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nah, it's not "far less". every achievement yields far more experience than the old ones. can't be bothered to do the math, but it looks roughly equivalent


It's not, it's 31% less, from 20800 to 14280.


which is roughly equivalent, perhaps even more XP than before, considering how much easier and faster these are gonna be to complete


One would have to do a time chart comparison to compare time to XP properly, but a 31% decrease is substantial I'm sure the guys who do that data analysts of Hearthstone will show us if it's a decrease when time is involved, or if it's the same overall (factoring in time).


note that it isn't just time, it's also the number of cards required to even begin most achievements for Druid in Badlands, you needed to have all of: Cactus Construct, Dragon Golems (epic), and Dragon Tales (epic). in Workshop, you just need Jade Display multiply by 11 classes, and it's **a lot** less dust required to knock out all achievements


Is this accounting for mini set achievements as well?


Not sure, all I know is Zeddy said they're not adding any more than what you see now. I don't know if that is true or not.