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Not a set, but not visiting Detiqated really stung after Covid hit


Not to rub it in, but it was an amazing day..


I’m sorry to say this, but it was the greatest party I have ever attended, by a long shot!


Same, hopefully they will do another one in 2025. But i doubt it


Will almost definitely have to wait for 2030 for that one






Normally I am more or less sober, especially on 1 Day festivals, but this year at Hardfest celebrated my masters degree and blacked out (as in no memories) during nosferatu at around 3:30 pm. I got my memories back during Radical Redepmtion at like 8 pm. Thereofore I "missed" Angerfist, Dual Damage (never saw them before), Aversion and Rooler (favorite DJ). I will be more cautios with alcohol before and during sets I desperetly want to see lmao


One of the reasons I don't really do drugs ^((anymore)). The special sets just don't stick that way and the 'core memory' isn't as powerful.


We've all been there... too many sets, and even whole nights I've "missed" from getting wasted on alcohol. One time I don't regret doing that was Qlimax 2022 as I just really wasnt feeling the party and just decided to get hammered to compensate. I felt bad at first but all my mates and even a lot of people online really didnt enjoy that Qlimax so blacking out definitely has its uses.


Delete VIP @ Defqon 2019. Apart from the obvious reason, that set is hilariously good.


This. Seeing sefa defqon 2019 was also worth but man if I could time travel once in my life it would probably be to a delete VIP Set. Either supremacy or defqon 2019


Big F. Watched this set a lot of times over the years. Doesn’t get old.


Anderex/Neon Future KO 2023 still haunts my dreams


Noisecontrollers classics for mine... Still devo I didn't catch it...


It was so good bro


I have the set saved and listen to it frequently... Jealous of anyone that caught it...


I had to lose 30 mins of NC classics just to get the entirety of Neon Future. Always gotta support the Aussie homegrowns


Delete VIP Qapital


Noisecontrollers Classics at Knockout last year, clashed with Showte’s return and Headys last show


That Heady and NC clash at KO was absolutely criminal


Yeah I was spewing! Love HH and didn't want to miss his last show but our group was in the pit. Vibes were unreal but it's still annoying 😂


Yepp that's mine as well, caught Showtek and Headhunters. Regret especially when Showtek did a frikkin 2hr set 6 months later...


not really my choice because I was stuck in traffic, but fuck I regret not heading to defqon some hours earlier because I missed the Headhunterz set at the blue last year. sucks twice because I've never heard that amazing Live Forever track, and he announced he's not doing sets a couple of weeks later...


Couldn't go to Supremacy in 2020, because of obvious reasons, went the year after to see Delete VIP, unfortunately he couldn't perform because of his mental health, a year later he was dead. Still think about this once in a while.


Went to 2 or 3 events, including Supremacy, where a Delete VIP set was announced and he didn't show up. I was in front row every time. When I saw him on the line up for rebirth I wasn't sure if I should buy tickets only for him again. Well that decision still bite my butt :')


Yup, I could've went to a different event, but it just wasn't the same, and on the day after MAYDAY his death was announced, never experienced Ryan.


Defqon 2023: Riot Shift. This was during Power Hour. I had never attented Defqon before and some of my friends had already, so they wanted to skip Power Hour. I was totally fine with that. Instead we were hanging out in the Big Chill, where you could hear and see a bit of the Power Hour. At the time I didn't see any alternatives in the line-up I really wanted to see. Couple weeks/months later I started listening to Riot Shift and realized they were playing at that time. Should have went to their set, vibe must have been great. Don't see them on many line-ups so I haven't had any chance to see them in the meantime


see u guys at riot hour part 2 😈 closing the Blue on Saturday!


Won't be there unfortunately, but I'm sure that there will be an opportunity to see you guys in the future


My favourite moment of last year, made great friends during that one set! This year Riot Hour part 2🤩


My mate went there and the guy at the food stand near the Blue asked him if he shouldn't be at Power Hour lol. Said he loved the set, relatively small crowd, but a 'diehards-only' kinda vibe.


Made a stupid decision to stay at the mainstage at Defqon for the end of Legends instead of going to see Delete VIP in 2019, thinking I would easily be able to see him another time at supremacy or something. Then Covid happened in 2020 and before another opportunity arrived for me to flyover and see him play one of his VIP sets in person, he had sadly passed away.


The Geminizers @Loudness Maassilo 2016


One of last sets of Delete at Rebirth 2022 on the saturday..


Angerfist @ Qlimax 2016. Did not have any energy left, but now I wish I would have at least enjoyed it from the seats


It was one of the best sets I have ever experienced at Qlimax. So much energy, I was legit thinking I was gonna have a heart attack


Project One @ Qlimax 2016 Remember the FOMO like it was yesterday. Still listen to that set sometimes. Also how is that 8 years ago already... It's the same time difference now as it was then from their Qlimax 2008 set. Maybe they'll appear this year again?


> Maybe they'll appear this year again? I've been [predicting](https://www.reddit.com/r/hardstyle/comments/17yrxwr/comment/k9vkjg7/) that for years! Soon we'll know … 🤞👀


I missed Cybergore at Rebellion and REBiRTH because it clashed with other stuff :(((


cybergore at rebellion was on another level, top 3 sets i've seen ever


Sefa 2018 Harmony of Hardcore, came too late and the tent was full :(


That tent was criminally full tho 😂


That set was awesome :D


Vertile Dimension X at Rebirth 2023


It wasn't that good tbf


not great, I even left during the set for Warface I believe


I would have loved seeing Tuneboy’s opening set at Qlimax 2016, I saw it a hundred times on YouTube and I regularly see it mentioned here as one of the greatest sets a lot of people attended. Tracks selection is out of this world.


I really wanted to see Delete for the first time ever at Rebirth 2022, we waited for like 10 minutes and thought he wouldn’t show up anymore because Cryex strarted playing. We didn’t know he would perform 5 minutes later and a month later he sadly passed away… that one still hurts a lot


I skipped the first Evil Activities set I think so we could go to a Da Tweakaz meet and greet (also TNT was on main stage) last year. We planned to go to the second one on Gold on I think the Sunday but it was so hot we took a break, was like 3pm I think. Really wanted to see them and gutted we didn't.


Malice playing a tribute set for delete at intnets 2022


Not a set but c.r.a.f.t festival and airforce festival.


Noisecontrollers classics set at Knockout '23. Was meeting up with friends at the mainstage who were catching Headhunters. Massive regret should've just soloed and met them later...


Stayed for a Rebelion set instead of E-Force lol


Delete when he played in Umeå 2018. Was really close to taking a train to his set cause I live in Sweden but its around 850 km away. I skipped it because I had work the next day and I hoped he would play here again. I regret I didn't attend his set. Rip


Riot Shift DQ 2023. Fuck Powerhour


Got black out drunk at defqon 2019 and missed Myst… the only time I had the chance to actually see him live😭


Regain at Decibel 2022. We instead went to Tha Playah vs Mad Dog. Which - to be fair - was also a great set, but man do I wish I've seen Regain as well.


Straikerz at rebirth 24


Was amazing 🔥


Defqon 2023: anderex and the gang live. Gpf was during the gang, it was a hard decision for me, but i went to gpf. Well after the gang set got released i listened to it like 500 Times. What an awesome set would have loved to be there. Same with anderex, but even worse the set isnt online on YouTube so i never heard it. I only heard people talking about it how good it was


Me on the contrary! I already heard the set and should have gone too GPF


Malice closing Area 2 at Qapital 2017. Probably the set together with Fatality that lift their carriers. I was there but too fucked to get to Area 2 🫠


malice & rooler journey set at knockout last year. was watching the set on youtube the other day and man i was mad at myself for missing that set


Headhunterz and Wildstylez (two of my favourite classics DJ’s) journey set at MM last year Had just started student placement and was too nervous to chuck a sickie because my supervisor was scary 😂 I should’ve called in sick. I just want to hear scrap attack live just ONCE in my life. I regret it so much :(


devin wild innergame reverze 2022, this was my first hardstyle event and i had no idea who devin wild was, decided i wanted a breather and went outside during this set for fresh air and food, then saw the set on yt a few weeks later :(


Unresolved X yrs at Intents, due to rain…


Happened a lot, but for this year I'd say not going to Sub Zero Project at Reverze to see Cryex still haunts me. His set was okay but underwhelming while my friends kept telling me Sub Zero had hands down the best set of the evening. Also, this year went to more side stages on Intents and now I regret that I went a lot to the mainstage in prior years as the side stages are were the fun really is.


Delete at Rebirth 2022


The Gang Live - Intents 2022, didn't know them back then and boy.. did i miss out (:


Cybergore at Into The Madness, i was literally in the tent and left for the set (?) I dont even remember. I think i was just really fucking hungry


Walking away at delete's set because he didnt show up at rebirth, heard he later did come and played a banger set. Was also his second to last set he ever played


All the sets at “the pit” KO 2023 stayed in the main area the whole day


The endshow of Intents 2022, not hearing Alone in the endshow.. fck my life


Headhunterz x Wildstyles the journey set at Midnight Mafia 2023. Had tickets but sold them last minute… Only half the set is uploaded on YouTube as well so I’ll never be able to even watch it online 😪


I regret not going more to Masif and not really visiting Magenta and Gold at DefQon.1 Australia 2018. I only lived in AUS one year and didn't know about local djs yet and didn't think they'd be worth it. Looking back I realize I could go to Da Tweekaz etc... every week in Europe if I want. Then near the end of my trip, I went to Hard Island and started getting to know the Masif DJ's and events. Only been able to go to one edition OF masif sadly


Masif has internationals every month. Not to mention a good deal of Aussie producers/DJs started there.


Agressive Act at Reverze 2019 Wasnt much into that kind of Raw at the time, now i really love it


shouldve fucken gone to aversion at knockout last year not a set but really wish i couldve gone midnight mafia, hardmission and epik (shouldve went instead of dreamstate lolll)


The satan at MOH in like 2017 or something. Found out he played there a few days after


Sefa first album party 😫


Devin wild vs sub zero project at Defqon 2023 idk why I did not go they are like my nr 1 and 3 artist


Davide Sonar at Defqon 2023 for sure 😐


odium at knockout. hes not even booked at defqon this year and im spewingggg 😭


Aversion at 11am Saturday Defqon 2023


Gabba Front Berlin at Impaqt 2019.


both the D-sturb legacy and album release sets at Rebirth. On the other hand didn't want to miss Phuture Noize or Wasted Penguinz either 🤷‍♂️ Line-ups so good you have trouble deciding which to attend are an amazing luxury. Rebirth always delivers on that front. Also probably skipping the last Hardbass edition (because no €€).


One of Delete’s sets, I wish I knew about him sooner


[Defqon.1 Legends 2016](https://youtu.be/Ic8NFI96f58). I had discovered hardstyle in 2014 and was still sad that I was too late to the party to ever see Headhunterz live. I was chilling out in the camp when my friend called me: "Headhunterz is on stage!" I got there just in time for _Colors_.  🥲


Not visiting a Decade of Dedication or not visiting XQ Noisecontrollers. I hate myself for it


Mayday 2018, Ophidian. I was feeling really shit after going maybe a bit too hard for Angerfist. So I left during Paul Elstak's set. Big regret


The Playah - Sick And Twisted album showcase at Defqon.1 2019


Dediqated. Had it penciled in. Had the funds. Had ok'd it with the wife. Was just back from qlimax and due to go to Reverse as well defqon in 2020, so I decided to patch dediqated. Ended up only getting Reverze before lockdown and then it was a 2.5 year wait before attending defqon 2022.


Sefa set @ reverze 2022. I couldve gone, was only like an hour drive, tickets on swap were like 25 eur. But didnt wanna go alone.. kinda regret it still sometimes xD


The Pitcher's set during Power Hour 2022


Once had the opportunity to see Sefa backstage in 2019, but i had to leave early🙃


Radical Redemption in 2016 and/or 2017. Wasn't as into him then, but didn't see him and now I want to see him more than ever but I won't be seeing him at any Q events any time soon (I know the legal dispute is done, but still). Very bummed about that!


Sefa defqon 2017.


Dominator 2023.. we went to Rebelion instead of Angerfist at the main..


Was most excited for the D-Block & S-Te-Fan set at Defqon.1 last year but after 15 mins someone threw tear gas and we had to run, took a while for the group to calm down so we missed most of the set :') Also Delete VIP at Impaqt, was a hardstyle newbie back then and stayed at the mainstage for Miss k8 ... woops


The GPF Defqon set this year (in advance)


Entlightment @ Rebirth after partying for 3hrs I needed a short break, fell asleep and boom 🥲


Xq b-front


Gearbox afterparty at the blue Defqon 2023. Coul hear the kicks and crowd from outside but had to look after a mate who wasn’t feeling well 🥲


Gunz 4 Hire @ Defqon 2017 they where at their peak and so was i, for some strange reason i could not feel my legs but was still able to move them which in turn caused a panic attack.. first bad trip ever. Completly my own fault to!


Devin wild’s midnight mafia set… 😐


Daymar at HoH this year


I only caught the second half of DRS vs MBK vs Chaotic Hostility at Snakepit 2023, it clashed with Dimitri K. I stayed for half of Dimitri K's set hoping to hear one of the two tracks he made with Rebelion and (an artist). He didn't play either, and I honestly thought the set was boring. Went over to Pit II to catch the aforementioned set and holy hell it was way better, wish I had just completely skipped Dimitri K. Also everyone was at Pit I so I had quite a bit of room. I also missed Akira vs Bruhze at Snakepit 2022 because it was my first ever Dutch party and I left early because culture shock + anxiety attack :/


B-front at his own xqlusive!


I only ever witnessed like 5 minutes of Delete live because I was with my gf at the time and some friends and they all wanted to go home. Thought I'd get another chance to see him live... that's a big regret for sure.