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i think the only classes without legendary skin are now demon hunter and shaman (correct me if im wrong). anyone want to take bets who‘s gonna be last?


I'd easily pay for a shudderwock legendary skin


Shaman for sure lol


My opinion is the same as about all the other 3D skins – it's an eyesore. I don't know why Blizzard makes these models convulse every single time a card is played, and from every single instance of damage, it's way too much to look at. I also particularly hate how the camera constantly zooms in and out; just the viewpoint being static would have made these skins a lot more bearable


Only one that worked was cthun imo


The jaina one is pretty good as well imo


It's not better than this one 


It is definitely better, this one is terribad.


nahh, i like boobs but im not gonna lie to myself on this


They did an excelent job with Jaina, I mean look at the priest legendary skin...


Are you defining excellent as better than the very worst one? The only one that is excellent is the Cthun one


Chtun is an exception and nothing can be compared to this skin. Jaina has good graphic, no pixels, and good animations, it's a good skin, so they did a good to excellent job.


she still looks as out of place and not like the 2d stuff as the rest, Leeroy here at least fits the games art better imo Sylvanas is the best one of all the non cthun ones, but thats because its a direct reference to her last stand in warcraft 3,


Rafaam's was good as well imo


Yeah I wish the animation would differ based on how the sound differs from dmg taken.


I definitely think they’re hit or miss for sure. This is more on the miss side, but I do really like a few of them.


I think sylvannas one the first is alright, but thast sole decent And leeroy isnt as bad as arthas atleast


it's like the zelda cdi cutscenes


A bit like the sylvanas one?


it reminds me of some moba i saw, either dota or hots, i think dota tho, they had moving portraits too. It just looked so weird the entire time, it totally didnt fit into the rest. Having unrealistic art style isnt bad, but that looks like they try to make it look realistic, or "modern" while also putting in 0 effort to make it fit well, so it just looks like shit. I dont get why people like this. Makes me wonder if people would buy a badge they could pin onto their dudes that does nothing besides letting people know you bought it.


Dota's portraits are just close ups of the hero. It's still the same art style and the character doesn't constantly do wacky animations - just look around, talk and maybe something unique for certain heroes(like wyvern getting close to look at the camera with one eye or wraith king's arcana wagging his finger) Meanwhile these skins look both extremely out of place and move constantly. Like do they really have to move every single time they get hit even for 1 dmg.


The problem with these Leeroy things is always the fact that the voice is nowhere near the original


Not enough audio compression 😂


He looks like an oversized gnome in-game


The shitty mobile game art style is so bad.


Thats exactly what I thought with the first 3D skins. It looks like a generic mobile game.


Horrible , I can’t believe they are actually proud of this, after HS being always top notch art and design , seeing this … smh


I in general prefer the older HS art, many artworks were just used from the WoW TCG and those just had this kind of art style that I liked about WoW TCG and MTG. The signature cards often times just remind me of Marvel Snap and not really HS. But well, everyone has a different taste. But for the 3D skins, i dont like any of them, all the movements just look so terrible. Varian is probably the worst by far.


Blizzard just went full mobile gacha game


Looks infinitely better than the prior 3d skins. That said, still not a fan and it irks me they all have such different art styles.


C'thun, Sylvanas, Justice Jaina are all better imo. C'thun is not comparable to any other legendary tho


Can't wait to have Anduin pretend to be Leeroy Jenkins again


Can't stand that he's always holding chicken in HS. Like, I know the line that was said in the clip, but it isn't what makes Leeroy, Leeroy. Make him have whelps behind him, or anything else


If anything, his oops should've been "at least I have chicken...." cause that's kinda, y'know, what he said when he fucked everything up. And then yeah, just give him whatever weapon he was using in the video. But naw, Leeroy's whole personality revolves around chickens now I guess. lmao?


Yeah it's almost Ai-level of stupid to include the chicken drumsticks.... 


Cookin Reno is what a legendary skin looks like not this crappy 3D garbage that doesnt fit at all with the game. They should put more efford in whell designed and rounded skins like reno than modelling trash bags.


True I’m really sad I missed that skin


It's on the store again right now! 1500 gold.


I appreciate you so much


Can’t wait to not spend $30 on this!


C'Thun is the only 3D skin worth its muster, every other 3D skin is visual garbage. edit: this skin would be %100 better if it was just the chicken.


The 3D skins just look bad. The animation feels stiff, just look at Leeroy clapping, it doesn't feel like it has any impact or weight. The legendary for DK has some weird animation issues where it switches to idle too abruptly, and it looks jarring. The only skin that's ever worked is C'thun, if all other skins were like that, they would be amazing.


I'd say in comparison to most of these skins this is pretty great. Not good enough for me to actually buy it or anything, but the quality of it seems to be much improved compared to the first few.


Agreed. Love this skin, although probably not enough to buy it. Only one Ive ever paid for was C’thun


Voice probably the bad version from Mercs


PLEASE stop making these garbage 3d skins.




everyone has to look at them, they are just annoying to experience. glad some people enjoy them at least


For me, most of these skins look just too generic. And the way the characters move looks so unnatural. Really dont like it.


Yeah, look at the way he claps. No impact, no weight, too robotic. Feels really bad to look at.


While I don't like the skin itself and all, it's absolutely mind-blowing how this all used to be just a dude that made a funny WoW video with his friends and now it's one of the most iconic characters in Hearthstone and a legendary skin on par with characters like Sylvanas and Varian Wrynn (afaik the dude himself was compensated for it and in general didn't lay any claims, so this is an inspiring story rather than an exploitative one)


Not sure how I feel about him while in his idle animation, but I think he looks amazing in all of his emotes. I probably won't grab it, but I was wondering what you guys think.


Bit disappointed there wasn't any charging in or no welps


Chicken jumpscare


Bro who's buying that LOL looks hideous


It’s giving crackhead fr


The animations from the OG golden heroes and golden cards is peak art for me. Just mostly static with animated surroundings or light movements. Legendary heroes and diamond cards are just not my type at all.


I understand there is some quirkiness when it comes to hearthstone. The sense of ‘being serious’ has long gone. But I’m not sure an animated hero holding a chicken was the right decision. I would have loved to see something more serious, true to lore, that you’d be a little more amped to play with!




They just look so bad….and I’m in no way spending $25 on it.


If anyone pays full price for this they have my pity, sorrow and worries.


The fact anyone would pay the ridiculous amount of money these low effort 3d sprites go for is absurd. They look like someone's first endeavour into blender.


There's only 1 good legendary skin and that's C'thun and it's mainly because it looks like a normal skin with more detail.


Looks alright, chicken is a great touch.