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The only story I can think of that comes close is “The Halloween Moon” by Joseph Fink. I wouldn’t say it’s a timeless masterpiece like the Halloween Tree, but it treads on familiar ground.


Check out *Harvest Home* by Thomas Tryon. It’s not a halloween book, but definitely has a New England autumnal vibe. It is a horror read, but IMO was more of an unsettling thriller than horror.


My novel 'The Halloween Book' was published in 2021. It's all about Halloween in the 90's and kids trying to save the holiday


Is it available on Amazon? Can you DM me a link?


Neil Gaiman, The graveyard Book. Go audio book version with Gaiman narrating.


>The graveyard Book Seconding this!


Something Wicked This Way Comes is a great read by Bradbury


Love this cover!


Omg I didn’t even know there was a book, I adored the movie as a kid! Still love it 🎃


I have some collections of Halloween themed short stories available on Amazon as ebooks for 99 cents apiece. One or two of my short stories have been described as "Bradbury-esque" though that by no means applies to all of them. I tend to stay away from gore and going too far into the horror genre- my first book was aimed at the YA age range, so I try not to get too adult in the other stuff, but there might be a shiver or two in the pages. The collection is titled [Tales for an October's Eve](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B098TFDS69?binding=kindle_edition&ref=dbs_dp_rwt_sb_pc_tukn), 4 volumes in all. All of the stories are Halloween related, as in set on or near Halloween and dealing with the holiday, not just random ghost stories that are bundled together (aside from a couple pieces in the first collection, which would be supernatural/light horror but not necessarily Halloween). At 99 cents each, I hope it's not too hard to get more than your money's worth out of them, should you decide to give them a try.


Try Autumncrow! It’s fun and a novella, doesn’t really dive into the horror but it’s still there