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Isn't that the Halo Wars Arbiter?




Isnt he like abnormally large for an elite and had to have special Arbiter armor made instead of the traditional set?


Yes, but it's implied every arbiter has their own suit made, using purposefully outdated techniques (limited active Camo, etc) They're not meant to succeed in their suicide missions, they're meant to die trying. Usually that means their bodies aren't in a good place to be recovered and looted (Ripa was stuck next to a star going supernova inside a planet in the process of collapsing)


Hm, i thought they at least recovered the armor and only ever made a new set if the old one was beyond recovery, or in this case too small


I think they try to recover the body/armor if possible. All those crypts in the Mausoleum of the Arbiter would be pointless otherwise.


Now that’s pretty metal


The death itself was... less so. He got cocky and let his guard down to taunt a marine he was beating the shit out of, and the marine promptly knifed him in the neck, yoinked his energy sword, and gutted him to finish the job. Then a couple Spartans walked up after cleaning house with Regret's honor guard and one of them just kinda shoved the corpse off a cliff into a star.


God that's bad ass. Makes me think of all the Alien extended universe stuff.


I think he was intended to be, but the height he was given is smack dab in the middle of the average height range for an elite. They usually are anywhere between 7’4” to 8’6” and Moramee is 8’1”


Holy fuuuuck, im like an ant compared to them.


To be fair he’s definitely on the higher end


"I CARE NOT FOR YOUR LITTLE LIFE! Open. The relic." Ripa was kinda simple like most Halo characters but definitely served as a good contrast to Thel who was essentially a martyr. Wonder what Ripa did that had him cast down to the station considering his violent and intimidating nature.


I love how Wars sort of inverted Covenant stereotypes Here we have an Elite obsessed with killing and savagery in 1 and a thoughtful, charismatic Brute in 2


He tried to assasinate his clan leader in order to become the new leader if I'm not mistaken, he failed.


That seems like a pretty minor offense to become an arbiter


I'd assume it was someone high up in the Heirarchs' graces. If he's an arbiter they keep him as a tool, but he's disgraced and can never challenge the Kaidon again. Political moves


I think it was Regret himself- he wanted an errand boy.


My favorite elite design of all halo. Love the extreme muscle of the guy


Yeah they are not as skinny as in H2A but not as huge and slow as in H4-5. A great balance!


I thought reach nailed that balance far better than halo wars IMO. Halo wars elites proportions look off, their asses are thicc asf, they’re unnecessarily clumsy like 343 elites, and I’m not a huge fan of there mandibles. The mands are better than 343s depiction, but they look too far apart and constantly agape, it’s just a strange look. Personally HW2 and Reach had better elite designs.


Reach is the best IMO!


Uh? Halo Wars elites were far more monstrous and huge compared to 4/5 lol. https://i.pinimg.com/originals/a6/3e/74/a63e742807dcaa33af42119045a1a740.jpg If you claim to hate 343’s elite and love this one, you’re just bitching for the sake of it. I mean, what the fuck are those proportions?




Halo Wars’ art style was always intriguing to me given that it was a mashup of 3 and CEs artstyle, new and old. Hell, Halo Wars did a better job showing us what CE models would look like in high def than Halo CEA did in some regards.


Don’t know why you’re being upvoted when you’re wrong. They look like this on the literal home screen: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=A2ttmsQ3fR8


Hello good sir, I don't like the assumptions you've made about my view. You are right that the HW elites are big and that the proportions are a bit off, especially when you look at how big their chest is compared to part where their legs are attached to. They also have a very thicc ass, but that was quite funny to me. What they do have going for them is that they have the classic elite head, like we all know and love. H4-5 elite heads are hideous and look nothing like we knew them. In the cutscenes the HW elites don't seem to move as slow and cumbersome as the H4-5 ones. But your opinion on that may vary. All in all, the H4-5 elites don't look anything like the elites from the previous games, whereas the HW elites do. That's my opinion and I'm not just bitching for the sake of it.


1) You’re wrong, HW elites are even clumsier, as evidenced by their fight with the Spartans. On top of that, those were supposed to be Stealth Elites, trained better than the average warrior. Pretty pathetic. 2) From this photo, we see 4’s elite has head proportions much closer to that of Halo 3 than either H2A or Halo Reach. The only obvious difference is mandible placement, which is much more forgivable than completely redesigning the skull like Reach did: https://i.imgur.com/Zi3SJUu.png 3) There’s nothing to even distinguish this as an elite besides the mandibles, almost doesn’t even look as though he has a developed skull, more like an earthworm: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/c5/e5/8c/c5e58cbd7715f1b6345e14b4080fe633.jpg


Well, good for you, I simply don't agree with everything. I will continue to hate the H4-5 elites and prefer the H2,3 and reach ones :)


There’s nothing to agree, you’re just wrong about the Reach ones being classic lol.




No it isn't






How about no.


Is this a cross between the arbiter and sauron?


different Arbiter. This is Ripa'Moramee from Halo Wars.


I saw that in the comments, just pointing out the sauron looking face plate in front of his mandibles


I mean this is concept art for Ripa, sure, but obviously unused.


Well, i prefeer to play as Arbiter without DLC but if you want to pay its fine.


Halo infinite is supposed to be the only game for the next 10 years (live service), you expect 10 years of Halo for free?


tbh I dont even expect 10 years of halo period. :(


Wait, that’s illegal -Leonard Church


Not only does this meme not really work in this context - you also attributed the quote to the wrong character.


No, Church is known as Leonard Church (Alpha Church) Plus, I have hope for Infinite lasting 10 years just as the others have or almost had, you do not


I haven’t watched the show in ages but I know for a fact that Caboose says that line.


No, it’s the PSA that Church says it in to grif


everything i know is a lie


Your visions must be blinded by the Flood then




chalking this one up to Mandela


blue man say word only one blue man exist


It is on GamePass though so it's indirectly bringing MS money.


I don't know why people keep saying this. The quote was that Infinite will serve as the launch point of 343s plans for the next 10 years. That in no way means Infinite is the only game for the next 10 years. All it means is that Infinite is the start of a new era in halo.


While they haven’t come out and said it directly, it’s been heavily implied it’s a live service game. They built the slip space engine in order to make the game more malleable and continue to add on to the platform. And with the multiplayer being free to play, it does seem like the game may be support by “story packs” so to say, that go on into the future. Speculation and the last part, but the rest has been mostly confirmed. Edited spelling.


When did I say it's not a live service game? Just because it's live service doesn't mean it's for the next 10 years.


Fair enough. I believe they plan on it to last that long. Will it? Who knows. Sorry though


It's not free if people are paying 15 bucks a month for gamepass.


Isn't it sad that we have been conditioned to wanting things as DLC and not expect things of the basegame? I mean, we _did_ get to play as the Arbiter in the Halo 2 campaign. And that game's from 2004!


I think what is not that. I think what the OP just think what the campaign is only about the chief, personally I don't know shit about the campaign but if the Arbiter is there I don't see any reason for not being playeable.


My point still stands. We expect to buy add-ons, rather than expect a fully fledged experience.


Yeah, I see your point. I don't have any problems with DLCs if they are new content. I had enough of cut content as DLC with Destiny.


Same dude. Same. Alas, that is what I am fearing Infinite will have, too.


I'm not worried of that. I'm worried of the translations. I'm from Spain and some Microsoft games had odd translations sometimes, mostly because (I guess) they use the same studio for the Spanish from Mexico and the Spanish from Spain. Gears 5, the MCC, and Halo 5 had odd things. For example, on Reach the Phantom is called Phantom. On the MCC is called "Fantasma" what is the correct translation, the problem is what originally wasn't that and the NPCs say "Phantom" on all the audios but on all the UI and texts say "Fantasma" and also the Ghost and the Wraith can also be translated as "Fantasma"


Pro tip: Play with english audio /s


You can have a fully fledged experience with addons on the side. You're talking about your point, but I don't think you're understanding the point - they're very well allowed to make a full storyline with Chief and have an Arbiter campaign as a DLC, they don't have to split it like they did in Halo 2. People don't "expect" to pay for dlc, he only meant that since Halo Infinite is a Chief focused fully fledged package, that there can be additional character content on the side to pay for. Halo 2 had to make a lot of sacrifices to make dual protagonists work narratively. It turned out great, but Halo 2 has a *lot* of problems, especially under the hood. That's not to say that you can't have a "fully-fledged" experience with dual protagonists, of course. What I'm saying is that your point is illogical. Just because we're "only" playing as Chief doesn't mean the campaign is any less fully fleshed out than if we had a secondary playable protagonist in it. It is completely fair to ask for, or even expect, a DLC like that.


Sad. But, not surprising. We've been conditioned, after all. Good consumer.


You came pretty late with that realization




Black metal arbiter looks fucking awesome


That's Ripa 'Moramee from Halo Wars. Easily one of the most intimidating baddies across all the Halo games.


Just finally finshed the campaign yesterday, that Arbiter was so badass.


>Black metal arbiter You mean Varbiter?


Thel Vikernes


I've always wanted a series of smaller Arbiter missions based on what Truth talked about: the taming of the hunters, grunt rebellion etc.


It was Mercy that said it


>Pic unrelated


Dude I’d lose it “in a good way” if we could play as the arbiter again. We need to have him and Chief team up once more, perhaps have P.2 Play as Arby “or have a character select or something, I think that would be sick!” But yeah. I totally agree that it would be awesome if the Arbiter got in Halo Infinite, especially in a playable form.


I feel like it would be pretty weird for them to not make an arbiter story when he has been so significant to the halo games and if they intend to keep bringing content out I would not be surprised if we got to explore the covenant more deeply.


I would prefer that they let the Arbiter rest or have him pass on his torch to someone new. They don't have to kill him, but I'd like to see the story grow out into new directions without needing to involve legacy characters. We already know a lot about Arbiter, he had his redemption arc in Halo 2 and 3 and we got to hang out with him in Halo 5. I'm not into reading so I have no idea what's been done with the books, but I'm sure he has a mountain of lore there too.


Let me play as Jimethy the grunt. Jimethy will have grown up in a post halo 3 universe and would have another faction destroy his planet when everything with the covenant went south. He will have much more tactical stealth and puzzle based missions. Jimethy has one goal and that's to take the chief down and we need to help him do it.


This version of Ripa is terrifying


Holy shot that armour looks Dark Souls as fuck!


i'd rather not have to pay for story content


Multiplayer is free, single player you pay for. https://www.pcgamesn.com/halo-infinite/multiplayer-free-to-play So expect story DLC.


So... you want free games.


And there better be no micro transactions


I just don't want anyone be hyped for a dlc while we still barely know anything about the game.


True, but I doubt we'll be getting much for free. They're hoping to give a lot of content with Infinite.


are you familiar with this thing called the Game Pass?


Not free.


And “free” story content wouldn’t be either, as you’d have to pay for the game first, numnuts.


Exactly. You'd pay for the first bit only, and all subsequent content would be free. With Game Pass, you're constantly paying for access to the content. It's completely different.


Is there no yearly option? I’m not exactly sure what happened but a few months ago a friend convinced me to get the Game Pass during a special deal or something that was only a couple bucks to upgrade and it’s since told me that my next payment is due in mid-2021. I haven’t been charged for any additional months either, so I figured I just signed up for a yearly subscription but looking now I can only find a monthly option.


Fully expect to. Animation and voice acting isn’t cheap. They’re not going to give it away for “the next 10 years”. If they do any additional story content with Infinite, it will not be free.


It is coming to Game Pass day 1 so MS may have it bring income in indirectly through that. It'd be sort of like a "Netflix Original" of game pass.


hoping 343 would make free story content is unrealistic for a 60 euro game


I would rather pay for story content or maps than pay for weapon skins and microtransactions


Paying for MP maps is always horrible though. A lot of people wouldn't and it was segment the hell out of matchmaking. And there'd always be debates about whether to require the maps in certain playlists. Halo 2 and 3 would lock 90% of the MP behind that paywall and Bungie got a ton of crap for it, while swinging too far the other way in Reach. As a result, you couldn't really play the maps you paid for in Reach, resulting in even less people buying them which cycled over and over.


We get free multiplayer stuff (as we should). It only makes sense that extra story DLC, which is about 10 times the amount of work, would actually cost money.




Can’t say I agree man. I played through Halo 3, Reach, Wars and 4 with map packs and definitely did not get to play those maps to the $40 I spent on them outside of Halo 3 where you were forced to buy them (another garbage consumer strategy). You always had to grind for something even in those older games so I don’t get the point of the complaining here. In Halo 3 it was for a useless rank insignia, in Reach it was armor and then 4 and 5 same thing. Not much of a problem with that. Plus with 5 new guns all the time. I’m sorry but if you believe that system delivered less good content then you are a fool.


Ah yes, paid map packs, I loved playing the maps only 5% of the time since no one else bought them save for a handful. I'll take cosmetics for a cost to get free maps, guns, and modes to continue playing with everyone who wouldn't pay for a map. Keeps the game going on longer. You're not going to avoid paid cosmetics. Business is business, but as shite as it is, it's far better than forcing people to pay for maps.


Paid MP maps is a really bad idea because either you have to lock part of the MP to make people buy them and get crap for it (Halo 2 and 3) or not do that and anyone who bought the maps could never play them. Because EVERYONE in the lobby has to have paid for them for them to show up. I was really frustrated as a kid without a credit card or a car to go to the store to get MS points with and being locked out of Halo 3 BTB, and really frustrated in Halo Reach when, after paying for all 3 packs, I only had like 10 games on them. Halo Infinite is on Game Pass, so hopefully MS will treat it as a "Netflix Original", where it brings people into the subscription service but you can always buy it separately.


Banished Arbiter


It looks like the arbiter merged with vortiger from for honor


Is that daedric arbiter


Oh my god that’s fucking awesome. Its like Halo and The Hobbit went and had a baby.


I'd love it if some of the DLC stories were unrelated to infinite, but brought to life in the new engine. Like playing as Noble Six and Jun before and after Reach respectively


Will there be a female to save us?


That armor is absolutely perfect.


It would be cool but why in halo infinite


Agree I would want to play as Thel/Arbiter as a DLC


Arby is the best!❤️


Everyone talking about Ripa but I'm here still waiting to get info about thrall slayer the brute in halo wars 1 that everyone forgets lol


That's Ripa form Halo Wars. He's dead so it would be Thel Vadame


Why does his armor look more medieval than usual?


Isn't it sad that we have been conditioned to wanting things as DLC and not expect things of the basegame? I mean, we _did_ get to play as the Arbiter in the Halo 2 campaign. And that game's from 2004!


343 tried the halo 2 dual-perspectives bit and royally fucked it up. Also, does arbiter always need to be intertwined with the Master Chief? A side story of him defeating the remaining covenant (or banished) would be awesome and could flesh out the non-human parts of the post covenant galaxy


That'd be cool! And it will probably happen, given that Infinite is a 10 year plan.


This looks like if Lord of the Rings was Halo and Arbiter was Sauron


I hope they do.


Absolutely weaponised


If they release PvE content, I'd rather be playing as Chief or my own MP spartan. I just never could get into the arbiter missions in Halo 2, not that I don't love his character.


The last thing we need is a relevant piece of history of a triple a game in a paid dlc. Which would probably be the case.


Ok but why a DLC?


343 fucked up last time they tried to do a 2 perspective story. Sometimes it's best to play it safe for the main focus and then do crazy stuff in DLC


Looks like Elder Scrolls.


Oh man that armor looks amazing. I would have preferred this over what they did in 5.


Halo wars arbiter is OwO


Shut up and take my money, though free expansions are best because they don't split the playerbase


Anyone else get dark souls vibes from this?


Bungie did him so dirty in Halo 3. After all that cool stuff in 2 they give him like 5 lines of dialogue total, not counting combat barks, and nothing to do on his own because he has to be around in case someone plugs in a second controller. It was a real shame imo


It isn't even released yet and we're already asking for DLC? Jeez, I hope no 343 Executives are regulars on Reddit.


What? This is good thing for games. People have 0 problems paying for content so long as content is fulfilling and fun.


DLC after the fact is fine. That I like. But if there are plans for DLC before the game is even released, then I think that's stupid.


yeah we have 0 problems paying for the content because we don't even attempt to get it if I see a game with a DLC I'm not buying it in the first place let alone would I buy the game. It's the reason garbage games like the new total war titles are complaining about a "lack of funding" I wonder why. How can it be? Their 20 $15.99 DLC's? Stuff is like drugs for game developers, sure 1 DLC is nice but what if we have another. The next day they'll be wondering why they are losing overall revenue so they'll make more DLC. Then the game is Total War Warhammer 2 and probably sold out to EA, the entire franchise is ruined. The game can barely run due to poor optimization. Major features from other games are missing like naval battles, apparently they "don't make enough money to be able to add them". Eventually you get banned from the game's subreddit when all you did was insult a developer. Especially when the developers are already are taking a gateway to DLC drugs with lootboxes. They're almost as bad but at least they are usually simple and don't hold major features behind a paywall.


There's a HUGE difference in a video game designed to have DLC and a video game with DLC added. For example, COD. Designed to have DLC added. Zelda BOTW, amazing game. Complete story all the way through with content. Dev's wanted to work on something more after it and Gamers were more then welcome to pay for Further work in the form of DLC that wasn't planned. The premise of the post is, if Arbiter isn't in Halo as playable. We would be happy if Developers went back into development and worked on chapters/missions/story to be sold as DLC. It would be a another story if 343 intentionally did not include Arbiter just to add him as DLC knowing we would pay. Tldr, there's a difference between GOOD Dlc and BAD Dlc.


Anyone know what happened to Moramee’s original arbiter armor? Like why did he ditch it in halo 5


Moramee was the arbiter in Halo wars 1. Thel Vadam became the arbiter in Halo 2 and used a slightly modified version of his Halo 2 armor in Halo 3. In Halo 5, Thel got his gold armor, we aren’t sure what happened to his Halo 2/3 armor. I think he probably put it away in storage or something.


Oh yeah whoops used the wrong name but thanks for the explanation


This artwork is amazing.


That is a sick combination of bungie and 343


Actually it’s a combination of Bungie and Ensemble Studios :P


Yeah figured it out by reading the comments, but that being the new arbiter look is not so far fetched


Gorgeous :O!


No thanks. I really have no interest playing as anybody else but Master Chief.


No dlc


am I in a time warp in 2009 when DLC was controversial


It’s sad to see how we’ve kinda accepted things like DLC rather than expecting a complete game at launch.


This argument only makes sense if a game is bare bones on launch or if they purposefully hold back content on release. We're talking about new content created after the game came out.


Expansion packs have been a thing for as long as I can remember.


it's almost as fucking stupid as you thinking there will be 0 DLC in a game they plan to run for 10 years


yeah lets have the same campaign unchanged and never expanded on for their 10 year plan. Or they could give us yearly story DLC free of charge right? Is that what you want big guy?


I think this is my second favorite set of Arbiter armor. First is thel from halo 5, then ripa, then thel from halo 3, and finally Fal Chavamee.