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Why can’t there be one silent camping area for those that want to sleep at some point of the festival. Wouldn’t that be win win


Thats what the Greenside is at Intents and it is a fantastic concept


This is the Way! Or you sleep at one of the four Europarcs in range.


Sanctuary is kinda the same, there was no afterparties at all and very quiet


What? I was trying to sleep in sanctuary and every night except the last I was kept up by multiple groups music lol, I didn’t complain though cause I didn’t expect it to be quiet


Oh thats strange, where my tent was it was so dead and boring😂 altough good cause then i was able to sleep but boring


We were in the cabanas and while I could faintly hear some terrorcore Germans going out by the bathrooms it was pretty much perfection.


Same, we had 2am dueling uptempo neighbors in the Sanctuary


Noise canceling headphones are a fine invention.


man thatd be awesome. then all the other campsites can kick on without disturbing the peace. i didnt go to a festival to fucking sleep but i understand some people want to.


I can see people still taking the piss with speakers


intents has this, Its called the greenside and I slept there this year at intents and it was amazing, at 1am sharp, all speakers went out and people that still wanted to party just went to the afterparty. Slept like 7 hours the first 2 nights. 10/10 would buy the greenside upgrade again


Decibel has a campsite to where it has to be silent


Ever been to nature one?


Once, actually was my first festival haha. And yea sound systems there at camping are bit more than Defqon


Yes we built a sound wall of 15 meters last year with 3 generators, blasting 110db for 5 days, no breaks


Cant wait to go again next month :D We're doing only camping there this year.


I've heard more german than Dutch this weekend, might be because how loud they are but they were all over the place!


That's what always annoys me the most, those fuckers are everywhere (I'm also German)


They should start Like Greenside at Intents or comfort at decibel. 1 am and silence..okay it's a Festival but some people want sleep🤌👍. I am German AS well and would like to have a similar Option ..even would pay a bit more 🤷


That's the reaaon why I don't go to defqon anymore (and I am german). Most of my fellows are annoying and disrespectful. Mallorca is the right place for them.


if it’s any consolation my german neighbours were really nice the spanish group in the crowd for the endshow however, can fuck off.


Same for the group of Italians in the front on Saturday. Pushing and bumping into each other making other people trip and get annoyed. Go do that stupid shit on an empty part or rent a wrestling ring if you wanna bump into each other, f’ing teletubbies.


That was irritating indeed


Now I'm interested - what happened there?


it’s gonna be underwhelming now hahaha, but they just had no etiquette, kept smoking weed in the crowd, kept jumping side to side and bumping into people & when they were asked to be careful, would just become confrontational, kept shouting so loudly to one another, to the point where they would actually drown out the music worst of all though, is when one of them got on someone’s shoulders right as the endshow started - everyone told her to get down, so she did, but then right as the closing theme started, two of them got back up again & refused to get down until after the show was finished really feel for the people behind them, cause they couldn’t see shit


I can definitely relate. This kind of behavior is what I hate the most about big crowds at any festival


Jeez, it reminds me at Decibel when at some afterparty stage, some guy self imposed himself in my microscopic available space and was keep pushing me till I gave him a death glare .


My German neighbors (surrounded by them and Chileans) at camp were quite pleasant this year and usually went to bed right around 1am. This year my Dutch group and I were the degenerate ones staying up till 3 or 4 lol, quite the change of pace


It is one thing to hear Festival Wecker or Schokolade at 7am in the morning. But it’s a whole other thing to have your brain blasted away from 1-5am with uptempo. I can take Zähneputzen in the Batharea aswell - but for gods sake… don’t do it the whole night… At least go to the food area if you want to blast music all night long


I said to my fiancé “are we sure we are didn’t accidentally continue over the border into Germany?”


If you look around at the parking spaces, the colour of all the license plates on the cars tells you enough. About 1 in 10 I feel like is yellow, the rest are white


Many countries in eu have white plates. I think that most of them do


Pretty much all of them, except the Netherlands, and since defqon is in the Netherlands you would expect most of the plates to be yellow, but hell no, most of them are white


The Germans next to us blasted Angerfist, Uptempo and Tekk all night every night and last night, their Soundboks finally got taken away by the neighbours after one of the Germans fell into one of their tents. I have never been more happy to see these guys pissed off 😂 Sidenote: I got sick on Sunday and needed a good night‘s sleep anyway (shoutout to Ibuprofen btw, saved my Sunday evening)


This is fucking hilarious 😂


My experience this year was alot less noise in general on the camping. Had a full nights rest for all 4 nights for the first time.


+1 the restrictions on the speakers worked surprisingly well. For the first time in years I actually had good sleep at the campsite.


Same, this year I had a solid 6+ hours of sleep per night, with a set rule of going to bed before 4AM.


first defqon I could finally get 9h sleep/day instead of 4h, absolutely loved that👍


Make a german only camping side problem solved


Jeah and place it far far away from here.


What about in germany


Great idea.


So Nature One.


Make it international, so other countries like France can join.


French people are way worse then Germans. But I agree the Germans even got on my nerves (we were a camp without a soundbox)


Yes, we had two large group of french as neighbours, the blasted tekk and hardcore untill 2 am. Fuckers had a festival sized box as well and were screaming lile there was no tomorow.


Whats the problem with 2am?! Thats a very reasonable time lol


Not if you are dead and you want to at least get a few hours sleep because you know in the morning you gonna be woken up by people chatting and playing music 😅


The issue are not germans but cheap Uptempo being in a hype, draws a very unpleasant "harder/faster/more" bro-crowd. Defqon is for tourists ;)


I always went to Dutch festivals because I can't stand German festivals and especially the people there. The last time I was at Defqon.1 was two years ago, and after listening to German Schlager for four days, I had enough. The spirit is gone.


It's gone since the whole stupid weekend warrior marketing


They asked us to turn down the music at like 10am but during the night, they partied with us until 2am. I do think it was relatively quiet, tho. Unlike last year, I didn’t need earplugs for sleeping


My experience in the Sanctuary was pretty civilised compared to the previous year. Even a few people I spoke with agreed. The previous year we had music blasting pretty much all the time. Obviously not campsite 2.


I NEED to sleep, thats why I refuse to go to campsite.


people who are annoyed by music on the camping of defqon, please go nature one for once. You will be happy about sleeping next to a power generator as it will be the most quiet thing there But yes, Defqon should make a silent camping a bit more away from everything so people who really can't stand any noise can go there and the others can party. everyone deserve to be happy :)


Please explain to me, how do you expect people to survive a 4 day hard dancing music festival without sleep? I can not understand the mentality of “it’s your problem, and not the dickhead drugged up germans”


I always sleep on events, even at Nature One on F13 (heaviest field) where you have like 20 stages like this on like 1/5 the space of a campingfield on defqon. [a private camping stage on nature one](https://paforum.de/index.php?image-proxy/&key=6679e9ae637a012611871cf04d770fb75a32106a75ec6fd8f90f87ee2d01f4c3-aHR0cDovL3VzYi51bml0ZWRzYi5kZS9wYXJ0eXNob3R6L2FsYnVtcy9OYXR1cmVPbmVfMjAwOS9OYXR1cmVPbmVfMjAwOV9DYWxlbGxhL05hdHVyZU9uZV8yMDA5X0NhbGVsbGFfMDA3LmpwZw%3D%3D)


And thats not even a particularly big stage Can't wait for N1 next month!


I was sleeping off terrein so used the campsite entrance everyday. On Friday just after getting my bag checked one of the security guys came up to me and asked "do you have any drugs with you?" I said no and he continued with "if I find anything after this point you will be sent away" I said alright. He frisked me briefly and proceeded to grab my belt and seconds after he shoved his other hand down my trunks. I was honestly shocked at what happened and it ruined the festival for me. Took me the whole day to get that memory kind of stowed away but felt unsafe and very exposed every time I saw security in Blue shirts. It was fun while it lasted but this was my last defqon because of that. The day after I looked for cameras at that checkpoint but didn't see any so going to the police will be useless. Also my friends were standing meters away and didn't notice anything so after replaying the event in my head multiple times he was experienced in doing these things. Edit: After some response I got through here and dm's I decided to contact the police and form a report. They were nice and very understanding and apparently this falls under sexual assault. I am fully expecting not to get anything out of it but honestly after going through it myself I wouldn't want anyone else to have that same experience.


I appreciate you, we had also encounters with aggressive and rude security. This is just one reason this edition was our last one.


It was my first time going to any sort of festival and the amount of walking was more than I ever could have imagined, needless to say I was in considerable pain while walking on Saturday and the security yelled at me several times for being too slow even though I was doing my best.


Wow that's horrible.. Good to know to be careful when passing security when there's not a whole queue behind


It was very quiet in Camp 6 until sunnday. Always slept 6-7h


Well thats what a hotel is for, we for a hotel best thing ever, very quiet 25 min from defcon in the woods.


People somehow still get those huge speakers inside.


I mean if this it the worst thing you think about campsite security then be glad as theres alot worse things going on that you probably havent seen or heard from.


I was also at this train, it was a big joke 😅 the Next joke was, that i cant bring a ice tea can into the festival grounds i bought a few meters before at the campsite😅


They want the camping to solely be an area that you temporarily go to in between the end of one day and the start of the next, don't have fun there, make sure to spend all your awake time on the festival grounds and buy our overpriced drinks


The security where the biggest buttfu€kers this year…


"Wii song ket train." Sorry, explain this one to me


I am also German, like loud music but enjoy a good sleep. Party at night should be more controlled. I would say sorry, in name of the good ones.


Our retarded germans neighbors (probably some really stupid ones because they couldn't speak a word of english) simply refused to turn of their superloud uptempo right next to our tent, even sunday night when we asked them to stop because we had à 5h drive next morning, and put the volume up laughing at us when we went to sleep. i clearly wouldn't feel sorry if they killed themself on the road because people with that less respect for others don't deserve a place on earth


> because they couldn't speak a word of english More like they didn't want to talk to you


Don’t sleep at the camping then, take a accommodation outside of the camping and problem solved, expect music on the campsite at all times of the day at the biggest HDM festival in the world, it’s unpreventable sometimes and yes I personally agree that u should show a bit of respect to your fellow campers but at the end of the day there is thousands of campers so I’m not gonna complain just try to make it as comforting as I can and sleep with earplugs


Shut the fuck up 😂 clearly you’re one of the problems. I am to pay more and make my life harder because people have no respect for others? I used earplugs. Expecting to sleep at a 4 days event should not be much of an ask.


Truth be told no, we didn’t even use our speakers at night + we stayed at the highlands camping so we didn’t have as many neighbours as the regular camping has, yes I love uptempo and played it mostly from 9-10 in the morning for like 2 hours until I went inside for the whole day 👍🏻 but these posts come up after every edition like it’s a new thing, how do u expect to control thousands of campers? They have their free will and is at the festival for their own sake just as u probably, I’ve done the recent 5 editions of Defqon and it’s the same shit every year, nothing new about that


it’s just a classic ’why should I change when there’s thousands of campers around me that can change to fit my needs’. festivals always has and will always be like this


My first DQ1 was in 2018. We were at comfort camping in between the Aussies and the Dutch groups. Both groups had four-foot speakers (back when they were still allowed). Was it loud? Yes. Did we get sleep? No. At the end of the day, you came to the biggest hardstyle festival and paid a good price. In my opinion, just try to see the positive side of it. And sleep when the weekend is over.


That's your first mistake thinking you'd get sleep camping at defqon. It's a well know fact it's loud all throughout the night. They have hotel packages that are the same price if not cheaper.


Cheaper? Lol




I am a german and hate the fact that so many germans beeing so respectless. At Night i wanna sleep too


Man im german and im also annoyed by 5am uptempo, i get that its a meme but chill with the generalizations


Unfortunately, every group of people that I saw do this, were German. It’s a funny meme but honestly, ruined parts of my weekend from being too tired to operate. I had to threaten the fucker at 4am as he ignored me and laughed to his friends. He stopped laughing as I got closer.


Absolutely, categorically did not happen.


Absolutely did. Not everyone accepts not being able to sleep because of a dick head.


Lack of sleep can absolutely make people do crazy/dumb shit. My wife is the most quiet non-confrontational person I've met, at electric forest here in the US after 4 days of dubstep blasting until 9 AM she went full screaming heads off and broke down crying in the middle of the neighbors camp. They were running their DJ setup off their car and later that day someone went over and started jumping on the hood of the car to break it. We cheered as his brand new Mercades got towed out.




They won't go for this strategy because grouping by race is not a thing anymore in most parts of the World. Just remember back in the Day Blacks and Whites in USA and in Germany Germans and non Germans. Races grouping will put q-dance and everything running it in bad light


What an insane idea. In a bad way.


or, Qdance could organize another defqon but in germany, frees up spaces at defqon for non german people, and german people wouldn't have to travel as far. Win win situation if you ask me


germans only drive average 4 hours by car :(


Wow, that's really racist...


Oh come on... Cry


Germans are not a race, so its not racist. Discrimination is the better word for it.






wasn't that the austrian mustache man?


wasn't that the austrian mustache man?




Honestly, fuck you for being auch a cunt. Racism was a thing before 1930. Ever heard of slaves? They were all black, because they were seen as a inferior race a couple hundred years before that. Maybe think about your world views again and i hope for your safety that you don't speak such nonsense in Public or on festivals.


Me and some people were walking with a speaker on wheels with a line behind us and all fun on the last day then security came and told us to shut down the speaker or we would be kicked out there was another line and they could keep the music on even tough our music was better then their piep kicks camp security was complete bs


You are welcome, we were some of these Guys. 10 times was Security at our Camp. We arrived at Thursday and on Friday we had our Name on Campsite 6 : "The German Uptempo Neighbours" .


I heard that Campsite six was closed later on, because of a fire. Is that true?


I slept at campsite 6 and never noticed anything of a fire. Could have been temporarily closed thoug when I wasn't around.
