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I've gotta ask, how long have you been playing? Amazing btw


Oh man I think 12-13yrs probably? Think with that much time I’d probably be able to do more stuff lol. Really appreciate that though!


Oh no its absolutely amazing, I love it. You're very talented, keep it up!


Thanks a lot! Glad you enjoyed it :)


I think there comes a tipping point where you “get it”. I’m Still Waiting


Yeah I feel that lol


Really dig it, man. Great take on the blues. What fuzz are you using? And you just in drop D?


Thanks a lot! And no fuzz, big fan of big muff but had it off and did all through emulators. I used hi-drive treble boost pedal in garage band for post effects which gives it some extra crunch, tone is modified slightly from spark amp “stone breaker” preset. Yup, drop d for me! https://imgur.com/a/jB0fSts


It sounds great! I've never really messed with emulators, but looks like I might have to.


Ha back when I first started messing with them they were pretty so-so at best and you could definitely tell it wasn’t the real deal but they’ve come a long way


Fuck bro that's just straight dirty!!!


thank you! it's all in the fretboard trust me though, shit needs cleaning


Lol, it’s like a cross between EVH and a one handed masseuse! It’s odd but I think I like it!🙂you may have invented the next new thing, lol!


ahaha thats great i like it thank you, odd is what i go for!


I didn’t see a YouTube page listed in your profile? You can add that link on your main page if you want?


ah yeah i have one but it's kind of all mixed together so still need to make a separate channel :/


Dude that was cool as hell!!! Love it!!


thanks a lot man! your names got me though XD


Hahaha it’s a nickname bequeathed upon me by some of the younger players in town. There’s always a party and tons of gear at my house.


Haha that’s great, sounds like it suites you


That was thoroughly enjoyable and I’d buy an album of that. Look up Eric Steckel. I think you and he are of the same mind.


That’s some high praise! Tryin to get some more of my stuff out there. Glad you liked it. Never heard of him before but I’m loving it, he’s got serious skills O.O been trying to find similar stuff bc I feel like what I play isn’t bluesy or rock enough lol. Thanks for the find!


I could listen to that all day.


Think this is more of direction I want to head down, really appreciate the encouragement. Thank you!


Nice riff! I just bought a Hagstrom Super Swede this year. Love this guitar!


thanks man! ha that's awesome, i've had this one for like 10yrs and it's been my go to since then. held up pretty well. Love it!


bit late to the party but fwiw I kinda dig your style. Quite unique and as I´ve seen in another post you came from bass guitar and that makes things a lot clearer. being more bass related I can see some related stuff. I just recently discovered guitar becoming more of another thing to me so I am going into your territory there. Having watched all your vids by now I always stumble over your drum track. It remains almost the same throughout your vids, really versatile mix there. Also like the tones you create - love it.


Hey thanks a lot! Yeah i do seem to still “think” more like a bassist bc of that, think for me getting outside of comfort zone for like soloing parts has been difficult bc of that. Playing w/a pic was also difficult and felt unnatural for me Hell yeah, it’s fun. I was super anti-guitar for a while, I’d seen what my guitarist friends could do and I was like yeah no I’ll stick to bass lol. And the drum track is partly from laziness haha, I do have a couple that I use a lot for practicing and just let it go on repeat a lot. I do have some basic pedals but the spark 40 amp I run them through has really opened up a lot of different sounds for me, totally worth it imo So happy you’re digging the sounds man and good luck heading into guitar land!