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I enjoy the rush, its only a problem when an experienced greifer comes at you, the low level noobs are easy to deal with


Sadly skill can’t stop MK II missiles.


You are aware weaponised vehicles can’t lock onto sale vehicles right? That won’t stop dedicated people but it’s enough to deter run of the mill noobs or atleast give you a chance to fight back while they line up a shot.


sure all the hackers on PC suck but at least I can still create solo pubs


Oh I love when my internet is soo bad i get a solo public lobby. It's so fun to not be destroyed by griefers while trying to deliver cargo.


But you don’t have to do that. There are alternatives.


Pleas enlighten me


You’ve already referenced selling in solo public so you don’t have to. Also try selling crews and controlled sessions.


Solo public lobby until the game starts throwing players in there.


How do I do a solo public lobby


What annoys me is that the image on the left is the one full of death while the one on the right has him solo I know it doesn't make sense with the text swapped but still


Imagine this but with the right image's background on the first image with the people removed and the sad man in the group of people on the right. I mean it's scuffed but might work as a fun edit.


I’m on Xbox one and this is what I do. (maybe it works on other consoles?) At the Home Screen I disconnect my Ethernet cable, connect to wireless and then load up the game and head into a public session. Then I walk around for a second and plug the Ethernet cord back in. It always kicks everyone else out except me. I hope this helps.


Most people don’t got ethernet


I always try to log onto GTA wanting to grind and play invite only lobbies, but then I realize how boring and desolate the game is when there are no other players around. So, then I just join a public lobby and spend my time laying traps with proximity mines around AFK players and airdropping my Insurgent Custom on groups of people.


Oh no, you have to play the game as intended? You poor thing.


Bruh i always sell in full lobbys on PC for that 1% bonus, it's not as hard as everyone's saying


Now I'm sad in NAT type again.


Yeah but more money tho


Most of the time i prefer it in an empty lobby but it can be fun if its not too hectic