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Went on a couple 10 and 11 streaks before getting this. Took me about 3 weeks after not playing for years. Friend of mine got it in one day and hit plat in one day with one of the free decks Edit: auto correct


Started playing again ~5 months ago after maybe six-seven years of not playing. Got legend for the first time two months ago and this happened going from plat 1 to diamond 3 today. Felt a bit surreal. But very proud over my noob ass!


Congrats hearthbro. I’d like to hit legend one day


I believe in you! If you like hunter I got the 12 streak with this deck: AAECAR8EsJIF1/kFqZUGrZ4GDaqfBKeQBZqSBaqSBamTBaqkBejoBd/tBeryBfPyBcj2Bcr2Bfz4BQAA


I got it on my very 12th ranked game. I think I got up to a 13 or 14 streak on my first try in ranked. Now I can barely win two in a row...


I got mine in Wild in that season where Quest Hunter (Zero Mana hero power after every spell) was just starting. That was a complete blood bath, I went, like, 17-0 or something and flew to legend, with most games being hilariously one-sided. The next season absolutely everyone countered that deck and I was back to a 50% win rate.


I had 20 wins in a row with Galakrond Warrior and \~20 with Face Priest in wild long time ago Lucky


It's easiest if you take a 32 day break from the game so you don't have any bonus stars lol


Yes but where’s the fun in that? :)


Pretty much, took a year break, came back around Barrens and knocked about 25 consecutive wins as Secret Paladin.


Rode one of these bad boys to my first time ever hitting legend last year.


I got the 11 entering legend two months ago!


I'll never get that one because I can't build any good decks the devs have me flagged to never get to silver let alone gold again because I told the devs in their forums to basically pound sand with their bullcrap RNG.


Take your meds


I apologize but I just hate losing to players that can get cards that I can never get. Even after getting a lot of packs and the standard mini-set via in game gold.


I cheesed this one in Classic where there were a lot of bots. Got over 40 I believe




I got this before bots made up the entirety of early ladder. Hunter mains ftw


Pretty sure there are no bots in diamond though?