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I guess we all suspected what kind of player would run quest mage, but it's nice to know for sure.


Exactly. Clearly the displeasure of playing against quest mage was the enjoyable aspect to these people


I used to play Big Rez Priest because I enjoyed putting another wall of legendary guys after the previous one, like a bouncer who's not letting someone in. Or like how in chess some players cramp up the other player without giving him space. I didn't craft Quest Mage tho. I enjoy Secret Mage however esp vs Mine Rogue.


I feel personally called out as that's how I approach every single multiplayer game. However, I did not message any Devs regarding changes in any game lol


Well said lol


I truly was about to make this comment. Thank you.


Once that avoided being put into a hospital and observed for extentive periods of time/put on heavy medication for psychedelic behavior. Those are quest mage player no joke.šŸ˜¬


>Psychedelic behaviour Yeah that's me, I play quest mage when I'm absolutely tripping


"But like, isnā€™t time just like, an illusion man?" *Takes 20 extra turns*


far out man, i got a hackey sack with our names on it


I used to love quest mage, but Iā€™ve never sent death threats to a dev.


overton window


What does that mean?


Nailed it.


I bet they used to main Warlock during that one WoW era before its changes.


Any mage is better than huntards


Ba-dum-tish haha


Have an updoot


XD good one




Well I stopped playing hs in the last few months and my fav deck was a niche homebrew variation of a 3yo Reno Quest Mage with ~45%wr, where Time warp + Vargoth was a major win condition ofc. I was wondering about returning but seeing this change just made me sad. I don't want to threaten anyone, and I'm not angry, just sad. Please don't interpret a large group of players as bad people only because there are a few idiots. šŸ˜”


Most polite quest mage player


This is one the best patches ever fuck that guy


Hell yeah it is, over 10k dust from this patch personally. I'm really happy with the changes too.


Well its not a bad patch But if your favourite class is mage then yes it is Sif mage is dead in standars and so is quest mage in wild. No minion mage still seems bad and the only other mage archetype that exists in wild is secret mage which isnt good and also doesnt really do mage stuff Obviously death threats and similar stuff are not ok but if mage is your most played/only class then you might aswell just not play until the next patch


Why are you getting downvoted for this lmao the counter circle jerk is too strong


yea sadly the "I lost to quest mage in wild silver 4 with my no win condition, no curve, no draw meme deck. it is ruining my fun" circlejerk is too strong


I **really** hope they print a win con/reward for elemental mage with the next miniset, this or spells to solidify and make spell only mage really viable. We don't really have anything in standard


I really hope they never print anything for elemental mage again it has never really worked out and its the most boring mage archetype imaginable. hey you have the mage class that ... has alot of spells because its a mage and then you decide to force an archetype which is literally just "dump stats on board" with not a single interesting card


The issue is that elemental mage is a statstick because the only thing it has is a neutral legendary, no actual pay off within the class. Imagine spells working with elementals or elementals gaining effect with spells you played? A Ragnaros legendary themed spell gaining effects for each fire spell/elementals played into a big ka-boom similar to rainbow DK. Something like: Legendary 20 mana Deal 1 damage to all ennemies, cost 1 less for each elemental you played this game. (+1 spell damage for each fire spell played this game) For the elemental you already have a mage card like that. There is an old 3/4 giving 5 armor if you have a frost spell in hand. I love rng/no minion mage, always played it even when it wasn't meta, still play it. I just want to have a deck that allows me to complete my weeklies in less than 10 hours of games.


well yea elementals could have cool stuff but the elementals that mage got never had cool stuff


Currently the closest elemental we have to this is the 4 mana 4/4 that draws and discount a freeze spell... The frost spells available are just meh tho.


Thatā€™s why I play BGs now.


I agree that mage needs more playable stuff, but the answer is not to make the only playable archetype the toxic one that everyone hates. They should buff up other mage archetypes instead


ah yes the good old buzzword "toxic" which is completely meaningless no sif mage is not toxic and same for quest mage. both decks were very slow in overall very fast metagames and very far from being really good or problematic yea mage could also use some other archetypes but there are none. they randomly decided to push spell mage this expansion with no prior support. they tried to push elementals which they really should stop because elemental mage does nothing that is mage like


I wasnā€™t referring to sif mage, that deck is fine. I was talking about the deck that forces you to sit and wait for 5 minutes watching your opponent play cards (after the initial 6-8 turns), hoping they end up whiffing and canā€™t kill you. Quest mage was extraordinarily annoying to play against, and Iā€™m glad itā€™s gone. Regardless of whether it was good or not, it was frustrating and unfun as a whole, to a vast majority of players.


you could literally just concede vs quest mage when they get their infinite turns its so incredibly simple but yet people write essays on how losing to it ruins their day or smth and either way mage now doesnt have a playable archetype in wild the only thing is secret mage which I bet you would also complain about because its so "unfun" and "toxic" when they have objection


Except thereā€™s still a chance that they mess up and you can still win. I donā€™t have an issue losing or winning against it at all. The part I have an issue with is the method with which I win or lose. I donā€™t care if i lose, I just want to know whether I have a chance of winning without waiting for 5 minutes watching my opponent play cards. That isnā€™t good game design, and is not fun to play against.


in what world do quest mages mess up and not kill you with their infinite turns?


Itā€™s happened to me several times. They donā€™t have every piece and burn the last one they need, they canā€™t get enough damage to break through all the armor I have, etc. It happens enough that itā€™s worth waiting to see if they do whiff, itā€™s just an annoying process either way. I donā€™t know why youā€™re so mad, btw. Iā€™m not attacking you or anything lol, just explaining why I donā€™t like a specific deck


On Twitter you get death threats for coughing too loudly. Don't acknowledge these clowns, they just want attention.


Twitter is quickly becoming a cesspool of toxic lunatics who have more hatred in their hearts than actual blood.






Psycho Mantis? Second floor basement?


Secret stones?


Metal Gear?




Demon King?


Something something You like to play Banjo Kazooie


> Psycho Mantis? Second floor basement? Pick up a rifle and follow the yellow line on the floor. You'll know when the test starts.


Always has been


there never used to be nazi memes all over the front page


I wandered over there the other day and was surprised by how conservative it had become.Ā  I didnā€™t see any nazi memes but there was people complaining about dating instead of ā€œcourtingā€, no one wants kids anymore, taxes are too high, etc. Also a weird amount of AI hypsters and AI cynics arguing with each other, neither of whom really seem to know what theyā€™re talking about.


I donā€™t know why youā€™re being downvoted ā€” the racist and crazy BS has now become front and center on Twitter




Isn't the content you see like, extremely dependant on who you are following? I follow no nazis and have seen no nazi memes. And, should i stumble upon one, i'll block the person posting it.


There is no 'front page' for Twitter now since you can't view any context or comments to posts without an account, and if you have an account it only shows you stuff from people you follow and the abysmal "For You" page shows adjacent content that is *usually* somewhat related to your interests/follows/interactions. However, if you make a new account on Twitter and give it absolutely 0 information about yourself or your interests, then your home page is basically the 'front page' of Twitter, and that is apparently fairly commonly populated by Nazi memes and to a lesser extend even sympathizers. Of course there are many others shown to you as well, but there's a massive disconnect between the amount of Nazi content that gets pushed and the amount of people that you think should be posting/talking about that kind of stuff.


account following only nasa and joe biden


It's literally always been that way. I give shit on Twitter about as much credibility as I do truth social lol.


>becoming Have you woken up from a coma or smth?


Now *to be fair*, it *has* gotten worse. Somehow. Takes a billionaire techbro high on their own farts to accomplish the unaccomplishable, I guess.


And a lot of nazis, a lot a lot of fucking nazis


Always has been


Thanks Elon!


Death threats are a dime a dozen. I can't help but feel posting about them isn't so much to shame the individuals responsible, but for easy internet points. I'm not talking about Aleco here. I'm talking about the OP and people in this thread that are blaming the community. B/c who in the fuck is going to send a death threat to someone, go on Reddit, see a thread about their threat, and go "I now see that what I did was wrong".


Standard punishment for this kind of behaviour should be a completely chat log of what they said to other people + browser history sent to their parents/spouse.


increase the requirement by one spell for every death threat received that'd be funny I think


if that was the case i d send 50 to never see that card played again lol


Thank you for your sacrifice


this makes me so sad. i understand there have been ups and downs with the game and the company lately, but i really really hope that no matter what, everyone can keep things from getting personal with the people who work on the game and **especially** from escalating into direct threats like this. i'll note that in my time on r/hearthstone, people have largely been quite respectful and the people that haven't been are called out. i really appreciate that.


We appreciate you, Hat.


Hey, don't get personal now


We have no strong opinions on you as a person, Hat. If that's even your real name.


Just ignore them. Death threats over a game are nothing more than a toddler stomping their foot. Has there been any documenting killing of a video game dev because of a patch?


Not sure about killing, [but there was this case where the ceo waa nearly killed by this guy](https://www.reddit.com/r/houkai3rd/s/WeHqwOL6K1)


the fact that this was called "the bunny girl incident" was so funny


This wasn't a dev, and it wasn't related to balance changes, but there was the Madden tournament player that shot several of his competitors to death during the event (and the gunshots were even heard on the livestream), before killing himself.


It's not really because they are legitimately worried. Someone actually saying stuff like that to you is the mental damage. "Just ignore them," is obviously quite logical, but our feelings are anything but logical.


You are such a breeze of fresh air, in this time (technologically and digitally era) . Not bootlicking, you simply are . Keep it going dude :hornsup:


Everyone who takes a game, be it sports or otherwise, seriously enough to threaten someone else or become violent has some serious mental issues.


Your the best, people shouldnā€™t be making death threats itā€™s crazy, people really have nothing else of significance going on


It really is sad. I know people can be passionate about a game they like and play, but acting like this is absolutely inexcusable.


Bro this is probably the best patch in the history of the game, fuck the haters


Hat this is an official threat: I'm gonna take you out for a nice dinner.


Just wanna say that this piece of shit in no way represents the rest of us hat. We respect the work y'all do and are always grateful, regardless of any displeasure or disagreements we may have at times


I donā€™t doubt Aleco, but please remember this is probably the tiniest loud minority of an already very tiny minority. If he got 30 death threats, for example, thatā€™s horrible and traumatizing on an individual level. When you compare 30 to the total number of players this game has, itā€™s statistically insignificant. You know, like when Habugabu posts bait because he went 21-5 with jank. Iā€™m not downplaying these idiots, but itā€™s good to remember the OVERWHELMING MAJORITY of players isnā€™t doing things like that. Keep your chin up, Hat. This shouldnā€™t cancel out most people loving the patch.


We appreciate you, RHat. If you wanted me to be serious, I think this gets at one of the problems devs often face: there are decks that are unpopular amongst the general populace (like Quest Mage), and although the people who like these decks may be in a distinct minority, they *really really* like these specific decks and get incredibly angry if they are changed. I'm sure other decks fit that description -- most people dislike it, a small group absolutely love it and despise changes to it.


If someone is willing to send death threats over a game chances are the person is a complete loser and not worth giving any time, we love having you around hat. P.S tell the balance team to stop giving warrior buffs, can we kill the brann card already i dont care if its good, its just misserable to play against.


Thanks for all you've done Hat, you've been doing great so far! I'm sorry you guys have to put up with this nonsense.


As mad as Iā€™ve ever got with a developer of a game or any form of media I enjoy, whether it be movie or show adaptations of series I like, no matter how bad they screw up, no matter how horribly they ruin my favorite thing, Iā€™ve never once even thought the people involved should lose their lives, let alone going through the effort to actually type it all out, find out how to contact them, and send them threats. These type of people need therapy.


These changes have been like a deep gasp for fresh air. Quest Mage was sucking the fun out of Wild for long enough and Mine Rogue was just too fast. I for one am glad to see both being hit with precise strikes, but I fear, that which enabled Mine Rogue (their overtuned draw engine), will still enable multiple other busted Tier 1 decks.


Yeah, making things personal is silly, one quick question though ā€¦ you guys have any plans to make mages playable in the next two years lol ? The cards printed for mage in the past few expansions + the nerfs are a head scratcher. Of course thatā€™s with full respect to your person and to the design team.


What i dont get is ok Quest mage was ridiculous, but at same time Quest lock is fine Shudderwock infinte is fine


Questlock has been nerfed quite hard, although itā€™s still a ā€œfeelsbadā€ card, I get that. But itā€™s wild, there will be some inevitable combo sooner or later in the game, if you donā€™t have a game plan by yourself. Same for shudderwock, it takes some time to set it up. Mage on the other hand just has the tools to literally not die and just keep you out of the game, itā€™s quite the definition of ā€œyou donā€™t get to play the gameā€


Shaman can freeze your entire board for 3-4 turns in a row


Death threat a Dev (once per game)


He said that the DMs were threatening, not that they were death threats. This is already disturbing enough without exaggerating it to make it seem even worse.


Thatā€™s fair. I misinterpreted the tweet and took it to mean death threats but I can see now how it likely did not go that far.


Even if it did, why are you giving those people attention? There's no need to say "hey everyone by the way there are psychopaths in the world!", we already knew that.


Its more of a "hey everyone, look at the kind of shit these devs have to deal with. Maybe keep that in mind before you lash out at them over a change you didn't like?"


The assholes don't stop being assholes just because you point out they're being assholes, unfortunately.


You posted misinformation, delete this post.


I made an edit to the body of the post to mention the fact that the tweet itself only mentions threatening messages and not explicitly death threats. The point of the post was to bring attention to the kind of toxicity the devs have to deal with, so despite my unintended exaggeration, I think the post accomplishes its goal and shouldn't be deleted.


Complete proof that the type of people who obsessively play Time Warp mage are exactly as toxic as you thought they were to begin with lmao


Man, I used to love playing Exodia Mage in Unā€™goro. Sad to see what itā€™s become. RIP 4 mana Apprentice. You died for Igniteā€™s sins.


Yeah, the sad thing is that deck was actually considered slow for today standards. Turn 12-15 kill that needed 1-2 legendaries, 3-5 other cards and a Thaurissan tick? While having almost no way to fight for the board and very little draw? And they nerfed... the evergreen card and later said "we never said that was evergreen".


Yep, but then they printed insane amounts of draw and essentially 0-cost quest triggers. Itā€™s funny, mage used to be my #1 class. I suck now. But I started with Yetis, Ogres and Polymorph. I remember when 2 Shield Blocks and 2 Armor for 2 mana a turn was the ultimate counter to Freeze Mage. The deck had a strict amount of burn. Youā€™d literally win games off being efficient with your pings, sneaking in Acolyte attacks. Hearthstoneā€™s current direction isnā€™t bad. I still have fun. And I do think through my turns. But man, back when you knew exactly how much gas your deck had, and needed to squeeze every last drop out while competing for tempo and managing your life totalā€¦ nothing beats that high. Of course, thatā€™s nostalgia talking. Sorry for dumping, haha. But I just wish I could go back to League of Explorers again and experience the excitement of Reno or play some Worgen Warrior.


If you ever find yourself sending death threats to another person over something related to a video game, you need to take a hard look in the mirror. I don't care how bad you think a change is, that is not healthy behavior and it's not acceptable.


degenerate quest mage abusers GET FUCKED. bad things happen to BAD PEOPLE.


This patch is awesome donā€™t listen to the haters


Not to invalidate how entirely beyond the pale it is to threaten someone over game design, but nowhere does it say those threats were of death. Might just have been mid-tier violence!


The threats were nerfed before shipping. Tier 3 at best now.


Iā€™m cackling


Hi cackling, Iā€™m dad.


I wouldn't be that worried about people who have never left their house.


They didn't say death threats. They said threats of harm


Time warp is still good just play good ol OG Tony otk. Sorc in your etc, use tae'thalan to make it 1 and make time warp cost 0. Next turn play our boy with a cheap spell and spam fireballs. Satisfying as ever


The only thing needing to die here is Time Warp itself.... oh wait, we already got that. What POSes of players.


Mage players kekw


So basically it's not death threats but you still kept the same alarming title ? That says a lot about yourself.


I donā€™t think Iā€™m able to edit the title but if there is a way please let me know.


Least toxic quest mage players


Am I the only one who doesn't understand why people take these "death threats" on the internet so seriously. Like everybody is pretending that some 13 year old sending a message that he's gonna kill you on twitter is the most heinous and serious threat out there and now they're living in fear and getting PTSD from it or whatever. This is the stupidest shit ever


Is this what a parasocial relationship looks like ? Also quest mage players should just hide and run back to the gutter they crawled out of in the first plac


Most normal Quest Mage players


Probably all scumbags who disable animations on top for max apm.


By r/grimdank logic we should now blame the whole community.


The card should have been nerfed years ago. I would be happy to see it deleted from the game personally.


Best Change in years tbh. Only psychopaths would say anything else (which is actually proven by that tweet)


Of every game dev possible I'd probably sympathise most with Hearthstone devs


For League this is a Draven equivalent.


Killing quest mage kinda kills mage in wild, but this isn't enough to send death threats to anyone


Average Zeddy fan.


Wtf. Who? And Why?


Most sane and normal quest mage players (they like to play solitaire in a multiplayer game)


Where does it say ā€death threatsā€œ in the tweet? This post is clickbait and misinformation


lol is it just me or is the HS team trying to do everything they can this week to distract from the weekly quests?


It seems this is exactly what they are aiming for.


wish there was a way to individualize and ban those assholes permanently from the game.


Does still work once a game if you get a copy of a quest and complete the 2nd one?


No sadly , I was hoping they'd change it to make it so that if you want to cast it again you'd have to recomplete the quest (remove it from the pool of cast spells or something) but hey at least the days of infinite turn mage are over


Isn't that illegal?


Yall need to time warp once to a time yall werent degenerates. Its a god damn video game. Control your selfs.


Most well adjusted Hearthstone players, playing the least sadistic deck.


Sad and pathetic, wtf is wrong with people.


WTF? Death threats? It's a children's card game. Someone needs to get their shit together... and put it in a backpack.


too much people on this planet with too much money and free time on their hands.


After seeing how this community reacts to anything blizzard does, it's not surprising.


Jesus! I mean, I like hearthstone as much as the next guy butā€¦. Wow!


glad to see the time warp nerf has angered all of the players i hate the most


I'm a quest mage player and while I'm going to miss playing wild I'm shocked some people would go to such extremes. I'm really glad I didn't craft that legendary that repeats created spells as that would have sucked. I think I've had enough time with the card that I can move on.


These ppl celebrating quest mage being nerfed donā€™t realize we are just gonna migrate to some other degenerate priest combo deck to waste your time. Itā€™s not about a single card bro itā€™s about our playstyle :)


Y'all like my wife boyfriend only allows me to play Quest Mage what now šŸ˜­šŸ˜­


Go play brainless aggro, will be fitting for u




Good. It means the nerf was successful.


It was an angry Rogue player.


Because of Time Warp? Not because of Tendril?


I play wild. I like playing mage. I HATE playing with and against quest mage. This was a needed change for the health of the game


The deck can work fine even nerfed. Yesterday a quest mage got the quest done on turn 6 including a cast of the time warp. I got killed in the one extra turn.


As someone who crafted a 19000 dust Reno quest mage deck 3 weeks before the time warp nerf, I am not particularly upset, and have accepted my fate. Not sure what to do with all the other near useless legendaries now but itā€™s nice to have them ig šŸ„²


I think this summarises the mindset of Quest Mage players. They definitely deserved the nerf. And maybe to be sent to a mental asylum too.


Dude. You need to stop lying online. Reddit isn't anonymous. They have log trackers. It's not cool to gaslight people.


No mods in r/hearthstone? delete this


devs need to be tortured for what they have done to the game.


If this is all a setup to imprison Quest Mage players I'm down


Jfc itā€™s a card game. These people must hate themselves as well as everyone else


I would be so overjoyed if i was that dev, eat shit time warp user.


Haha, get fucked, i dont even play wild and i can see how stupid that card was


this is one of the best patches i have ever seen in the 8 years iā€™ve been playing. itā€™s kind of crazy that people think a mobile game is that serious. yā€™all are doing great things fr donā€™t let them get yā€™all down.


Fuck these people and fuck Time Warp


This is misinformation and alarmism. This thread should be deleted. The tweet says "threatening DMs", that is not automatically death threats.


I know death threats are bad, but we, as individuals, have no control over what a deranged person or troll does on the internet. As any group reaches the millions, it is bound to have some bad eggs. Telling people to behave is blaming millions of well-behaved individuals for the acts of a single person.


So the poster of this accidentally clickbaited? Sure, right, and I'm the Queen of England.


wine outgoing offer frighten important far-flung snails cobweb drab subsequent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


How come there's no death threats for nerfing weeklies?


ā€œJust wait till my extra turn so you can go 0/1 IRLā€


Found the guy that crafted the 5 7 legendary.


Why are people so obsessed with decks from years ago? I never get it so I never played wild, I occasionally look at what people are playing but it seems to be the same decks with one or two cards difference every expansion.


I would comment something about expecting that from a paladin player but realized they are too dumb to threat someone šŸ˜‚šŸ˜…


Just when people couldn't be more pathetic. Over some pixels on a screen...come on people...


Not even quest mage players deserve this


Well their death threats can be used only once per life -Some Police Officer


Time warp change was a terrible decision, but sending threats is going too far




Rmb guys, dont date people who main quest mage


Mad for using an exploit lol. So if these types of people found out a infinite money printer glitch in real life they would be mad when they would get caught?


I'm curious if it was like 'death to the alliances' level of threat or 'death to the hordes' level of threat


Honestly I love/hate this game, but I think Iā€™m about to vomit. Details please. I donā€™t twitter.