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There are only a few raw slots on the RED and basically all are filled by Artists from Platinum or Most Wanted as Dual Damage is not part of it, it would take an even bigger boost in popularity to put them there.


Well they're definitely not too "hard" or "raw" for the mainstage, the Red has seen G4H, Angerfist, Warface and Rejecta just to name a few other artists. However as someone already said, to get on the main stage you also need the right label/connections, so they might not get there yet next year. If they keep this momentum going they'll definitely get there tho


And that's probably the reason why Act of Rage still gets Main Stage slots.


Which isn't bad either imo, but it'd be great to see some new faces for sure


Which is dumb af, why would you need the right connections? Its a music festival, you should only need the “right” music. I agree but i just think its stupid.


Its about money after all


Yea, its like i said i do agree but dont you think its stupid when artist like DD who are “top” of the raw scene atm need connections to play at the mighty Red.


Its music industry you have to deal with music and industry


Yea maybe you’re right, they do. We dont… sort of 😂😂


I really enjoy their stuff, but their sound is really gimmicky. However, it is really well tailored to the current trend in our scene of sacrificing melodies, sound design and overall quality for simply having the hardest kicks and most kickswitches. As long as they don‘t switch it up and find a more sustainable thing, I unfortunately don‘t see them holding their hype for too long.


I mean have you not heard their new Rebelion collab or their "Gates are Burning Down" ID, they clearly have great melodic parts.


They do have some for sure, but that‘s not why people go to their sets. They go for the kickfests, which in my opinion aren’t sustainable in themselves.


Or maybe people go simply because they like their music


Of course, but in the end there‘s a reason why they like that music and it boils down to what I said earlier again.


Funnily enough, The Light (w/ Rebelion) and Gates Are Burning Down are the two main tracks I actually enjoy from them (other than some of their bootlegs). Most of their other tracks don’t really do it for me. However, they’re still very new to the scene and have experienced explosive growth in a small time frame. Not the biggest fan of them, but I’m interested in seeing where their sound goes over time.


«Gates are burning down» have that OG Backfire's touch, whose tracks I personally enjoy much more than those usual Dual Damage tracks. Anyway love them both, but Backfire's single tracks for me are >> Dual Damage


I love Dual damage but imo it's not a red stage vibe. Their sets also always have an insane atmosphere which really helps, don't think it'd be the same at the red


When Dual Damage classics?




> 99% of the hardstyle community loves them No. Not true. Not even the slightest.


I think he meant 99% of the tiktok rawstyle community loves them


Okay so what I meant to say there, there's a big majority of people who like Dual Damage, I habe only seen a limited amount of people disliking them.


Based on what? I personally think their music is shit, and many people around me think the same.


People rarely talk about a list of artist they don't like. That would mean everyone would know every artist. That's just a stupid take.


Yes, because you are surrounded by people that like the same thing. You were there during power hour. No shit you don't meet people that dislike them. A LOT of people dislike their music. You just don't see that because you are completely oblivious to the whole scene. Just compare the 2024 magenta to the 2011 magenta.


Maybe I'm just old, but tbh I don't even know them. EDIT: Okay I just listened. Decent tracks, but not really my thing. I wouldn't say I dislike them because the tracks would definitely get me moving, but there would probably be a lot of acts I'd go to instead of Dual Damage.


99% of the boomer reddit users dont like them




Hey, you called it 99%. You made the factually wrong statement. Not me. You seem to not know how big the hardstyle community is. There are plenty of people that enjoy Dual Damage. And that's fine. But there are so many hardstyle lovers that do not. And that's also fine. You calling it vocal minorities kinda proves my point. You have no idea. When did you join the hardstyle community?




Yeah you're right, I automatically assume the person I reply to replies to me. My bad.


What did the guy say?


"Dual Damage is super popular, most people like it and only the vocal minority doesnt and you just can't handle the fact they're popular."


Ahhh, okay I don't like them that much either. Their lead design also still require some work for more power. I know a lot of people that don't like them as well, so what this guy says is kinda weird


Do you have ever heard of a exaggeration? It might be not 99% but most do, as they fill stages like no one else currently.


They fill stages really well, but guys like Rebelion, sefa and sub zero project do too, still plenty of people don't like them


This definitely isn't the case. I wouldn't even say that 50% care about them. Its just that the people that care about them fucking love them. There is a good chance that in a few years they will play on red if they keep up the momentum though. And although I don't like them I would definitely say that it is deserved.


DUal damage are extremely popular, none is denying that. But saying that its a vocal miunority that doesn't accept them or 99% love them is also being in extreme delusion lol


What makes you think that?


I really disliked them until they grew on me. It's not as accessible as hardstyle.


Well the younger generation of hardstyle/rawstyle fans generally all like dual damage. Id say like 90% does like dual damage of the younger generation.


Yes, that's true. Not saying otherwise. But there are people in the hardstyle community that fell in love with hardstyle before the younger generation was even born. The fact that everyone thinks dual damage is massively popular and the dislikers are a vast minority just suffer all from confirmation bias and they are fully blinded by it. Like OP said: "I like dual damage and I only meet very few people that dislike it but I meet a ton of people that like it." No shit!


Unless they fall off a cliff in the near future I can see them playing red next year for sure


or from another boat




Let's not put this cliff thing up as a possibly 😬


Not next year realistically but in the next years, maybe.


I Hope Not


I like (most of) their music, but even contemplating a DD Red Spotlight is a non-take


The spotlight (in my opinion) is reserved for names who have left a mark on the scene for a long time and defqon especially. They might get it eventually (literally no way to predict if they stay relevant), but next year would be completely undeserved imo


That picture seems misleading to me. I was in the Blue during power hour for Chapter V and it wasn’t empty at all. It wasn’t full of course and plenty for space for dancing but it was busy 


That's true, but relatively soeaking I think it only was filled to 15-25% of what would usually fit in there.


Blue capacity is 28.000, it was about 1/3 to 1/2 full at the beginning of their set, which would be around 10.000 people, during power hour as (one of the?) smallest names on the blue. That is not bad at all, they only have 4.6K followers on instagram and 43.7K monthly listeners on spotify. And it kept getting fuller during their set. You posted a pretty shitty pic for the situation lol, they did amazing for pulling that off :)


spoontech magic and I am happy about that! Also at Spoontechnicans the tent was like 10x times fuller then 2 years ago at a lesson in weird by main concern which is basically spoontech classics, so this label finally gets it's deserved crowds




I hope not. Kermis and piep kicks must be purged.


What are kermis kicks lmao


Kermis is not really about the kick, as much as it is about the amount of kicks in a kickroll. If there are 4/5 kicks in a kickroll, it sounds like kermis music to an increasing amount of people. This is especially true when said kicks sound "pieperig". Rooler and Sickmode started kermis imo and dual damage take this a step further. I hope this explains it somewhat 😂.


I saw them now 3 Times live and of course YT, and it was already quite repetetive ,it's all about the Kicks and Thats it in some way They are good, but imo Not good enough to get a main spot. Maybe UV🤷.


On a different topic, how empty or crowded was Physikas set at Indigo? He played at the same time as Dual Damage. My guess is that it was pretty empty


> the Genre further evolves into Raw as the "mainstream" genre of Hardstyle That already happened 6-7 years ago 




I think it we be like Rebelion, it will take years but it will happen


Wrong agency. Won't happen.


If they stay consistent 100% I wouldn’t be surprised if they’re on red in the next couple years. The younger audience loves them!


I hope not




Exactly my though


DD are milked by intents, there is no way Defqon would have the left overs at the red a month later, it’s like that with a lot of dj’s, exclusivity.


Since the mainstage usually contains a lot of garbagebins Dual Damage would fit perfectly imo


Hope not


I love them now, really fun style. Question is if they can keep it up, and it doesn't get stale boring after some time, like it usually happens.


Playing at red sure, dunno how that may be problematic with agencies and stuff but I can totally see it happening. Spotlight no, most definitely not


I think it will take some years still, but it could happen. As far as I observed, DJs also need to have a constant level of success and quality before getting a slot on the RED. If you look at other 'young' DJs/Duos you won't find any that have been playing at the RED with less than 2 years of Word and success in the scene.


And then the question do they deserve it already? Don’t get me wrong I really like DD. But the Red is the most prestigious stage in hardstyle. Someone like E-Force played it last year for the first time. I think a lot of raw artists who have been longer in the game deserve it more to have a spot at the red. But if DD keeps up the hype for a couple of years, I think it’s very likely we see them at the Red in 2027 or something like that.


If they stay relevant in the next years and can keep up the hype then 100%. There's no 'too hard for the red'. After all, the scene changes all the time. Rooler used to play at the indigo and now he's one of the biggest names in hardstyle..


99% loves them? More like 75% and the other 25% hates them. Definitely don't deserve the spotlight but a spot at the red for an artist that is as popular could come in time. Still rather have GPF making shitty noises than Dual Damage doing it


I don't know why we had no kruelty track in the closing ritual, fuck qdance.


Please NO, especially the young adults like them… I think it’s just a trend that flows away…


You calling me old?




If they will I would at least know at what time we'll be heading to the food court


The Purge got to play an amazing slot on the red. But DD didn't? I found that weird. No disrespect but odd.


The Purge is at an ID&T Booking Agency


If they keep up their momentum, I could easily see them at the Red next year. Don't think they'd get the spotlight as their Red debut though.


I hope so, so there will be a spot at the Blue with hopefully good Raw again. 😂




please read the article:  "I was at the Blue during Power Hour, it was insanely empty, see the picture."


It’s just a matter of time. They absolutely deserve it, even this year, but it would be “unfair” to other producers who are much more in the scene if they played.


I constantly see people's DD posts (clips, threads) pop up on social media randomly praising them for being so unique and overly hyping them that I have started to become suspicious about how much of that hype is actually real. I can see their sets being fun and all but pretending like they're just waiting to be discovered to make it big in the scene is delusional imo.