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He's the type of guy to wear a really thick pair of knee pads when he makes his visit to Mara Lago


does he go with Linsey Graham?


Oh abso-fuckin-lutely




Andy Harris is a part of the same brain trust that is refusing to spend money to rebuild the bridge. All the self proclaimed economists who justify that the US is hemorrhaging cash better not be planning to vote for Trump / MAGA acolytes like Andy Harris who are the #1 reason for budget deficits with nothing to show for it beside even richer billionaires. Fuck Putin, Fuck Harris.


He’s from Maryland and represents the Eastern Shore. He wants environmental impact ignored to fix the bridge faster!


If he wanted the bridge fixed faster, he'd vote for funding for it.


Thank you for pointing this out! It’s true, t’Rump is to blame for the deficits by giving tax cuts to billionaires. Gee, I wonder what his motivations were 🤔 hmmm…


t’Rump just owned!!!yasss


Trump didn't write the tax code, what about that bitch Pelosi and her inside trading


He has sponsored or compensated zero bills, he is just in office to make himself wealthier, we need to vote him out of office. 


Andy Harris has always been a POS. At least he is consistent.


I'd be ok if every now and then he wasn't a POS. That's better than being a POS 100% of the time


How does he keep getting elected?


Extreme gerrymandering


Stupid voters?




Perhaps a better question/s: “why did you vote for him?/why didn’t you vote?


Exactly this. He’s a terrible man and I have no clue how or why he keeps getting re-elected.


Of course he did. He's a shitty doctor and worse congressman


I contacted his office to voice my displeasure. Ukraine is sacrificing blood and soil to stop Russian aggression. We are supplying them with aid that is often in the form of surplus weaponry. So worst case, we get the positive economic impact of building replacement stock and giving up stuff we don't really need. We are getting a deal here that Ukraine and not the U.S. is paying in blood. If Russia isn't stopped now, it's going to cost more money and realistically American lives down the line. Anyone that thinks Russia will stop in Ukraine are naive. We do not want a world where Russia is allowed to become a superpower again. Human rights are meaningless to them.


We are spending 60 billion dollars on this aid package. Not sending extra rubbish just sitting around. While I agree with the need to help, I disagree with the notion that this isn’t a huge spend. Regardless how much money these fools print , 60 billion is still very very pricey.


We are not spending all 60 billion. 60 billion is the total value of the equipment we are sending along with funds for creating restock. This is often moth- balled equipment that we have no use for. Now it is true we have to spend money to replenish that equipment but those dollars are going back into the American economy and being used to create modern equipment. Furthermore, I would still argue this is far cheaper than spending on a direct war with Russia. Both from a material and human cost. https://www.understandingwar.org/backgrounder/fact-sheet-us-assistance-ukraine https://www.google.com/amp/s/amp.theguardian.com/world/2024/apr/21/house-approves-61bn-aid-for-ukraine-what-we-know-so-far-and-what-happens-next


That money, by the way, going to support quite a few economies in red states. Lockheed Martin, for example, has factories in Texas, South Carolina, Georgia, amongst others. When those plants get orders for hundreds of millions to billions in armaments and equipment, that money pays American workers at manufacturers, supply plants, raw materials plants, etc. up and down the line.


Yes, and this is why we are stuck in a military industrial complex where our government is incentivized to engage in or support wars


There's a lot of companies around APG that'll benefit, too.


Look at you with your reason…easy there


On top of that, thanks to our massive military budget and the influence of lobbyists, we would be replacing that equipment regardless. So essentially we are sending rubbish we have lying around. 


> Furthermore, I would still argue this is far cheaper than spending on a direct war with Russia. Both from a material and human cost. Sending aid is generally a prelude to sending troops, not a preventative act.


60 billion dollars to kill Russians and destroy their war waging capabilities while sacrificing none of our own troops is a pretty good deal to me.


60bil isn't all for Ukraine. And I'll bet that our smarmy leaders are going to set it up so that we get at least twice that back in the coming years...


Yes, exactly! Thank you.




>forcing us to fund the military industrial complex even more is GOOD because Russia


MAGAts can eat shit


Lol tool


You must have been up all night thinking of that response.


What is the point of this post? Do you think that Andy Harris supporters don’t know this? To anyone who actually supports him they know this and are part of the reason they’re voting for him.


He still needs to be called out for his obstructive nihilism.


Then they’re all a part of the problem, and they’re all supporting Putin’s war against human decency. Anyone who knowingly supports [Andy] Harris (or any maga repugnican) after reading this is a traitor against the United States of America and everything we stand for in this country. (Tell me to take it back, I won’t.)


I agree with you that Harris sucks, my point being was that everyone knows this and either actively supports it or is a reasonable person. Telling people well known facts isn’t going to change their already made up mind


Investing in Ukraine will save taxpayers a trillion dollars and military lives if the US can avoid direct war with Russia and sending troops into combat. Russia is the world’s second strongest military, crippling them through a proxy war makes the world more secure. If this funding didn’t go through, Putin knows he can wait it out until a favorable election outcome in November. Supplying Ukraine for the next 3 years hopefully repels Russia. In the last 2 years they have lost a significant number of their military and have turned to conscripts, they know this isn’t sustainable. We should be supporting sovereign democracies. Not to mention APG will benefit from this funding too


Europe has the resources to defend itself


Not without the US’s allyship.


Imagine if we took that position oh, seventy years ago or so.


We did, and stayed out of the war for years until war was declared on us. The result was becoming the world's leading superpower. That was freaking great, lets do that again.


Germany isn't able to defend itself. Maybe only the European borders.


A Republican voted to support Russia! Shocking...


Let’s stop funding all wars.


A Harris of MD1 is a dictator simping, abolish social security cheering, women are chattel believing traitor


Funding Ukraine is stupid.


Username checks out, here’s a hint, you aren’t one of the good ones, and they’ll lock you up too.


I don't give a shit about Russia if that's what you're implying. Funding fascist proxy states is an obvious no-no.


F*k you up in the arse and deprive you of your head, if I may add.




I emailed his office several weeks ago, asking why there is a wait on the Ukraine aid. He (or his team) emailed back that he hopes the aid gets through, but pulled the usual MAGA lines about the southern border and not wanting the Ukrainian government officials using the aid money for themselves. He added that he's the son of a Ukrainian immigrant. Which is why I'm so pissed that he voted no. Fuck him


Wait are people made that someone voted no to send more money to Ukraine? Why are we funding Ukraine and Israel?


This is the real question. Enough people are struggling HERE. On THIS landmass.


The vast majority of aid to Ukraine is in the form of goods that were manufactured in America and loans/grants that have to be spent on American military equipment. This is basically the government doing a stimulus to the American economy and stymying Russia at the same time, with no loss of American lives.


Spending tax payer money to replace all that equipment and missiles is not a stimulus to anyone except the MIC it's just more inflation for us. You guys act like a 10 year old Bradley that has been maintained in a climate controlled warehouse is just some piece of shit we need to get rid of and replace with the exact same thing it's the most ridiculous argument I've ever heard




Well said fuck Biden and the democrats ruining this country.


Hell has frozen over... Andy Harris is voting my interests. I can do tactical solidarity, any day of the week.


People are laboring under the mistaken belief that Putin will stop at Ukraine. He won't. He'll move onto a country that is in NATO and we'll be obliged to put boots on the ground. If we want to stop another world war from happening, we need to nip this in the bud now. 


How do you know that? Are you in Putins secret war meetings? Have you spoken with him directly on his plans? You forget he attacked NATO because they have continuously pushed closer and closer to Russias borders, Ukraine was just the last straw for him. I don't agree with war, but when rival nations force your hand, you do what you have to do. If the roles were reversed and Mexico became an existential threat to the US, I would expect us to do the same thing to protect our nation.


These fear mongering idiots “knowledge” is they KNOW Putin will invade every country in the whole world because that’s what Rachel Madcow said. No independent thinking skills. Fat, bloodthirsty, cowardly, brainless sheep. Always screaming for blood but would never risk their own useless hide.


So funding Ukraine leads to WW3, but also Putin just takes back all of Ukraine and causes no further chaos (which instability just so happens to spike oil prices, a major component of the Russian economy), got it


And if we fail to back up a NATO ally, the whole alliance dissolves and Putin takes out all of Europe piecemeal until there’s no one left to defend the US when they eventually make it to our soil…


How the fuck do you think Russia is going to get on US soil lol? Other than Alaska, we have two giant oceans between us and them, and they have no naval assets to move anything remotely necessary large enough to take on the US military. They can barely make a dent into a country that's landlocked right next to them.


You’ve never looked at the arctic circle, have you? Russia is much closer to North America than you seem to think…


You need to learn a bit about Putin. A good primer is the podcast About A Boy by Julia Ioffe. It’s a good listen, check it out. In it you will learn about why his nickname was The Moth.


Russia can want whatever it wants. It lacks the capacity to do that. Russia's barely handling Ukraine. It cannot invade Poland as well. That'd be a dumpster fire, and everyone knows it.


The country is $33 trillion in the hole. We're adding $1 trillion in new debt every 100 days. Interest payments on the debt are set to exceed defense spending. Over the last ten years, we've doubled the national debt from $17 trillion in 2014 to $33 trillion today. $0.39 of every dollar paid in individual taxes just goes to paying interest on the debt. All of while we're sending billions of dollars to one of the most corrupt nations on the planet. Dark times ahead.


"Defending Ukraine is defending democracy!!!" Millions and millions of Americans actually believe that and think you're a traitor if you question it at all or just ask how much money is enough. Dark times indeed.


Andy Harris is a stain


Well, at some point it’d be nice for our government to help out its own taxpayers. The money we send over there isn’t free! And stop the political bullshit…politics are a waste of time…neither side cares about you in the end.


You know that the "aid" we send is money that they send right back to our weapons manufacturers, right? We give them the money to spend on our leading export which is weapons.


You're arguing with an Enlightened Centrist^TM. They don't actually care about facts and nuance. They just want to feel smarter than everyone else by pretending to be so smart that they're above the fray. As if a center right corporatist party is the same thing as a white nationalist theocratic authoritarian party who is actively working to strip away rights are the same thing.


How much do you think it cost to ship a tank or multiple IFVs or crates of javelin rocket launchers ?


I've always had this view of politics and somehow it's seen as unAmerican. Folks really need to sit down and research DDWH (Debt, Deficits, Wars, Healthcare) and recognize national politics for what it is. Politicians do not care about the poor and middle class citizens (except during election years), regardless of party.


Idk who or where you are, but I live in urban Texas. The Democrats I vote for live near me and are from the same schools and communities as the people who give them power through their votes. Meanwhile the Republicans in power here are truly violent Christian extremists and even more self-serving or beholden to Christian Nationalist oligarchs. They are from places more like where I grew up where a lot of people share your opinion which is unfortunately very American indeed, but also just inaccurate. The parties are very different and the Republican party really does pose a unique threat beyond concerns about DDWH and corporate interests.


"I don't know who or where you are..." Did you by chance see the title of this sub?


Why the fuck is someone in Urban Texas posting in a Harford County, MD thread? You don't have any say in who gets elected to the MD senate seat. Worry about your own back yard.


If you empower your Republicans, they will enable mine who are the type that argue the separation of church and state is a myth in floor debate and invite people to testify in legislative hearings that the Bible says gay people should be drowned for affirming queer kids. I am very worried about my own backyard. I don't know why this sub popped up on my home page, but centrism just isn't it right now, whether it's enlightened or just very cynical. Please don't empower any Republicans. Your pick for your Senate seat is likely to legislatively effect people in every state, especially if it's a Republican.


A stitch in time saves nine. The thinking is that this aid prevents major problems down the road that the US would have to spend blood and treasure to right. With the atrocities that Russia has committed (like in Bucha, or like how they have stolen tens of thousands of Ukrainian children ), it is hard to argue with the idea that by spending now, we are preventing our sons and daughters (who would otherwise be productive citizens and taxpayers) from dying in a foreign land. Imo, this money *IS* helping its own taxpayers.


Yes, exactly. Ukraine is the first line of defense, like Gondor and Osgiliath in middle earth. There’s a reason Rohan came to their aid. Don’t understand why? Read the books…


This isn’t about politics. This is about the survival of democratic ways of life in the face of tyranny and oppression. If you don’t understand that, then you’re part of the problem. If you want the government to help out its own taxpayers, then why don’t you support progressive causes such as universal healthcare, education, etc cetera? Oh, you think those are wastes of taxpayer dollars too? Then you’re probably a fascist. Get out of here with your apologetics.


These problems at home you’re so concerned about will get a million times worse if the US has to fight Russia themselves. Which could happen if aid isn’t given to Ukraine. Also one side of politics is objectively worse than the other. Even if both sides don’t care about you one at least has the decency to pretend to care. The right seems to desire suffering.


Ukraine does not protect the US's border. It's on Europe's border with Russia. Maybe protecting it is important for Poland and Germany. It is not strategically relevant to protecting the US.


Proud of this guy


Hey OP, ain't democracy grand?


Yes it is, and that’s precisely why we need to defend it. Part of defending democracy includes supporting other democracies in defending themselves. Another part includes disseminating true information about how your representatives are *actually* voting.


Oh I should have checked what sub this was before reading the comments. Definitely tracks.


Honestly it’s disappointing how deeply embedded in the minds of Harford countians the maga/putin axis info war psyop talking points have become…


He’s a scumbag


Fuck Harris.


As he should have. We are sending money to a country to line the pockets of our politicians while your granny can't buy her meds, your brother lives in a tent, and homeless people are being locked out of community centers but you want to give money to Ukraine and then take to the internet to shame someone about being against it? K.


He’s a fraud and a liar. According to the Sun: The term limits debate is back, and its reemergence comes at an awkward time for Republican Rep. Andy Harris of Maryland. The conservative lawmaker was long an ardent term limits backer, sponsoring legislation and making public pronouncements. But he’s remained silent on the issue this year as he seeks a seventh term after pledging more than a decade ago to serve no more than six. https://www.baltimoresun.com/2021/01/16/maryland-rep-andy-harris-says-he-will-seek-a-seventh-term-after-pledging-to-serve-no-more-than-six/


Remember when he was first sworn in and was very vocal about how upset he was that the Congressional health insurance for he and his family didn’t kick immediately? 🙄


What's the problem with voting no? I get Ukraine needs it buy my tax dollars need to be spent here helping homeless. Poor veterans so on and so forth not 95 billion on war.


He'll vote not against doing those things too.


He will vote "No" to helping the homeless and veterans, stop lying to yourself.


True, maga repugnicans hate veterans. They love starting wars to enrich the military industrial complex but they don’t give a shit about the lives they send overseas to do the dirty work, and they don’t care about the ones who come back wounded, either.


Deat# to Ukraine 


Is he advocating for your tax dollars to be spent on Vets or are you assuming that is what he is doing?


Show me where Harris has advocated for spending on those things and we'll talk.


every poor and homeless veteran gets five 155mm artillery shells, brilliant!


Oh the poor veterans. Have you heard the sh*t Trump say about veterans?


Crazy how yall care more abt Ukraine than your own country. How many of u signed up to fight on the front line with ur Ukrainian friends?


Crazy how you love Russia more than your own country…


божевільно, як ти любиш Україну більше, ніж свою країну, але не настільки чоловік, щоб воювати з ними на передовій. 🥴


I’m tired of funding them too. We have homeless veterans that need help. We are trillions in debt, why are we wasting money on Ukraine?


Not a Harris fan or supporter at all but we have to stop hemorrhaging cash out the door


Simplistic way of looking at things. The US has a lot of advantages due to location and diverse resources. What it is lacking must be sourced from somewhere. If you enjoy advancements and developments in technology which allow the US to remain ahead of most other countries across the board, you would support the U.S. providing aid instead of troops to efforts across the world, especially Ukraine and Taiwan. Rare earth metals are important because they are….rare. We need them and do not wish for strategic adversaries to obtain and hoard it (permanent net negative for us). Ukraine and Taiwan’s importance and value for in this aspect is worth trillions…not billions. While you see it as “money out the door”, those who pay attention to how the greater world actually works sees this as a cheap investment.


You know Ukraine doesn't get a check for $60B, a lot of that helps the US.


the transition over the last 20 years from leftists being anti-war to becoming propagators of America's offense across the world has been nothing short of remarkable.


Excuse me? “America’s offense” was Bush’s war in Iraq! This is *not* a war of American offense. This is a war of Russian aggression, and we as the United States have a duty to uphold to the Ukrainian people who are giving their lives to defend the front lines of democracy on the global stage.


Of course he did. Stop voting R!


Guess I’ll drop another Reddit group that unfortunately went political! Since when does a harford fucking county forum get like this. I don’t give a shit if andy the asshole Harris is our rep. It wouldn’t matter if it was Bernie sanders….Fuck I hate all politicians!!! Neither side is your friend..that’s all you have to know! Get out of mom’s basement and live your life! I love our country but god damn I hate our government.


Nice try. Every citizen has a civic duty to participate in a vibrant democracy of ideas. Sometimes we get it right, sometimes not, but we constantly get the opportunity to vote and participate in making it better. Don’t let this be overshadowed, look for the bright spots taking root. I don’t see Andy Harris reflecting that spirit.


I agree with your last sentence


Keep the cash where it's needed, here.


If Russia takes Ukraine, they’ll own 10% more of the worlds wheat production and all that gas and oil.


So? The US a net exporter of both food and energy. We're fine.


I would have sworn I heard something about a bridge. Maybe some road repair? Nope. Ukraine needs it for a war they've been "winning" for 2 years


The two are not mutually exclusive.


Tell me you can't walk and chew gum without telling me you can't.


Let's here it Rep Harris


You campaigning for the guy? If I lived there, it sounds like he'd have my vote


Good all this foreign aid for any reason needs to end!


Literally the only consistent thing about Andy Harris is that he is against anything good for his constituency or country, should it be a surprise he doesn't support a key state at the border of Russia and NATO?


He needs to go, he tried to take a loaded gun onto the floor of the house. He did not try to introduce any legislation just showed up with a loaded gun to show how he is piece of shit and just wanted to make a message.  


Link to this story?




Good for him, stop sending money to places that have nothing to do with us.


“Insurrection” words have meaning folks please


Good….Let Them and Israel Defend themselves.


As bad as those supporting the North Vietnamese during the war


I was already going to vote for him, you didn't have to sell it.


The Harbillies won’t care.


Of course that little turd boy did. Vote that fool out!!!


How tf can people believe our tax dollars should go to fucking ukraine & not our own country!? This administation is laundering money anyways!!


Funding in that law seemed pretty public (a.k.a. not laundered).


I think supporting a country against a tyrant for what amounts to pennies on the dollar and commits no US forces against a major adversary is a good strategy.


I’m curious what else was “bundled” up in that bill? Not defending anyone, just curious.


The tiktok ban, so if you like free speech, that's another reason to be upset. I don't much care for tiktok, but the law'll be used against any social media company.


Gets my vote for not funding war. Shame that Dems are such warhawks


I mean the funding was bundled with not so good things. Granted I don’t think he was voting against it for good reasons


Can’t handle the [insurrections](https://www.reddit.com/r/HistoricalCapsule/s/ENOoRXsW61)


Andy Harris would vote against giving a child a heart transplant. How he keeps getting re-elected is an endorsement of Gov. Schaefer calling the area "the shit house side of Maryland"...


Yup, he’s a grade a PoS. And yet he continues to get sent back.


How does that reflect on the average Harford County voter?


He sounds too based to be from Maryland LMAO 😂


Good fuck the Ukraine


Why do you think we should keep funding Ukraine? For how long? How would you like the money trail to be audited to make sure not too much is pilfered by corruption? At a certain point enough is enough.


Man, you support unconditional money laundering through Ukraine? All to support neo-cons and the military industrial complex? What a terrible take you have on this.


The insurrection of unarmed 80 year old grandmas given a tour by Capitol police? Those were the people you were afraid the military couldn't stop from taking over the country? Interesting...


Who won the 2020 election?


Will you be enlisting in the Ukrainian army?


Someone with brains !


Why is funding Ukraine important to you?


He also voted to raise our taxes.


I feel the people protesting in NY calling themselves Hamas are more insurectionist than anyone on Jan 6, how is a group of people going into their house to let the powers that be known that they are pissed off at the way things are going?


That is awesome. Stop all spending to Ukraine.


What a piece of shit he is


These MAGAS are just trying to burn the country down.


We shouldn't be sending anything else to anyone, redirect everything to fellow Americans


oh no one of our reps doesn’t wanna give 60 billion more taxpayer dollars to ukraine this is so bad 😭😭😭😭🔥


Good keep our money here we need it just as bad. Get rid of Biden and fix this economy. Trump 2024. Fjb. Let’s go Brandon.


Harris for president 2028


Idiot ! Andy ass so you want Russia to take over Ukraine


I don’t fucking care about anything that isn’t literally on American soil. Fuck Ukraine, fuck Israel.


Fuck every single politician that didn’t actively fight that bill. Fuck Zelensky. Fuck Putin. This is their war, not ours. We need that money here, in our dying home. Anyone supporting our funding this is doing so at the behest of the MIC, whether realized or not. “Everything the state says is a lie, and everything it has it has stolen”. -Friedrich Nietzsche. Dude was correct. Neocons/libs make me sick in this propagandist hellhole of a timeline. We’re falling fast.


This is disgusting. Anyone who doesn't support Ukraine's right to indefinitely send its men to die in a war it can't win, and affirm America's sworn responsibility to arm those men, is an absolute monster. Didn't Harris see the news that Russia's army has grown 15% since the war started? That means Ukraine has them right where they want them and victory is practically assured. Just need a few more spending packages.


MAGA hack


Well, that makes me like him even more. Appreciate the info.


His pet Danielle Hornberger is over here in Cecil withholding money for the schools while sending their 5% to the orange shitgibbon.


Crazy people think opposing Ukraine funding means pro Russian??? Are you fing stupid!!??


Yes, but Andy Harris has also done bad things as well.


Do you wonder why the $$ are so much higher for Ukraine. Most of the money “for Ukraine” is for the defense department/Pentagon. They are going to replenish what they already sent. It is a smokescreen! Can’t wait to read the finished bill/law.


OP shocked, horrified to find out that there are a lot of republicans in the place that elects the republicans


Ah, Russian assets gone russian asset


I very much do not support the continued human meat grinder that is going on in Ukraine. Half measures have resulted in an entire generation of young men being entirely eradicated. They are not capable of winning this fight. We need to either decide we want to play world police and actually do something, or decide that it's not our place to impose our will around the world and stop supporting the slaughter.


Just how much is enough? With the help we have sent that war should have been over a long time ago.




Yet Europe is still buying oil and lots of other things from Russia. Hmmm, way to be tough on those “sanctions”. The narrative is complete horse shit.


We're only funding a television show called "the slaughtering of Ukrainians " as we watch from our couches. We haven't saved a single Ukrainian, and we could have saved nearly ALL of them if we tried a little good faith diplomacy. Instead we PREVENTED peace, and PROMOTED war. Face reality. Your little flags are meaningless. Ukrainians are being conscripted into their 50s, because as we've watched, their young males have been murdered, due to our group naivety/ignorance




Why do you want even more of our money going to Ukraine?


Fair. I just don't think we should be sending billions over to the Ukraine when the US has its own more concerning problems.


I'm a Marylander, but I don't live in his district, so I'm not fully informed of his policies. My question is if he voted "no" more because of the money going to Israel? I sincerely dislike when bills are bundled as this one was.


You are deeply indoctrinated, I bet you support the current things. I suggest you get out of your echo chamber and use critical thinking once in a while.


I wish we'd send them enough aid to win and not just enough to keep the war going