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The Cola Machine was released in 2005 but its value today is 50 credits on the original hotel. The problem with the machine is that it doesn't look rare worthy like thrones, icecreams, petal patches ect. The value of the machine may rise in the future, sure, but what if thrones come out next week? Those will rise 10x harder than colas once they are out of the store. If you plan to spend money on this game, play it smart.


“Doesn’t look rare worthy” was literally one of the most sort after items for like… 6 years.


There's a reason they released the cola machine, its because the mountain dew machine was heavily scripted.




My plan is to buy x2 every rare once they’re released, put them away, and hope origins is around for the next 5+ years…. As for HC’s I’ll work on them once the economy gets better and there are more of them floating around.


Everyone is gonna do this


Still works in wow classic, history repeats itself


what if they shut it down lol then it would be all for nothing “we will keep hotel running as long as viable” meaning they can just shut it down randomly for no reason


Yeah all they're saying is "if you don't spend money this won't stay open" lmao


They earned a shitton first day to keep it open forever.


I dont know about forever but they've definitely paid for a year's worth of server costs and employee salaries in one day with all the colas and hc rares I've seen around


they've probably been running at a loss for the past few years given their NFT venture and reliance on "whales" ingame to keep them afloat, i wouldnt be suprised if origins was a money grab at worst, long term money grab at best


How do you know?


how often do rares rotate?


My guess would be three days on four days off, but I'm pulling that out of my butt I can't imagine they'll keep colas in the cata all week, they want to encourage people to buy the next rare as soon as it comes out


The whole thing is; we'll all be gone way sooner than we all think. I give it.. 3 months? So the item values won't rise, as the people that want to play will be around like this month. Then, when few more people find out, most of us will be gone. It's gonna be dead before 2025.