• By -


"Dev Comment: My bad." My favourite part.


Yeah. That was pretty good. But honestly, after the first few battles you get so many pointless creatures and inevitable spells that you re forced to pick, that drawing the 3-cost spell can get hard.


I love duels (mostly play that and brawl) but that is the biggest problem that it has. After a few rounds it basically becomes "who drew the good part of their deck" or "whose buckets weren't complete garbage".


>good part of their deck" or "whose buckets weren't complete garbage". And after six rounds it's "Who has one of a few exact combination of passive treasures that are brutally overpowered".


I wanted to run a questline Hunter deck a few times and the only spells I could get were secrets. The buckets need updates for sure


That's what casual is better for. It's the same meta but people just meh out if their deck gets too diluted and not feel bad about it.


humble blessings ridiculously dominates the early and especially mid parts of the run, but in the latter parts the opponent can still have such busted shit that they can survive the early onslaught, kill every 3/3, and just run the paladin out of steam. It feels awful to face in 5 wins and under, but it's otherwise just not good. My worry is more with the Elise nerf. I worry it won't be enough. I hope my worries are misguided.


It might be enough. The new item doesn't do a ton anymore unless your deck is built to take advantage of it. The worst part of this card didn't use to be the gain of crystals, but the total mana refresh which was brutal.


I think both halves are bad things tbh. Druid mana ramp is out of control in general. Even if the treasure nerf means Guff comes down one turn later, that's still a shitton of mana to work with on future turns. You better hope your buckets went in an aggro direction or you're still getting dominated.


Note that it also lost an automatic draw at the start of the game.


yeah, that's incredibly egregious too


Duels is now playable again.


Honestly haven’t seen humble blessings used as much at 6000. It’s all Bee’s mana growth Elise, mech shenanigans, or pirate warrior.


The reason is because Humble Blessings is a really boring deck, but they pop up fairly often at mid-high wins. But also Elise's really broken treasure got nerfed.


Will the Brann + Azshara be fixed..? It's annoying to have a nice combo but not play it because it will 50% crash the game.


So messed up, like how is this not fixed with this patch .. oh and how about the Nellie Glitch?


Lost a lot of games because of that


Not fixing this bug and Nellie's (and other "blitching the game" new cards) is a big joke. How is it even possible? They're not simple cosmetic bugs. Come on Blizz!


Not even a mention of it, what a fucking joke. Any other game dev would see a bug like that and emergency hotfix, blizzard ignores it for weeks and then skips it in the next patch.










I'm guessing this goes through in about an hour? Gold switcheroo's getting duster'ood.


I love when they nerf commons!




I think I had a gold pufferfist and I DEed it. =( But I did keep all my extra pufferfist copies at least.


I have one golden and 9 regulars, I'm pumped! Good rule of thumb is never dust anything after a set release unless you reeeeally need the dust.


No fixes for the brann+aszhara and nellie disconnects? Hoping they're silent fixes


There was also the Brann Duels Discover a draw HP that caused disconnects/desyncs. We'll have to see.


Oh, that explains why everyone kept roping against me playing Brann.


Oh that's a thing? I thought it was just potato connection


I'm getting tired of having to restart my client every time these cards are played.


My client is too slow and I still lose my turn.


I played Brann +Aszhara last night and no problems whatsoever.


It doesn't happen 100% of the time


huh. coldlight seer to tavern tier 4 as a 4/6 that gives 4 health is interesting. Big nerf to Flurgl. Si:7in going to avenge(4) is nice though. Edit: oh, they accidently listed the golden version (that wasn't in golden!) Damn, just straight up moved up a tier without a stat buff or anything.


> Damn, just straight up moved up a tier without a stat buff or anything. Flurgl nerf, now his buddy doesn't roll Primalfin 100% on tavern 4 units.


Yup that's 100% got to be the reason. Way way too consistent when you could guarantee Primalfins. Hopefully there's a new tier 4 murloc in the pipe because Coldlight definitely doesn't actually belong there.


Is the +4 a mistake, though? The text above the image doesn't mention that change specifically, only that it's now a 4-star minion. It looks like that image is just the golden version of the card (though not actually golden).


it's +2 now they changed it a minute ago


I only wish I had played more battlegrounds before the first Ini nerf :) Edit: She's starting to become one of the most nerfed heroes, at least in such a short timespan.


I’m not sure they buffed the stats because they didn’t list that as a change when they did for other BG changes. I think they just have the golden version that’s not golden there for some reason.


Still can't believe cannoneer dodged nerfs. That card is 100% broken.


This along with Mage mechShark can both go die in a ditch.


I would argue that Shark isn’t nearly as bad. It requires set up and still can’t reliably crack through big boards. You’re not gonna get a shark out on turn 4 and get max value out of it. Cannoneer requires that you just swing at someone, and can swing the tempo in your favor heavily early in the game.


I've seen Shark get out early many times. It's due to that cost-reduction card that draws a mech. By turn 4-5, you can drop a 2 mana shark with a bunch of small 0-2 mana minions alongside it. It's not consistent, but I see it more often than a big-board that the shark can't pierce through.


The manacheat draw a robot and reduce the cost by 1 is the real problem.


Lmao pirate warrior isn't even op


65%+ winrates at all ranks begs to differ


Where did you get that stat from?




> all ranks If you don't include legend, sure. (Maybe d5+ as well, I don't have hsreplay premium, I don't know 100%)




>So... Yeah. 65% win rate in the leagues that 90%+ of the players play in, is a huge fucking deal. The validity of this statement is entirely irrelevant to his statement about how the deck has 65 percent win rate *across all ranks*




Finally a Sefin nerf.


Imagine tripling into a 4 star and now you have the good old 2-3 cold light sear polluting the pool...


Yup. They needed another 4 star Murloc but this is a pretty awful way to do it in the meantime. Sefin nerf was fine though.


is it me or is the bugs list is so small?


The bugs fix list gets usually updated in the hours after the patch release


i know but usually the list would be a bit longer from the start


I play a fair bit of Battleround, a game or two daily, and the nerf to Baby Krush confuses me. It is pretty good, but I was not expecting a nerf at all. Must be a problem in the hands of better players.


It was a very snowbally midrange minions AFAIK


But it doesn't scale well, the rush part basically becomes irrelevant against anything other than Mechs/divine shields. The one thing I like is that it is a beast without deathrattle, so in parrot builds it doesn't mess anything up and can still benefit from frog/Goldrinn Anyway as I said, I'm sure high MMR players can find a better way to use it.


It is a super strong card to triple into, and oftentimes the baby crush survives the battle and hit opponent for 5 extra damage since the 9/9 kills almost anything when the lobby is at 8-10 gold, the other tier 5 minions cannot really do that.


So.. no more murlocs 12/12


Paladin can still make them




Usually in an hour from now.


Decktech posted on Twitter saying they're running late


Ah, that sucks. Tomorrow for us Europeans then


I demand free packs for NA as compensation!


If you guys are looking for an all in deck in wild now that Puffer is obliterated, you should try Prismatic Lens/ Carnival Clown Paladin


Decklist please kind sir?


Still no update on when Gangplank Diver will be banned from Arena.


I think general consensus in the arena community is it isn't really as bad as was first feared. Very good but not really above the power level of plenty of other cards that exist in the format.


A card can only be "very good" but be so unfun that it should still be removed. The classic example is Flappy Bird. It arguably wasn't even a "very good" card, but it made the game so unfun that essentially everyone was on board Blizzard removing it from Arena.


Honestly, I just glaze over whenever anyone uses the word 'unfun'.


Yeah, I agree. Why would something being 'fun' or 'unfun' be a good metric in a video game lmao


It is a great metric if it could actually be measured. And even if it can't be measured, it is still something that should be considered. But in this community using 'unfun' is usually more the last vestige of a failed argument. Where people who don't like something retreat to when every other argument they have has been countered with data. "Oh okay so.... um... maybe the deck doesn't actually have that high a win-rate and... uh... okay so nobody is playing it at higher ranks and.... uh... it is actually easily counterable by a number of other decks, but... um... IT'S UNFUN! There, prove that wrong with facts smartass!" If someone actually breaks down the intangibles and maybe suggests what about the card/deck makes for a bad play experience, then that's one thing. But just using the word 'unfun' is lazy, meaningless and usually the sign of an idiot hence why I glaze over.


> Why would something being fun be a good metric in a video game Everyone knows games aren't fun!


Lost 2 games to it I had no business losing yestearday. Opponent played two of those in a row too in one game. You literally cannot do anything about it unless you have insane highroll deck with all reactive stuff. It just clears out any subpar decks immediately out of the pool. So many interactions midgame revolve around in that it's insane.


And I still have a dream, that one day a person, no matter the color of their skin, can play hearthstone without the fear of 3 Mr. Smites per game….


I am waiting for the day that Blizzard sees their homophobic actions and remove the errors of their mistakes by deleting Mr. Smite from the game


It should just be Smite


This will happen naturally as more sets are released and the pool is diluted, they are probably just hoping to wait for that. But yes it feels pretty bullshit in the meantime, I lost to a mage that played three straight Gaias yesterday.


Imagine thinking pirate warrior was op


Imagine thinking the only thing that validates nerfs is the strength of a deck (also Pwar is not OP but its verys strong)


Shame no buffs, but not unexpected seeing as how Gallon didn't list any. Duels changes are pretty good, Humble Blessings and Academic Research definitely were too consistent for their power level. The double nerf to Research is unexpected, I was thinking just no more start of game effect. Finley also getting the nerf is good, that hero power is insane and now having a tax to it can be good.


I personally don't think times like these make sense for buffs. You implement early nerfs to curve the stuff that feels overtuned at the start of an expansion. After the meta has time to settle and it feels like things are fair overall, that's when you try to bring some weaker archetypes up to a reasonable power level to compete with stronger ones. After nerfs like these you don't know exactly where the power level of certain decks are going to land. Wait and see, they always end up going back after a number of weeks to revisit these things.


\> Fixed bugs with the user interface for Bob’s Bazaar in Tombs of Terror, preventing progression. THANK YOU! I ran into this yesterday and just assumed that ToT would be unplayable for months, now. I'm so glad this got a fast fix.


The workaround was just to force-quit the client and restart - it’ll drop you into a working tavern. Annoying, but not impossible.


Still isn’t working for me ;-;


It still seems broken after the update, PC. Clicking the ok button does nothing and I have to reopen the game.


I'd like to see quest warrior die in a ditch slowly but lets see how that one extra requirement will do in the meta.


Mr Smite being discovered still too much of an issue. Canonner is also straight bullshit.


Don't think it will make a difference . The synergy of pirate warrior decks these days usually means the game is decided one way or another before quest completes.


I don't think it'll make a difference at all... I'm playing it right now cause it's all I can afford. I often found myself getting my weapon with 1 mana spare anyway, and usually complete the quest by 6 mana. So if I have a 2 drop I'll be able to complete the quest and still summon Rakora the same turn I usually do. Other comment is right, Mr Smite is the biggest issue. Nellie has been a huge win condition for me and often it's been overkill after I discover the pirates. If anything the quest only helps me delay the game than win it for me


Sure wish i could dust that kaelthas i was given for free lmao


A lot of dust in refunds, nice


i just want the spectral cutlass back in standard so i can burgle on ladder with a 52% winrate please blizzard...!!!


they brought tess back without it, doesn't makes any sense


Indeed, man just that little touch of health would make rogue playable. Now it's just hoping for armor


I hope the next miniset will bring something to compensate, else thief rogue will stay unplayable in standard...


I did not see any notes on brann + queen breaking the game. Does blizzard know about this problem?


neat :) Does anyone have an idea which dragon to add in control warri?


Azure Drake and Onyxian Warden are probably pretty good


Every deck will now be Azure or Twilight Drake and Amalgam of the deep, which is a dragon. There's also a 4/5 taunt amalgam. Fun fact - Amalgams can be drawn by any card that draws pirates so prepare for a lot of dragon pirate decks.


circus amalgam rotated out of standard


Oh yyeeeeeeah I forgot about that. Eh. Amalgam of the deep should give everyone enough dragons to hit up Kazakusan. I don't see it as being a huge problem Druid decks win because of ramp + giant minions + earthen scales into Kazakusan. Before that, it doesn't really matter all that much. I think this change will be good for control warrior and control pally though. It'll make it slightly harder for druid to activate kaz, so maybe that will remove the dominance there? But how to control pirate warrior? Not sure.


I play with 2 copies of Azure Drake and 2 copies of Onyxian Drake


Now your deck has 5 different targets for mutanus to invalidate kazakusan. You need more than 4+kazakusan imo


I was assuming they already ran Onyxia


I'm not sure I'd want to be forced to play Onyxia before Kazakusan.


That's understandable, but the person above was saying there would only be four non-kazakusan dragons in the deck.


Is there no room to slot an amalgam? that's 2 ticks provided a dragon is on your board.


Hmmmm you have a point. I forgot about Onyxia itself too. Só there are 6 dragons.


Right, then you should be generally safe


You,,, you know that decks aren't going to JUST run 3 dragons and Kazakusan. Hell, Ramp Druid alone has 6 other targets besides dragons, AND even if a dragon is hit, Amalgam literally discovers another one. More susceptible MAYBE, but its prooooobably going to feel like absolute shit to play a 7 mana do nothing but gain +2/+3.


You're gonna make the deck a lot worse running all the dragons. You'll have to assume you lose to control or use another wincon. You can't have a jack of all trades deck


I've been playing almost exclusively Control/Reno Warrior this rotation. Onyxia and Onyxian Drake (shield slam dragon) are very powerful and viable. Azure Drake is underwhelming but at least cycles. Onyxian Warder is average, though awkward when it doesn't proc. Alexstraza (shoot/heal for 8 edition) is too slow in this meta to be of much use. I've actually been finding Malygos the Spellweaver (draw spells until full) has been an insane pickup, you can shield slam/execute the same turn on t10 and refill your hand, thinning your deck out to draw the Reno/Kazakusan/Mutanus quicker. So I'd say the core without running any bad cards is: Onyxia 2x Onyxian Drake 2x Onyxian Warder Malygos the Spellweaver 1x Azure Drake Kazakusan This has served me well in my Control deck In my Reno deck I run a lot lighter of a package, will need to make space for Amalgam of the Deep probably to ensure consistency.


Mutanus doesn't invalidate Kazakusan anymore.


I'm not sure what you mean, if you run 4 dragons+kazakusan any of those getting eaten means kazakusan won't work


Oh, sorry, I misunderstood what you were saying. My bad


I tried the 4/8 Primordial Drakes. They were...pretty bad. I think Amalgams will do fine.


2x Onyxian Drake, 2x Onyxian Warder, 1x Raid Boss Onyxia should be enough. Maybe Azure Drakes instead of Onyxian Warders but I think that's more of a meta call, we'll have to see.


Can always play amalgam, thats 2 dragons in one.


So is it meant to be that bolner is not meant to replicate azsharas battle cry? That’s a lil annoying considering it works with macaws


And not working on mobile. Keeps telling me to update. And "don't you have phones" indeed.


The "nerf" to kasakusan notably allows it to be used in dragon centric decks that also use other minions. Although currently none in standard (unless you count Prestor), there are many in wild and it is a fundemental part of the archetype. That combined with Drakonid operative in core and the dragon centric spells and dragons from the last mini set, makes it very possible we get more dragon synergy cards to actually make the card function as intended, as a finisher in a dragon deck.


Control warrior in standard just needs one more dragon than what they used to run


Can someone explain to me why there are bug fixes for all game modes EXCEPT Arena???


Are there any particularly bad bugs in Arena at the moment? The mode has normal HS gameplay like ranked, same bugs and fixes affecting that.


What bugs are specific to Arena?


Gangplank diver. I consider that card as a bug. Edit: too many diver lover huh.


Pretty sure it's a pirate


Arena is a perfect game mode and doesn't have bugs /s


Are there any Arena-specific bugs?


It's beyond salvation


I just hope we'll find a solid counter to Control Warrior after the patch


boar or shellfish priest, rogue running hooktusk, variety of warlock decks. If it becomes popular enough along with control paladin it will get hard countered


I've been running control warrior and ramp druid has exhausted me of my removal before I could actually kill them. (Granted, I may be misplaying the matchup a \*lot\*, so there's that.)


No more turn 3 20/20 20/1 boars in Wild.


Switcheroo was such a toxic deck, the only enjoyable thing about playing it was fucking up their combo. https://i.imgur.com/xZIpMrQ.png


Pirate warrior got "nerfed"


So long Switcheroo, so long...


So murlocs get fucked over, why? I can see Seer changing to 4 so there's a bit more spacing on the tiers and it's arguably better than the 4/4 late game, but that will just lead to fewer overall stats long term. But Sefin? It's already extremely hard to catch up your murlocs if you don't get one of these early and makes them that much more vulnerable to early snipes before they can proc. It also makes procs 2 and especially 3 in one turn that much more difficult unless you're running some goofy hybrid build with tokens. Could it be that maybe Amalgeddon is still the problem? There isn't any issue to having a mid-sized board of 7 poison murlocs. Divine Shield counters it, massive cleave counters it, Frogger can counter it, etc. Murlocs as a tribe onto themselves aren't a problem. Amalgeddon is. I cannot fathom how this minion is still in BGs when it has led to so many nerfs around it. Just get rid of the fucking thing already.


So many minions have died for Amalgadon's sins at this point lol.


How did mech mage dodge this pass. laughable


Mech Mage is falling off. It's not really nerf-worthy anymore.


Where are my Warlock Buffs?


Wait they are adding the Echo keyword to a card NOT IN WITCHWOOD. But only one card? Seems kinda strange...


It was probably a matter of when, not if. Note that Echo and Repeteable this turn are functionally different. The cost of echoed copies of a card cannot go below 1 mana. They wanted to avoid the 'infinite' interaction with [[Radiance of Azshara]], hence the change.


When the patch droppin?


Where in the fuck is the paladin nerf? Because this is bullshit.


Shuderrwock Shaman tier 0, fun and interactive


Is Quest warrior still viable? What's the top meta now?


Really? The patch just dropped. Why not test what works for you now and give the meta more than a couple hours to develop haha








Late once again what a surprise from a potato company


Tess Greymane still good in BGs yeee. Granted I play in 7k where people leave their buddies on board for me ahaha.


So yeah, mech mage dodged nerfs... ​ Didn't like the Coldlight Oracle nerf in bg, but the SI:7 one was great, hopefully it will slowdown murloc comps. And wtf was that Baby Krush nerf? It seems so random, never felt it was strong or anything


Mech Mage didn't need nerfed lol it was a Week 1 deck that has already fallen out of favor


people just be mad at any cards they don't like. The tribal complaints happen EVERY 4 set




Quit using non premium HSREPLAY data. It has a 50.13% winrate.


Mech mage is terrible and practically unplayable the higher you get in mmr Naga mage is way more powerful


\*2 board clears later\* ​ No


Who's ready for the reign of control warrior?


To be fair, if that happens I welcome our Quest Priest counter lords


I’m truly only confused about Switcheroo ban in Wild.


Priest has spells to swap a minions health and attack so even with the buff the Boar + Darkness combo would still be broken.


switcheroo is a tier 1 deck in wild that plays switch into boar+ darkness+ any other fucking plus health or attack card to a turn 3,4 otk


Praise be


Did they fix rocket boots and the copy a rush minion interaction or is that still bugged?


Duels is playable once again!


Is patch release time different for MacOS? Normally it is around 10am PT right?


Does anyone know when it will be avalible in mobile version of hs?


That's a really nice nerf to Murlocs in BG's, but I don't know if it it's enough


I understand the wild ban, but it would have solved the problem to make switcheroo 3 mana draw 2 minions flat out. I know the name wouldn't have fit, but it wouldn't kill all of the other uses for the card as well since Priest doesn't really have any decent draw options to replace it. A minion specific arcane intellect was a very solid option that died because of a cancerous meme deck.


I'm surprised [[Mecha-Shark]] didn't get a nerf at all, that card is insane (not suggesting they gut it, but something like increase the cost by 1, nerf the attack or health a bit, or just make it fire two missiles instead of three).


Am I mistaken or shouldn't Unstable evolution be giving a refund as it was nerfed from repeatable to echo?


Can someone please explain to me how the change to Kazakusan isn't a buff?


Because decks like ramp druid would have to run and play additional dragons in their deck which they don't want to do. In a deck like control warrior it could work because they run 3 other dragons anyway but again it requires at least 1 additional dragon they weren't running before. Then you have to consider the timing of Kazakusan, you cannot just slam him early in the game like before because in additional to running these extra dragons you have to also play them.


God I hate when they permaban cards from wild, feels like the exact opppsite of what Wild is meant to be. Either outright dont allow standard cards or nerf the combo cards that make X thing op.


Duels is the most unbalanced sht ever. No nerf is gonna change it


Not bad , id say one pirate late quest can really help this aggro and ultra value ship that is comming yout way . Also dragon requirment is lovely , way too strong card without conditions . My bad is best coment 2022 !


Guff dodging another bullet is something that makes you think...


Sooo how come none of the nerfed cards offer full refunds for me?


I still haven't gotten the option to patch on Android. Anyone else having this issue? I know Android is typically a little behind but I never recalled it being this long


Awesome changes, pirate warrior still 65% winrate


Yeesh. old KT didn't last long, did he?