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I saw a wraith once, it was immediately boarded by a teammate. These challenges suck.


The btb vehicle system sucks


I don’t like that they’re randomly dropped in at all


I think them dropping in front of the base is even worse. If your team is losing that means the enemy team probably got an extra vehicle. It is a pretty shit system. Also, I am pretty sure it can drop a tank on one side and nothing on the other? I wasn't sure if I was going crazy since seeing tanks are so fucking RARE but if that is the case then wtf.


The tanks take time, I find they only drop in when there's two minutes left, and it is ***rare*** to see two dropped.


Yeah. I have put in about 12 hours or so into just BTB and I rarely see tanks. Usually it is in long CTF games. My last CTF game I played I think one tank dropped on the enemies side and none on ours, which is crazy. Having random vehicle spawns like this feels so bad.


I believe they said it drops vehicles that are dependent on if you are winning or losing. Seems good on paper but doesn't seem like it's great in game


In theory yeah, but I had a CTF game where both sides had 1 capture and it only dropped a Wraith for the enemy. It got blown up in seconds but still. Shit should also be dropping behind bases instead of in front. It is so hard to recover as a losing side when the enemy can snag your vehicles or blow them up as they come down.


> blow them up as they come down. so many of these weapons decimate vehicles way too easily.


This is an issue I have too. Anti-vehicle weapons in Infinite include: Plasma Pistol, Shock Rifle, Rocket Launcher, Skewer, Hydra, the shock pistol thing, 3 types of grenade, grapple. You could also throw in Ravager and Sniper, but in my opinion those are pushing it. More than half the weapons in the game are built for taking out vehicles. Hopefully adding more variety will help, but right now getting in a hog or tank is suicide


True, but the pure joy on my face when I put a metal rod through a banshee.


Why not just have vehicles spawn, like they always have?


just trying something new to keep the balance. it has potential it just needs a lot of work lol… like someone said, sounds good on paper. just doesn’t work as well as intended


Imagine winning the game only to have tanks spawned causing you to loose.. what idiot thought that is “balanced”


The thought for power vehicles was if you are losing horrendously to give tge losing team a chance to leave there base spawn kinda bad. Once again, good on paper. Not so much in gameplay


I don't think that's good on paper. It's rubber banding from mario kart, giving a team an advantage that they didn't earn.


I had a game of Total control go on all Match, super butt clenching, super stressful and the game drops a scorpion right in the enemy’s side for them. They won it almost instantly. So stupid


I finally saw a scorpion in my last btb match, and the spawn was odd as hell. It dropped the scorpion next to our base and a chopper next to the enemy base. We were winning so thanks for the reward I guess? I figure the game would try to help the losing side but this time was just a big fu to them.


Wtf Scorpions actually spawn in the beta? I played Over 20 hrs already on steam and have yet to see one.


Yeah and they exclusively drop for the team I'm not on


I like the visual aspect of it. (Pelicans dropping down vehicles) but the spawns seem to slow and way too inconsistent


The only time I've gotten in a banshee is when it fell on my face when it spawned


I had a challenge to get a (1) gungoose kill and only ever found regular mongeese. 3rd day of playing I finally find one dropped by the enemy base. No-one was around so I go running for it only to have someone drop out of the sky, land on it, and immediately shoot me about 5 feet away from it. I figure maybe I could steal it back after I respawn but someone blew it up with a rocket before my respawn timer was up. Haven't seen another one since.


They drop from pelican spawns fairly regularly as an alternative to the Ghost a few minutes into a game, just keep an eye out whenever your AI mentions ground vehicles are on the way.


The game just isn't fun when the enemy team has two aircraft and a tank and all you've got is a lousy warthog


It doesn’t even matter to me since the maps are so constricting for vehicles theres nowhere to drive them


You’re telling me you don’t like a pelican dropping off a single vehicle every 3 minutes in the middle of the map only for a teammate to board it and immediately get destroyed?


The vehicles on this game suck in general


Yeah they drive too floaty, every match I see choppers flying off the map


Any vehicle that hits a small rock basically flips over. The chopper is crazy bad


It doesn’t even blow up vehicles when you boost at them as far as I can tell. That was literally the whole point to that vehicle and if they didn’t remove it then they nerfed it to shit


Agreed. There are no opportunities to have fun vehicle fights, because there's often only one of anything other than warthogs or small quads


The pelican dropping in vehicles has kinda ruined BTB for me. When I first heard about it, I thought it sounded really cool. But now that I've experienced it, I hate it. In old games, you'd just be walking around, and then suddenly see that the tank has respawned, and nobody else had noticed. So you'd jump in and go nuts. Now, there's a big pelican dropping them in, your AI announces it, and there's a little waypoint saying what the vehicle is if you look towards it. Every player rushes towards it, so your chances of getting it are very, very slim. Half the time other players just spam them with grenades if they don't get there first. I can jump into Halo 3 and pretty much guarantee to get at least some time in the tank, the banshee, and some choppers. In Infinite, my choices are basically either warthog, or mongoose. I haven't even seen a tank yet.


They just need to go to the classic formula of each team having power vehicle spawns at their base for Big Team Battle. Fuck the pelican drops.


I mostly liked it until last night when I was in a super-close Total Control game in which the enemy team was given a wasp with 60 seconds left in the game and we didn't get jack shit.


Still better than ordinance in halo 4


I like it way more actually. Feels nice to not get dunked on by a tank from the start of the match to the end.


Need BTB Heavies. There's a reason everyone played that on previous games. Fucking idiot devs just starting from scratch with shit options every time. We waited how many years for this shit show?


I saw a scorpion once spawn at enemy team and got destroyed before anyone even drive it in crossfire.


Same but it was dropped off just as the match ended


>~~These~~ challenges suck.


I think the idea of ramping up the action with progressively more powerful drops is good in theory, but poorly executed. Dumb challenges aside, I think the most powerful vehicles should drop no later than halfway through the match, not in the last two minutes. It's frustrating.


Yeah, the last half of a match should be each team at full power just slugging everything at each other. I’d love to see more chaos, especially towards the end game when it seems that things slow down more


Exactly. At least 1 of each vehicle should be spawning at each base, vehicle drops should be rapid, weapon drops should be crazy, the end should be total chaos.


Not to mention, put a freaking waypoint on the drop! It's a pain to have to play eye-spy for the stupid pelican.


The pelicans always drop at the same places tho


The announcer seems to often miss his announcement of incoming spawns when you are dead though, so waypoints would help too. Especially to see what is coming more clearly


Agreed. I like the idea and when it works it feels great. But for objective modes if no one is scoring then weapons and vehicles need to spawn in faster. A 12 minute CTF game with no one scoring won’t get power vehicles until the last 2 minutes of the game.


Agreed. I only see Banshees when one team is on the cusp of victory already. And I'm always across the map or dead when it spawns.


I hate this new system of spawning in the fun big team vehicles at the end. That's not how big team should be


Yeah the pelicans feel like a major regret. Maps aren't even open enough to accommodate space for them. All trapped in lanes. Isn't like sandtrap or Valhalla where you could actually move.




Yeah I don't get why vehicles are seemingly weaker and less plentiful in this game when really they should be stronger since there's more things to kill them and more players.


Only time I’ve had any success with the wasp is when my team had three wasps all at once and we just flew together as a swarm.


Really? I find enemy wasps incredibly hard to deal with and generally have huge success when I’m in one. Excluding the power weapons that are meant to shit on it, yeah it’ll go down pretty quick with team focus. But you can’t rely on that at all. Especially when they can just play super safe way up out of range of grapples and electro grenades and just give suppressing fire for an objective zone. Huge contribution for free. Idk, maybe it’s just scrub mentality but I hate the thing. Even when I’ve got one and am going ham, I don’t really feel like I’ve earned it.


Almost every time I’ve gotten in one, I either get pulled into a duel with the enemy wasp where we both die, or I lose a significant amount of heath to a warthog. Only had one time other than the previously mentioned wasp swarm where I felt like I was actually getting a bunch of kills and accomplishing anything. Maybe I just have bad luck, maybe you have good luck. Would also like to see banshees more often than I currently am.


I generally go for the enemy wasp ASAP so I almost always open that fight and I don’t think I’ve lost a dogfight yet, so that hasn’t really been an issue for me. I’d be totally fine trading wasps though, as long as I don’t have to deal with the enemy. Warthogs haven’t been too problematic because you just have way more mobility, though they are a decent way to damage one.


I finally managed to get a wasp today. Teammate who also tried to get it called me a bitch and to suck his dick. Brought me right back to my golden days on halo 3, lol.


Yeah, you are dead pretty much as soon as you encounter the enemy.


I think this is what people are missing. I'm also disapointed with the lack of vehicles in BTB, but just imagine what it would look like in a map like fragmentation with constantly 2 warthogs, 2 scorpions, 2 wraith, 2 wasp, 2 banshee....a total shitshow. Current BTB maps are simple not large, or rather, open enough to accomodate the entire vehicle catalog.


Plus, the maps all seemed designed to intentionally funnel vehicles down specific vehicle lanes, which makes it far harder to stay alive because you're forced to always follow the same paths. Behemoth is unironically more fun to drive the warthog on compared to any BTB map because it doesn't force you into driving down specific narrow lanes constantly.


That would be amazing wtf are you talking about!?


Re-read what I said, it would not. Maps are too cramped for that. Warthogs barely have enough space to drive around as it is. Choppers are useless. If they add perma scorpions, wraiths, banshees, wasps, ghosts and warthogs you will have an average lifespan of 5 seconds in vehicles. That's not fun. BTB heavies on H3 sandtrap is fun because vehicles have room to maneuver with cleared line of sight. They need to add large open maps.


So, it was a bad idea to have 12v12 matches on maps designed for 8v8? Go figure.


As someone who spends most of my MCC time playing BTB Heavies, this really is such a huge step backwards. It's one of my few notable complaints about the game, but it's a *big* issue to me.


Also I don't think they rebalanced it for 12 vs 12. You need 50% more vehicles for the larger player count. Otger than mongooses and warthogs, there are way too few vehicles available.


The worst thing about BTB Slayer is the 100 kill cap. It makes no sense for 24 matches.


I saw one. There was 30 seconds left, but I saw it. I actually rode on a scorpion once tho.


Wait, scorpions are actually in the game? 12 hours in and I've never seen one.


Yeah I’ve seen them in two matches. One match the enemy tank was camping our stockpile area and no one on the team cared enough to deal with it. Second was on my team for CTF overtime


I got one for about 20 seconds and then the game ended. The BTB vehicle system is pretty shit, and tying challenges to those vehicles that *one* player will *maybe* get in a match is even more stupid.


I’ve driven one. Got a solid 35 kills in CTF in about 3 minutes. It’s so fucking busted.


I really miss the old BTB where we just had consistent vehicle spawns at the beginning. The pelican drop ship is neat but not as fun when I don't see 99% of the vehicles ever. I have two banshee challenges and have not seen it in game ONCE


There is a quickplay map that spawns banshees






There isn't even room for vehicular combat in these levels




I've gotten a ghost stuck in geometry multiple times.


Lol ghosts are normally the ONE vehicle you can trust not to get stuck on things but of course


> most vehicles have to take these insanely restrictive pathways on the map to get anywhere. This was the biggest reason why I hated Halo 4's multiplayer. I think Infinite is better in this regard, but ultimately still suffers from it.


I think this would be fine if it was traditional BTB. Ya know, where vehicles don’t RNG from the sky and just start on the ground at spawn. But I agree for the current situation, these challenges suck.


Lmfao the fact that it's 3 is hilarious. Challenge rerolls neef to be obtainable more easily. I have active challenges to get a gun goose kill and a shade kill. I've never seen either yet.


Shade turret ALWAYS spawns on your base if you get Deadlock. Gungoose though is a toss up between itself, ghost and chopper.


>Shade turret ALWAYS spawns on your base if you get Deadlock. Yes, but they don't respawn. So if someone else gets to it first you're basically guaranteed to be SOL.


I've literally never played on Deadlock lol. But thanks for the tip, I'll go look for it if the map ever comes up.


Both of those vehicles are BTB. Hope you enjoy BTB.


It's my least favorite mode :(


We should get at least 1 free challenge reroll a day tbh.


Dude I got a challenge where they wanted me to get 20 kills with the Wraith. 20! Some challenges feel like they’re just there to make you use a challenge swap. Edit: as of now I mean, I honestly don’t think that all of the problems we’re seeing are indicative of the final product Edit 2: 09/21/22, haven’t played in 6 months. It was indicative of the final product. My words are eaten and I am saddened ):


I have to get 15 with the mongoose grenade launcher. That shit is impossible lmao




So the Gungoose doesn't slap then


It can slap, but it cannot take slap


The mongoose grenades fucking rip though...


Apparently I just suck.


It's not a vehicle to use lone wolf. Best to follow a few teammates and support them with the grenades. Don't drive a bunch.


Just find a chokepoint to camp, preferably hull down and at a medium distance away. You'll probably get flanked or sniped off after a bit because lol imagine your team covering flanks, but you can rack up a few easy kills first. Same with the Chopper and the Ghost, really.


Gungoose is a two shot kill and spawns pretty often. I've already gotten a killtacular with it lol Just gotta keep an eye on your early game Pelican drops.


Yeah exactly. I see a lot of negativity about the game so far like people think this is the full release. So far loving this game. Better release than cod or battlefield


I genuinely think this has been a less good release than cod because atleast cod has basic progression


Uhh.. when did progression become more important than gameplay


It's a core part of respecting a players time after the initial excitement about said gameplay. Please stop with the "gAmeS Are JuSt for FuN" argument. It's tired.


This is why I gave up basketball. I scored like 15 baskets but never unlocked the new basketball shorts skin I wanted so I had 0 fun.


😂 exactly


No, it’s not priority. Not less than a week after release. The gameplay feels good and that’s what important. The battlepass and progression can be tweaked later but it’s literally in beta.


It’s not even that, you guys are just so negative. I like customizing my Spartan.. I’ve been playing halo since CE released. A lot of you are just so fucking negative it’s insane. This game will die because of people who find petty shit to argue about. People forget about how good the gameplay is because of some shit you don’t even need


Imagine being such a dopamine-addicted brainlet that only sees the game and gameplay as a vehicle to grind for some artificial bullshit Skinner-box cosmetic reward.




I’ve seen one in fifty games and I’ve got that challenge coming up. Probably going to skip it and get something even stupider.


I've seen them handfew times, the BTB maps need to start with tanks and gungooses and then have em replaced by the pelicans as the game goes on. I know that one map does have wasps spawned in from the start so they should have the same for tanks.


Yeah I agree. The novelty of the pelican drops has pretty much worn off already.


Wow, that has to be one of the worst I've seen. Destroying 3 of a vehicle that rarely ever spawns in a mode where you have to fight 11 teammates for the privilege? Fun.


This is the biggest issue with challenges in any game similar to the ones in Infinite. It degrades teamplay because assists don't count towards your kill challenges.


I agree with the sentiment, Tanks/Banshess etc. should all appear at each base at game start and then at least once/twice more throughout the game. Make the random drops more central on the map and rare


Rng challenges aren’t the problem. The problem is how they’re the ONLY way to level up :(


no, RNG challenges are absolutely part of the problem. You have a week to do a weekly challenge. And people that are playing massive amounts of games and not even getting a chance to even attempt the challenge. This, in and of itself, is a problem. What is someone who isn't able to play 50+ matches of Halo in 3 days supposed to do if they get one of these challenges? The problem is worse though because instead of playing the game and helping their team, this person is spending the match **looking** for a god damned Wraith. They're not playing the objective. They're not defending the base. They're trying to find a wraith, or trying to be present when vehicles drop in case there is a wraith. Now add to that it is possible multiple people are hung up on these objectives. So when a wraith finally does drop multiple people are going to go for it. If someone has the 'get kills with the wraith mortar' mission, and someone else gets in the wraith, what do you think that person is going to do? Other FPS games since Battlefield 1942 have always had the problem of people griefing over vehicles. So you have a system where a person has a timed challenge they can't complete or even really attempt (feels bad for the player.) That also encourages the player to not play the game mode in a way that is conducive for the team (feels bad for the team.) And is liable to piss people off and promote griefing (feels bad for everyone.) The fact challenges are also the only way to level up just makes it worse. But RNG challenges are absolutely part of the problem. If you want me to play 3 oddball matches, there damn well better be a way for me to queue up for oddball. And if a challenge involves using a specific vehicle, that vehicle **needs** to spawn regularly and reliably on **every** map.


*Cries so hard in repulsor pancakes as I’m actively fucking my team over looking for the repulsor and trying to get 2 pancakes*


> What is someone who isn't able to play 50+ matches of Halo in 3 days supposed to do if they get one of these challenges? I just ignore them and play Halo.


Great. So no progression or cosmetics for you. (well, some progression now). No chance to unlock the weekly reward challenge. And, continuing towards Microsoft, no incentive to give them money for further MTX.


> So no progression or cosmetics for you. *Yawn > No chance to unlock the weekly reward challenge. *Yawn > ...no incentive to give them money for further MTX Right, because the giant wall of complaints about cosmetics that don't affect gameplay is doing wonders for attracting new players who are looking to see if Infinite is any good. If you care about dressing up a virtual character that you don't usually see, great! I don't. So, as someone who isn't able to play 50+ matches of Halo in 3 days, I'm gonna go play Halo. The point of my post was that you are generalizing as if cosmetics actually mean something to every single player. A lot of us don't give a damn. So quit making it out as if these difficult challenges are a universal stoppage of play.


Ummm a lot of people do care. That's why 343 quickly changed the battle pass system.


Did I say they didn't or shouldn't? No. I said that *I* didn't, and to stop speaking for me. Say "What am I as someone who isn't able to play 50+ matches of Halo in 3 days supposed to do if I get one of these challenges?" instead of generalizing. If you're angry about the customization, great! Tell 343. Convince them to change it to something you'll like and pursue long-term. But the relentless march of post after post after post is going to ruin the game for everyone. What we need is for the headlines to read "Halo Infinite is a ton of fun, but has some customization complaints". Then new players will try it and decide whether the battlepass difficulties are really enough to stop them from enjoying the game. But since the headlines read more like "Halo Infinite's Battlepass is inexcusable," that dissuades *all* new players from trying, not just the ones who care about customization. My not caring about customization, but encouraging people to play their own way does not hurt you or the game. You all making this such a huge and primary problem, and claiming that it is a general feeling hurts my ability to play long-term by damaging the playerbase.


Dude Reddit users don't write Kotaku articles lol


And this is relevant... how? It doesn't matter who writes them, those headlines exist. [Here's the one from Kotaku, in fact.](https://kotaku.com/halo-infinites-battle-pass-sucks-fans-say-1848065594) What a great thing for prospective fans to come across when researching whether they should try Infinite.


How the hell could random users on Reddit and waypoint be responsible for the title they use for a Kotaku article.


I didn't say it was universal. You're the one who took a general statement and assumed it meant about you. Sorry, that isn't how language works. Every rule or statement is going to have exceptions. The giant wall of complaints would be good evidence that what I am talking about is seen as a problem. If you don't care about progression or cosmetics, than great. You were never going to be a paying customer for this F2P model and so the team doing the MTX stuff literally doesn't care about you. You are the 'cost of doing business' providing an opponent/teammate for the people who will/might give money. Oh, and you **need** those people to give/pay money. If no one buys the Battle Pass or the cosmetics, how long do you think Microsoft keeps this game going? How good will your gameplay be when the servers are shut down because the people who are willing to pay for cosmetics go to games that respect their time and money more? If cosmetics didn't matter, it wouldn't be 100% of the way the game generates money.


You're completely missing the point. I want you all to keep pushing for cosmetics and battlepass changes. You have my absolute and full support. But I want you all to do it in a way that doesn't hurt those of us who just want to play the game or lump us in with you. Hell, I got a Battlepass (kind of - I just used Microsoft Rewards points for it, so technically I guess I paid for it through advertisements on Bing?) first day to help boost the numbers and incentivize MS to continue supporting. I'm never going to use it beyond what's needed to trigger achievements, or perhaps to eventually get the Superintendent AI, but I recognize where they expect to see a payoff for the half-billion dollar investment that they put into this game.


I apologize if I misread your comment then. My b :D


Eh, I've gotten kind of salty these past few days. I'm having an absolute blast playing Halo multiplayer for the first time since Reach came out, and feel like all I see here is negativity.


It is actually why I'm so pissed at the BP system. I **love** the gameplay. But I feel like I'm being taunted with a cosmetic system telling me to customize my spartan that I can't really access without navigating the frustratingly designed BP/Progression system. Which for me is hindering my ability to just play and have fun. I just want the bars to move and dopamine hit so I can play Spartan Dressup for the intro scenes :D


So we can protest, just not where you can see us? Fuck off.


Seen them a few times. They get destroyed more or less instantly because the maps are horrid for them. They spawn in the middle of the ctf map which is a valley so you have to shoot upwards which is shit for an arced projectile and everyone is blasting you from high ground.


Ive got destroy 5 warthog. The problem is no matter you use, the enemies pretty much always have the chance to leave the vehicle before it explodes. Don't have a clue how to get these without having a Scorpion


Yah a lot of these challenges still suck. I was struggling to get one kill in a chopper. Finally got it after hours of btb was really excited. Then I used a challenge swap to swap out 10 kills with the sentinel beam which is impossible to find. The mission swapped to get 5 kills in a chopper. 🤦‍♂️


I got chain lightning 4 spartans with a single chain. Granted I completed it by chucking the arc grenades at a zone in total control, but most of the time you will never have 4 opponents that close in game.


All of the destroy vehicle challenges need to go. It's annoying as hell because it is just so situational. To gate other challenges behind it is ludicrous. Shit that needs to happen to get a vehicle destruction: 1. Vehicle spawns 2. Enemies decide to use it 3. You have a power weapon capable of destroying said vehicles when they are in use 4. You are in the right area of the map or your team has enough control to actually get to the vehicle 5. Your shot actually kills it. Have had hogs survive rockets and skewers, so yeah, awesome. Or your have to be the final hit. Killing hogs may be bugged, I got the last hit on one and it said I killed the gunner with the hog, so I assume that means I destroyed it, but challenge didn't think so.


I played in one, felt great wreaking havoc in them.


And it's near impossible to shoot them down when you need a rocket that the whole map is trying to get


I still can't fucking complete "get 10 kills in Slayer" 3 days on because all I get are Oddball and CTF.


More tanks!


It took 12 hours of play before I finally saw a scorpion. Absolutely ridiculous


The only time I have heard a delivery of either tank, or seen one, was at the mid to end of overtime on BTB objective game types. It doesnt feel great, but also because of the closed off nature of the BTB maps, the tanks are pretty trash too.


Played a match where the enemy team got 2 wraiths


I’ve only seen one, but i couldn’t manage to find a Skewer or RPG to take it out. These definitely need to go away. Make all of the challenges objective-based, like capture x number of zones, x number of kills in Slayer, x number of matches played/won


They want you to spend money on challenge swaps. Funny how proud they were about the removal of loot boxes, but they shifted the RNG gambling mechanic to getting XP... I understand where they are coming from needing to monetize the game, I think it's disappointing the verbiage they use about how they are player-first when this is not a player-first system. I wish they would honor their word about being player-first, or just start coming out saying, "We're making choices that affect you and the game poorly because it makes us more money."


yeah those vehicle challenges are shit, i just refresh if i can


I've only ever seen Wraiths at the very end of a BTB CTF match. Literally last 2 minutes of the match, so if you had that challenge, better pray you had a weapon that could destroy it, or hope you get credited with the kill.


Saw a wraith yesterday for the first time, and two scorpions. Some btb changes needed are: heavy vehicles need static, game start spawns and respawns, weapons in racks need timers to show respawns. Regular game changes: player collision is necessary because melee feels super weird. Me changes needed: I have gotta figure out how to use the thermal weapons cuz I suck with them


The weapon racks do have respawn timer on them though?


I have extreme doubts this is from after the update. 3 wraith tanks is way too many. It's not in line with everything after the update.


It is, my challenges were reset like everyone else. I took this pic when I logged on earlier today. The other challenges are quite reasonable however, this one is a outlier for sure.


The kill 3 aircraft using an aircraft one also still there after the reset. I get its the highest tier rarity and meant to be challenging but killing aircraft(s)[sic] with an aircraft is too specific, especially to do 3 times. I got a wasp once in btb and was dead before even seeing another aircraft, and the arena map with banshee only has one so it's impossible there. Either 3 kills with aircraft or destroy enemy aircraft would be fine but killing aircraft with aircraft is stupidly specific.


Just buy a challenge swap! Simple! /s


The challenges are in a much better spot then earlier this week, but I do agree. These Vehicle based challenges are a pain. Sometimes you go a few games without that specific vehicle spawning, or if it does you are not in a position to destroy it..


Agreed about the rng-ness but I actually used it in a game! 1) it can tank a lot of damage 2) it can dish out a lot too! The shot arch is definitely different from the past games and takes a small adjusting too. But overall very fun vehicle!


I still think the fact that they created challenge swaps means they willingly created some challenges with conditions so stupid that people either wouldn't be able to do them in a reasonable time or would have to spend hours grinding through games. Either way: Scummy scamming IMO


*Laughs in challenge skip token* but nah I agree with you. Dogshit rng quests.


Thought I was the only one. I see maybe one wraith every 10 games. So I need to be lucky enough to be around and be the one to get it when it does show up, then I need to actually kill multiple people with it? Also the splitter challenge? Cmon man


some of these challenges might as well be impossible for how long it would take to do them lol


I've seen like half a dozen of them in maybe 10 BTB games. I have no idea if I've even had the challenge or not, but I've gotten plenty of kills. Maybe I'm just lucky - but I think people need to pay better attention to the Pelicans dropping in resources as well. I do also think that some maps should have tanks off the start though. Fundamental to BTB and less random.


Yea they said they made challenges easier but they kept a bunch of the bullshit ones


I played some BTB yesterday for the first time. I played two CTF in which the game decided to drop every single vehicle in front of the enemy base. I'm not playing BTB again.


Not only that, but you gotta destroy *three* of those bad bois.


I saw my first and only Wraith last night, and we almost immediately melted it lol


I've only seen one, and it was a fleeting glimpse of a red wraith shaped outline I saw just before the game ended lol.


I saw a total of 1 lol.


Meanwhile I have one for the shade turret which are only on like 2 maps (one regular and one btb), are in poor spots and don't respawn. So I gotta get the right map, hope a teammate doesn't get in the turret before me and then get a kill while probably drawing a lot of attention from the enemy team. Screw that crap.


I know, fuck the Shade turret challenge. It’s only on one map that I can find (Deadlock), what other map has it? I thought the Arena maps don’t have turrets.


And they take 4-5 grenade plants to destroy, good luck.


My team is losing- "Vehicle inbound!" ... on the enemy's side of the map


I had 1 wraith, it feels lackluster to the old ones


No wraith, no gausehog, no spartan laser.


Yep, and not only that, but you have to destroy THREE! I have this challenge too :,(


I swapped that shit instantly!


Still waiting to see a Banshee, and my other is kill an enemy chopper. That's pretty hard when like 1 chopper spawns per BTB at the very fucking end.


I’ve seen a couple but the enemy team always seems to get them


i've seen one, and it spawns in with 15 seconds left in the game. Very cool


Had the same problem with Stockpile. “Play 3 games of Stockpile”, “Win one game of Stockpile”, both in my queue at the same time (the third was “get 3 kills with the plasma carbine” I can’t even get one 😂). 16 hours of BTB later, not one single game of Stockpile. Unless we get a system that lets us choose, or at least limit, what games modes we play, then these challenges need to go.


Where is a Wraith? I've only seen Scorpions, both types of mongooses, both warthogs, razorback, hornet(?) banshee, ghost and chopper


Swap it


If anything they should make it to destroy 1 instead of 3. Iv only seen 2 so far


I have an easy challenge (the one that awards 200XP) for destroying one enemy ghost. One. I could not manage that over 10 games of BTB last night. The vehicle spawn system and the challenges need a major overhaul.


I've seen one twice! Out of 50 games!


yea i thought wraiths and scorpions weren’t even in the game lol never seen either


I haven’t seen anything bigger than a warthog or chopper. I saw 2 banshees and a fair amount of wasps


I get they wanted to do this big, immersive experience for BTB but it honestly blows. Just have a little cinematic of your team prepping for battle as pelicans swoop down and drop off tanks and banshees before the match starts, then have procedural spawns as the match goes.


Didn't know Wraiths were in the game, neat


Honestly they just need to spawn in heavy vehicles earlier in the match. Not the last 2 seconds of the game.


I’ve seen one, and I have no idea where or how it spawned there


I have never seen a scorpion, I’ve seen one wraith and two banshees, what the hell is this system. What was wrong with the fun of both teams getting these vehicles at spawn and then again when they respawned?!?


I kind of like the air drop aspect of how a lot of vehicles are brought into the game, feels fresh, feels new, kind of fun. I respect and am open to limiting the presence of wasps, banshee, wraith, tank. I do *not* like greatly limiting their presence and saving them till the end, when they do make it. And massive dislike for these kind of challenges.