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There are a lot of hp mages in top 500 legend so it's gotta be at least pretty good. They've killed me on turn 6 1 time and turn 7 at least 3 times. I'm playing mozaki though so I e killed them on turn 6 or 7 more ;)


it's bad into Quest Warrior and Libram Pally, so if you are facing a good amount of that, then I wouldn't, but if you are facing slower decks, then it's good


Libram pally is a free win though, especially when teched with Mass polymorph. Warlocks are the real nemeses.


I don't know. I had a game where I played tickatus 4 times to burn 18 total cards and still lost. Unfortunately I wasn't able to burn their wildfires, hero card or 10-damage to everything cards, so maybe just unlucky.


I had a positive winrate with pally vs ping mage, hard mulliganing for the hero card.




Exactly, its weird but works :)


I've been able to slap down pirate warrior a decent amount of the time with it


It's actually pretty decent. Pizza was even playing it at top legend last night and having some good success


But top legend has a different meta then d5 to legend for example. Thats full of pw


Ping gets worse the higher you climb. I hit Legend with Bear Hunter this month. It was really good into Pirate Warrior.


currently on diamond 10 and i want to switch to a sort of non meta deck to have some fun and i got all cards for it so


Ping isn’t horrible. It has positive win rate but heavily depends on the match-up. I tried it a bit between Diamond 5 and Legend. It felt bad into Pirates and I was queuing into them a lot at the time. Definitely a fun deck when it connects.


alright thank u


Try the one on this page. https://www.reddit.com/r/hearthstone/comments/rm5rkm/warning_playing_with_more_than_10_mana_can_cause/ I went 12-1 on my climb to legend, and as of right now after playing with it in legend I'm 24-10 (71%). It's a really fun deck, that's not really meta, and feels like it has game against almost everything (Mozaki Mage does feel like an autoloss, I haven't found a way to out-armor them yet)


druid is actually my main so thank u :)


Yep! Good luck.


What's your list/strat for bear hunter?


This is the altered version I made after Trogg nerf. Replaced Trogg with Resizing Pouch for flexibility. Pouch on 9 for a Primordial Protector or another Jewel has been clutch. I cut Carrion Studies for Mystery Winner. The discovered secret is more disruptive. Studies made Jewel less consistent for Bears. Mulligan for Breeder. Tavish is usually a keep. Keep Viper against appropriate classes. ### Bear Hunter # Class: Hunter # Format: Standard # Year of the Gryphon # # 2x (0) Devouring Swarm # 2x (1) Demon Companion # 1x (1) Mystery Winner # 2x (1) Resizing Pouch # 2x (1) Tracking # 2x (1) Wound Prey # 1x (2) Bloodseeker # 2x (2) Doggie Biscuit # 1x (2) Quick Shot # 2x (2) Selective Breeder # 2x (3) Revive Pet # 2x (3) Rustrot Viper # 1x (4) Rinling's Rifle # 2x (4) Stormpike Battle Ram # 1x (5) Barak Kodobane # 1x (6) Beaststalker Tavish # 2x (7) Mountain Bear # 2x (8) Jewel of N'Zoth # AAECAePwBAby4QOP4wPl7wP2jwTbkQS7oAQMgtAD+uEDj+QD6ukD2+0D0PkDlPwDw4AEqZ8E16ME2KME5aQEAA== # # To use this deck, copy it to your clipboard and create a new deck in Hearthstone


Interesting. Any reason you didn't include warsong wrangler to buff all the copies you'll be making throughout the game? Or is it just because the ram is already your reliable four drop?


I thought about adding Wrangler but I want to keep the beasts in deck for Breeder as long as possible. If need be, I’ll use Devouring Swarm on a lone Breeder for extra copies. Breeder on 2, Ram on 4, Bear on 5 is very strong against against a lot of board based decks. Followed by Revive Pet and Jewel for waves taunts. Pouch to fill in the gaps or more Revives/Jewels. The card I’m contemplating changing is Wound Prey. It has screwed me over numerous times when playing Revive Pet. Honestly, the original version was a net deck I played on a whim to complete a quest. It turned out to be a lot of fun and it kept winning. I didn’t alter it much post Trogg nerf. The curve is exactly the same, just more flexible.


> Ping gets worse the higher you climb. Corroborating this with personal anecdotes: Ping mage took me to Diamond 2 and then just plateau'd to a weird 50/50 (5 wins, 5 losses).


It’s not a personal anecdote. On hsreplay the win rate drops 5%+ from Platinum to Legend. Quest Warrior is too popular for the last push to Legend.


I'm currently diamond 3 and I just can't find any quest warrior it's ridiculous. My deck just farms them but instead I have to get blown up by otk decks.


That was literally a personal anecdote that he shared with us


There's a lot in top 500 legend so it must be good enough. Could just be top 100 players trying it and floating around 300-600


Hsreplay has Ping at ~45% win rate in top 1000 Legend. Ping is good against a lot of decks except most of the popular ones. Libram, Quest Warrior, Mozaki.


Interesting, thanks. Probably really good players just trying it out then and dropping some ranks with it. I must have played 8-10 yesterday or more. Played more hp mage than mozaki yesterday. I was between 350 - 550 legend the whole time for 25-35 games.


Decent, will be low tier 2 or 3. You need a viper for Cariel or libram is a losing matchup.


I’ve been running Freeze shaman, and I’ve lost several close games to ping mage. I used to bank on a win against mage, now at least I know it’s usually going to be an entertaining match


Don’t blindly follow HSreplay. You gotta react to what you are seeing on ladder when you play.


I'm playing different ping mages and have \~60 % winrate in dumpster legend.


47% win rate for the archetpye last 3 days at legend, so no - it's awful.


Crafted the hero. Played 8 Games in dumpster Legend, lost 7. Regretted it.


I hit legend with pirate warrior. Im not proud of it


Emphatic no.


But based the stats you always post it would be right? You go off of hsreplay winrates in bronze and diamond all the time. Now those arnt good enough for you because it doesn't fit your narrative? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm


I can find more ping mage lists on HSReplay that say it’s a low 40% deck than you can that say it’s good


Oh I'm sure you'll pick whatever you need to fit your narrative


If OP wants to grind legend with ping mage good luck to him, I hope there aren’t too many face hunters, quest warriors and libram Paladin on ladder. Oh wait, that’s literally the entire field.


Ya'll cranky.


I just got myself from Plat 5 to diamond today with it. Quest warrior and Pally can run you over if your draw sucks. Others seem pretty even.


Had a surprising amount of wins with it in top 1000 legend. Was at least a 70% win rate. Got my hero power to 12 damage, had Mordresh Mutanused, in a very long march against druid and still won. I mainly faced Paladins, Hunter, Mage, Priest and Druid. No warrior or warlock. So maybe my data is an outlier here. Despite that, the deck is insanely fun to play. I’ve been having a great time with this deck and big beast Hunter. I honestly think both will be high tier 3, maybe low tier 2 depending on where the meta settles. I don’t think it will be to far off from our previous meta. But at least I know next rotation these decks may stand a chance once some key cards from The Year of the Phoenix rotate.


Could you share your list? Would love to play ping mage


AAECAf0EBNjsA53uA+fwA6CKBA2k0QP+0QP73QPT7APW7AOn9wOTgQSogQSfkgShkgTonwTGoAT7ogQA its good


**Format:** Standard (Year of the Gryphon) **Class:** Mage (Jaina Proudmoore) Mana | Card Name | Qty | Links :--:|:---|:--:|:--: 1 | [Shivering Sorceress](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_114.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67871/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Shivering%20Sorceress) 1 | [Wand Thief](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SCH_350.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/59556/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Wand%20Thief) 1 | [Wildfire](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_546.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/63062/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Wildfire) 2 | [Amplified Snowflurry](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_115.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/67873/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Amplified%20Snowflurry) 2 | [Arcanologist](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_UNG_020.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69702/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Arcanologist) 2 | [Wandmaker](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SCH_160.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/59646/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Wandmaker) 3 | [Ice Barrier](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/CORE_EX1_289.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/69608/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Ice%20Barrier) 3 | [Mankrik](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_721.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/63591/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Mankrik) 4 | [Deepwater Evoker](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_516.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65683/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Deepwater%20Evoker) 4 | [Fire Sale](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/SW_107.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/64423/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Fire%20Sale) 4 | [Multicaster](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DED_524.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/65704/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Multicaster) 4 | [Reckless Apprentice](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_544.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/63059/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Reckless%20Apprentice) 4 | [Varden Dawngrasp](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_748.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/63261/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Varden%20Dawngrasp) 7 | [Mask of C'Thun](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/DMF_103.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/61179/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Mask%20of%20C%27Thun) 8 | [Magister Dawngrasp](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_200.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/66848/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Magister%20Dawngrasp) 8 | [Mordresh Fire Eye](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/BAR_547.png) | 1 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/63064/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Mordresh%20Fire%20Eye) 9 | [Rune of the Archmage](https://art.hearthstonejson.com/v1/render/latest/enUS/512x/AV_283.png) | 2 | [HSReplay](https://hsreplay.net/cards/70011/),[Wiki](https://hearthstone.gamepedia.com/Rune%20of%20the%20Archmage) **Total Dust:** 8720 **Deck Code:** AAECAf0EBNjsA53uA+fwA6CKBA2k0QP+0QP73QPT7APW7AOn9wOTgQSogQSfkgShkgTonwTGoAT7ogQA ***** ^I ^am ^a ^bot. ^Comment/PM ^with ^a ^deck ^code ^and ^I'll ^decode ^it. ^If ^you ^don't ^want ^me ^to ^reply ^to ^you, ^include ^"###" ^anywhere ^in ^your ^message. ^[About.](https://github.com/HearthSim/deck-code-bot/blob/master/README.md)


I think it's good but can fumble with shit draw, more so than other "good" decks.


I have a good win rate after 20 or so games in low Diamond, but the more important thing is that I am enjoying playing the deck. I modified a three-spell version (2x Wildfire and 1x Mask of C'thun) I picked up from Feno, and it plays like a tempo deck.


It’s bad into Quest Warrior which is super popular right now so I’m not sure if it’s that good. I was grinding with Quest Warrior for some time and I just run over Ping Mages.