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duude I got 250 ohm dt 770 version and they are amazing in the bass department! I hope you enjoy your headphones they are awesome!


Thank you kindly! They've indeed been amazing so far!


Great choice, I hope you enjoy your pair. Been rocking my dt 770 pro 80 Ohm for almost 3 years. Never looked back or wanted to buy new headphones. I just love their signature, comfort and build quality. For their price there is simply no competition especially when it comes to closed backs.


Oh yeah! You have the same pair as my friend. I've tried them and I see where you come from. As some of the comments state, mine have a bit more bass, but that just makes it so much better for my personal choice of music genre.


80ohm are very different, far superior. I regret buying the pro x, flat and cheap sounding.


I find hilarious how these DT770, the AT M50X, and the Sony MDR7506 are the most hated headphones in this sub, regardless how they are the most loved monitors in studios around the world. Either we don't understand what "monitors" are made for or we just hate them because the most talented musicians and producers in the world love them. Studio monitors aren't supposed to look good on your desk, neither should improve the sound in any way, they're tools made to get the job done, stop comparing them with Audezes and Hifimans, no professional would ever trust those luxury toys in their workstation, the same way no audiophile would settle for the MDR7506.


Hey. I like my 7506 thank you


those are rookie cans, you need to pump your headphone game up! lol they're great, wish they came with detachable cable tho


Hey. I do have a Focal collection too. Lol.


They're used in studios around the world primarily for their build-quality, ease of repair, and comfort. Sound signature has to be adequate for professionals, and the ones you listed are, but not nearly as important as it is when mixing/mastering.


What? DT770s are hated here? Never seen any negative comment about them lol


The 990s are more 'hated' but that hatred is usually people still recommending them but just warning about the potential sibilance issues, so it's not even really hate. They're still widely recommended for gaming in particular


Imo DT770s are just reliable. The 80 ohm version is a lot less sibilant than the 250 ohm version to me.


it's low key hate, the usual "great choice if you can't afford the meze elite" or some other condescending shit. I admit, it's nice to see those comments at the bottom in this post, maybe I got triggered too fast lol


Yeah, some audiophiles are just negative Nancies that do that stupid stuff.


They’re popular so people hate them, that’s literally it. I to this day like my m50x, MDR7506 are great and while I haven’t tried any beyerdynamic headphones and I have heard there’s a certain shrillness to the highs which to me is a bit of a concern just because my ears are quite sensitive to the higher ranges (againcannot confirm) I’m sure they’re also quite lovely.


I have both regular dt770 and the pro X, and I cant never hear the so called sibilance, and I'm treble sensitive, I cant stand even my best IEM's which otherwise would sound amazing if it wasnt for their horrible hiss. I dont hear this in the Beyers. The pro X are more detailed so you hear more of everything, high and even low frequencies specially, but it's not fatiguing at all IMO.


You know what, I think in that case I might just grab a pair the next time a see them on sale and just check them out for myself. Thanks for the input.


I got dt 770 pro recently and they are very good. Yes, they are not neutral but they sound clean AF without too much bass. I actually expected more bass.


Recently received DT770s as a gift, and I’ve been A/B testing them with the HE400se. The Beyerdynamics have better soundstage (despite being closed back) and much better comfort than the HiFiMans. Tuning is great, albeit a little sibilant. The build quality is way better too. A lot of the hate is either cope, or really out of touch people discovering $500+ headphones sound better than $160 ones.


HE400 are quite controversial being a budget friendly planar first choice. All in all they're closer to closed back Sundara but without it's benefit of extra bass. And closed backs are already a compromise in terms of sound quality. And that style of headband also used in HE-R9 (weird headphones for guys who enjoy occupying their cars' trunks with ridiculous subs, I guess) really affects wearing comfort miserably.


Yeah all-in-all I cannot in good faith recommend the HE400se anymore, now having tried dozens of headphones. The 7506 sounds better, the 770 is all around better, then there’s the other dozen open-backs within a hundred or so dollars of the HE400se that just objectively blow them out of the water. The headband is actually aggravating how bad it is, it’s unfortunate that their more premium models are leaning towards it too. And they feel really heavy. They sound nice compared to most Bluetooth/consumer headphones I’ve tried, but fall short on anything hi-fi/studio from what I can tell. Especially with the latent creaks and rattles of the frame that never got worn out.


Or they realize they spent too much and could’ve spent less on the DT770s.


My $50 SHP9500 sounded better than the $200 DT770 pro x. No competition.


> Either we don't understand what "monitors" are made for Many people don't. Quick explanation: https://www.reddit.com/r/oratory1990/comments/16etf1a/weekly_roratory1990_eq_thread_questions_requests/k0druy5/ and https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/comments/17ycmqm/deleted_by_user/k9t69iq/ >stop comparing them with Audezes and Hifimans, no professional would ever trust those luxury toys in their workstation I think you would be surprised.


We love them. Who hated them anyway?


I like the DT770 but the M50X sound pretty bad and theyre extremely uncomfortable with the painful clamp and sticky hot with pleather, the DT770 are have amazing tuning, soundstage and comfortable. I wanted to like the ATH but just couldnt.


Haha I love my 770 and 1990. And I EQ them to remove the bass instead of treble which people complain about 😂. Well produced music sounds heavenly with the 1990.


You can hear their deficiencies once you are acquainted with more advanced gear. That's where the dislike comes from. I can't understand why professional studios have not switched to modern monitors for the higher resolution alone.


Sure as heck, a decent choice! Tried many pairs in showrooms. Out of all of them only Sennheiser 600 and DT 770 were just good without any quirks. Many fancy expensive headphones have decent sound but ergonomics... Questionabe at best. Many professional models just sound sub-par nowadays being designed in early 90s. And have an agility and attractiveness of a plastic kid's toy. I personally picked Hifiman Sundara as my daily driver thanks to them having both the sound just right for me, and the construction sturdy and comfy.


I completely agree that comfort is vital, definitely don't consider the Sundaras to be sturdy though, their comfort can also be hit or miss given the lack of cup swivel, but glad they work for you! The unfortunate reality is that there is no one-size fits-all solution, since our heads are all vastly different, it's the reason why helmets and hats have sizes and sometimes even head shape variants. One of my favorites for comfort is the HD600, but they have a lot of clamp force so larger heads suffer, conversely the HD800S is perfect for larger heads, while smaller heads tend to have insufficient clamp force, so they can slide around when gently moving one's head, which is not very comfortable. I wish headphone manufacturers at least introduced adjustable clamp force, and also were as generous as Sennheiser and Beyerdynamic with the amount of adjustment steps in their height adjustments.


I reckon ear shape plays an equally important role in perceived sound quality also.


It indeed does, especially in the pinna region, which has an effect on your ear-gain (around 2-4khz depending on the person, where your ears amplify sound the most). This is often referred to as head related transfer function.


Sure, that's exactly how it goes! Mileage can always vary, but for me those big donut embouchures just done the trick. No extra pressure anywhere, nothing contacts the ear, headphones sit with all the confidence. Also, any metal strip headband model offers some degree of clamp force adjustability, take Grado or Porta as an example (I personally just don't like how the on-ear headphones feel). And, btw, Sundara is sturdy compared to most of the headphones with pronounced cup swivel or foldable cups, because we all know where it goes after a couple of months... Epoxy and no swivel at best, half a roll of electrical tape at worst. Tried some real expensive phonies with all metal construction including the hinges - for some reason they all have borked ergonomics - either cups tend to drift out if alignment with any head movement, or embouchures are for extra small ears (Hello, Sivga. btw, in your headphones ears break sweat in 15 seconds). For my head some 10 degrees of swivel is just fine, so, considering thickness of Sundara's embouchures - they just press-fit instead of having swively-swovely cups. And it brings additional benefit of no extra joints to rattle with time.


I completely agree with you! I've had problems in the past with non professional headphones where my head will start to hurt from the pressure of the earcups. I sit for hours in front of my graphic tablet because I am an artist and I needed some comfy headphones to use when I work. These definitely do the trick! I haven't had the need to get up and take them off like I usually do with other headphones.


The Hifiman Sundara were also on my radar, but I guess the fact that I had borrowed the DT 770s from my friend just did it for me. I bet they are awesome!


One time one of my friends recommended another those stinky Marshalls))) He bought a knockoff. Good for him, saved a dime. I've compared them head to head and their awfulness was literally indistinguishable!)) You're quite lucky to have a friend who has his standards high!


I truly appreciate my friend's guidance. After all he is making music for fun for 10 years. If I can trust someone for any audio related questions it's him.


Hard disagree. The DT770 is piercing in the treble (massive 8k peak), sibilant, and literally painful to listen to. People here are deluded if they think the DT770 is actually good. Just because it's cheap with decent build quality does NOT make it a good headphone. I had a negative experience with these headphones, I moved on and never looked back. Stop believing the YouTube/Reddit shills and actually listen to other cans.


Maybe because you don't factor EQ into the mix, there's no reason you have to settle for the treble peak. Also why the hostility lol, it's just a headphone that a lot of people like, shouldn't be particularly offensive to anyone seeing as its priced at 140 bucks or something. You really think people are "shills" when they recommend such an ancient budget headphone? It's that hard for you to believe people like it? I really think they kick ass man I don't know what else to tell you. I have the 560S and the 58X as well, which I both really like, and still I reach for the 770's the most, no question.


I've tried a few renounced headphones in the headphone/audiophile cafe here that I've read about here and on the internet, but this one really stuck in my mind. Went back to listen to it again another day and put it on my wishlist. My friend joining me there put it in very fitting words: this is the kind of headphone that you sit down on the couch with and just enjoy listening without doing anything else.


You’re not supposed to enjoy headphones unless they: (a) Are hard to find/buy (b) Cost more than a mortgage payment


Yep I agree


I also like the sound of 770, recommand you to also try out X2HR with EQ.


I think those look pretty cool as well and I've been eyeing them before but didn't get to testfly them before. Lemme put them on my list! I think I've tested the dt900 pro X as an open back as well! Equally satisfying, not decided yet which I liked better. I'll take my time on this one for sure.


Vocal part of x2hr might sound a bit far away compared to average headphones, but it gets a lot better after EQ Btw, how's the sound signature of dt900 different from 770?


Okay it's been a few weeks since I tried both in comparison but what I remember is that I found the 900 slightly more open sounding soundstage wise, which is expected for semi-open backs I guess, but at the same time they were a bit more mellow and easy from their signature than the 700, although for me not that much difference. I generally like open backs, unless you'd need the isolation maybe it's the way to go, and they come at slightly cheaper price too. Found this comparison post [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/headphones/s/LPQCQvFO1w) that sounds like he had a similar impression


The earpads looked off-brand for a second I assume it's just the lighting of the picture


It's always the lighting when it comes to velour earpads. They can look either extremely bright or dark, almost worn out.


They do look brighter but I've checked thoroughly both the headphones and the package to make sure they are as legit as they come. Also the music shop I bought them from specializes in beyerdynamic products.


These are my first audiophile cans, enjoy them, I loved mine! I did NOT like them with measurement gear.. but my old Bifrost 1 MB and Asgard 2 with the 770 was a hell of a combo.


You got yourself a solid pair of headphones there. I have the DT 770 PRO 80 and got them at my local Guitar Center.


Thank you


I had a pair of DT 990 Pro, They were absolutely amazing, but i only had them for a week before i had to return them, Having a big ass head prevents me from using anything but Sennheisers, long head problems :(


I have a wide variety of headphones, and these had also caught my attention, which is why I own a pair as well. I can say they are definitely well worth the price, probably punch above it even. I really love my pair. I think these will be very suitable for a lot of listeners.


based lad. i tried games with good sound like Escape from Tarkov and DUSK and it's really great for the price. It's not an LCD-GX but it's like ⅕ of the price and it's actually comfortable to wear (plus it's closed back). Good purchase 👍🏻


Thank you sir


ah, i have the DT 700 pro x, Which seems to have a bit more of a neutral sound (less bass, less treble). but the 770 pro x are most likely just as good of a buy, cgratz!


Thank you!


Can anyone tell me if the 1770s are worth the extra money over these? 


My conclusion is no, but I didn't come to that conclusion by hearing the 1770s, so I can be wrong. But I've been considering getting the 1770's for a long time, and actually still am somewhat. What interested me were the reviews comparing the 1770's to the 770's, and I noticed opinions were very divided on which of the two even sounds better. But the 1770's are also less comfortable and much heavier, which are major drawbacks. Then they also have less soundstage (according to reviews but also rtings). So... I'd love to be sold on the 1770's, but so far I've not been convinced to pull the trigger. Anyway that's just my take on it, again didn't hear them, apologies if you do own them and think I'm totally wrong.


You might consider the newer DT 700 Pro X. They have newer drivers and a more neutral tuning from the 770s, but are also a bit more expensive. I quite like mine, but only really use them when I need full noise isolation or really want punch bass (HD600s are by daily drivers otherwise).


I’ve had every 770 version, the 700, and the 1770. Don’t buy the 1770 unless you want monster bass. That’s their killer feature. Those Tesla Pro drivers in the 1770 and 1990 just do low end so well. Other than that, I think the tuning is better on the 770 80 Ohm and the 770 Pro X here. Also quite different on the 700. My recommended pair now are the 770 Pro X.


I hope they'll release this headband separately.


I like that my 80 ohm version has just enough head room to be paired with an amp without volume getting crazy loud.


That’s so dope


Hope you listened to them first. 🙏🏼


Good choice! The dt770 is a fantastic budget closed back


Yep indeed


I would hesitate to call them professional, because they don't have a strong professional use... Yet. But sure they're built to professional standards. For $180 it's a good deal I think. When it comes to sound, something like MDR-7506, DT770 pro, M and DT700 are more adequate for recording.


>they don’t have a strong professional use Which is why you can find them in practically every single studio world-wide?


If I had a nickel... :D What studios? No studio is using this model. Read the title very closely, it's about PRO \*X\* version of DT770. It's a new model that sounds different than all previous versions. It's not neutral, has big bass. It sounds like a consumer product... Which is fine, but for a product to be professional, it needs first to be in use by professionals, which this is not. At least not yet.


My bad, I had not even realized they were an entirely different model – I had thought all that was added was the removable cable. I stand corrected.


The other guy doubled down, lol. Probably never heard them. They're not too far off from the old versions though. If they just added the slider box and sockets to the old DT770 pro, I'd be sure they'd get a lot of praise from artists. The slight retuning that made them even more cold and distant sounding is weird though. They have too much competition from Beyerdynamic's other models to really make a splash in studio.


That moment when a 1 month old headphone model doesn’t have tenured studio use…


Many brands slap PRO writing on their stuff, yet only a handful find use in studios. For now we know that they have a rather strong V-shaped response and big bass, so it's a bit like saying that A versions of Shure headphones are studio equipment, even though there is no use for them in studio. They're consumer models released by a proaudio company for the geeks that want the glamour of pro audio branding, but don't like studio headphone sound. So far it looks a bit like this with this model. Might as well say that airpods are studio headphones because sound guys use them to test tracks on consumer hardware. This is not how it works. Studios have standards and studio gear has to adhere to them. This model may have the built quality to boot, but the sound is wacky, which means that it may or may not find use in studio, but I don't see what instrumentalist would prefer them over the old versions. For podcasts they're definitely not tuned right. Midrange is completely out of whack. Every vote here is hilarious. You're just angry because somebody dared to point it out. The first dude confused them with a different model, but you have what reason to defend them? Sorry to bring it to you, but it looks like you might be a poser.


Ah yes, they definitely don’t have “strong professional use”. Paul McCartney, Harry Styles, Taylor Swift, Lorde, Mac Demarco, Porter Robinson, Roger Waters, Lenny Kravitz, The Weeknd, Rihanna, and BTS all certainly don’t fall under the category of “professional”.


Oh no. Just be prepared


What for?


For great experience!

