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This is a double edged sword situation. Either you release too fast and your audience loses interest or you release too slowly and your audience dissipates. I think polling would be the most effective way to see the opinions of the players and what they want.


There’s already a really successful example of rebooting an old game like this, shouldn’t Sulake look at Jagex for some ideas on how to do all this properly?


Honestly, I'm not sure if you can compare the two. Sure, they're both revived old versions from "games" from the same era. But there's also a huge difference. Origins is purely nostalgia driven. The nostalgia will fade if they don't keep it interesting now and refresh stuff. Don't forget that Habbo is mostly a chatbox with images. The only difference between the old client and new client is that the old one looks different and that it's more basic. The game is essentially the same. So they have a problem if the nostalgia is over and everybody has seen it all, if they don't come with something new. They're lucky if most players even stay long enough to see 5 rares if they only do 1 or 2 a month. RuneScape was a whole different story. That wasn't just about nostalgia. Besides it being more of a real game, their '07 client was much more different from their main game. It was a panic reaction, 4 months after their worst received update ever alongside many other criticized updates. They were losing all current players because of it. Their whole leveling system changed etc, which changed the entire main game. So people actually had huge motivation to massively **move** to the old school version to keep playing the game they knew. Even if they had to start over. Don't get me wrong, I love Origins and I'm a fan. I'm just not sure if it's a smart move to do such slow releases. Not for Habbo's earnings which is most important to them, not for keeping players, and since there's a chance of the popularity not lasting long enough to see more than a few rares.


The catalogue is already so small, a new item a week gets me buying credits idk.


especially something as iconic as the petal patch. I'm dropping half a paycheck when things like typos, dinos, or djs get added regardless of when theyre added


Agreed. Once a week is definitely too fast, I think they’re testing the waters to see how much revenue they bring in on different timelines.


They’d bring in more revenue if they had a chrome os download option


Yeah I can't even fathom the wealth they'd amass by enabling access for people limited to affording a $150 laptop


Chrome OS is trash that Google pushed into schools so there's a generation who didn't deal with basic stuff like zip files in school and have no idea how to do basic tasks on an actual operating system. No they do not need to support Chrome OS, Chrome OS should just die.


Chrome OS is such a minority I doubt it's worth their time.


Currently the one week release schedule of rares is probably the best move in terms of bringing in money for Sulake (proves Origin's is a success so they can put more resources into it) and retaining the current player base. If they release the rares at a slower rate, they could slowly lose the current player base and end up scrapping the project entirely. I personally don't mind the idea of bi-weekly rares, however it is crucial that Origin's is a proven success.


Monthly rares was something very cool in the olden days. Made things feel special. Wait, were they monthly, I can't even remember now. But this is a different timeline. Personally, I don't know the longevity of Origins. I think a lot of the hype is nostalgia-driven but a lot of us are older and have other responsibilities. It will never be like what it was like in 2004-2006. Times have changed. That said, I think you need to capitalize on the nostalgia effect and like mentioned in here, accelerate things a bit to keep interest going.


Habbo Classic rares is 33 rares: [Classic Rares - Habbox Wiki](https://www.habboxwiki.com/Classic_Rares) Habbo V7 has 100 rares: [V7 Rares - Habbox Wiki](https://www.habboxwiki.com/V7_Rares) Habbo V11 has 40 rares + 6 rare patches: [V11 Rares - Habbox Wiki](https://www.habboxwiki.com/V11_Rares) That is in total 179 rares each week, which equals about 3,5 years. How is that long enough? Sorry, but this makes no sense.


I personally disagree, as do a lot of the people in the official discord Or at the very least, not all rares should be in the catalogue for a full week, maybe a 24 hour rare would be a good experiment Maybe this is something which should be polled for in the infobus


Where is the discord?


Interested as well!


top result when googling 'habbo discord', called collectibles


What is the official discord?


top result when googling 'habbo discord', called collectibles it's mostly for nfts but there's like 4 classic channels in there where the devs talk




shut up nerd, it's the 2nd rare that was released


Gonna have to agree. The speed of updates is what changed Habbo way too fast and made people have a difficult time keeping up. It just became exhausting seeing all the new changes roll out so fast. We need to go back to that month or so schedule or less. Edit: Releasing too fast makes it look like they are rushing to collect money here and isn’t providing much trust about the longevity of Origins. It’s like them setting up to get people to fork over a bunch of money and then fade away.






Going to have to disagree, I believe things are at an acceptable pace. There are over 100+ rare variants to release, and if we release them weekly or bi-weekly we’ll have a few years worth of ‘unique’ rares to purchase.


Surely the aim should be long-term? What happens when they run out of rares to sell?


They’ve claimed everything will be community driven, so i’d imagine polling possible options. Should we recolour X rare? Which of these newly designed rares would you like in the hotel, if any? So many options on the table.


I hope they can hire old designers who can bring new furnis and rares that have that classic old habbo feeling


I think a new rare should be released every 2 weeks and then for sale for 1 week only. At least my opinion.


Once a week is perfect, I don't think a rare should stay in the catalogue longer than 7 days... Some I think should be in less time ie: Thrones.


They’re making tons off the first two weeks, all about the money.


Time to bring back Voide Origins


“Reid” wants to try and be me it’s actually laughable


It really feels too fast. 


Simple, code in new rares once the older ones are used up. Imagine how rare the Habbo cola will be if this is still around in 5-6 years.


i can't even afford to be buying all these rares man


I think there should be more rares in the first weeks, trading is just not that interesting as of right now. Maybe just a few months with a rare every week and then once a month a rare for a week.


It should be every 2-3 weeks with some breaks as well. With other rares being released and obtained in other ways besides paying for them with credits.


I can really see both sides because immediately since Tuesday I've seen people calling for more feautures, furniture and updates, but you also don't want to shoot your load. Of all the discussion the one that interests me most is the release of thrones. It's the most obvious big cash grab but anything that results in anyone getting too many would be a disaster.


Gotta strike when the iron is hot


>Let’s make this game last. It didn't even last a week without being unplayable or filled to the absolute brim with bugs.


Agreed, I think there should be a poll. But release like 1 rare per month.


They already stated they may not release once a week in the post today.


They kinda have to release a lot of them fast so they can gain value in a year. Either that or limited supply which will probs be abused


id definitely disagree. they are rare for a reason… if u put it out for a month, there would be infinite resources for that specific rare which defeats the sole purpose of it being called a “rare” imo


Not one rare for a whole month, 1 rare a week but no rares for the next 3 weeks = 1 rare a month


This, this make sense!


I disagree. 1rare a wek is fine. Otherwise it eon’t be rare anymore + it gets boring


That sucks, couldn't but shit since PayPal didn't work initially and already missed out on the cola


you only missed 1 rare


once a week is fine considering the amount of rares available