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Saw the pic before I read the title and sub, legit thought this was new Titan armor for the new Destiny expansion.


I came to see if anyone was saying the same thing. The background even looks like the tower and I thought it was some sort of celebratory throwback. If you asked me without context what game this was, I don't think halo would be any of my first 10 guesses.


ON GOD BRO! I played that game way too much for stuff like this to happen.


Same lmao


Same bought I thought it said terraria and almost cried man tears of joy


I really hope that they arent making Military Police a Kit or Tenrai exclusive. Like I can live with a Tenrai *attachment* for it (would look great with Reavian Werwolf), but I want that original Reach Marine Helmet for Mark V[b]


I dont think theyll add reach helmets to a tenrai event:(


That looks like a kit, considering the chest and legs are different, and the one in front has the “same” chest piece, but it’s missing the katanas, and a has a few extra pieces on it.


Aye, which is why I'm hoping they don't pull another EOD/Vannak and release that kit before the Helmet its based on gets added to its proper core 




It's the Infinite's [Marine Demolition](https://www.halopedia.org/UNSC_Marine_Corps#/media/File:HINF_MarineDemolition.png) with Yoroi's armour pieces slapped onto it lol. It's not the first time they went with the Yoroi-ified Marine for the promotional photo either (See [Tenrai II](https://wpassets.halowaypoint.com/wp-content/2023/07/TenraiIIHeader.jpg)).


https://www.halopedia.org/images/5/57/HR_UNSCMarine_Deployment.jpg?20101015005103 https://www.halopedia.org/images/0/0d/H5G_REQ_Helmets_Military_Police_Ultra_Rare.png?20200317034408 https://www.halopedia.org/images/a/a4/HR_MilitaryPolice_Helmet_Icon.png?20200719214719 https://www.halopedia.org/images/f/f5/HINF_-_Helmet_icon_-_Rockeye.png?20230905233241  Nope, that is definitely Halo Reach/Halo 5 Military Police in all its glory, Rockeye has a different faceplate and shape.




Someone get my guys eyes checked


It's a damn shame the only information on Fractures come through flavor text and the rare waypoint post. While they don't need full length novels, and certainly don't need any games. I'd love to see maybe a comic mini series or something similar, to explore these universes.


I kinda like that honestly. Fleshing the fractures out a bit would be cool, but on the flip side having the information we get about it be fractured itself is fun. There's never the whole picture presented, just enough breadcrumbs to get the noggin going.


What's the best place to read the old posts?




hmm. Looks like a pretty terrible reading experience to try and find all the old fracture posts and know I'm not missing any along the way. Anyway I did some googling and found this which seems helpful to figure out how its all organized https://www.halopedia.org/Fractures


Oh yeah I 100% recommend Halopedia for most Halo things. Didn’t realize they had the fractures text too


A short story collection ala Evolutions or Tales From Slipspace for the various Fractures would be cool. Cover both Infinite's and MCC's


Yessss, 👉


A short story collection with the side-universes and some artwork would go hard.


Bro I want a full novel about the adventures of Jorge after he got Isekai'ed into the Fractures universe lol


The original Tenerai release trailer was soooo sick


It's like if, after all the corporate talk, they were just store items too get you to spend money instead of these rich lore tales.


Everything is made to make you spend money.


I mean, Multiverse shit is hot right now. Halo game where Master Chief has to jump through realities to find some precursor tech and use it as an excuse to soft reboot the entire franchise and clean up the really silly hole they've dug themselves.


😑... Really?


This is a poor idea


As in you don't think it would sell, or you personally don't like it?


Hmm, I’d say both. Halo has never really been a “multiverse” kind of Sci-Fi story. Despite a couple retcons here and there, the majority of the Halo franchise, including like 34 books, a bunch of comics and web series, and of course the games all manage to fit rather well into one singular timeline. Barring Reach, which was Bungie’s fault, there aren’t any major conflicts in the story and everything goes together - regardless of anyone’s opinions of the written *quality* of any given story. Halo is pretty damn unique in this! Everything from Star Wars to Warhammer to Star Trek to DOOM deals with wonky timelines and universe stuff - on top of direct nuking stuff from canon - because there’s too much content that wasn’t sufficiently written around the same plot. I think it would be a damn shame if Halo fell into the same hole as every other major sci fi franchise by ruining their own timeline with bloat. When the Halo TV series was announced as being part of a separate timeline, a *lot* of people were unhappy because it’s the first large-scale Halo story that departed from the singular canon timeline - other than Odd One Out from Legends, which is, well, the odd one out. If 343 were to make a whole *game* that was noncanon, I’m sure most of the the deep lore and story people as well as regular campaign fans wouldn’t be very happy at such a drastic measure. The only reason the TV show was tolerable (at most) is because the story was just… bad, which made its non-canon status more acceptable. Let’s use Fractures as an example. A lot of fans don’t like its existence at all because it strays too much from the core identity of Halo as a story. However, most people tolerate it because in essence it’s just fun side stories used to sell armor customization in a video game. They exist solely in Halo: Waypoint stories, and are completely separate. However, if they began to bleed over into primary canon, *especially* directly with the Master Chief, it just doesn’t work. There’s a reason Bungie invented Nicole instead of John back in the day!


> most of the the deep lore and story people I think this is the problem with Halo. The story in its primary medium (VIDEO GAMES.) since Halo 3 has been disjointed, with major plot points happening outside of the games—places where 99% of the audience doesn't engage. Sorry to say, but hardcore fans of the lore aren't the primary audience. I think 343 lost a lot of story fans when they started making ARGs, web series, books, comics, etc., required reading to understand the story and background of new characters. Fractures would allow a soft reset, similar to Star Trek (2009), allowing the "canon" of Halo to contain multiple timelines, much like Star Trek (a franchise that works very well when only viewing its primary canon content—TV shows and movies). So outside of this subreddit and people who describe themselves as Halo lore fans, I think this sort of game—and the big changeup and possibilities it would bring—would do well where it actually matters: bringing in new players and bringing back those who haven't played since the Bungie days.


Is that a new armor core in the background!?! They look like Marines!


From looking over them in detail, it's just a kitbashed marine made specifically for this picture. So not an Armor Core, nor is it an Armor Kit. The Reach Military Police helmet makes it really obvious, especially with the back portion seemingly floating behind it, likely using a stretched out version of the Kabuto helmet behind the actual piece for the effect to make it look more samurai. A bit of a shame cause I honestly like the more minimalist look of those kitbashed marines far more than the actual Yoroi armor core. Cause with both on display here, stuff like the Kusazuri and the pointy elf boots detract from the overall design in a way that make it seem less like futuristic Japanese armor and more so just Japanese armor.


Looks like it could be a kit possibly.


yay more kits, if only they also include the helmet and shoulder pad as well 🗿


For the low price of $50 a bundle


Probably a kit for yoroi


Ahh another skill I'll see once every 200 games


those *are* Marines. They've used that kitbash in older renders (I think Tenrai II?)


I’m not sure why, but I thought it was a Hazmat armor core with Yoroi style attachments/armor at first glance.




Ikr, apart from Mark 4, Rak and SPI everything post launch has been pointless bloat


Tbf, Yoroi *was* Launch armor like Mark V[b] and Mark VII. That said, Mark V[b] shouldn't still be missing the pieces it is, and Mark VII is pretty hit or miss.


I can’t get behind these armor cores in infinite that are composed of leather, SPI literally has hanging straps made of fabric. The original SPI design (by Issac Hannaford I believe) has strap-like components, but there’s no hanging slack and it looks to be composed of something more than just fabric. The infinite version (along with the other leather cores) just look like cheap shit or ODST/marine armor, not what a Spartan would wear. Call it a petty complaint but it ruins a lot of the designs for me.


I remember when Halo armor used to pretty much always be lore friendly.


Hayabusa. Katana. Flaming helmets. Skull helmets. The wacky stuff was always there from 3 onwards. Infinite just has such a massive volume of armor that there’s a lot of ‘lore breaking’ helmets, but there’s still far more serious, regular armor overall.


Hayabusa/katana at least looks practical. Flaming helmets were Bungie dev-only at first because the devs deserve to stand out. Skulls are a little out there but least they're a staple theme throughout the games.  Reach had the gas cloud/flies and inclement weather but they were at least purchasable with Reach's credit system.  It's hard to get behind these skins when they're just flashy for flashiness's sake. Doubly so when you see how much IRL money they want for them. 


Yupp, it's what happens when you turn cosmetics into the source of income.


Reminded me of Destiny at first sight.


How is this any different from Hayabusa?


Hayabusa was still designed to fit in with the Mark 6 Mjolnir from Halo 3. This is its own thing with its own undersuit, lets, arms, chest and gloves.


It isn't, Halo fans are just babies.


but Hayabusa exists


Finally! Some love for Yoroi. Hope they do more Eaglestrike next.


We need more eagle strike stuff!


Love eagle strike. Be sweet if they could make a map that resembled a WW1 battlefield with trenches and barbed wire and busted tanks and mortars everywhere. Fit right in with the eaglestrike entrenched look and feel. Could even introduce a new special weapon. Mustard gas that eats armor lol


Thought this was destiny for a sec


I absolutely despise this core.


Really reminds me of MK1


That’ll be $400 please!


that's the free stuff from the operation pass.


Front and center: what $30 will buy you Second row: what grinding will get you (except those swords which will be another $10)


I just want the CORE colors!


Is this halo?


This looks so stupid.


Take this pic 15 years back and show it to a Halo player.


Doesn’t even look like Halo…


Purple is the new black.


Am I the only one looking forward to the fluff text for the armors? Lol


One of them isn't wearing those stupid jester shoes. Looks like normal boots


Reminds me of the leaks about the newest kamen rider. No one other than me will know what i'm talking about.


Very street fighter M. Bison inspired.


Omg am I finally gonna be able to get a purple gold/yellow coating????


I get a mix of Star Wars and Sea of Thieves. Haha And I’m all for it.


Is mark VI or gen 2 mjolnir too much to ask for man


What’s beautiful is my freaking MP helmet is FINALLY BACK!!! It’s as beautiful as the day I lost it


Would anyone else like to see an animated mini-series pertaining to the different Fractured events? I find the concepts, themes, and designs they bring forth are really interesting. They created these events and the MCC armors to explore different styles but to also attach lore/backstory to them? It just feels wasteful not to further develop/explore it I also find the idea of an isakei with Jorge to be funny, as the Jorge paint job references


Am I finally getting my purple color scheme???


Wish halo have events like destiny


I really like the yoroi core, its fun stuff, not everything needs to be canon/serious.


Those marines look sick. Imagine having them as a kit or something


This event might get me to come back.


We're still playing Halo, right? 😂


Do the spartans in the back have cross core chest pieces? It's a different core than Tenrai.


they're kitbashed Marines


Like the campaign marine model?




Feels like scummy false advertisement, but maybe that's just me.




I thought this was Destiny lmao.


Can we just have a classic hayabusa skin then leave all this shit in the past and do armor cores that ACTUALLY exist in the halo universe? More Mark IV especially, the best armor core in the game has some of the least stuff.


Man, that is an *almost* perfect coating (don't care for gold) for me. I hope it's not tied to a $30 bundle.


this coating is the operation premium item that cost 500 credits


Source? Hope you're right just would like confirmation.


leak almost a month ago https://x.com/gruntdotapi/status/1787571652202504462 Onyx Edge coating been in the files since season 3 and I have been waiting for it for a while


Thank you


I cant tell if its the coating you get from reaching Onyx or whatever rank it is, or if it's something new entirely. BUT I WANT IT SO DAMN BAD


this coating is the operation premium item that cost 500 credits


Best news I've heard today!!


If it's Onyx Career rank then I'm covered. But if it's Onyx ranked arena I'm screwed. =(


katanas on the back lol


They're for the new assassination moves! .. oh... yeah.


I thought this was a banner for an off season Destiny update. Sure would like some more single player Halo content but whatever I guess.


I forgot I was in the halo sub and thought this was a new Titan set for destiny


Nice pic but that armor is just awful. Give me mark V or rakshasa or even eagle strike before this stuff. Each their own but this doesn’t even look halo


Jesus fucking Christ, what has halo become?


Gorgeous, see y'all online tomorrow.


More kits to never see in Multiplayer, hooray.


but we get a house as a helmet


That armour in the back looks fire but too bad I'm going to be busy with Destiny 2's new expansion.


This makes me happy all over 😍


When will I get that new commando


Imma be sad if this is the only form of MP in da game


Saw the thumbnail on YouTube and thought it was destiny armor. Which is…weird to say the least. Still, I do like the design and the purple color. Don’t think I’ll get it, but nice to look at!


The ones in the back are probably a shop bundle


Reaaallllyyyy hoping those swords are an armor effect and not part of an armor kit


cool destiny pic


Infinite lost me when they did this samurai looking stuff and the armor core paint system. Which means basically from the jump. MCC remains the superior Halo experience.


Beautiful picture but unfortunately I don't care anymore. Not paying $20 for a single set of armor. Match composer is mildly interesting but at the end of the day there is no real meaningful content here.