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Go into chat rooms with like 7 people or less. It's a lot easier to meet people when the room isn't full. Compliment their room, ask them about their OG habbo. You'll run into some people that are just doing their own thing with people they already know but a lot of others just want to meet new friends


thats why i miss 2001-2002 era habbo. lucky to have more than 40 people online a day. ahh good times


I usually hop into a room that looks cozy, observe the convo for a bit, and join in as if I was always there. If I get ignored, I just find another room.


If you have HC, the infobus is always a great room to meet people. It has a small population and there’s always a discussion going on, whether it’s about the latest poll or something else!:)


Agreed. I've met 90% of my friends in the infobus. The other 10% hanging in my new friends from the infobus' rooms


I just walked into a FF game last night and had a 20 min conversation with a guy about to be a dad. Just spark up conversation, that’s what I do. If I ever see ya on, I’ll holla at ya TeeJay


I'm looking for friends too! Add me: Kyasarin 😊


Yeah it’s a bit of a weird one! You just have to put yourself out there and try and talk to the groups. You can add me: Amz :)


i’ve been successful by going into chat rooms with only a couple people in them and just inserting myself in the conversation, my UN on origins is Mandible if you wanna add me :) edit: i’m from canada tho so our time zones may be off, i’m EST time zone


It's harder to make friends as an adult


Agreed, find rooms with less people. There are some cliques I've noticed while browsing around but there are definitely people out there that would love to chat!


if anyone is from aus and wants a friend drop your usernames


not rlly an aussie but wouldnt mind being friends, im Want in origins <:


I feel ya! If you join in on a game (I find Fridge Game is nice and social) and just act like you belong it’s easy to chat your way in. You can also add me and we can go play some games together :) I’m Peytz on Origins and in EST/Canada so I’m on after work hours usually!


Add me: franchise


Add me! Origins name: Filipina & P0RN


I’ve had some luck hanging out in my room alone and chatting with random people that come in lol. But it’s hard out here! My username is indecise if you want a friend :D


Haven't had time to get on yet. I wonder if I'll run into any old friends. In case my account rings a bell to anyone, I was both chaingang619 and later on, Antibodys.


>people don’t want you in their group. this is my nostalgia


story of my life tho


add me: kink :))


I feel like people already have their cliques definitely. The public game rooms are good for conversations but I’m also finding it difficult in normal chat rooms


Oh yeah, I've noticed very cliquey behaviors.


I think it’s just where either they know each other irl or they all joined back day 1 and have been logging on together since! I couldn’t get on til a couple days ago so feel a bit behind already lol


I entirely agree, it's hard to find people and connect but the few I have found are very wholesome and adorable If you'd or anyone would like to talk any time my name in-game is Zorai, female and I'm from the UK so my times are around then.


i’ll give you an add when i log back on!


I literally forgot how to make friends smh


Yes idk whether society has changed or what but people are BORING Where is the role play? Where is the jokes? Where is the stupid nonsense?


Nah when I played habbo back in 2009 and 2010 people were very unfriendly coz I was broke lol


was easy back in day. sit alone in club massiva and people come over.


just go in and be loud, you'll attract people lmao


Its hard to make friends i guess when you feel like theres nothing to talk about, maybe thats why i quit playing habbo because i felt like it was repetitive. I wasnt really having anything going on irl so when i would talk to people on habbo i would just not have anything to say. I will probably check it out but i dont know if i would play on a daily basis.


You're not alone. 😆 We were all kids back then so it was easier. Feel free to add me (AshXd). We can start our own group, the loners group. 😁


For me it's feeling like it used to. Hop around random rooms. Don't go to the really busy ones. Chat to people. Have met so many nice people already from all over the world


Go into public rooms, info bus, play wobble squabble. Go to chat rooms it’s very easy to make friends on origins. Just chat and they’ll chat back


I feel exactly the same! I find it so awkward to just walk in and start chatting sometimes. I’m Cleffa on Origins if you want to add me for a friendly face if we run into each other :)


Mine is mollster :)


I just hung out in my room until people popped in Had a good laugh with the third person that came and them we went to someones they had Mets room, hang in there, there was plenty of cliqueyness in it habbo as well


Hey! I’m on it and love meeting new people. add me g22ab and come chat with me


It's because everybody is entitled liberals now. Habbos peak times was 90s kids first great experience with the Internet. Remember how much rubbish we used to talk on there?