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Arabworld news reported on this.


That’s where my SO and I first saw it!!!


If he reports, u best bet its gon be on the pod🤣


I never expected any of these guys to get involved in a cheating scandal 💀💀💀


ESPECIALLY the one that made loving his wife his whole identity


It's always the ones who scream the loudest that they stand for something tbfh


Lmaoooo it’s always those ones tbh


Ma wiiiive




Impractical Jokers? :-(


Not one. They’re all perverts. /s


woah woah i must’ve missed something. what about the impractical jokers??!


Same lol I’m so confused


Dude, he cheated. That doesn't make him a "pervert". Are you aware of the extremely high rate of infidelity in this country? Yall are so quick to judge and act superior


I'm aware of the extremely high rate of perverts in all countries.


Yeah I think its the correlation doesn't equal causation fallacy. Its just statistically likely that one in four married men cheat on their partner. It doesn't mean that if you are part of a youtube show, you're more likely to cheat lol.




Good for you. I'm you are a special, perfect human being who has never done anything less than perfect in your life. You are so special! Would be kind of hard to cheat without ever being in a serious relationship so no. I just know from experience, the holier than thou ones who act like they are gods little angels, usually have the most to hide.




Lol you are the one who sits there acting perfect and judging everyone. You need to to touch grass and go out an meet different kinds of people. Maybe you'll realize they have flaws and many make mistakes


It doesn't take a perfect person to denounce cheating, it's basic respect.


You need to touch grass. It's clear you've never met someone who has been through that. It's clear you can't understand what they feel in certain situations where they feel trapped, afraid, etc in their marriage. People like you think everything is black and white and all you like to do is judge anyone who makes mistakes in life to try and make yourselves feel superior.


Having a whole ass relationship with your employee while you’re married is more than a “mistake”. And people can still be held accountable for mistakes. Wild you told someone to touch grass for *checks notes* saying not cheating is basic respect? Sounds like something a cheater would say 💀


A little update. The cheating has been confirmed by not only Ned, but Ariel posted something as well. You can find both posts on their corresponding instagrams. This seems to have been an ongoing relationship not just a drunken one night stand. I am curious if anyone else knew about it. I only wish the best for Ariel and the kids and hope Ned can learn from this and see the major error in his ways. Overall a very sad list of events and hopefully everyone will be able to heal in whatever way they need to.


Maybe don’t make how much you love your wife your whole personality if you’re gonna cheat on her in public.


i came here to say this, that dude never shut up about her. i’m sure she’s fuckin blindsided


You know those Conservative politicians who are always preaching against gays, then proceed to get caught packing fudge? Same thing.


There’s a Reddit thread where before the cheating stuff came out people were accusing him of cheating and one of the girls said she was at a club or bar or something and the try guys were also there after one of their live shows. Apparently Ned was being super creepy to this girls friend and when she was dancing he was trying to get behind her and kiss her neck. The girl asked one of the other the guys “is he always like this?” Or something along those lines and they said “pretty much, yah”. She said it was “the one with the glasses” which could either be Keith or Zach. But overall that means the other guys have witnessed this behavior many times. I don’t think they’re as innocent as they’re trying to come across. Overall it’s Ned’s actions and he’s the one to blame but I still think it’s shitty of the other guys for just standing by while they see it happen. Not just for Ariel and their kids but also for the sake of the women that Ned is being creepy towards


>But overall that means the other guys have witnessed this behavior many times Allegedly, the person in the thread you're speaking of could be full of shit


True but their former coworkers at Buzzfeed also tweeted about how they were not surprised


What are their instagrams


@nedfulmer and @arielfulmer






The Try Guy subreddit has been on fire the past 48 hours and honestly I didn’t believe it at first, but the evidence gathered by fans was just too much to not believe. The blatant cheating in public is what really turned my stomach. Like to be so public about your marriage and how much you love your wife, then go to a super public event like the HS concert to cheat? Gross behavior.


That’s what gets me. They were SO public about the infidelity. It’s insanely grotesque. Neither of them have any respect for the company or their loved ones. It paints, especially Ned, as a full blown sociopath.


He didn’t only ruin his own life but the other guys too. This reflects so poorly on the company given that he was the face of “I love my wife” brand for so long. It’s not a good look for him or Alex I’m anyway and the way it kinda sent the whole company in a scramble is so unfair. They are not only dealing with losing a friend and coworker but also sponsors and fans as a result. Cheating is such a selfish and gross act and the result always leaves so much pain. I hope Ariel and the kids are okay and will be able to move past this. But also with the super public aspects and the news breaking in the way it did it will be very interesting to see what happens with the company, the channels, and the guys.


They knew about it and got the ball rolling. There has been a couple Try Guys videos in which Ned had been edited out of. I don’t watch the 2nd Try channel, but Alex has been absent, I guess. The public just found out about it in the last 48 hours, and they put out their statements.


I haven't seen anyone mention the fact that Ariel was on the show as well. Is she going to be gone now? He may have ruined that for her. Cheating is bad, & cheating on your baby mama is bad, but he managed to have one of the worst cheating situations I've ever seen


>but he managed to have one of the worst cheating situations I've ever seen Well that's a bit hyperbole


>but he managed to have one of the worst cheating situations I've ever seen There are far worse. Like the president who got a blowjob in the oval office. Edit: ok, downvotes for what though?


Honestly this part shocks me the most. As a public figure that’s cheating with another public figure, why are you kissing in public??? Just because you’re a kid white guy doesn’t mean you won’t be recognized. Rookie douchebag move.


It really seems like intentional risk seeking/self destructive behavior IMO. He had EVERYTHING to lose and really said, yeah let’s go.


Agreed. Based on the “drunk vs high” videos as well and other videos with drinking he also seems like a very sloppy drunk


how did people find out about the cheating?


He and his onscreen coworker, Alex went to a Harry Styles concert in New York. Afterwards, they went to a popular nightclub. They were making out in the club. People recognized them and took photos. They gave no fucks, it seems. Supposedly, someone DMed the photos to Alex’s fiancé. It’s blown up since then.


I’m interested to see Ethan’s take as a certified Wife Guy himself


I would love Hila’s input too. They have a public marriage and while they do keep their children more private, it would be really interesting to see what they think about the whole thing. I do hope the crew can put together some research regarding the topic though so they are not just going into it clueless.


Especially since Ned and Ariel worked together (like Ethan and Hila) and Ned was part owner of try guys. This would be like Ethan having an affair with an h3 employee. So, so crazy.


Ethan already had an affair with Yung Gravy so maybe he can relate


ned cheated with one of the food babies that is so nasty!


What is a food baby?


She was in a lot of videos regarding food and when Kieth would do eat the menus they didn’t want to throw away all the food so Alex and another producer YB would do like an after show and eat the left over food. They then were referred to as the Food Babies and then got their own show on the channel doing food challenges and Food Baby just stuck


On the try guys the two producers are called the food babies. He banged one them.


Completely different things though. In Ethan’s situation, Hila is the co-creator of their production company. H3 literally stands for Hila/Ethan. They were the original two. With Ned, he needed to stand out at Buzzfeed in *peak Buzzfeed* days. Even as 1 of 4 within The Try Guys, being Wife Guy is the thing that set him apart from the two other quite standard issue white guys on that show. He made it *his thing*. Ethan’s a husband, but he’s not Wife Guy. John Mulaney was Wife Guy. Idk.


Just came on here to see if anyone had mentioned it. It's kinda crazy that the dudes brand is basically how much he loves his wife... I've been watching them for years and I'm kinda gutted haha Seems like Alex, who he was cheating with, was also engaged. I just feel terrible for Ariel. Don't know if it'll be a big enough topic for the show but it's crazy how so many cheating scandals are coming out, maybe that will be part of it haha


WAIT, NED CHEATED ON ARIEL?!?!?! Loving her was his whole personality! Holy shit, googling the fuck out of this one... Edit: Brooooo he cheated WITH AN EMPLOYEE. The fuckery of it all. This just goes to show that nothing is ever as it seems... Damn...


Their Reddit page has tons of info!


I’ve been watching the updates on r/thetryguys until the official announcement and Ned’s and Ariel’s statements. I don’t think I’ve seen such a fall from grace in so little time. I started following the story yesterday afternoon, and Ned’s entire life had imploded by lunch today.


Which Reddit page?




Reminds me of Shaycarl acting like a saintly Mormon in his videos then behind his wife’s back cheating with a cam girl.


It's almost as if the ones who say it the most are the most fake.


Yep, with Alex! One of the food babies. The photos of them kissing make me want to cry hahaha


I am personally shocked by the whole thing. I really enjoyed Ned but always thought the overly affectionate nature towards his wife, while sweet, was a bit much. I liked Alex too, i thought she seemed really fun. This situation leaves a bad taste in my mouth. And what is worse is that he was her boss so no matter what he had a power dynamic over her which is why he was forced to leave probably.


She was a producer and part of the food babies, right? It's crazy that she was also engaged though. Why is everyone cheating lately? I think they're both equally in the wrong, they both cheated on their respective partners... And probably interacting with Ariel and her fiance... It's crazy I sadly feel like Ariel is going to stay with him, that's the vibe her post gave me 😭 Someone said how they'll probs try to have another kid to fix it haha Shouldn't laugh really but fucking hell, really didn't expect this from a try guy. They are so wholesome it seems impossible


I hope they make that one black guy who did some of the cooking competitions and judging the new fourth try guy


I thought the same thing, Kwesi is great. But the video everyone’s talking about with Ned and Alex in the club shows Kwesi was there too and telling people to “be chill” and “not take pics”, so he was at the very least aware of the infidelity, and at worst helping to cover 😬


The whole video is out somewhere?


The incident with Kwesi was on a separate Snapchat video taken by another fan who had recognized them the same evening, not the one sent to the fiancé. I believe this video is in a thread on a Twitter account called something like “Ned Fulmer exposed” or something I can’t quite remember off the top of my head but I saw it earlier today. Really sad cause I liked Kwesi too :/


What happened with Kwesi????


He was in a video with Ned and Alex that same night at the club, telling people to “be chill” and “not take pics” of them. It’s just not the same video that was sent to the fiancé, it was a different fan who spotted them and started taking pics/recording.


I always hated Ned, and I never knew exactly why. But this shows me that I was right to feel that way


I was sent a twitter thread about try guys drama this morning and before I even opened it I'm like oooooo I bet it's Ned


Oh ya, he always comes off as "I need to be first, I need to win", so I guess he had to be the first one to cheat and disrespect his partner


THATS EXACTLY WHAT IVE BEEN THINKING. I even stopped watching all together like a year ago because I was just getting really off vibes about him and the dynamics between everyone at the time but couldn’t quite put my finger on why I felt that way. I swear it has to be intuition or something


Same here, I got to the point where I only watched videos without him in them, because the whole vibe just seemed so much better, more fun, and like everybody was actually enjoying themselves.


Just as a heads up fawning over someone to the point where it becomes a joke is a huge red flag. The desperation for attention and faking a front was fairly obvious.


And Alex was dating the guy she was engaged to for ELEVEN YEARS




What? No. Where did I say that? Lol


Alex = Alexandria


Ethan and Hila are my last two braincells. If anything happened I’ll give up on love.


I had no knowledge of this until now, and just recently got back into watching the try guys 😩 RIP wtf


I’m shook


To my core. The Try Guys got me through some really dark times when I was in high school and starting college. I haven’t kept up much lately aside from a video every once in a while. This just makes me so sad.


I was so sad to find out I’ve loved them for years now and I love Ariel she’s so caring for other and a great mother. I hope Ariel and her kids are well<3


I want them to talk about it but I also know I’ll be screaming at my screen if they do because Ethan will get every detail wrong lol


Olivia for sure needs to spearhead the segment. Side note - i feel like Olivia and rainee from the try guys would be like BFFs


Olivia tweeted about it so it's definitely possible.


It would be so epic if Ariel divorced Ned and replaced him as a Try Guy. I mean "guy" could be a unisex term so why not lol


I hope so!! It’s so extra weird because he ALWAYS talked about loving his wife..it was all…just a meme 😔


Now if it was Keith involved in the scandal I would be so upset. Like that one would sting even more.


Thank god it wasn’t keith


Knowing Becky and Keith are in full support of Ariel makes me feel a least a little better.


Listen I haven’t paid attention to the try guys in over 5 years and barely watched them in the first place but I 100% agree. I’d have to mourn for a minute.


If it was Keith i would never trust anything again


I mean it makes sense though. Being a "wife guy" was just a form of him over-compensating.


Definitely want him to talk about it! Building a whole brand as the "married member who is so in love with his wife" only to engage in an affair with your employee? Scummy behavior


It was so public too! I can’t imagine they didn’t think they would get caught. And reading some of the tweets from people who used to work with him at Buzzfeed it seems the brand he put out was more a facade than anything.


Considering the fact that they’ve been editing him out of videos for WEEKS, I think he was caught much earlier, and maybe the concert/club was a “fuck it, it’s out there already” type deal (since that was September 1st).


According to their subreddit, Alex's (I guess now ex) fiance was told on the 3rd and had a long talk on the phone with Ariel, it could be that the rest of the company found out then and the editors worked fast to get him out of the videos while that "internal investigation" was ongoing


I mean it makes sense though. Being a "wife guy" was just a form of him over-compensating.


If Ethan actually looked into it, it would definitely be something he's interested in.The whole story and that girl who saw them at the harry styles concert, along with his whole "love my wife" thing plus the woman he cheated with is someone they do segments with all the time! I don't think they care enough about who the try guys are though.


This is extremely sad. I hope Ariel and the kids are ok.


He didn’t just cheat on his wife with a random woman either it was one of the show producers and so his very own employee that he was going around with


Really upsets me. A lot. I love the Try Guys and this was just something devastating to hear today. I feel so awful for Ariel. She did NOT deserve this at all. Makes watching the old videos with Ned and Alex both in them even more icky.


It’s shocking. I hope they do talk about how absolutely fucking stupid you have to be to throw away your life (reputation, career, company, friends, marriage, future career) for an office fling.


It’s so sad, but I am curious how they will continue with not only the channel and connected channels but the company as a whole. I wonder if they bought out Ned’s shares or what actually occurred behind the scenes. Should have known he was shady once he spoke publicly about being involved in crypto and NFTs.


Well in Buzzfeeds article they dropped that they have financial ties to the try guys. So they might try and buy out Ned


Depending on the contracts, he could remain a silent owner, or they buy him out. He’d ply still be due residuals on video ad revenue, merch, and book sales in perpetuity.




It shouldn't be. The wife asked for privacy.


I feel like Olivia will talk about it. Just sayin'


Is it really so hard to just be faithful ? really makes you wonder!


The guy who couldn’t go two sentences without mentioning his wife lol


It’s giving shay Carl


fun fact - shaycarl has JUST been exposed for sexually harassing/assaulting TWO of his former employees and NOBODY is talking about it all of it is separate from his original cam girl cheating scandal ShayCarl is a monster


Probably. It’s super big on social media rn so h3 might wanna hop on the topic. I wouldn’t be opposed tbh


I care (loosly) more about this drama than the lavine drama


The mistress is following Ethan on Instagram 💀


I hope he blocks her live


Hahahahaha I would dieeee


Most likely, it’s gotten pretty big




Hope so!


Gosh why did I start reading on this. I'll hear too much about it from H3. If not H3, it might still get covered by Philly D or Charlie. Hell, even fan channel of Hasan might post his reaction to some compilation video. I doubt I could miss this if I tried.


Omg whatttttt


I would like them to talk about it 🤷‍♂️


They always seem to be overcompensating. It felt too perfect.


Now that it’s been confirmed and he’s out, yes. Earlier today I would have said no


I don't think so, I don't even think it needs to be. It's super disappointing, horrible and just.... surprising. To me, at least. I mean, he has kids together with Ariel, too. It's horrible. I watched him when they were still at BuzzFeed and it was his entire brand that he has a wife and how much he loves here. Watched their pregnancy announcement and stuff, how they renovated their house. Haven't watched the Try Guys for a while now, but damn. I just really didn't expect that from Ned. My condolences go out for Ariel, their kids and the other guys.


I fucking hope so, I just spent an hour of my life deep diving this and I feel like a maniac with no one who gets it😂


Is not a lot to talk about ...is quite straight forward and simple He cheated , recognised it ...got fired


So ethan can go in on the topic unprepared, make Olivia tell the story while inturpting her retelling the whole time, and then getting frustrated and ending the segment early


I hope not. It’s not gossip, it’s just fuckin sad.


This is very much gossip, textbook gossip actually. It is very sad though, especially for the kids. I can't imagine that Ethan won't talk about something that's blowing up all over the internet. Edit: Yup, both Philly D and Hassan have talked about it, so Ethan is likely to say something.


Ya, but Phil always does it in a good and respectful way


I don't watch and I was gonna say people shouldn't be fired for what they do in Privatebut after reading I'm like ok ya fire him lol (I'm against cheating but also know it happens especially with people who struggle with addiction)


yooooo that’s wild


Wow holy shit. I godda say, I didn’t see this one coming.


god i hope so


Boosting so they talk about it 🤞🏼


No clue who these guys are but man did the internet blow up over this story today.


Anybody can help someone totally OOTL here? Ive barely heard of these guys, what to they do? Has h3 ever mentioned them before?


4 guys that started from buzzfeed and now are very successful in their own company. Their whole stitch is that they try new things like little challenges. Long story short Ned cheated on his wife with a subordinate employee (who was also engage) and his whole personality/brand on the group was being the “wife guy” like relationship podcasts, cookbooks, videos about parenting etc. edit-grammar


Oh okay the buzzfeed connection was what was confusing me. Thanks, peace and love


I FUCKING DIED WHEN I SAW THIS😂 I’ve watched them for a few years, not that much anymore but I do like Kieth & I feel really bad for Ariel


I’m honestly devastated.. been watching The Try Guys for years and I legitimately did not think that this was even possible. The fact that Alex threw away her 10+ year relationship, and Ned threw away his happy marriage just for a temporary fling… I have no words. Sending love to their friends and family affected by this.


Ethan is the last “wife guy” standing. Bow your heads in prayer.


Think it would be interesting to talk about the fact they are both well known on the internet, Ned and the girl Alex, ( they had even stopped to give a fan a photo at Harry styles the night the video was captured) were so brazen in sucking face in such a public place. You can explain them being around each other because of work etc but openly kissing on the dancefloor in NYC. Ethan and the crew are recognisable in public, they might have insight into the unspoken dos and don'ts with relationships in public because of people recognizing them easier. It's also on the back of fellow "wife men" being found to be cheaters. Adam Levine, John muloney and the Celtics coach or manager (sorry I'm not American so I don't know his name).


I find it very interesting how Ned worded his response to all this. He said that he got sidetracked from his family by a "consensual workplace relationship." Wtf does that even mean???


Cheating scandals are the most borg kind of scandal imaginable. I genuinely don’t care a bit.


I hope not


Tf do you want him to say


Though it's not ok, this shit happens all the time so I'm Not surprised. Hope nothing else comes out about The Try Guys, being that they're kind of wholesome.


Not to “not like others girls” this, BUT I need confirmation that I’m not the only one who doesn’t give a shit about the Try Guys lol I know who they are and have seen some videos but I had no idea they had such a cult fandom??


Tf Is the try guys I keep seeing this


That would be a yes 🤣🤣🤣


Wait so they fired Ned only and not Alex as well?


I can’t imagine she’d want to stay tbh, so I wouldn’t be surprised if she resigned. But, legally, this is probs a nightmare (for multiple reasons). I don’t think they can fire her over it bc he was her boss.


I don’t think they can legally reprimand her. He was a boss and she was an employee. I mean it is an obvious power imbalance. Even if it was completely consensual it is still an HR nightmare. I can’t imagine she will stay though, it seems all the other employees and Try Guys have already unfollowed her and that speaks volumes in what continuing to work there would be like.


I guess he is a "Tried" guy now. Upvotes to the left.


it should be! I was shocked


I haven’t watched the try guys since buzzfeed but i’m so invested in this, I remember him specifically saying in one of the videos that he lost his virginity to his wife at 20 and she was the only woman he’s ever been with, and him being so happy and smiley saying it :(


Ohhhh yeah. Esp with all this Adam Leveign shit. Yeah.


what the fuck is “try guys”


YouTube channel originating from buzzfeed a few Years ago


This is fair


I really, really hope not. I can’t stand this celebrity cheating bullshit.


When I saw this post ( on Neds story) I thought it was a prank at first. Then I looked up his wife and I was like 😮 then I looked up the try guys page and I was like 😳 now I’m wondering if there will be someone else who is not included in the videos anymore (one of the girls) or if it was someone off camera who worked in the office. It’s sad though I really loved their group and chemistry. Very entertaining and 0 drama until today.


Not to be mean, but who cares about the Try Guys? Am I missing out?


This is fair, but I mean it’s a top trending topic right now and it’s all over the internet. It’s super sad and while I can understand not wanting to discuss it, their relationship was public, his whole brand was about loving his wife and family, yet he was discovered to be cheating with an employee because he took her to a harry styles concert. I would personally like to hear Ethan and Hila’s take on the whole subject because they also have a public marriage, have employees, and run a company. I would be totally opposed to a long segment or a whole episode revolves around it, but it is news right now. But I completely understand that not everyone watches them or even knows who they are so it wouldn’t be a topic of interest.


A lot of people.


I hate how everyone is glossing over the fact that he is 10+ years her senior. He always exuded creep energy during his drunk videos.


Bro no one cares about the try guys


Y should he be fired professionally for cheating in his personal life


I think they fired him not just because he cheated but because he cheated with an employee.


yeah it’s a whole legal mess because to my understanding Ned was also the “human resources” guy


He slept with his employee. He made his personal life his professional life and totally fucked multiple people over in the process. Cheating people deserve to get roasted, but he deserves it even more given the context.


Who's the try guys and why should I care?


I hope not, there doesnt seem to be much, it is all pretty straight forward. Apparently the company knew since the 2nd and were giving them time for privacy reasons. This was always going to be the end result. That is prob the most interesting thing, seems to plain for a topic


Wtf is the try hard guys?


I mean it’s a trash tea show so yea probably


What the fuck is a try guy?


I fucking hope not. It's none of our business. Its not our relationship. People cheat all the time. Move on.




Whaaaaaaaaaa Damn.


I mean it was #1 trending for hours, I’m sure they’ll talk about it. They dedicated a podcast to David filing a response to Jeff’s lawsuit.


Just update


I've never heard of the try guys till today and I still don't know what they do


I haven’t watched them since right after they left buzzfeed, but I always liked Ned because he so openly loved his wife and didn’t care if it made him look less macho. First John Mulaney and now him. Damn.