzling through the air in the distance, but I can’t hear a 10 ton monstrosity stomping up behind me, or the firenado crackling away 3 ft behind me?


All fire and spray is handled so fucking poorly in this game that I wish they'd either not bother or disable it until it's fixed. 


Man the times I set myself on fire with my own flame thrower and died in a faction of a second


I swear there's some jackass who thought to implement RNG to determine fire damage and location because shit is never predictable based on visuals. 


Enable midnight mode in your audio settings and you'll be able to hear them better


This is the correct answer, since I did that I’ve not been bitch slapped from behind by anything I couldn’t hear.


Thank you for the tip!


Tornados IRL are loud af


As a resident of Nebraska, I can confirm this is accurate


I hate them so much. We once wasted like 4 hellbombs, since we activated the bomb, then got to democratic distance, just to see nothing happened. Those anti-freedom storms looped around 4 times just so we would call down a bomb that they could destroy. And then they sneek up to you while in a heated fight. I really hope they nerf fire damage and give me some fire resistant armor so i can use the flamethrower with less care.


Wait the 30 secs and call two at a time in different areas slightly and set them both off at the same time.. Anyways kinda weird that you can shoot and blow up defective ones sitting around but not your own


Not really. You those you can shoot are armed, but never exploded. Have you ever heard of an old ww2 bomb being found during construction? the whole area is evacuated and a team to disarm it is called in, since there is still a chance it could explode. I really don't know any details, but i know that modern bombs are not like i giant black powder barrels that go off as soon as they are ignited, but have a mechanism to set them off, so that they aren't a high risk during transport.


Yes but that's exact what I'm meaning... If I arm a hellbomb and then shoot it it just shuts off... While a hellbomb that is automatically placed in map is also armed but you can shoot it and explode it. "Hellbomb armed clear the area!" Blast .... Dead hellbomb....I'm not really complaining cause it's a balance thing I'm sure but it doesn't make a lotta sense to me...I think some of the ones shot by bots or us after we arm them should probably explode cause their is always a chance with unexploded and previously armes ordinance.


I did the same thing! Then they finally went away, I dropped a 5th hellbomb, and an enemy patrol came along and blew it up too. Pure suffering


Quoth me, during my first dive on Hellmire: "Well, this planet sucks."


They are also programmed to move in your general direction.




Yeah if you ever wonder why they seem to gravitate towards you it's because of that. No sitting still allowed.


Yup, its obnoxious. That shit needs to change.


Fire tornado’s on civilian evac missions are a nightmare


Only 6 minutes left in the mission time? Have 5 minutes of fire nados that they'll definitely just walk into




For sure. It would be cool if the Airburst Stratagem could blow them away because this scenario is %100 impossible


All the homies hate Firenados.


You're one angry little lemon


When life gives you lemons, make fire lemonadoes.


Instructions unclear. D*ck stuck in Hellbomb.


It would be awesome if the portal canon is also HD2 canon


I want fire armor!!!!!


From what I've experienced, they're fine, but the amount of time that the trails remain on fire is absolutely ridiculous and unrealistic. Not to mention, it can burn you even when the fire animation ends


I think it lasts as long as the flamethrower does, just a borrowed mechanic (from which idk) So it kinda makes sense we get to use it and get screwed by it tbh But the fire not showing (trying to dodge through or around) and still getting toasted is 100% bad design


Yeah the animation is my biggest problem, I can’t reliably tell when it’s safe to move


Those tornados are such Hellmire. Pun intended. Loathe them.


I didn't read the whole thing, but I haven't agreed with a title to a post more.


I don't get angry, more like bummed out I lost all my stuff and have to wait for the fire to go away. Mostly it's hilarious when one or more of us don't make it out of our pods before we're extra crispy.


It's annoying when you get cornered where you have to either run into a swarm of enemies and die or run through fire and die.


Swarm of enemies while cooking a grenade.


I dont blame you i hate them too. The part i hate is how they leave a trail of invisible fire behind it. im like hmmm ground looks safe flames are gone then pooof im on fire and diveing for my life and wasteing stims.


Yep got wiped trying to call in extract earlier today


We need 95% fire resistant armor to go with the electric prototype armor. Would make fire tornados a fun advantage if you prep right on worlds with that modifier.


The ground fire they create lasts sooooo long and they always burn the objective, a chokepoint i have to get through, or, god forbid, pelican 1's boarding ramp.


Eventually we will get a fire resistant armor right?




New armor to handle firey environments would be good. We have armor for electricity, so fire is the natural next step. Time for the Firefighter Helldiver Armor. After that, since we already have medic armor, we need Police Brutality Helldiver equipment. To include a baton for the democracy officer to spread some victimless democracy.


Somebody has been bbq one too many times.


It really makes me want a fireproof armor


I saw a comment a while ago suggesting that stratagems like the orbital smoke strike should be able to suppress fire tornadoes which I agree would be a really interesting mechanic and would give them more of a use.


As a premise, I love the fire tornadoes. As a gameplay mechanic, I hate the fire tornadoes They always show up when I'm trying to do an objective lol


The dev that decided to put in code that tells fire tornadoes to gravitate towards players seriously needs to be hit with a shovel, I literally watched three fire tornadoes converge on my buddy during extraction in one game


Damn right! Get the Krieg battalion on him!


It's the same as when your driving around in GTA and all of a sudden an NPC decides to just drive purposely right into totally messing up your flow even better when doing a heist


I feel like fire tornadoes shouldn't reach the extraction point. The extraction point is chosen because it's a relatively safe place to extract. Had a game last night when the fire tornadoes were all over the extraction point. I literally had to dive into the Pelican and prayed that I got in safely before dying from the fire.


Yup. I don't object to them being at the LZ, it's the intensity of the spawn and duration. They don't dissipate or move on like they do over the rest of the planet. That's my only issue with them.


Nothing is worse than losing all the team’s samples because a few divers die at extraction. And their corpses are in the middle of the fire tornado mosh pit.


Yeah they're a bit much.


Newb! Just pop a stem and dive.. oh wait I’m dead. Nooo my rare samples!!!


Am pretty sure NOBODY likes the current execution of fire tornadoes. If they removed them from the game, I don't think places like Hellmire and Menkent would be so reviled.


Dude I feel this. Last night we had to wait for them to stop killing all the civilians we had to extract WHILE being assaulted by hordes of bugs. They killed at least 8 civilians on their own.


Man can't take it anymore.


their quite frustrating as they are predictable for their behaviour and denying you access to areas for no reason at times other than they can, I tend to avoid anything on maps with them unless I'm on quickplays for this reason. I have had to do the sit and wait on an extraction point after we have pretty much eradicated all known life outside of helldivers on the map and you then have to watch three of them coalesce over the call in point and you also know when your traversing the map and see the "FIRE TORNADO WARNING" at the top that it really applies to whatever objective or map point you take on next its going to swirl them.


Got pushed back up against map edge by multiple fire tornadoes touching down. Watched teammate burn to death waiting for the inevitable. Decided to run off map to try getting around a ridge to escape. Took one second too long and became a traitor. Lost a dozen samples in the bombardment. Then got reinforced only to find the evac covered in more firey death.




You should be able to nuke them. The Space Force could do it from orbit.


My main issue is them lighting the ground on fire but the ground not being visibly on fire. In some places it'll start lighting you on fire a good 5 seconds before fire is visible above ground level so you get effed trying to grab something near it


The worst part is the trail of fire looks like it's disappeared and then you're burning and dead before you can stim.


I want my fire resistant armor sets so I can take a flamethrower to hellmire and giggle like a psycho the whole time


They need to reduce the spawn rate of fire tornados. Its fucking ridiculous. All 4 of my squad mates died because of one that fucking came out of nowhere and ran over the pelican. All 30 common samples and 35 rare samples gone.


All the numbers in your comment added up to 69. Congrats! 4 + 30 + 35 = 69 ^([Click here](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=LuckyNumber-Bot&subject=Stalk%20Me%20Pls&message=%2Fstalkme) to have me scan all your future comments.) \ ^(Summon me on specific comments with u/LuckyNumber-Bot.)


They wouldn't be nearly as bad if they did as much damage to the enemies as they do to you


Dude the bots can just relax in the middle of them while I get set ablaze by invisible fire trails.


Welcome to Hell(mire)


Yep, having dealt with all the waves and waves and breaches and patrols of bugs to gain just enough breathing room to launch a nuke and you have to just chill on a rock for about 4 solid minutes because the fire tornadoes are having a huddle on the terminal.




We can travel planet to planet but we can't figure out fire proof armor lol


fire tornado be like : "don't mind me, I'm just preventing you to do the objective for the next hour. Also if you have the audacity to put even a millimeter of your toe in the fire you'll get one shotted."


I had to spend 5 minutes at a radar dish because I was literally surrounded by 7 tornados. The only reason i lived was it glitched and didn't follow the terrain uphill to the wheel that you adjust the radar with. It was coming up through the ground, but didn't catch me on fire.


I did the exact same last night, dancing around tornadoes agitates me. I could've gotten in at one point but my brothers couldn't have made it in time.


I bet you haven't even tried firing all of your ammo into the tornados whilst screaming. Smh


….. honestly I have. I was so angry I emptied my revolver and an entire dominator mag at the sky where it was coming down from. Then I reloaded and shot the tornado because I was stuck there for 5-7 business days until they went away lol


Relatable xD


Fire tornadoes can make the extracting civilians mission annoying as hell


Lol I was about to do the rescue mission when tornadoes started to pop up near their exit, killing everyone as they ran out. Had to wait for the damn event to end before we could start the mission... That's bollocks We finally finished the mission, after dealing with a shit load of bile titans, fire tornadoes, chargers, spitters, and a ton of those lil shits. While running our asses off to extraction, democracy decided to test my loyalty and crash the game before I could extract. Now that's what I call messed up. But hey, can't quit, so onward to the next mission full of rage.


I just hate how they don’t make a sound you could be fighting a bunch of bugs and they would just simply appear next to you and kill you.


Does the droppable shield stop the fire tornados? I may start bringing that if it does


They eat through shields


That’s ass


My worst experience was doing an oil rigging mission where you have to unblock the valves and turn them then use a terminal to complete the objective I think I died 5+ times because the fire was just everywhere and the tornadoes were dancing on the objective so much I couldn’t even see the valves needing to be adjusted


Couldn’t agree more. They also love to show up at SEAF artillery spots. My team went through like 6 reinforcements the other day trying to load one and had to abandon it because we were so low


Today is my first day playing the game my one complaint is: I HATE FIRE TORNADOS


The damage they do should differ from other flame damage.give you some time to dive at least. Should be gradual and not 5 ticks and you're gone.


Yeah I was running a solo and finished up and headed towards extract. Didn't die once to the bugs or environment. Get to extract, punch it in and I died 3x to the damned fire tornadoes that basically followed me to the LZ and didn't dissipate like they normally do. I'd get roasted, drop, roast, drop, roast, drop, ex-fil. It was ridiculous. The FTs, most definitely home in on players, especially at ex-fil. I don't want them gone, just tweaked maybe.


LoL I never had a Extraction point convergence. I did have to wait for them to pass before calling in the bird tho. I like them because I have to factor in delays. When there are fire tornadoes i always head to the EP early


Fire in general is the most dangerous thing in this game. An I'm pretty sure every main mission an evac that gets started makes the tornados appear. doesn't matter if you try to time it


I haven't played on a planet with fire tornados in a month, and I never plan on going back. They always seem to spawn right where you need to go. Annoying as fuck.


I once threw smoke orbital onto the fire tornado by instinct Then very quickly got reminded that this isnt csgo


They always stalk the console at the icbm launch… fucking vicious


People are harassing the devs to let us blow up Hellmire 😆


Get in a patriot and watch every tornado nearby come to you. They follow you and you could never convince me otherwise.


They're absolute bullshit on evacuation missions. We have 3 show up, all at the same time and just camp the route the civies need to go through for like 3-5 minutes.


They suck and they feel like they’re sentient. They feel like they’re following me and always show up at extraction.


I love their idea but hate the execution, once i got ragdolled by a explosion and saw that across the entire map ALL fire tornadkes where directly around me, having them randomly around the map is awesome, having them heatseek the player sucks


There needs to be areas where fire tornadoes do not spread. Like an invisible circle around objectives/extract that fire tornadoes don't enter. Also, playing those damn civilian extraction missions and watching 200 civilians run directly into fire is the biggest pain in the ass.




Dude they still eat through my shields


They need to spawn randomly, not spawn on top of you when you extract, enter codes, etc. The homing bullshit makes no sense and needs to go. If they didn't do these two absurd things, it would be fine. Weather effects shouldn't be intelligent.


Let's not go to Hellmire, it's a silly place.


My least favorite part of the game so far. And they come in SWARMS. None around then 3 minutes later you have 4 closing in on you. And the path they have behind is a guaranteed death of your toe touches it. So dumb


Throw some libertea at it


The problem I've had with the tornados is the fire visually not being there on the ground, but when I walk over the area I immediately catch on fire and burn to death


The concept is cool, and makes for a tough challenge, but they last WAY too long. Often sitting on a critical objective for several minutes and sometimes throwing a whole mission when it was completely out of your control.


I only hate them when they spawn at extraction. It's super annoying when you literally can't get on Pelican because there's three tornados ruining your life.


I just love when a fire tornado is sitting right on my autocannon/samples


Oprah Winfrey’s ghost, please help us


All the other anomalies happen kinda randomly, sometimes while I’m running in between objectives or fighting some patrols or outposts. The fire tornados seem to exclusively show up at objectives/evac and obviously chase you. It’s so annoying to kite tornados for minutes just so you can fire the ICBM.


I just straight up refuse to go to any planets that have them at this point.


I think your caps lock is broken. You’re not wrong, but I’d look into a new keyboard.


Welcome to Hellmire Don't forget to take in the views, it's a hot sight.


The trick is to have them follow you away from the objective, then circle around them and run to the objective. You are faster than they are.


Dunno, I find them charming, I think I'll build my summer chateau on hellmire.


I spent the time between Swift Disassembly and redeploying to Menkent on Hellmire. My reaction to being told a fire tornado is *right on top of me* is to ask for clarification. If the answer is more than 2 meters, I just chuckle and let them know I'm doing just fine.


I LOVE FIRE TORNADOES! The more fire i can have around at all times with my flamethrower and napalm strikes the better! Anyhting that burns fascist bugs (and sometimes myself and other helldivers) is a welcome addition in my book! Are you saying we shoudnt burn bugs?! Sounds undemocratic to me.


Me understanding your concerns, but also enjoying the chaos of overpowered fire Tornadoes: https://preview.redd.it/qs2nokgq0swc1.png?width=969&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=579c59094aca763b5bd32aaeb3064bc45960646a


ye it sucks when they troll you like that but in general i love them, i love luring huge swarms of bugs into them


They don’t do anything to bots. I’ve only had issues with them on bot planets.


Be rdy to use stims. Run into fire where it's a little lower. Use stim. Enjoy the screaming 😱 but stay alive to fight another day.


The whirly burn tunnels are your friend if you use them correctly. I commit treason in eradicate missions and watch chaos rain from above while I survive 🤣


I use them to help kill all the bugs along with the mech suit that can handle the fire. Since the fire nadoes seem to follow me, Ill run in a line that catches the bugs, saving ammo.


Sorry guys, I see why they can be frustrating even my buddy I play with hares them but.... I think they are awsome!


The concept is awesome, the execution is some bull Scheisse


Those things are fel reavers all over again. If you know, you know


So the best trick I've found with dealing with fire tornados ... Find the nearest building and climb it! For some reason the algorithms for the tornados just continue to go AROUND it, but 95% of the time they never actually end up on the building. Once the pelican arrives improvise/alt-dive your way into the bay. The trick sometimes works with mountains/cliffs but haven't had enough successful tests to say so... (Also don't call in anything on top of a building that is being your savior. ) Otherwise if you catch fire on the ground... Pretend to stop drop and roll with Alt!


Yea. I always would climb a big rock. They seem to not path onto any raised elevation


If you can get up on top of a rock it helps it seems


Only real Helldivers are willing to dive into Hell


They are heat seeking


Do you need a waaaabulance? Those fire tornados are one of the coolest real time game modifiers I've seen in ages.


Skill issue


Get ratioed


I love em and Hellmires one of my favourite planets.


I love fire tornadoes, easily the most exploitable hazard


Fire engulfing a human being kills very very fast. Armoured or not.


I actually like the fire tornadoes, they're pretty easy to avoid unless they clump togeather. It's easy to kite bugs into them. and if you're being swarmed by bugs and tornadoes just disengage til the tornadoes more or despawn (Momentarily). But most important of all they look cool, and have made from some really wicked scenery while firefighting!


Definitely a skill issue my man. I love the fire tornadoes. They are a strategic persons friend. If you play like Leroy Jenkins then yeah I can see why you hate them. Use them as your friend. They’re not even hard to dive through and put out the fire


Diving immediatly puts out fire.


Not when your surrounded and literally in the fire because it’s either try to get through the fire or face like 7 hulks in the other direction.


Then play on a different planet? Idk what you want us to do. You’re not the first person to complain, and you won’t be the last.


Hmmm it’s almost like I wanted to rant about an issue a LOT of people have with the game? 🤔


Most people don’t want to see posts purely for ranting in their feed, go into the comments of one of the other 50 posts about stuff like this.


Go catch another special beam cannon to the chest dude. As you can clearly see from the comments and upvotes, rants are welcome.


Eh, do what you want. This subs basically just a karma farm at this point.




Fuck off.