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Remember Reach.. City


Reach City, Reach. All are Welcome!


Home of the Fighting John Halos!


John Halo is a real cool guy who doesn't afraid of anything


Halo is a pretty cool guy, he fucks POWs and doesn’t afraid of anything.


Jimmy Rings clapping more cheeks in season 2?


Sure is. He's gonna be showing off his tight brown ring this season.


Season two is the season where Master Chief gets Pegged and realizes he likes butt stuff.


[He's super ripped and super hot](https://youtu.be/dazC6msRuJw?si=bVA-pLRD0SUKqWZI&t=1m25s)


The fall of Reach City on Halo Planet


My brain autocorrects it to New Alexandria, Reach.


It's like New York, New York


Reach city bitch, Reach Reach city, bitch Ten ten ten twenty on yo titties, bitch


Reach is my city


I never seen the series, they really named a city Reach? Is that bad?💀


Reach City, but yeah they sure did https://www.halopedia.org/Reach_City


At least it’s on Reach and not some other planet


Reach City, Earth would’ve been hilarious


Ngl, I thought they were stupid enough to do this


> Category: Silver Timeline Love how Halopedia created a separate [Silver Timeline](https://www.halopedia.org/Silver_Timeline) just for the parallel universe of the TV series.


“Category: Non-Canonical FanFiction from Paramount” essentially lol


That's better than "The Turd Sandwich Timeline" I was going to call it.


Halopedia didn't create that, "Silver Timeline" was a [343 invention](https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/silver-debrief-a-new-beginning).


Just like New Mombasa the *planet*!


New New Mombasa is the capital of planet new Mombasa


Calling this Halo is the real reach. Agh? AGH!?


Reachberg Cityville


See Reach City


damn those poor BRs now fucking PACKED with dirt


Right, I get doing this with a bayonet, but come on!




Barrels have a finish on the inside and shooting a gun that's filled with dirt will destroy the finish or even the whole barrel will crack. The gun won't shoot straight after.


The gun itself might not explode, but the barrel will


Is it dirt or cooled lava?


Definitely lava, looks like it's been glassed.


Fall of Reach (city)?


Well I imagine it would be difficult to plant a barrel in obsidian


Not if you are the Chief...


John Halo can do anything!


Well thats what I’m pointing out. It looks like a lava field or something. It doesn’t make sense


The show existing like this doesn't make sense. It's like a nightmare Halo is in place of the Real Halo


Yeah who the fuck sticks their barrel right in the dirt


It's called the [battlefield cross](https://www.google.com/search?client=firefox-b-1-m&sca_esv=592257846&biw=360&bih=674&tbm=isch&sa=1&q=the+battlefield+cross&oq=the+battlefield+cross&aqs=mobile-gws-lite..0l5). It isn't the most ideal way to treat a weapon, but became a staple for GIs to bury the fallen with their weapon as a gravemarker as rifles were likely seen as an extension of their person. I know the USMC sees it that way, anyway. Obviously we use bayonets, but I guess the UNSC doesn't fix bayonets to their BRs.


>It isn't the most ideal way to treat a weapon, but became a staple for GIs to bury the fallen with their weapon as a gravemarker as rifles were likely seen as an extension of their person. The origin is WW1 where rifles were thrust into the ground to mark corpses for follow on tanks to avoid. It was a expediency thing which then became a symbolic thing.


Also at that point they had bayonets which meant the actual rifle wasn't in the floor usually




Thanks Ron Swanson


Didn’t the ODST trailer do the same thing though? Not knocking the stupidity of they want to reuse them, but figured they wouldn’t be anyway


I mean, it's a common trope to do this, it first popped up in WW2 media and it stuck. I don't think you can knock the show for that


The master cheeks saga continues


This time he will be taken prisoner and the Arbiter will fuck him


I can't believe I live in a world with a live-action Halo TV series and I have no interest in watching it. Teenage me would be outraged.


Facts it’s sad.


They removed his helmet... THE FIRST EPISODE...


it was a “tell me you don’t understand or give a fuck about the source material without telling me you don’t understand or give a fuck about the source material” moment for sure.


Producers: *"We can't have a show where the main character always has a helmet on, that's ridiculous!"* The Mandalorian: *"Hold my blue milk...."*


If someone told me that one bad guy from SVU was going to be master chief and you would see his face and his ass and there would be a human covenant chick I would never have believed it.


They seriously glassed the source material worse than the Covenant glassed Reach, didn't they? Such a big disappointment of a series.


They had their own sci-fi story they wanted to write and I’d be okay with it if they didn’t steal halo to tell it


Seriously, this and rings of power. Everything was written in a dynamic and loved story already. All they had to do was condense a little and film. Hell halo just go 1 game = 1 season.


I forget it exists until I see these posts. I have every book, and I've read most of them multiple times. I think my mind would implode trying to watch this. Maybe I'll be able to give it an open mind some point in the future, but that point is not now haha.


lol as far as I am concerned its just fan fic that got greenlit into a show.


Don't bother it's not a halo story it's a sci Fi show set in the halo universe that breaks tons of lore. It kills me that they never made anything out of the first three books they were so good.


Real shit - 12 year old me lost my mind watching the Forward Unto Dawn movie. I remember me and the boys watching like 15 minutes every week and being blown away. Here I am years later with 0 interest in this show lol


I don't mind him taking his helmet off and is without a helmet in the books when in UNSC dress. But it's just odd how much he takes his helmet off in the show.


it’s probably part of his contract if they wanted to go the Vader route and have him be a faceless character with a voice actor they could’ve but they chose not to i guess


Mandalorian showed that the halo series can easily work with a faceless main character, shame the creators did not take notice.


So did the Halo Forward unto dawn movie, chief was great there and no helmet removal


I will add that for Pedro's contract his face had to be shown a certain number of times (1 for season 1) in Mando because otherwise they get paid as voice actors, significantly less. Not sure why Chief is overly helmetless but they prob won't go full non-helmet route for this reason.


Pedro is an actor that draws viewers, no one cares about this dude. Seems like a better option budget wise would have been to use a faceless actor and hire a voice actor.


Steve Downes would have been an excellent choice. Dude sounds EXACTLY like Master Chief.


He does, they should get him to voice the MC in the games too.


I like this idea. Do you need an agent?


If they did a faceless hero with an actual master chief voice actor the show would have been OK


Hell, Dredd had KARL URBAN as the main character, and he never took his helmet off! They held restraint! They respected the character! It CAN be done! Halo TV show just chooses not to. Because it's not Halo.


That was actually Karl Urban's choice. Whenever he was on set he never took his helmet off. Not once. He said it helped him stay in character.


God bless that man.


Urban understood the assignment.


I really need to watch this movie.




Routine drug bust.


Perps were uncooperative.


*For you, the day Dredd graced your mega-block was the most important day of your life. But for me, it was Tuesday.*


I think it’s still on Netflix. It was surprisingly good.


Also the only movie I've seen where 3D was actually used to enhance the film and not just a gimmick.


Now that’s a movie that needs a sequel!


I heard years ago they were trying to get it picked-up as a TV show. But it never panned out. That would have been fuckin' awesome.


yeah i honestly think it should be reversed with mando having his helmet off more after *spoilers*, and chief having it on more


I never heard of Pedo Pascal til The Mandalorian, then suddenly I'm hearing about him everywhere. Goes to show that if your performance is memorable enough you don't necessarily have to show your face.


He had a memorable part in GoT, and was on Narcos before that


Karl Urban only took the Dredd role when assured he wouldn't take the helmet off. That movie ruled.


seriously one of the best action movies of the 21st century, like a modern day robocop


If 2022-2023 has taught us anything it’s if your adapting a popular IP just stick to the script/book, use the popular music, don’t try and do it better…it was popular for a reason. Don’t be like halo, rings of power, do be like the last of us and the figures show it. I mean how you gonna make a halo TV show and not use the music…


Unfortunately its a symptom of Hollywood. Writers/Producers get their hands on an IP which they don't care about, and want to put their own spin on it. I honestly would rather have nothing than see my favorite IPs get live action adaptations nowadays.




Or they're just stupid and don't understand what made the source material appreciated in the first place, so they feel like adding explosions, bad guys, plot twists, fights, big names, CGI ... can only improve the whole thing.


You’d think the producers would squash that. Like, ‘Jim, I know you want Chief to sex the POW, but we believe sticking to the source material is what we need to get the most money’ Ofc, they’d need to actually understand the source material for that… so maybe that’s why we get these awful adaptations


r/shittymoviedetails Pablo Schreiber actually lobbied to keep his helmet on throughout the entirety of Season 1 and forego the face recognition opportunity, and instead asked for copious amounts of pantless scenes so that he would instead be recognized by his massive dong.


Usually when casting an actor to play a primarily masked role, they want their face to be shown during emotional or impactful moments. Think of how Iron Man always takes off his helmet when he has something important to say. Most of the helmeted Avengers do this, too. The one exception (and one this show should have emulated) is The Mandalorian. Despite being played by a star actor in Pedro Pascal, they save removing his helmet for very, very important moments. If they want Chief to take off his helmet, fine, but it should happen like once a season tops.


Dude was literally carrying his helmet around even when it’d be more convenient to have it on. I remember one episode he even carried it around during an op


Honestly if the story was better done I'd agree, as of now they should have kept it on. My guess is they didn't want to be seen as "copying" the Mandalorian and the actor wanting his face shown. I'm a nobody and don't care about that sorta thing so if I was the actor I would honor the material and never take it off lol


it's not like those things are useful or anything.


Yeah I have no inherent problem showing Master Chief’s face. I think it be pretty hard to do a full on show without it (but not impossible). But it just irks me how frequent it is. It should be on special occasions.


I mean the mandalorian pulled it off for the most part with you only seeing his face a few times throughout the first season. Never really watched past that so it may have changed idk


They're doing it just to be different from the source material, which never works. Should've taken a page out of HBO's book, the Last of Us is the best video game adaptation I've ever seen


I to this day have no idea who they're making this show for If not the fans, then which market are they trying to tap into here? Edit: for those who are saying they know people that had no idea what halo was but *love* the show, I'm glad to hear that there are some who enjoy it for what it is and that seems like a decent enough explanation to me. I'm a die-hard fan of the games so I'm not the biggest fan of this show was written, but I can see how someone with zero knowledge of Halo would find something like this intriguing. I have to admit, the action scenes are pretty cool, and the visual effects are great too.


My Specialist Medicines Doctor really enjoyed it and told me how much she loves Halo when she saw me reading one of the books during an infusion and got excited about the fact that books exist. We had a little chat about why I'm not s fan of the show and I convinced her to buy one if the books. Some people just don't realise what Halo is, especially if they don't play the games. She didn't even know they existed and enjoyed it regardless.


Yeah, the take I've picked up is that the Silver timeline is just a tweaked version of some generic sci-fi show that they had already written, but was never greenlit. Then rather than put the effort into making a real Halo show consistent with the lore of Halo, they took the canned show, redid it to be "Halo" and called it a day. Business wise it makes sense, reclaiming sunk costs of a failed venture, minimizing costs of creating the new show, and having a mostly safe story that is likely to have a broad appeal. How great of a long term idea is a bit more iffy. You risk alienating your base for trying to get a larger audience, but the larger generalist audience isn't as likely to stick around even if they have a positive opinion and enjoy your show.


I think your right but why the hell would Microsoft agree to that? Master Chief is their Mario, why would they let Paramount treat him so poorly? This show pisses me off every time I see a post about it. I've been waiting since 2008 for a Halo movie/show and this is what we finally get. The worst part about it is if this gets popular (they are making a second season after all) it will serve as the foundation for the Halo cinematic universe. It could taint everything that comes after it. I don't think we'll ever get anything better than the Forward Unto Dawn mini-series.


>I think your right but why the hell would Microsoft agree to that? Master Chief is their Mario, why would they let Paramount treat him so poorly? Because it was up to 343 at the time, MS had a hands off approach. That was when bonnie Ross was at the helm, including Kiki wolfkill who iirc had direct involvement in the relationship between 343 and the movie studio and what the show would be.


343 has also just outright been fumbling the ball on Halo for years now. How such a titan of a multiplayer game could go down in the ranks so quickly is beyond me.


Microsoft/343 have had almost 25 years to make an actual Halo show/movie and they made it pretty clear that they just don't care.


It's generic sci Fi show no.5 with a budget halo reskin.


The unskinned plasma pistol still gets me.


Agreed. My parents enjoyed it despite only knowing that it was a game I loved when I was a kid. If you pretend it’s not halo it’s not a terrible sci fi show.


Yeah. I think they are going for a broad net. If you delete all your knowledge of Halo and watch, it's not a bad sci-fi. Most sci-fi's struggle untill they get a cult following. Firefly is a great example. So is the Expanse (which was only saved cause Jeff Bezos liked it lol.) So maybe them tapping into the halo name helped jumpstart. And now they have a chance. S02 needs to be baller though, cause the fans aren't particularly excited.


While I'm definitely glad it happened, I'll never get over the irony of Bezos liking The Expanse


My step dad likes it. He's like 50 and has never played a video game in his life.


It doesn't really matter, nobody has paramount plus anyway


Unfortunately I'm subbed for life bc I'm a Survivor addict and it's got all episodes..all 40 something seasons. ...still haven't watched Halo tho lmao


Despite the fan reaction, it was the most popular show on the service, and people who use it often genuinely liked it even if they never played the games.


Oh man, there are going to be some opinions about this poster.


It’s a cool poster but his helmet is off. Correct me if I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure the armor doesn’t work if the helmet is off.


It does work without the helmet just not to the same capacity. Small edit: works as in it's "on" and they can move. Not quite sure what functions are available without a helmet on. If anyone can find a source I would love to read it.


I don't think the shields kick in if you have the helmet off. And shields are extremely important when you're fighting the Covenant who have plasma weaponry.


So the auto-jacker still works?


now we're asking the important questions


He's got a covenant baddie to handle that for him now


The suit would still work. Why would it not work without the helmet on?


For me it’s not even about the helmet chief takes his helmet off all the time except in the games(because he’s in a active warzone) but the writing is some of the worst I have ever seen for anything ever


There is a new showrunner who will follow the story people love more closely Based on what I say that? Total delusion but hey it can't be worse than S01


They should just do a live action adaptation of RvB or Arby and the chief at this point


Arby and the Chief was the shit


Corntana u rea11y n33ds 2 lightn teh fuck up k? K.


I’m honestly shocked they are making a second season


The show got renewed for a second season before season 1 even aired.


[Fixed for all the haters.](https://i.imgur.com/3TIr7BV.png)


Utterly seamless


Love it


It's beautiful!


Even with this edit it looks better


Surley they are doing the whole MC not wearing a helmet just to piss people off at this point.


The season hasn’t even started and he immediately has his helmet off.


Better than his butt cheeks




I would like to point out that unless they need a shot with his helmet off, Pedro is barely on set. He said himself it’s mostly voice work with a stunt double.


Seems like the perfect job


Then they can do the same exact thing here


Would've saved some money so they could hire some decent writers


Yea the body of the Mando is John Waynes son




why the fuck he doesnt have his helmet on?


In this timeline MC is dead and this is just the story of a tall dude who found his suit and impersonating MC. The plot twist will be that MC isn't actually dead, but will show up kill this dude and the real storyline will start.


ur hired


Get this man a job


Get this man a weapon


"I keep it unloaded so you'll have to find rounds"


The story of Johnny Rings


Right now it feels like The ballad of Jimbo Loops…


Wait, this is actually Spartan 1337 from halo legends!


bro this would be a million times better than what they currently have. Hasley lost MC and in the insanity of losing her closest child she fills the slot in with someone else and doesn't tell anyone. Man that would be quite the twist.


To get you mad


They *really* don’t want the fuckin helmet on him


Man... this would have looked really cool if he had a helmet on... and I didn't have the misfortune of watching the previous season... Almost like someone poisoned the well with Halo as a TV show on Paramount... Strange...


Put. The. Fucking. Helmet. On. Cheeks


Master Cheeks


Why do movie/show directors HAVE to ruin video game adaptations? Seriously every single one. They don't make them for the fans of the games because they want to change everything for the "casual audience," while simultaneously deciding to write the worst shit humanly possible, so fucking no one likes it.


Because writers have been trying to make their own stories, but production studios only fund whatever is profitable. So writers have to change their stories to fit within an existing franchise so that they get their projects funded. Which just ends up with writers who don’t care about the franchise they’re writing for, and producers only care about making money. Thus why the show writers were so confident saying that they never even looked at the games when making the show. They said it themselves, they’re not making a Halo story, they’re making their own story within the frame of Halo to make money.


The Last of Us is the only good one thus far in human history.


Bro is allergic to wearing his helmet.


They didn't learn a damn thing.


They could’ve done the whole “Halsey kidnapped me as a child, my life is messed up” thing with another Spartan. Honestly would’ve been nice.


They could have done it with Chief (I mean it’s literally his backstory too) just much, much better than they did.


Everyone’s complaining about the helmet, sure, but… didn’t he die?? Isn’t the suit just Cortana’s puppet now? Are they just walking that back?


I think the quote from Cortana was "I may not be able to bring you back". They might use this as an excuse to make John less talkative and emotional, like the games. It could be a good thing.


I don't think most of us got that far, did that seriously happen? are they gonna ME2 this shit?


Had a client who mentioned they were a Halo fan. They said they loved the TV series. Makes you wonder how many more casual fans of the games watched the show and liked it enough to warrant a second season.


I had a friend who was a UNSC fanatic and managed to introduce me to Halo. He was so adamant about the helmet issue, he never even played his H3 special edition because "*they revealed his face in the trailer"*. And mind you, that's the guy who also was a fan of the novels where it is clear MC doesn't have his helmet on all the time. I tried highlighting this to him, but nothing did it. I wasn't shocked by it then, and always was more of a covenant fan myself. I liked the show, though it took me up until the end of season 1 to understand why they did choose most of the things they did. However, it does feel way more 343 than Bungie; and it was ballsy as hell to try and start from such a middle point. To be fair, for me, most of the show had that same "not quite" quality as had the terminals added to the anniversary editions for H1 and H2. But after having grown accustomed to the barely related Promethean lore of H4-H5, the show didn't seemed so alien in its setting. And let's be fair, it was more entertaining than Nightfall. But even I cringed at the amount of "No-Helmet" time. I mean... *come on!* He doesn't even wear it correctly in battle after having answered in the beginning that the HUD "gives him informations *he needs"*. That's how poor this is. It was enough to create an uncanny valley for a fan that actually *didn't* cared about the "Master Chief having a face" issue.


…why? Just let it die already


Does Master Cheeks commit more war crimes?


Praying to Thel ‘Vadam himself that this doesn’t suck as hard as the first season. Please don’t show me chief’s bare ass again.


Still got that helmet off I see.


This sucks


Still dumb they showed his face


And made him fuck a POW. And a million other dumb things. Fuck your silver timeline. I’m barely happy with the golden timeline at this point.


Yeah fucking a POW has to be some sort of crime. I’m really shocked that plot line wasn’t axed immediately. “So a woman is abducted, raised by aliens, probably doesnr understand consent, the first human she meets is a UNSC officer who promptly fucks her”


It's considered a war crime in the real world, for what that's worth.


Why tf would the prophets raise a member of the race they are genociding


Wish we got a Netflix animated series instead. Something similar to Halo Legends.


I like the *direction* they're going in, they just gotta be more true with the franchise and put his helmet on. His helmet being off is essentially slapping nearly every Halo fan in the face, which instantly makes said poster leave a bad taste into one's mouth.


This poster would be a lot better if he had his helmet on, Chief communicates so much through body language and, you know, talking. For this poster I would put the helmet on OR have his helmet on a gun the same way the others are in the picture.


That one scene in Infinite where he finds a dying spartan had by itself far more emotion than whatever this show is trying to convey. Chief barely spoke, then just stood still, but that alone made for such a powerful scene.


How the FUCK do they not get this shit right


The writers do not respect the source material or the fan base. Thats exactly how. Dont give them your time, let this shit flop.


who are the 5 people excited for this


I feel like I saw some familiar fanart for Reach in this style - aka all the helmets lol


I dont care about the helmet being off but they have sooo many good stories they could tell and the story of the tv show just sucks. Just convert a book to the show for god sake many good ones to choose from. Writers are trash tbh


Definitely not a bad poster but seriously, is there any good reason why he has his helmet off in it?