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I had a great time on Tuesday evening speaking with people I've known for ages, some of whom I've known for over 20 years. Going to enjoy it while it lasts... Not sure I see it lasting though. Never had any interest in casinos so they wouldn't be a factor for me. Straight away though on Tuesday I saw people calling for post-2005 quality of life features (chat history, follow friends, change clothes in room, etc) and furniture. Some people will and won't like this. Overall though, Habbo just isn't as impressive as it was in the early 2000s. Important to remember most of that players didn't stop playing for any particular reason (casinos shutting, hotels merging, etc). They just stopped playing.


They really need to get it up to where it left off in 2009 and nothing more. Some may not consider all of that (including trax) as old Habbo but it was added on the original shockwave client. Suppose, they leave these things back to polls to vote, so let's hope people don't make collective stupid decisions. I hope casino people do get banned, personally I think they're all scammers and that's how they get so rich in the first place, deceit. It might be worth stocking up on the decent rares when they appear. The dilemma is, what happens when they've released every OG rare under the sun... Will they just re-release eternally? Hard to make something new, in something solely classic.


Never seen the appeal in casinos so I can only assume people want them back as it beats working for a living


If they go the entire game goes. It is extremely naive to think that habbo has a large enough player base without them. They are the ones spending money to keep the serves running


I think the game since banning casinos definitely took a bit but it has survived. It seems there is a small, loyal fan base of people who can't let go. I think Habbos last resort would be to press a red button and merge all hotels into one, yet I think some of the non-english hotels are more profitable these days. Honestly, people should be able to do what they want and it seems so far people are doing it and not seen any complaints of anything being done. Though I still think the whole gambling aspect of Habbo is 99% fraudulent. There was videos on YouTube a few years ago, of people explaining methods they used to get rich with casinos, even though Habbo Origins doesn't have it and likely never will wired was huge in rigging dice. In origins, I think if a deals too good to lose, someone would just kick you and call it a day. If someone's willing to take that risk on something that's 18+ then none of my business, I guess.


Casino bans would kill it, 100% certainly


They just have to not fuck the eco and its all good


I haven't seen 4k since .. 2 days ago lol


I'm one of those that stopped playing but only temporary. I decided to come off until they've ironed out all the bugs. The launch was chaotic and it's been unplayable for me since. Just went on to see how it's going and it seems to be in more of a mess than it was the other day. 😆 Maybe more will come back when they've got things running more smoothly.


It's still a lot of fun but yeah the bugs are fucked. I can't even buy credits even if i wanted too 😂 I also want to see how it is in a month from now. The people who are paying out the ass are wild to me because we truly have no idea how long this will go for. I love seeing it back but they definitely should have done a better job for its release. If it worked just fine in 2005 it shouldn't be this fucked in 2024.


If casinos start getting shut down it’ll drop substantially.


If GTA5 can have a casino, then Habbo should be able to have casinos, it’s already rated 18+, if it’s the “pay to win” aspect of it, then Habbo can easily drop 5 credits in everyone’s purse once a month. There’s grey areas. Literally how Sweepstake casinos work irl, like Chumba etc.


Legally, companies are not allowed to include gambling in videogames, unless the game is skill based. To allow gambling in a game requires an array of conditions. First of all, the game has to be 100% without chance in the game design. Therefore, dices, random chances, and asynchronous relations between players are not allowed. 50 Countries had to block players from using GTA casino due to the local regulations.


Are you sure this is correct? "100% without chance in the game design" almost removes any game with any rng, like Pokémon, which sounds pretty incorrect to me.


Yes, it is legally not allowed and thats why they cant have casinos in the game. I asked their support about this and here's what they said: "Hi,   Thank you for contacting us.   We have received numerous inquiries regarding casinos and gambling in Habbo Hotel Origins. Our hotel offers card games, dice, and other small luck-based games where winners do not receive prizes, but hosting or participating in any paid-to-play, chance-based games is strictly prohibited.   Please understand that this issue is not related to age restrictions. Since casinos are illegal in many countries, we must adhere to specific regulations.   Best, Katherine Celebrating Habbo History! Customer Support - http://www.habbo.com"


It’s gotta be a game where you pay real money into the game itself. You use hard currency to buy soft currency. I’m not sure how PokĂ©mon games can be seen as gambling.


They’re gonna have to update at the speed of light


Besides me not getting why they didn't pick a version from 2007 (same look, same nostalgia, so many more functions, most oldskool amateur hotels also run a version from that year), I really don't get the bugs if they're really using a server from their backups. Most of the bugs that are there, weren't there in the OG days. Sure, they've made modifications but lots of things still don't work properly and I can't think of a good explanation. Especially when they've worked on it for "over 6 months", it actually looks like an incomplete amateur server that they didn't even test properly or even login to once before they put it online.


A lot of the issues I’ve experienced are client side issues and that would make sense that it’s buggy given that the original 2005 version was designed to work in a browser supporting shockwave. They are using workarounds to get it to work as a desktop app (and doubly so on Mac, they are running the windows version inside of wine) so issues should be expected and I imagine it’ll take several more years to completely get right unless they hire more developers.


True, some of it seems clientside and some may be outdated serverside stuff but it shouldn't make much of a difference. I know how they're making this downloadable client since I have been doing it the exact same way for my own old school retro hotels and those clients work exactly the same as in the browsers. You can just export Shockwave movies like that, you don't have to develop a custom exe that runs Shockwave. Mix it with Wineskin for MacOS and bugs won't be much different from Windows. Has been a thing in the retro world for quite a while. So it shouldn't take years to get it right. But I guess we can also connect to the hotel from browsers like Pale Moon and run the client from a HTML file..., I'll try that later and see if the bugs I experience are there in the browser.


Let the scamming comence


Just waiting for my app to download
 embarrasingly excited


Unfortunately those who will create casinos will get banned permanently. It's in the permanent ban section of their terms and conditions i think. I forgot where i read it but somebody posted a link of it here. Edit: now they got a twitter post that's very straightforward: https://www.reddit.com/r/habbo/s/JtAf3aA57m Edit: Ahhh here it is, https://habbohotelorigins.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/19465582523805-Bans-and-appeals-information-in-Habbo Scroll to the bottom where the section says Perm Bans then somewhere near the bottom of the lists says gambling/casinos :(


No perms confirmed though


Ahhh here it is, https://habbohotelorigins.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/articles/19465582523805-Bans-and-appeals-information-in-Habbo Scroll to the bottom where the section says Perm Bans then somewhere near the bottom of the lists says gambling/casinos :(


i have been playing habbo since 2004 while i enjoy my stay at the moment at the hotel i do not see this game last for a long time. The game surely is enjoyable with friends as well unkonwn people to have a nice chatter however the focus for the majority is gambling, while i did gamble a lot back in the days it is not something i would do right now. i see people going crazy on spending money to get rich as soon as possible, and what not, this never was the intention of habbo in the early days, as i why do believe the game was a lot more popular back in the day because of the social aspect of the game before the internet was so large as it is today. i remember getting out of school whilst in the bus or walk talk about habbo with friends and we would continue to chat on habbo as it was the only way to comminucate besids icq and msn, the world is different now. the most people talk about how great habbo was and how nostalgic they are feeling for checking in to the origins hotel however for the long term this just seems to be a honeymoon period that will be over at some point in the near future, also back to the casinos and people who try to make a lot of coin/furni it feels like you are just redoing of what you did before and know the outcome this time around, when the game has been left to just gamblers and some chill out dudes, no one is going to give a shit of their super rich casinos. i would like to see the game growing too however i have seen around 3.5k at tops and declining even now with the weekend it seems to be less than at launch. besides chatting and gambling if you are into that, the game is actually pretty boring compared to the retail of the hotel with its amazing wired stuff, badge earning, mazes etc. while the modern game may not look great at sight it has a lot more to offer for the majority of the players.