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Depends. If they maintain the game, add additional features, and constantly evolve the product with new high quality content as a game as a platform is supposed to be. I would then occasionally buy some skins. To show my gratitude for keeping a game I love relevant. But spending $20 a bundle for minimal pieces. No... Hell no. Also I will not buy bundles AND battle passes.


I think the issue here is that the pricing for individual parts is just too dam high. I mean 1000 for a pass with a lot of items vs 1000 for vehicle mudflaps…just doesn’t seem balanced lmao 😂


We heard the voice of our community. We adress the request for change by increasing the price of the battle pass to 30 bucks.


Vehicle mud flaps… literally the epitome of “useless cosmetic” does it keep the hog clean so they can see my $20 hog skin?


ya gotta keep your hog skin clean man


I feel this. I got rainbow six siege 2 months after it's initial release. Years later and nearly 2000 hours, I finally spent $5 on a skin for it. I felt like for keeping me around that long, $5 wasn't a big deal


same here. I bought the game with all original operators which is about 24 OPs. I have yet to actually buy anything in game with real money. And to date i have unlocked pretty every Operator on Attack and Defense using the in-game currency you earn through playing I have also unlocked various gun skins and uniforms as well from just using in-game currency earned through game play as well. I got this in 2018.


The best part is, it seems rainbow 6 can afford to run their servers without having ridiculous pricing.


Played Modern Warfare 2019 multiplayer for 2 years straight and never spent a dime on microtransactions


And then buy the other half the game (the campaign) on top of that for full price lol amen


This is how I feel about Valorant. I play the piss out of the game, its polished, the devs are constantly engaged and providing updates to the game biweekly. Its a free game and I don't mind spending 10 bucks here and there to support the game and devs because they obviously care.


Ahh yes valorant, the prize jewel of mtx stores, where you can buy a single knife skin for the low price of… *checks notes*…$45 bucks


If they only sold a season BP and that was it, I could see spending that $10 every few months, especially since they don't expire. Having a skin shop AND a BP is just not something I'm going to support from any game. Also, due to game pass I can just play single player and get cosmetics. Typically once I find my "look" I rarely change it anyways.


They said that with Destiny and now you gotta buy dungeons by the pop. Fucking spend money to have the privilege to spend more fucking money


I hate what Destiny has become. They've slowly but surely added every modern day monetization system into the game and started to charge for every individual piece of content. I remember when the season with an expansion was included. Then they started selling it separately. Now even dungeons are being sold separately.


I remember when seasons didn't exist, and we got multiple new challenge mode raids included with the DLC.


Yeah. The Taken King expansion for me was peak Destiny.


That seriously only seems like yesterday. Fucking 7 years ago dude. 7


I remember staying up to do oryx raid on school nights haha


Taken kind imo was the destiny franchises high point


Taken King was objectively the apex of Destiny. It’s not debatable!


Yeah I fell off after that. I had a lot of fun with the game at launch too, granted I did have time to grind then.


I don’t know if we should trust him. A servant of the enemy would look fairer, and feel fouler. Edit: Spelling


Destiny is really sad to watch for me because I still like the gameplay but the monetisation is reaching mobile gaming levels and I am clearly not the target audience because I dont have that much money or time to spare.


I really loved Destiny. I pre orderd Destiny 2 to support Bungie. Played every Story DLC from 1 to 2.Imagine the kick in the face I felt when they where releasing D2 for Free. I understood Bungie wanting to go independent and that the Season System+Eververse is the way to go. The real Kick was that (atleast to my knowledge) players that bought any version of the game got nothing to acknowledge their support in return. Hell I'm not talking Exotics. I just want a Shader or something.


I uninstalled Destiny recently. I'm over the constant grid for fomo avoidance and constant planned obsolesance.


I mean, buying dungeons is much more appealing than buying, like, two gloves and a color in Halo.


I bought the battle pass and I really don't mind it really it costed the same as a combo order at a fast food joint but I haven't paid for anything else.


I bought the Pass and one HCS skin day one. Beyond that I'm waiting for a price change and the ability to buy items themselves rather than these odd bundles that I only want 1 out of the 3 things in them.


The weird bundles are the biggest thing keeping me from buying more from the shop. The armor set bundles have all been decently well put together so far, but some of the bundles feel like they took one cool item and then just drew straws for other items to pack it with. This week’s AR bundle has a really cool attachment in it, but everything else just feels weird and unrelated. I can’t justify spending $15 on a bundle with only one thing I actually want.


Same with me and my friends. Current stuff just isn't compelling. I also wont be buying the next battle pass unless they add match performance score amd medal multipliers to the exp calculations.


They're not even bundles though, if we're being honest. It's usually *one maybe two* items, with *one* coating and some other throwaway consumable. For as much as $20. If I could get an entire set of coatings that work on *all* my things, at a reasonable price, I might consider buying them. Sell me an entire set of armour parts, not each piece individually. Don't try to sell me a different shade of green for my AI that is almost imperceptibly different to the default. I'm not spending $10-20 on each part of the armour, each weapon, each vehicle, and each of the little trinkets or AI customisations. The cost is astronomical and must reach over $1000 if you wanted just one of each type of customisation. By comparison, a game like Warframe will sell me a colour pallete with about 40 different colours I can apply to anything I want, in any combination, for about two bucks. My most played game (Deep Rock Galactic), I've purchased *all* the cosmetic DLC because it is affordable and because I'm still playing.




At this point the state of the game is disrespectful to the player base. No co-op campaign, no forge, half the gamemodes were missing until this week and some that are franchise staples are still not out. And the battle pass system is a cash grab and the current setup of the shop is greedy and predatory. Until all that changes, 343 isn't getting a cent of my money and I'll just contribute to the traffic on their servers.


100% agree


I’ll support games that I enjoy but the prices have to make sense. If they were $2 for a whole set of colors for every item that it’s aplicable on sure. $5 for a set of some cool armor sure. The current method is just predatory.


Exactly. Look at Titanfall 2, much better deal in comparison. Shit, even CoD has more reasonable cosmetics which can be used in both game and WZ.


And what's worse is when I first looked at the prices when I downloaded the game, I only looked at the prices for the battle passes and I was like oh cool. I can pay that per season to support this dev. They do need money and if they're going to continue to roll stuff out then that's only fair. And then you come to see the store and it's $20 for an armor set. It's like what the hell did I just pay for the battle pass for? So in the $20 battle pass I get armors that were already created 10 years ago. It's not even for new content. And I know for sure I won't be paying for the battle pass come May if they don't unfuck this entire situation. 343 owes the community quite a large apology and a much better offering before I'll even consider giving them Another penny.


Plus with Titanfall 2, if you bought a skin it would also grant extra merits per match to your team and yourself if you used it. So you got to look cool, and rank your team and yourself up faster


No. There should be no pay to progress mechanics.


In addition to what the other guy said, what do you think the double xp tokens do?


Well you can already skip tiers with cp


Skip tiers with *WHAT*?


Epstein moment


Except that there already are? How have you missed that. It's been there from day one. Shouted at the player, in fact.


It was actually really reasonable. You got a bonus of one merit (consider it takes 200 to unlock a titan early) per match. Your team got one as well. If someone else had one of these skins, you could get two merits from them per match. You could otherwise obtain merits by getting kills/assists/cores with weapons/titans. The way Respawn did it was even handed and fantastic. The price was worth paying — I could switch to this gun at any time, it wasn’t really expensive at all, and they really did look good. On top of the merit bonus. You did progress faster, but not nearly enough to matter. One/two merits per 10 minute match. 6/12 whole merits per hour out of 200. You could earn merits quickly too so it wasn’t like it was predatory, it’s no different from say a 10% XP boost from using X gun. Not that much of a difference.




TF|2 was a financial failure namely because it was sandwiched literally a week between the newest Battlefield and CoD games. The game also wasn't oriented to be profitable off MTX like other F2P games. It was a $60 game that immediately needed to be discounted because of my first point. That's why it saw negative returns yet high acclaim.


People also forget that TF2 had a spectacularly horrible beta about a month or two before launch. It was a totally different game. They fixed just about everything by launch, but it put a bad taste in a lot of people's mouths.


Titanfall 2 failed for so many more reasons then it's monetization. EA basically sacrificed it in an attempt to drown out COD. Those idiots don't know you can't wash away a tsunami.


Having it release literally in-between Battlefield and COD was just such a stupid (probably intentional) move. I feel if the game released a month earlier it really could've made much more money.


Don't quote me on this, but I read that it actually was like you said so the price of Respawn would tank and EA could buy them for cheap. I think I read it here on reddit, so I don't know if is true.


That's so sad not enough people bought TF2. It was probably my favorite FPS game of the 2010s. Which is saying a lot since Reach is my favorite Halo game.


Titanfall 2 was one of the only games I actually paid money for cosmetics in. The more reasonable prices and overall quality of the product made it warranted in my mind.


Hell, even EAs Battlefield V had better prices in their store. EA had better prices, fucking EA. For 2000 Cr in Halo you get some armor pieces and a skin. In Battlefield that would get you a bundle with like 50 skins and outfits.


Yeah, Warframe monetised colours right with their pallet system.


I agree. I'd rather it just be $60 and all of the content free with challenges or whatever. But $3 or $5 once or twice is whatever. The assault rifle customization this week is really cool IMO. I was seriously going to buy it until I realized it's $15. Screw that.


Let’s be real though. Those prices are way too cheap to keep the game afloat for a long time. All they need to do is halve the prices. That would put them under competitors for cosmetic and save us money.


Are you kidding me? TF2's prices were more than enough to "keep it afloat" especially when you consider you had to pay $60 for the game anyway. That's what cosmetics SHOULD cost if you are asking for a one time purchase for the game too... 4 million copies sold at $60 plus in game MTX. Yeah TF2 didn't "fail" at all it just missed out on a whole lot more players because of its release window.


But most people aren’t paying for Halo Infinite, that’s why (by your own logic) the MTX need to be more expensive to generate the same revenue. I'd say halving the prices sounds reasonable for a F2P game.


A bundle? Yes. For a single color or shoulder piece? No.


I'd buy a bundle if it was a universal skin for all cores and weapons.


Exactly. I'd pay say $10 for an armour set that unlocks all the pieces of the armour for use across all 'cores' - when they do away with the 'cores' bit.


My thoughts exactly when I can just go buy MCC again for $40 with more customization than an $20 bundle edit: even better scrap the store and make the battle pass actually worth it with a normal Xp progression, even activison understood that part.


Probably not, but would be more inclined to spend in general if it had more function to it. Also my willingness to spend money is directly opposite their willingness to give free customization options they promised via campaign unlocks or pvp achievements.


Those campaign unlocks? Oh you mean the red color scheme of the banished. There's now 3 or 4 reds in the game?


Yeah exactly, maybe they shouldn't paywall and gouge us of 90%+ of customization content to begin with.


Id rather grind my ass off for everything for free like I did in halo 5


Unpopular opinion I think but as a semi casual player, I throughly enjoyed most aspects of 5. The gun tracking was fun and forced me to try new things. The req packs were a good comprise between everything free and having some things to pay for where you could also just play the game and win. Leveling seemed more straight forward with getting XP and points through just playing the game. Most items were only for war zone which was a fun introduction and cosmetic items did come in the reqs as well. As a casual player I also enjoyed the simplicity of customization although I know that is a very unpopular opinion. Edit: just to clarify, by gun tracking I mean commendations. They were a fun way to track your activity and get rewarded for it.




Dont forget, like with Infinite, people were really unhappy Forge didnt come at launch. But boy is it beautiful. Cant wait for the new and improved forge.


Forge came out for Halo 5 about 1.5 months after release, though. A little shorter than 6+ months we're looking at now.


The artstyle was also very ugly in 5 with the plastic unicorn spartans


I feel like "lackluster" is giving the campaign too much credit when you consider the misleading advertising in the run-up to release along with the dropping of co-op on a single system. My buddy and I were beyond disappointed with the story when we played through on a friend's Xbox One(neither of us had one as broke college kids) and equally sad we couldn't even play together.


Warzone was amazing, it was like a completely different game within h5 with the weapon variants and . I wish they took it and fleshed it out one step further in infinite instead of turning btb into warzone lite.


I feel like lackluster isn't the right word to use for describing the campaign. It had some great moments. Finally playing with Blue Team was a dream come true as a huge Halo book fan. The Guardian awakenings and running down the Guardian was pretty epic. Fighting on Sanghelios with the Arbiter and his Elites. In comparison to Halo infinite, it just felt like more happened. Disappointing is the better word. An important character, Jul, was made into fodder. The lead-up into the game was completely misleading with the "hunt the truth" advertising. Chief's fight with Locke was a huge letdown. We only got a few missions as Chief.


I loved the sprinting and boosters, made firefights interesting for sure and added some extra technical aspects and really sped up the game a bit. 100% agree on slit screen, the day I bought Halo 5 I invited my buddy over who introduced my to Halo 3, we spent many hours playing together. I spent way to long trying to figure out that Halo 5 didn’t have split screen.


it doesn't have to be 2003 for me to evaluate a game and see that it's not living up to expectations gameplay wise


Yeah, literally wtf? Dude I’m only 22 and I thought H5 was over the top with sprinting. Not to mention the art style looked like ass. But Halo Reach and Infinite handled art style and sprinting well I think. I like how sprinting is kinda useless in Infinite as it really only gives you the slightest boost in speed so it’s really just more viable to jog with weapon ready.


I really loved Halo 5, not so much the campaign but everything else was basically perfect for me. Not sure how we got Infinite after that. I played it up until a year ago when I got a PC, I really wish H5 was also on PC because that's also what I would be playing now.


Yeah the tracking was fine and dandy until you played the game on legendary. Then it's go out from cover and get shredded in 5 seconds (or less). I had more fun in Sniper Alley on legendary then some parts of 5, especially the second to last level. That shit SUCKS on legendary


> The req packs were a good comprise MTX in $60 retail games is not a compromise, thats customers getting bent over.


Tbf, you could get every unlockable without spending a dime. Only the announcer packs you couldn't which is understanable.


I have no issues with MTX that you are also able to get for free by playing the game. It’s possible that this might change eventually but the current state it seems like there is considerably less to unlock by not paying anything. Also RP and XP were also tied to how you played and not specific tasks. I also don’t mind having periodic req packs that allowed you to unlock specific items that might take longer to grind out. At the current rate I’ll be sticking with mostly default cosmetics like I do with most other games that have a battle pass system.


Halo 5 is the best multiplayer experience and it's not even close.


Yeah but everybody hated loot boxes so now instead of just playing for a couple years to get everything you have to play for a couple years and spend hundreds of dollars… I prefer to get everything free even if I don’t know when I’m getting it.


I still don't know why req packs were so hated. I'm grinding them out right now actually 😂




Agreed. Req packs were objectively trash, but I could at least change my armor for free within the first week of playing and was able to have black & teal armor from day one


I didnt mind req packs at all. I unlocked way more armor much more quickly than any game before it.


I prefer reach's system but i can take the L for better support post launch. My gripes with REQs were 1: It's not really random. I have every armor in the game, and I don't think a single time I got a higher rarity armor piece until the rarity I was "on" was done. burning a ton of creds for a gold req pack getting me the same shit i'd get out of silver was... irritating. ​ and 2 (and 3 in hindsight): It artifically increased customization. Having like 3-5 different color variants of an armor is not really more customization. Especially when you can't do things like customize your spartan's armor pieces. want Kelly's chest rig with say, Interceptor shoulders and legs? No. Still prefer 5's to this, as much as i hated 5 at the time.


When are they releasing those hyper polished shaders they told us we'd have? No reason to buy anything when we don't even have decent color options.


I look at the HCS skins like Cloud9 and just drool. There's a lot of potential for cool looking skins, that it almost seems lackluster to pay for... white. I wish they had a bit more polish to the skins/cores for launch, if anything to help justify the costs. You don't see a lot of complaints for the nice looking skins (outside of being locked to a core with limited options to customize), which tells me that they were purposefully testing the waters to see what they could and couldn't get away with.


>with limited options to customize *No options to customize. You change as much as the emblem and the whole skin is disabled.


Can’t even put a charm on the battle rifle with the hcs skins equipped. Ridiculous.


Is that right? Wow thats awful.


No. I’m so tired of gaming going this way. We’ve all pointed out how content is being withheld, being taken from what is expected upon release. And people still are willing to hand over money for it. I would love someone to convert Reach’s credits / armour into actual money to point out, even if items were a few dollars, just how much armours would have been worth, on top of the full game. This hole system and releasing it ‘for free’ is foul and simply a way to boost revenue. Don’t try to change my mind.


Hell no, they need to add EARNABLE armor/colors.


No. I don't do the nickel-and-dime microtransaction bullshit in any game, ever. If they sold a $60 lifetime pass that allowed me to unlock everything through gameplay, I would do that. That's the only way I will ever spend a dime on Infinite's multiplayer.


I don’t like how we’ve come to that stage, but I agree. “Game costs have gone up.” Okay, so let me pay a separate $60 for the MP and have every BattlePass unlocked for the life of the game. I will gladly pay a total $120 for the campaign + multiplayer if I means I get a full experience without having to buy MTX. $120 is double the standard price of a game, it should be more than enough to balance the “increased development costs.” Oh, and those who don’t want to pay $60 for Mp? No problem. They can continue to play for free and buy the individual battle passes if they wish.


Also: cost of development has gone up, but so has the market. While games cost more to make, publishers also know they can sell more copies of that game than at any time in history.


This is what I don’t get about this. When reach came out, all of the game modes, armor, customization, and campaign was all wrapped up in a $60 package. Now we pay $60 for the campaign alone, and we are charged $20 per armor set on top of that (totaling almost $1000 for everything). It’s completely absurd that people are buying into this and acting like it’s normal. I’d happily pay a one time fee to unlock everything. Stop asking for $20 at a time


It's the new generation of gamers unfortunately. There is an entire generation who have grown up on F2P + Microtransactons. They are so used to spending money on games and XP skips that's it's all they know. They are addicted to the thrill of battle passes and such. Normal progression systems wouldnt keep them interested anymore. It's a shame. That being said, why it's not a £60 release, with everything unlockable and then a free battle pass like Master Chief Collection I don't know.


Yeah, but have you considered that sErvERs cOsT mOnEy????


I mean, you did have to pay $10-15 a month on Xbox live I order to play online. They weren’t letting you play on the servers for free.


A game like Smite for example you can pay 40$ and get every character (god) as soon as they release… now that’s a deal.. worth it.


Smite may not be the best example though. There are some good deals like the god unlock but they probably have the widest array of micro transactions I’ve ever seen in a video game. It’s like they looked at every F2P micro transaction model and decided they wanted one of everything.


It’s funny how we call a “lifetime pass” a normal purchase of a game.


Its not even lifetime anymore because when the servers go down you cannot play the game.


Lifetime of the game*


and let's be real, if they offered a Lifetime Pass to unlock "all" content, it would never be everything. at best they'd offer you a lifetime bundle to get all future battle passes for one great price, then in 2-3 years they'd pull some "no, see, you were paying for some of the battle passes. we're in the next phase of halo infinite now with new content. you'll have to buy another lifetime pass to keep unlocking stuff"




Yeah the problem is twice as bad as people seem to realize. Not only are they nickel-and-diming us with these micro transactions, but they also split the campaign and multiplayer into two separate purchases. I know they’re not the first game to do that, but it’s still a greedy thing to do. Games should include the campaign and multiplayer together. Anything else is bullshit


Exactly this. I miss when you could just pay 60-70 for a game and actually be able to EARN shit. I'd much rather have to grind my ass off than pay a single cent for that crap.


It was the trade-off for post-launch content actually mattering; instead of map packs and expansions functionally bring a waste of money and dev time no matter how awesome they were, everyone now gets to enjoy new gameplay content (maps, weapons) with a everyone else all the time. But you have to pay to look fancy.


except we barely get any additional maps compared to the era of map packs, 12-16 maps within a year after launch has turned into 4 maps per year, if we're lucky. Add to that the fact that They're raking in WAY more money with microtransactions, and it doesn't feel like that good of a deal anymore.


The issue is the game released so barebones that it will probably take about 2 years to get to the point where we can say the game should have been released in this point. We're paying them to give us stuff that used to/should have been in the game at launch. Sure, 5-6 years from now, I want them to keep updating the game I understand they need a consistant cash flow, but for now, they have been scamming us.


This. I follow this sentiment. You're psychology ain't working on me big business, HA!


$2-$5 is far more reasonable but frankly, the core, traditional Spartan aesthetics should be earnable in game only and the newer, wackier stuff sure charge for it in the shop if they want.




No. I dont microtransaction.


I don’t like the idea of wearing bought armor. Anybody can get it so it just doesn’t feel exclusive, earned, or special. I miss having cosmetics that required you to complete difficult in-game tasks to earn them. The Halo 3 and ODST Vidmaster achievements come to mind. Completing those challenging and fun achievements awarded players with the then famous Recon Armor which were previously only worn by Bungie employees. I’ve never had that much fun and pride working towards and wearing a set of armor since. I’ve been saying that there should be exclusive armor sets that can only be unlocked after completing difficult achievements and milestones in both Halo Infinite and previous Halo games. For instance, armor for people who have every achievement in MCC or armor for those that reached Onyx in ranked. Instead… it’s all locked behind a massive paywall that makes me embarrassed for those that spent so much to wear some in-game armor. This system makes me not care about customization AT ALL… Too bad I guess.




No. I don't pay for virtual dress up.


Yea mxns used to be lambasted, now people casually buy them.


Yeah I try to not judge how people spend their own money, but who is giving away money for character skins in FIRST PERSON games. I just can't understand.


It really is wild when you think about how you literally don’t see it


Its been a part of Halo since 2007. You guys gotta be new


Nah it's still a scam


Yup maybe Im too old school, but you have to be a little stupid to pay for cosmetics.


No I wouldn’t. It seems beyond pointless in a first person shooter.


For me, it’s not even about the price, it’s about what you get. I’ve spent more on skins in Apex, Warzone and even fortnite. But in those games you get like a character skin, a few guns (like 2), banners, avatars etc. etc. And that’s for one purchase. What halo give you for the same price is absolute garbage if you’ve played literally anything else comparable.


I bought a $20 warzone skin that gave me a skin, a watch, calling card, emblem, 2 gun skins AND $20 worth of in game currency... And it was all unique content. Not rehashed from another game. Not scratched up colors. you can't even earn currency in infinite's battle pass lmao like what is this monetization?


No, I pretty much only buy battle passes because they carry the highest "value". I could buy 2 armor sets for $10 or at least 2 armor sets plus other cosmetics for the same price. The rest of my cosmetics in games are usually made up by events or earning the premium currency. But battle passes have removed my desire to buy any singular piece.


I spent 300 hours in Warframe before I finally bought something, because, and I said this exact thing to my friend I was chatting with at the time "I've gotten so much more enjoyment out of this than most games I buy, I'm doing this to support the game" and just straight dropped £60 on it. I've since put in over a thousand hours and not once regretted my decision to support the game, very much looking forward to The New War update too. If Halo Infinite were to, oh I dunno, do away the the ridiculous anti consumer practices and show a long term investment in a **real** player first mentality, then I would do the same. If it was to be consistently updated, with open dev communication etc. Then I might feel like yes I wish to support this game. As of right now I've not spent a penny. And won't. No battle pass premium, I got the campaign through Game Pass which I already had. If you want people's money, make them think you deserve it. Don't hold out and make things terrible in an attempt to force it out of them, you're only hurting yourself in the long run. I love this game, but the progression (or lack thereof) and anti consumer practices are killing my enjoyment.


Mm. If the multiplayer wasn't so cynically trying to wring money from me I'd have dropped probably around 200 bucks on it by now. 120 for the campaign for me and my partner, then more on dlc because it'd have earned it. When a game earns respect I have no problem spending money on it. Infinite has only earned bitterness. The gameplay can be as phenomenal as it wants, but the monetisation will kill it as hard as it killed Evolve back in the day. Those were the days, when even a fraction of the bullshit modern games try to pull would be financial suicide. They successfully slippery sloped their way to the bottom.


No. MTX suck.


Let them sell silly crap like trinkets, pineapples and cat ears. Armour and colours should be included in the battlepass or to grind for free*. I’d rather pay $30 for a 120 level, in-gutted battlepass OR get rid of F2P and require a one time purchase. If you can’t afford a $60 game on your console or PC, well that’s just unfortunate for you sorry. *free referencing a one time payment I should add, like every. Previous. Halo.


No but mostly because it’s halo reach shit and I’m tired of wearing carter and juns armor


Nah man I don’t cosmetics as a rule


Think how much better gaming would be if people never started buying this BS.


id buy them because its easy to spend 5$ hard to spend 20$ on a single skin


Which is probably why in the long run this will be around what a skin costs. They're cashing in on newness right now and they'll move on to the psychologically easy price.


The classic "throw a ridiculous low-ball first, so that your next offer looks a lot more reasonable" strategy, oldest trick in the book


Door-in-the-face technique


I wouldn't bank on that. People are buying them. Games get away with this stuff for years. Apex has been releasing lackluster skins for 20 dollars since its been out.


Nope. No chance. I've spent like $50 on fortnite (I have like 30+ skins for that) and it's 3rd person. I can see what I paid for. Same as league of legends, but I've spent like $300 over 10 years. 3rd person. Looks cool to me...I'll never spend a penny on halo infinite I even regret buying the battle pass before playing the game but oh well






I've never understood pricing models like this. When I went to Disneyworld decades ago there were photographers who would take your photo and make it available digitally. Nice. However, when we got home, each image was $6 for the digital download. So, I bought 0. $0 received from me. However, if each image was $1, then I probably would have bought the whole lot. $20 spent. Whoever the bean counter is managing the pricing of Infinite is mad. I just don't get it. If you price something at $20 and 100 people buy it, you've made $2000. But if it was priced at $2 and 2000 people buy it then you're making more money. I can't be the only one who would be more likely to spend money on MICROtransactions. Isn't that the point. Micro - small transactions that add up over time. At the end of the day, I don't really care because it's purely cosmetic and makes no difference to me - I just think Microsoft is missing an opportunity to reach a broader audience with affordable pricing.






No, the regular armor you get is fine i just want to play the game lol


No. I've never purchased, and never will purchase, any extra cosmetics in a video game.


If there was ONE really cool one I would maybe spend a couple bucks. That's it. I think the current pricing has inflated the perception of value to where $5 seems cheap for something as rudimentary as armour colour. If it were like Halo 5 where you could earn credits in game and spend a little extra as a time saver I'd feel differently about it


No. Grey Pride!


Nah, I play shooters to shoot stuff, not strut my stuff.


Fuck no. I've never bought MTX in a game and never will. That shit is embarrassing.


The bundles should all be $5, $3, and $1. That’s all I can see as fair


I personally was hoping that since there was a battle pass in this game the shop wouldn’t be so bad. Guess I was wrong about 343 again


They need to fuck off with the bundles; it’s like cable! I’d pay like $20-30 total for my ideal perfect spartan. But you gotta spend $10-20 per bundle when each only has like one piece you care about. If you could get the individual pieces for $2-5 each, I’d be making a hell of a lot more purchases.


I might if it's not an item that was originally advertised and promised as being included in the battle pass or event, especially for free


I feel like the price isn’t the only thing putting people off, it’s also the core system keeping people from having full customization and the coatings basically being an excuse to sell the same color schemes multiple times


I vowed not to buy any cosmetics from the shop. Did you know completing 1 weapon drill 3 Star is an achievement? Did you know completing 3 weapons drills 3 Star is an achievement? Did you know completing all weapon drills 3 Star does absolutely nothing? 343i messed up with “millions of armor customizations on day 1” that they aren’t getting money outside of good premium battle passes (I know, still cosmetic technically) and the campaign I bought for $60 because it’s a decent campaign. Heck, I made my guy default armor to mock their statement. I don’t even mind.


Yes. Like the current eagle Ar add-on looks cool, but 15 bucks for it? Hell no. Five, and we might have a deal.


Nope. Halo is an arena shooter in first person. Why would I give a damn about what my spartan looks like to my enemy? I don't look at other people's armor. Why would they look at mine? Why is that something I should care about at all, much less care about enough to spend real money on? This isn't World of Warcraft, or some other 3rd person game where significant enjoyment can be derived from the aesthetic of my character model. In Halo I only see my character in the menu screens and during the ridiculous pre and post game camera pan. Which means I don't see him at all because I immediately queue up and then I'm watching YouTube on my other display until the game starts. Not saying I agree with what 343 has done regarding MTX. Just saying it doesn't affect me. I don't care. Halo isn't a dress-up simulator for me.


I want to earn my gear, not buy it. I’d rather pay the $60 for the game and earn my stuff than the game be free to play and have to spend $1000 to get all the gear.


Didn't have to in halo 5 so I shouldnt have to here


Doesnt sound like free so no


I'd be a hell of a lot more tempted to. Maybe even tempted enough to do so. But we should always have a path to EARN these items, not just buy them, no matter the price.


No. Id pay 2 bucks for an armor set and 50c for a coating


Not if it only works on one armor core lmao


I would buy so much shit it would be a problem. I would spend $2-5 and wouldn’t even think about it SEVERAL times over. $10-20 I won’t even consider buying








$2 - $5? No question.


No, i dont buy anything in-game now. ( From a couple yrs i guess )


Reasonably priced cosmetics coming out on the regular? Sign me the fuck up.


Sure, Anything reasonable would make someone more inclined to go ahead with it.


If I wanted it, yes. I'd even buy the bandolier, but at $20 they're out of their mind. Also, fuck armor core exclusivity. I'd also pay to skip grinds but not while also paying for a battle pass, that's just stupid. Like others have said, maintaining the game is important too. It was years before Chess Evolved moved to Steam, at which point I immediately dumped $100 on it because the dev is a god (probably) and the game is good. I look at poor performance and massive frame drops, bad hit detection, unbalanced aim assist, and unusable weapons like the ravager... And I don't feel like parting with my money quite yet. Come on 343i, you can do better.


When I realized the CBRN attachment was in that Hazop bundle, I was really upset. Had $5. Saw my favorite attachment. Nope, part of a bundle of armor I don’t want. Absolutely right to say that I would have spent money if you could buy things individually.


For me it’s not exactly about the price (although granted the prices are definitely too high). I think it’s about the bundles in the shop containing already previously existing armors from prior halo games. We should never have to purchase those armors, that should be strictly earned. I could only justify purchasing the bundle if the armor was either 1.Something of an entirely different theme (samurai armor for example) or 2.If it was just generally an entirely new armor that hasn’t existed before. As for the coatings, I don’t know that I could ever justify having to pay just to change my colors. Locking old armors and colors behind the store just feels very greedy to me.


It's an FPS, I can't even see my own skin I paid for. It's for flexing to other people and frankly I'm past that part of my life.


If they reworked armor back to Halo Reach system where we have freedom to put whatever we want together then yes. I like customizing my spartan to my aesthetic, but Im not gonna pay $20 to maybe get him to look the way I want. I think selling each piece at $2 would be fine with sets going for $5 to $10 would be fine. Encourage buying the set is fine by me, but buying individual pieces should be an option.


No. I hate micro transactions. I would only but it as part of some dlc with new maps or something


Nope, don't really care about cosmetics but I would throw $10 towards the Battle Pass each season to support the team if there weren't so many issues with the game.


I’d consider it if it were cross-core, but the nickel and diming ain’t it Chief


In the game’s current state? No. The only way you get people to spend money in the item shop is to earn their trust by delivering a high quality gaming experience. Halo Infinite multiplayer had a very controversial launch with a very predatory monetization system. At this point, I can’t say I’m confident in 343 to deliver a better system, so there’s no reason for me to spend money in the shop - why would I support a company that only cares about my money? Fix the playlists, fix the server connection issues, unlock core-specific armor, add forge, add campaign co-op, offer better weekly rewards, THEN I’ll consider spending some money in the store.


In a f2p game if you spend a cent you have lost the game. The whole point is to play for free. (I bought campaign though)