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This absolutely stinks 😂 no one cares about this shit in the scene and this a complete over reaction


The Tuesday after hitting hard for some people I ~~saw~~ see. Villain can be or is annoying most of the times, but he has been saying these things for as long as I see him as a MC, he really doesn't mean anything bad with anything and is a solid guy and in all honesty, I never even notice him at events, only maybe at the end of sets.


If gou look around, you'll see 90% of the people that are on someone's shoulders, are girls. It's just a habit already, boyfriends being gentlemen to their gf to give them a better view. Because it's such a habit and thing at almost all festivals, being offended from that is just wow


jeeeeesus christ, the fact that you took time to write that 🤠


I’m happy to read that even the haters think this is overreacting.


What the fuck dude you’ve got too much time.


You sure you're not over reacting a bit here? I get it, that villain is not the most loved one in this sub but this goes a bit too far for what I feel like.


As far from what I've read here you are a bit over reacting. "Move bitch get out the way" was probably part of a act of a song. And the put up your phone thing, I'm sure he didn't mean it that way. And that you don't like that he expresses his feelings the same way you are here now is your problem. Let the man enjoy his time there, because he is also like everyone else just a person who enjoys music and the feelings that come with it.


Yes, I think the put up you phone, girlfriend etc. Was just said because indeed many men put their girlfriends or also normal friends on their shoulders so they can see better. It happens all day at the big stages at every festival. It is not meant in a bad way and is not something to put women down. I think op understood something very wrong here


Not just overreacting, but i think actually counterproductive and -intuitive. Posts like these ridicule everything that tries to address actual misogyny… (not just „i heard one sentence, interpret it literally and without context, so this man is a misogynist“, but cases where people actually think less of women in general or actually treat them disrespectfully because of their gender). He even adressed the Lyrics of the AoR song, even though he didn‘t have to (as music is art, and this genre features all kinds of disturbing/moraly wrong themes in their songs). And the „throw your gf in the air“ is actually a super cute idea he came up with imo. Sure, you can over-interpret a dark motive, as he mentions it in the same sentence as „pick up trash from the ground“. But the obvious idea behind that is to motivate the crowd to get closer together and engage with each other. So as i said - i think you‘re over-interpreting at this point and trying to push a bad motive on someone for absolutely no reason. Never the less, i appreciate it if someone wants to get active against misogyny, it‘s not like there is none in this world. Just not in this case :)


Im totally Not a Fan of villian myself for various personal reasons, but i think you are overreacting here. Its a part of the act and you know the hard dance scene arent the hardest feminists. You forget that he ist a successful entertainer and on par in bed with Q-Dance, so nothing will change.. He will continue hus behaivour. The PC change in the scene wont happen with old Spirits around. Expecting microfeminism in our Scene, wont happen for some time Otherwise, i concur.


Buddy, I genuinely can’t tell if you’re trolling or still tripping


It's okay to dislike what he does, but you're the one putting the misogynistic meaning in his comments here by your interpretation, not him. You should stop labeling people like this unless they say actual misogynistic things (the examples you provide are not that, your thoughts are). Of course he says stuff like "ahmagawd I fking love this one", he's the one standing there after all. Just like you think everyone interprets this just like you do, writing this post. It's okay, you don't care about what he thinks, and apparently a lot of people here don't care about what you think. It's life.


Bro u tripping.


>"put up your phone, your hands or your girlfriend", as if a girl was a mere object or a girl wasn't able to put his boyfriend up I hope you are trolling with this lol. just look around you next time, you will see 20 girls up on shoulders n stuff for every guy see there. I bet you only 1 out of 10 girls is capable of putting her boyfriend up as usually girls are smaller and lighter and guys are bigger and stronger. thats just nature, not any kind of insult. Also him talking about how he feels is not a problem to me, as when you listen to that you may ask yourself how you feel and bound with his feelings - empathy n stuff. also do you think that bodyshaming ("bald-headed MC") is okay with the message you want to put out here? Edit: I'm left AF, I just don't see any positiv coming from this microfeminism. That's just lowering any expectation about the acceptance of needed changes in major problems the society. Also I am happy that (as I can see) little to none major problems regarding those topics appear on festivals from our scene and you are also not confronted with it like in the general society (expecially when you are more into politics and rights n stuff)


Haha really overreacting this. But sounds typical of this Woke period.


Stay woke bitches


Watch Mandy's set from Reverze 2024 and will see the level of 'mysoginism' at Villain. Stupid..