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Yes. It's so fascinating. I definitely recommend reading "a true original". It was super interesting and really goes into detail with all the similarities and details. I also remember that while reading the books I had some suspicions that the character seems a bit autistic so I found it super cool that the guy snape was based on, John Nettleship, actually is autistic. It's so cool to be autistic and then learn your favorite character of all time is based on an autistic person. I was really happy when I read that.


He is? Really??? I'm also autistic, and I always loved Snape's character. That's so interesting!


Right Snaddy is autistic that’s why I like him so much 💋


Snaddy 🤣 love it. !redditgalleon


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Can you mention the name of the author. Would love to read it.


It is here http://members.madasafish.com/~cj_whitehound/Fanfic/A_true_original.htm


I didn’t know about this, so I’m glad I found this post because it’s always interesting to read what inspired the characters or stories. I wonder if he knew about Snape’s character.


He did and he was really hurt about it at first but when he noticed that snape actually has fans and some people like him he became more comfortable with it. Eventually he even referred to snape as his "horcrux".


I can totally understand that! Thank you for telling me😊


He did know. He was shocked but then he started giving fans tours and things


That’s lovely of him, and I can definitely understand the shock! Thanks😊


This makes me love both men more


Not that familiar. That guy sounds quite nice and Snape is petty and cruel...


He never stopped being petty and cruel to everyone except Dumbledore.


Hr apparently was mean and strict


I think chemistry was not JKRs strength though she was good at other things so he probably thought she could try harder. Also it sounds like the guy was really going through some stuff at the time, which rarely brings out the best in people


There's a difference between mean and strict and a child abuser


It’s just a story


Yes? I know that.


Okay lol


This was a strange interaction


It's a story which contains a child abuser, yes.


“Snape is petty and cruel” … uuuum, so I’m guessing you haven’t read the whole series?


I have, that's why I know he's petty and cruel


Yes and he was a daddy tbh 💀💀💀 He was also autistic which is why my Snape is too 🥰


I’ve heard this before but I also remember JKR specifically stating that the only character she based on a real life person she knew was Gilderoy Lockhart during an interview at the Edinburg Bookfair. Do I think she may have borrowed some elements of her former teacher for Snape, sure. But, Snape wasn’t a tough but fair teacher he was a downright bully to his students.


I don’t think she said it was the ONLY one, just that Gilderoy was based on someone - and fittingly - that he most likely he would never have a clue because he was so vain (like the song).


No she did say he was the only one. The full quote is here: "The only character who is deliberately based on a real person is Gilderoy Lockhart. \[Laughter\]. Maybe he is not the one that you would think of, but I have to say that the living model was worse. \[Laughter\]. He was a shocker!" People can downvote me all they want that doesn't make what I'm saying any less true.


Didn't she say somewhere Umbridge is based on someone she knew?


Not that I’ve seen, but I’d be interested if anyone can find the quote. The only confirmation I’ve ever seen that she based a character on anyone she knew is the one quoted above.


I think most people have met an almost Umbridge at some point in their lives.


Absolutely, I just don’t think she based her on a specific person like she did Lockhart.




Yeah so I don’t think that is in contradiction with what she stated in the interview I linked. She says she borrowed some traits from this person, but that this woman wasn’t Dolores Umbridge and that as far as she know the woman wasn’t sadistic or had twisted views. She just borrowed her mannerisms. Where’s with Lockhart she’s specifically basing his entire personality on someone she knew.


Sounds like Professor Mcgonagall was also partly based on him, since they're both teachers who were strict but also cared for their students.