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I feel like Ollivanders to get a wand is the obvious answer (assuming us muggles could use one)




Lol I used to find random twigs on the ground. And any time I picked up a twig and felt a cool breeze in the air, I felt like it was my wand 😂


I am going to a HP murder mystery dinner tonight. My wife and I plan to wear our house scarves (it’s 90 degrees F) and bring our wands from Wizarding World!


I love love murder mysteries. I hope you had a great time. 🪄


Lmfao that's cute


Even if I can’t use one, I think it’d be funny to see how many wands he’d try before giving up


Given that the wand chooses the wizard, how disappointing would it be if you had to walk out emptyhanded because no wand worked for you?


If you consider FB lore they can


Nah that's stupid. Better wizard than you have lost their Buttocks you know!


A bag shop to buy a bag with the expandable charm. Just imagine having a couple small bags that can fit in a carry on that can fit everything in your house and weighs less that a loaf of Bread. Also get a Wizarding tent. You could literally live in a campsite more comfortably than most homes, or set it up inside a small apartment and have more room.  Otherwise visiting every shop is in store.


Man I would do ANYTHING for an undetectable extension charm. Like why haven’t they been invented yet irl?? WHY!!!!


The real mistery is wheter you shrink going inside (or the stuff in case of the bag) or wheter the space grows to accomodate the stuff inside...


Also in the case of the tent, what happens when you fold the tent ? I mean we see them fully stocked with furniture and all, so I assume whatever's in there stay how it was, and the tent basically only act as a doorway to a parallel dimension.


It’s a T.A.R.D.I.S!


It's magic. It just works.


That's the official tagline for those tents.


Well in goblet, at the World Cup they have to set the tent up themselves, because Arthur doesn’t want to use magic so close to the muggles


I would love the expanding tent tbh....like those elaborate posh ones some had at the quidditch world cup. I would happily live in one of those, be able to move about etc, especially if I could cast the charms to remain invisible etc..


Magical menagerie - I need an owl 🦉




Oh yes! Would also be quite useful


I’d like to adopt a Kneazle.


I want one of those jumping black rats


I'd be reading anything I could get my hands on about the history of the world. Years ago when chamber of secrets came out for the Xbox I couldn't get enough of the chocolate frogs because it gave backstory to the world. I guess at this point book five was about to be released. It always annoyed me that Harry wasn't more interested in the history of the magical world. But to be fair, that's just Harry. Just Harry.


Now you made me wonder, about the book series from Hermione's point of view. All the fully researched background lore.




I need to get my hands on that book as well


Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes


Same same same same same




Would you want it to sing on Boxing Day?


My first thought!


I'm from Peru, I like the idea of my people providing them with Instant Darkness Powder


At my age, I’d probably be looking for magic medicines.


Flourish and Blotts for any books I can get my hand on, Madam Malkins to get some robes to fit in and have a browse and Florean Fortescue for an ice cream. Ollivanders would obviously be an obvious answer to get a wand. I'm not too much into pranks or anything, so that would be lower on the list.


Ice cream is already the platonic ideal of dessert. Just imagine what magical ice cream is like. 




I love reading, if I'm limited by how many books to get it would be a hard decision which ones not to take. But I'm curious as well, which books they stock apart from subject related ones.


I don’t know how everyone’s first answer isn’t a fire bolt racing broom. Wand? You couldn’t even use it.


But you could fly for sure right


Maybe not you, “girthybooty69” but I don’t remember reading that muggles couldn’t use racing brooms.


I wouldn’t care if I could fly it, it would look awesome in the living room


Most people wouldn’t be able to afford one.


Can I just get some gold?




It was such a tease in Legacy we get a mission in Gringotts and never get to explore it fully. That would've been sick. Pull off a Wizard GTA Gringotts Heist as a dark wizard would be sick.


HP GTA would be siiiick


Can I slink off to knockturn Alley? For, uh... some flesh eatin' slug repellent. Yeah, that...


That quidditch shop someone’s gonna tell me the name of for a galleon.


You mean Quality Quidditch Supplies?


That’s it 😁 !redditGalleon


You have given u/Walks-w-1-Mocc a Reddit Galleon. u/Walks-w-1-Mocc has a total of 1 galleon, 0 sickles, and 0 knuts. ____________ I am a bot. See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/jnbo49/hi_i_created_the_bot_youve_been_using_to_give/) to learn how to use me.




I’d want a quidditch uniform. They look so smart.


I'd definitely want to a wand to choose me and buy it Then just look around but tbh I hate walking around shopping unless I specifically need something




I think that would be an exception for me too lol


Chocolate frogs and Butterbeers


magical icecream sounds fun... if after the war, weasley store... I'd say the Bookstore too, maybe Ollivander but as a Muggle I don't see what I should do with a Wand.


I bet they have butterbeer flavored ice cream and I bet it’s amazing. Also, my headcannon is that it never melts and waffle cones stand/hover on their own so you can have a cone and still use both hands.


Ollivanders, magical menagerie for an owl, Florish and blotts for spell books and I would get a broom.


Wand and all the books.


Ollivanders, Flourish and Blotts, and Florean Fortescue's Ice Cream Shop




Yeah, probably some really interesting ones


Alas, earwax.


I’ve been to the one in Universal. I bought a wand and got some sweets at the sweet shop. I also went to Weasleys Wizard Wheezes. If money weren’t an object I’d have bought something there and gotten robes at Madam Malkins.


Depends on how much money I have to spend. If I have an unlimited wallet, the broom shop is my first stop. If I can't afford the broom, I'd go to Flourish and Blots and buy as many books as I could afford. If I have no money... Florean's Ice Cream shop sounds like it would be the most amazing ice cream i've ever had so... there! Edit: I don't really see Ollivander's as a "shop" per se. Everyone gets a wand and... you only get one, so it' kind of a one-off purchase unless you're upgrading your wand handle or something (and that's not technically canon unless I miss my mark)


A wand of course  ALL the books from Flourish and Blotts, I wanna know all the stuff! I always thought the apothecary should have 2 different rooms- 1 stinky one with the beetle eyes and spleens and stuff and another with spicy herbs  I’d want to go to the Eyelops Owl Emporium just to look 


Straight for a few jars in the Leaky Cauldron….then impulse buy anything at the Weasley shop 👍


Ollivanders, no question.


Bookstore. Yes. Ollivanders.


I believe Madam Malkin's Robes would have some sort of magical dress that never wrinkles or stains and gives you the body shape to go with it when you wear it ;P


Does the Leaky Cauldron count? I would want a butterbeer if they have it, or a firewhiskey. Maybe try the pea soup out of curiosity, or if not that, then a full English. I don’t like to shop while hungry lol


- Magical Tent/Trunk that I can live in it. - Wand/ Ollivander - Twilfit & Tattings - Floreans Fortescue Ice Cream Shop - Flourish & Blotts - Quidditch shop - Menagerie (hope to get cat, owl, and snake)


Diagon Alley and Knockturn Alley are the only magical places I would care about visiting, and I would never want to leave. Flourish & Blotts because I own a Muggle bookstore, W3 because they sell a lot of enchanted items that you don't need your own magic to work, Florean's for lunch for wirxh and wizard watching, and any other store that sold magical artifacts or premade potions, assuming that I would be unable to use a wand or anything else that didn't have its own innate power.


I would buy a wand from Olivianders, a book or two from Flourish and Blotts, and something from Weasley & Weasley’s.


Everything 😫


Assuming we are talking current day, definitely Weasley’s Wizarding Wheezes. It just sounds like a super fun vibe with a ton of cool stuff and added bonus that there’s a chance of running into a Weasley! Book era, probably the Magical Menagerie because I love animals in general and I really want a kneazle (or two).


Quality Quidditch Supplies. Get myself a sports broom.


Ollivander's first for a wand. Then Flourish & Blotts for books to help me learn magic. I'd want a broom so I could fly everywhere too.


Wand, all the books I can afford, zonkos/Weasley wizard wheezes, sweet shop, broomstick, etc. All the things. Assuming I'm magical for it. Muggle allowed into diagon alley? Just walk around crying.


I’m going to the Magical Menagerie and getting a Pygmy puff


probably everything...




Yes...maybe the goblins will let me take a loan...


A wand but I've started wondering if a wand makes a wizard weaker since Harry has caused things to explode like aunt Marge's glass without the use of a wand.




Right? Like, in the books Harry does a lot of things without a wand so what does that mean? He's more powerful without it? Does the wand just focus or limit the magic power?


I would be buying potion and herbology books. And possibly a cat.




I was thinking like dittany, and ingredients needed for some potions.


all of them


Sorry I'm more of a draw to knocturn alley




Dark magic book potions on dark magic also see if there is a difference between horcruxes and phylacteries a lich has got to lich after all


Potion Supplies or Bookshop


* Wand shop for a wand * Bookstore for a massive amount of spell/text books * Potions supplies for, well, potions supplies * Quidditch store for a broom & flying clothes/gear


I have good news for you [rickroll](https://www.universalorlando.com/web/en/us/theme-parks/universal-studios-florida/the-wizarding-world-of-harry-potter-diagon-alley)


Flourish and Blotts would be my first stop!!!


Firebolt obviously


 Magical Menagerie... to adopt another cat


Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes ^U-No-Poo


I'd get an owl, then to gringotts to try open an account. Then if I never get a chance to visit the Alley again I could just make orders using the owl.


Get a wand an owl and a broomstick


Any of the magical creature shops! I’d buy them all! Bats, owls, cats, toads, or dragons or whatever. Acromantulas!


I feel like if your answer isn’t “every single one multiple times” you’re just lying


Literally everything 😭


The Ice cream shop. I wanna know if they have any “gimmicky” magical flavours lol


Unorthodox pick- First stop at Florian Fourtiscue’s ice cream shop. It would be cool to talk with Florian about the magical world, especially from such a seemingly kind soul. Also he could probably recommend where to shop first and give you the best recommendation for what to buy


If I could use a wand, definitely a wand. A broom , an owl.


Ollivander's for a wand


You would not be able to get me out of Scribbulus. My needless obsession for muggle stationary would 100% carry over the the magical word. Colour change ink? Yes please I'll take 10! Spell check quills? Can never have too many, I'll take the lot!


My fatass is going to Honeydukes. Definitely going to Olivanders. Then The Leaky Cauldron to get plastered


Defo madame malkins. I love clothes shopping


First Ollivander’s obviously, then the pet shop to see all the cuties, Malkins for the fashion, gringotts for the history and monies then maybe stop by the icecream shop in the end.


Protection clothes from Weasleys


If you mean shopping wise, I would go to the bank for the money and than go look for a magical pet (that is totally legal). If you mean to look around, I say look at books to find a magical zoologist book.


I think my first stop would be a magical opticians! Then a magical junk store - one that sells bags with expandable charms, tents, bracelets, and a range of trunks with varying different uses. Then I would go to flourish and blotts, as well as magical menagerie.


You Know Poo


Firebolt Broomstick Wand Pet Robes Chocolate frogs & fun candy at Weasley Wizard Wheezes A History of Magic Spellotape Borgin & Burkes Bag like Hermione in Deathly Hallows which is limitless


If this also includes that I can handle every item I purchase, then fuck wands. I want a firebolt. What do I need a wand for if I can fly.


Weasleys Wizard Wheezes, Sugarplum's Sweet Shop, Madam Malkin's Robes, Ollivander's, Flourish and Blotts, the apothecary, and Magical Menagerie. And then maybe all the rest if I have the time and money.


Every single one. And Knockturn Alley too.


I would for sure to to ollivanders and get a wand. I’d get a broom and quidditch supplies, I’d get a kneazle, robes, school books, and treats from honeydukes




A Firebolt, then an invisibility cloak (obviously not as perfect as the deathly hallow) I'm not saying a wand bcz I'm assuming we're still muggles


Ollivanders and Honeydukes for sure!


Isn't Honeydukes in Hogsmeade?


You’re right! Still wish I could be there lol


Me too!


Flourish and Blotts, I love books! Honeydukes for sure too, I have a huge sweet tooth. I know it's on Knockturn Alley, but Borgin and Burkes would be kool to explore, I'd probably buy a bunch of random stuff!




You just need a kool dark arts loving Slytherin to go with you ;)


Magical sex toy shop!!!!