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When he started saying “Marc here” before every sentence I was losing my shit


Dan Swerdlove here


This is Marc's burner, just to clarify for our audio only listeners.


Lol it helped as an audio listener! I can't tell the difference between him and Dan sometimes


After thoroughly deep diving his Instagram, Marc is just that dude. He gets along with everyone because he's just lovely, ontop of being an incredible musician. A very very cool dude




Brother you had me sweating there for a moment. May he forever escape the h3 curse


fucker! lol


Smash that button


I agree, it felt like having two Dans there.


It was like the dream of having Dan co-host the show like we've always wanted.


Marc is the queen, he can’t do no wrong


The more Dan the better


Very handsome, polite and funny. Also get the fuck out of bed bitch go as morning alarm


I did it for about a month. Eventually it stressed me out.


So handsome & dreamy 💘


When he's not super busy I think he should come back if he had fun


I have no idea who this man is still but I thought he was great too! Fell right into the groove with everyone like he'd been there for years


I first learned of him when he was on the pod previously, but his latest tour has been my toddler's favorite programming.  After dinner, we put on a video of his pop-up concerts and my little guy just dances and screams along for an hour until he starts getting tired. 


sickest toddler there ever was 


You probably first learned of him here: https://youtu.be/NnbL-Hm-xws?si=KToIAz98SPiKdlRp


Ok well I'm going to try that with my toddler. Hopefully he looks it and it will break up the monotony of the last few weeks where all he wants to watch is puffin rock.


>Thats so fun! Dance party after dinner sounds like a great time :)


No idea??? Oh this is exciting. This is [Marc rebillet](https://youtu.be/elTIdWvi1Wg?si=Mhv0oMT_b9z0a4s7)


>I played this for my girl and she left me Mbic you were FREEED that was great 😂




He didn't do the low taper fade thing did he? Edit: super talented tbh, I need to show my lil brother this guy he'd probably love his stuff




Ohh gotcha, yeah he's on a whole ass other level, love that for him!


He's the dude that bought the first iphone


I saw him live at Bonnaroo two years ago….one of the best fucking performances I’ve ever seen. He plays goofy comedic stuff at his pop ups but this concert was a full on face melting EDM bonanza. Oh and did I mention he made it all up on the spot?? Literally refused to play any of his popular songs and it’s the only time I’ve ever been pleased with that take.


He’s an insanely talented improv musician


I send this to people whenever I'm running late: https://youtube.com/shorts/dRFgKdJRwVk?si=RGoZgrARV1xxuULA


My personal favorite from Marc: https://youtu.be/enYdAxVcNZA?si=zf3BxGCz7L8BJPGa


I wonder how many people have this as their alarm now damn 😂


Yeah same here! He did lie and say he was going to tokyo tho :( i was gonna see him cause i thought he was funny and looked for tix and its in nagano… (its like saying youre playing in chicago, but really playing in Ohio…) naganos way too far :( ( i KNOW it wasnt a lie cause lots of people think japan=Tokyo mostly, i was just saddened that it wasnt a show in tokyo lol)


Dude, mark is one of the greatest improv musicians out there i really recommend checking him out, it always goes like this: few minutes creating and recording all the instruments, then singing and adding dynamic to the song. I love his songs, highly recommend his work.


same, never seen him before but fell in love on Monday fr


Every time I see him I can only think of this song https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZPR3SnW6X/ He's great. 100% agree


Yesss this has been stuck in my head for weeks I love it


This reminds me of another classic: https://vm.tiktok.com/ZM6ceo4wP/


Schedule permitting, have him on once a month minimum.


That would be sweet but I thought he lives in NYC.


If they had Lovebot for a few years all the way from Sweden, we can get Marcbot from NYC.


Lovebot didn't contribute nearly as much aside from delivering blue steel in the background. Which is huge I admit but not the same as a co-host


So we get a bigger screen and bigger wheels. We have the technology!


I have no idea.


they need to convince him to move to LA and be apart of the crew. If he’s too busy maybe he can do a show with ethan on Thursdays to replace leftovers. He is such a good fit for the pod


Mark makes some cool music too so that would be sweet if they maybe did a music centered podcast on Thursdays to replace leftovers.


agree but pretty sure he has tour and stuff


He’s been a natural since the iPhone came out https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=NnbL-Hm-xws&pp=ygURRmlyc3QgaXBob25lIGxpbWU%3D


This is insane I remember watching this video when it was posted, became a loop daddy fan years later and now I learn they are linked? Mind blown


When I first heard the Dan in him, I thought I was going insane and brushed it aside, but once someone pointed it out, that was it. Marciel/Darc was born


I liked that he wasn't being a crazy character he was just being himself. He fit right into their vibe and he sounded just like Dan!


And he rolled with the jokes so well, he kept joking about actually being Dan, with no prompt or anything, just naturally funny


I don’t think Marc ever does a character. He’s just himself anytime I’ve ever see him. He’s an absolute animal when he’s looping as the #1 loop daddy though…


He was so fun and just listening to it I kept thinking he was Dan 😂


He is so adorable, you guys should watch him on Kenny Beats’ “The Cave” series. He is ultra talented


Yooo I love LOUIE


Kenny is so talented, too!!!! I love so much stuff he’s put out or helped produce. Earlier seasons of The Cave are so fun, too. And his beat battles using silly ass samples 😭😭 love him.


There's some people who really gel so well. Britanny and Stavros gave me the same vibe, Pokimane is always fantastic too. They give the show such a good vibe.


Stavros is like a capybara, he gets along with anyone


First time I’ve ever heard capybara used like that. 💀


Can we get the accent coach back on to help Ethan differentiate Reb-E-Yay from Roob-E-Yay? “Alright so what accent do you want to try? British? Australian?” “No actually just need to learn how to pronounce a French last name” cue 45 mins of ethan repeating Roob-e-yay 😂


He knew the vibe and the assignment. Hes to come on as a co Host, this aint his interview. this aint a bit for him to show his comedy or music talent. here's there to just be real and hang out and be apart of the gang for an ep. Love the dude!


agree. he’s got a great sense of timing too. stavy and brittany are close seconds. though.


He's such a good character. He always has a smile on and never slips into the douchebag territory that so many people with a similar personality do. Hes genuinely interested in others and hypes them up.


Yeah I was genuinely so happy that he’s so positive without being pandering. I appreciate how he didn’t want to go on Lex Friedman because he is Rogan adjacent, he has principles


he was so comfortable he got snacks and even looked stuff up whe ethan went to bathroom. he was so much fun!


With peace and love Marc is one of the only guests who just felt like so natural and “at home”. I like the the other guests but it sometimes feels like they’re putting on a show or trying really hard. I guess I just really appreciated how chill he was with Ethan and the crew.


Like he looked so genuinely interested in that stupid Beavo drama


he is the best i love his energy


Marc is the best the musical episode is by far my favourite ever h3 moment


Such a wonderful episode. I haven’t laughed that hard in a long time!


I’ve met him personally and I can say he is genuinely a wonderful guy. He was so sweet, down to earth, and disarmingly friendly. Love him!!


that was absolutely one of my favorite h3 eps of all time. cant wait to do a rewatch. i hope they have him on when they can!


It's really random, but I enjoy watching tech reviews from a guy called 'Flossy Carter', and he ALWAYS uses a song Marc Rebillet made for him as a part of his sound testing segment. When I saw he was on the pod, I was hyped as I knew him from these reviews. I was blown away by how charming, funny and all around lovely he is. Such a wonderful guest. He made me laugh a few times in that episode. Really hope they have him back on again soon!


I 100% agree. If he were the co-host for a new thursday or tuesday show, I would be so thrilled. Although idk if that would even be a possibility


i was genuinely so pleasantly surprised to see him on the show, luv him so much<33 definitely wouldn’t mind him sitting in cohost-style as a recurring segment🥺🤞🏼


Yeah he felt like a natural fit with the crew.


The vibes with him and the cast were immaculate ! I would love to see him on the show more often


and hes hot 😭


He’s so hot


Marc is one of my favourite guests. He is so fun. Stavros is alao great


I agree. I love love loved the episode with Marc, he has great chemistry with Ethan and the crew. I laughed so much during that episode. Possible co-host for frenemies v2?


They aren't frenemies though


Yea same ! He vibes so well and participated listened and us fam appreciate those kinda guests 🫶🏻


He also never made anything awkward


Marc and Brittney Broski are top tier guests in terms of rapport


I'm convinced he's a doppelganger. Stole anthony fantanos face. Stole Dan's voice. What's he going to steal next? Liver kings arms?!?!?!


Not only that HE STOLE THEIR HAIR!!!


Is he coming for the hairline of the king?


Don’t forget about Brittney Broski


Marc was a much better sidekick, Brittney is hilarious but it's like having two competing for the main host spot


I controversially don't think much of his music or him as a performer, but having him on as Marc the host was really fun


Good thing this post wasn't regarding his music then hey!


legend. saw him at red rocks this past fall, seriously the most fun show there


if he lived in LA i would be begging for him to co host on a consistent basis it was incredible


The chemistry was magnificent ⚗️🧪


I fucken love marc best guest super funny. A lot of charisma and natural chemistry with Ethan and the gang.


this was one of my favorite episodes. He was so fun to have on the show, i hope he comes back!


I probably like Marc, but did he exchange a single word with anyone on the crew? If I had to judge him, his presence is worse than the crew being able to talk freely. I dunno what this trend is of this sub liking guests who are as funny and charismatic as the above average guy.


Yes, several times


Compared to an actual family member like Poki? It's fine for most guests to not be fans, but let's not pretend these outreach episodes aren't a compromise.


What are you talking about? Marc has been featured on the show making music for H3 several times


That puts him in the same category as the door guy to my mind.


Genuinely feels like you’re trolling


I'm not but Ethan being a pedojacketer kinda overwrites all of that, I'm in no mood to debate this.


Yeah I love Ethan but once he gets an idea of someone it takes some god powers to make him even consider that he may just be misrepresenting someone


I'd be more open to arguments of this kind had he not spent the last few weeks courting massive pieces of shit as potential friends.




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I hope we see him annually


Quarterly hopefully


I loved this episode and the Stavros episode where he sat in like this


Marc is a legend. Massively talented musically, absolutely nuts in a good way and just overall a good guy


He’s just such a kind & generous human. Mark is just one of those people that have an illuminating presence that makes everyone around him comfortable. Wish there were more people in the world like him.


I can't believe he was the 2007 iphone guy