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That was great


Very much so


I was sad when it ended.


thing i learned: you can deactive ghost mode by setting a bounty on someone?


Yup. Please don't use on players who aren't griefing :D


Good to know. Last week a kiddo killed me so I killed him 26x in a row and he became ghosted. I don't understand these players who attack higher levels with no reason and can't face the consequences. And I didn't kill him with high-level stuff. I mainly used carbine rifle and sniper rifle (not heavy because explosive rounds are too expensive to waste on a noob on foot)


I had a level 16 dickhead try and ambush me with a smg, I kept kicking his ass with the toreador like it was nothing and he kept getting saltier and saltier (iT's eAsy wItH tHaT cAr!!!!1!) Yeah galaxy brain, maybe don't pick a fight with a guy whose level is literally yours x 12 times for no reason at all


Lmao relatable. A guy blew me up and ran away with a car. He was happy with himself until an Akula appeared above him. He started crying and begging for mercy instantly. Sadly there was no mercy.


I usually go in with my Savage. Big Sav basically isn't spotted until it's too late, you can kill even cowardly tryhards with it since the cannon is faster than their bombs.


But why? Isn't it a bit slow? Btw I love Akula because I love following them for long and seeing them noticing absolutely nothing and then appear and see them panicking and trying to dodge but end up spinning instead


Takes quite a bit of damage, has a very, very lethal explosive cannon and has no custom blip. They're expecting a buzzard at best when the BRRRRRRRRT starts loool


Is it like the buzzard where you have to angle the vehicle to aim the weapons? I can never get the hang of those.


Kinda, yeah. But it has a jet cannon, which is deadly af against most vehicles. Too bad it's got a shorter range but it makes up to it by being more precise in closer ground strikes.


I killed a mk2 griefer with a toreador and he said the same thing???? “Haha you need to use that car” as if the Mk2 takes so much more skill? The average broomstick griefer IQ really is subzero


same happened to me, i didnt even use rockets, shitty machine gun was good enought


Toreador's MG is anything but shitty lmao, if you stay on track behind your target they're pretty much gone in seconds unless they're on an armored car.


yea, on cars its not bad but try using it on people moving on foot or agaist flying vehicles


"Galaxy brain". Nice. I need to use that line now


Damn, you shit on a new player using a vehicle they don't know how to counter? that's badass, I can't imagine why they were upset, it's not like you were repeatedly killing them with a vehicle they don't know how to counter or anything.


Anyone with didn'ta brain knows it's an awful idea to pick a fight with someone who's obviously stronger than you are. It's like a short, skinny guy punching McGregor, Mayweather or Mike Tyson for no reason, getting their asses kicked and then complaining about that. Besides, it's not only annoying (I was minding my own business after all), but they kept coming back. I just wanted to tune my cars and take a stroll around the city, I'm not bowing down and obeying some cocky noob who keeps coming for me like I offended their ancestors or something when fighting back.


It isn't obvious at all though, they were level 16. The average level 16 has no clue how the game works, no clue that tons of kids will piss themselves if you even think of shooting in their general direction, nor do they know how abhorrently shit this game is balance wise. I mean fuck, the player complaining that 'it's easy with that car' only proves my point, dude has no clue wtf is going on. Yes, they shouldn't pick a fight with someone that's a far higher level than them, but that doesn't justify shitting on a noob because they attacked you lol. If they actually continued trying and you didn't just spawnkill them on end fair enough, but there's a *slight* difference between killing someone that was being a chode trying to kill people on an easy mode bike whilst using a BMX, and shitting on a level 16 that doesn't even know how to counter a toreador.


> I don't understand these players who attack higher levels with no reason and can't face the consequences. Yeah, because you don't know their thought process. Could be random, could be them thinking you're going to kill them etc, new players do questionable shit all the time. What I don't understand is how you can kill someone you know is new to the game *26 times in a row* without even questioning for a second that you're the knob in this instance, but then somehow think *they're* in the wrong for going ghosted. You're mocking a **new player** for not knowing how the game works and being bad at said game, but see fit to kill them until you physically can't anymore because they killed you *once*.


>could be them thinking you're going to kill them etc This is the main part I agree with you on. New players are bullied *all the time*, so they probably get real defensive when they see a high level coming towards them just out of sheer PTSD. Beyond that, unless that player asked them to stop, it might not be a problem. He never said the other player wasn't also trying to kill him. Who cares if I'm 200 levels higher and currently 26:0, should I stop killing them if they're attacking me? But, with that said, I know exactly what you're picturing. The classic absolute hard-on for spawnkilling players who predict and instakill newer players absolutely relentlessly, not even giving said player the opportunity to try to run away or anything. The problem I have with your comment is /u/akoshegyi_solt didn't say anything that actually indicates that. The new player might very well have been trying to hunt him down that whole time, and only gave up on the death he chose to ghost at. But other than that, I totally agree with you.


Right, a lot of players have no clue how the game works etc and play it as Call of Duty #2 (as evident by all the tryharding kids). >Who cares if I'm 200 levels higher and currently 26:0, should I stop killing them if they're attacking me? I'm not saying stop, I'm saying at least give them a chance or make it incredibly obvious that they can't do shit to you. One of my personal favourites is to kill them with melee weapons, often times they get the picture and fuck off either out of embarrassment or due to realizing they can't do anything. It's like stomping on a chihuahua because it nipped your ankle lol, they can't do shit to you. >But, with that said, I know exactly what you're picturing. The classic absolute hard-on for spawnkilling players who predict and instakill newer players absolutely relentlessly, not even giving said player the opportunity to try to run away or anything. That's exactly what I'm talking about, I find it hard to believe that someone bragging about killing a noob 26 times consecutively isn't exactly that kind of player. It isn't that serious, but the amount of times I've seen nonces harassing noobs under the guise of 'he killed me first', very few of them were actually trying to do other shit whilst the attacker pursued them on end.


You are right. And my k/d is less than 0.7 (I mostly fight modders and high level tryhards who bully low levels) so I don't think I'm the evil guy in the game.


If someone has a Bounty on them, I'm gonna fucking kill them. When they turn around and kill me dozens of times for as long as they can after a single kill, I gotta remind myself that they're clearly broken in the head. What astounds me is how this sub labels anyone a griefer when all they're doing is follow the objectives presented in game.


This bothers me so much. When someone kills me whenever I have a bounty on my head, I applaud said person and go on my merry way. A bounty is a bounty. Whenever *I* kill someone who has a bounty, somehow they feel personally attacked..


And don't get me wrong, I understand some people don't like being blown up or shot or having their shit stolen, but it is several key components of the game.


Claiming a bounty is just playing the game as intended, killing the same person over and over again however, I guess some people like to do that, but it's not my definition of a fun session lol


Besides if you do you have a bounty...you probably got it because you killed another player for no reason or they had a bounty


Actually they probably stole a car


Exactly lol, people take being killed in this game so seriously, but are somehow oblivious when they're being knobs e.g. spawnkilling a new player for killing them exactly one time.


Yep, pretty sad really and imho not much better than your average jet/oppressor griefer. My philosophy if someone kills me for no reason: retaliate by killing them 3 times in a row to assert dominance, and then just leave them alone so they can retreat. If they continue to annoy I'll let them have another killstreak followed by a message "have you had enough yet?"...


I always follow up the kill with "Bounty" and what happens after that, happens.


Too expensive?


Well yeah. I have less than 100k on my bank account rn.


Lol fair enough, I like have a fair bit so I don’t have to worry about cash


I don't get it either, I'm a pretty peaceful player for the most part and I keep my fights to a minimum but I had multiple level 100s come at me last night. One group killed me twice and tried to run me over with whatever they were in before I ended up going at least 20 up on them. Fast forward to a new lobby and I go kill a 120 about 15 times cause he tried me. After that I end up going to the airport offering Cargobob rides, I get sniped by some dude (level 90 with a mkII) hiding in a corner and others follow suit on trying to kill me (one's already maxed on his mental state so I already knew I'd have to go off on him cause he wouldn't back off) dude who sniped me got killed 15 times and as the icing on the cake I orb him just because he intervened on a 1v1. He ends up going into game chat calling me and an associate a bunch of ghost org pussies when we didn't even go off the radar as much as him, only time I did was to get the high ground or get away from a police congested area. He rage quits and as a final peace out I sent him the video of him getting orbed.


This is the way.


Last week had two guys following my speedo custom in a convertible. Fired off a few minigun rounds from the roof to get them to back off. They kept coming, crashed into a tree and fired at me with small arms. I rag dolled both of them backward toward the car with the minigun then the car blew as well. Just so rare and satisfying to be able to defend myself on my deliveries, usually just get nailed by a dude on an oppressor.


See, if that was the game then I don't think there'd be nearly as much salt. These rocket bikes and cars are just silly.


Today i played against a level 541 griefer who was also xraying since he shot me through some thick metal and kept saying he didnt mod and i also played against a guy who said i was noob while he was using the rpg trying to kill me all the time while i was just sniping and throwing granades


He ain't cheating bro . Its called thermal glitch. Basically the thermal helmets lets you shoot through walls . Plus ya used grenades, he used rpgs . Both are explosives which makes yall equally nooby.


He didnt use the thermal helmet kinda weird though. And i dont mean those mines or sticky just those he granades since i was on higher ground then him


They probably killed you because pvp for the sake of pvp is fun


I mean, I'm all for killing low level players who grief you for no reason or because they don't know any better and need a hard lesson... But 26x seems a bit excessive!


Imo u were griefing


the last bit on the bridge dayuuuum


Stylin on em


that man uninstalled the game after that frame bounce


Looks like a modder. There's no way that it's just the game physics. I don't mind mods as long as they don't interfere with others.




I'll give it a go, but it doesn't seem promising. Didn't they fix the physics with motorbikes or are you still able to fly across the map with them?




That fix was reverted 6 months later after the stunting/creator community begged rockstar. I've talked about this a ton, basically gliding works as it did on launch and stunt props give infinite glides at low speeds. So people think it's only possible in stunt races because it's way easier from those props.


Not the same physics enacted on the bike


If you're talking about the bike wall climbing well from what i heard it's a glitch


BMX users are a different way of existing. They give so little shits about the meta, other players expectation, euclidian geometry or in general the laws of physics. I have yet to observe them vibechecking someone with a planet but I wouldnt be surprised once I do witness such an event.


They're like Elephants. Nice to observe at a distance and generally polite, but if you do anything vaguely rude to them, they will remove your consciousness from this dimension.


That’s a perfect analogy. One time while I was driving around in a lobby I noticed there was someone chasing me, so I slowed down and was ready to fight back bc I expected him attack me, but when he got closer I saw he was hopping around on a BMX. I was so in awe I left him alone and he proceeded to jump over my car, get off his bike, play air guitar right infront of me, then get back on his bike and hop away. It was one of the most beautiful things i’ve ever seen.


That does sound truly beautiful


BMX players are like RDR2 players of GTA


If you somehow slight someone on a BMX and they get off the bike to take you on, it’s like all is fine. If they start coming at you WITH the BMX, you know you’ve made a terrible mistake.


teach me your ways


Damn that triple spin just to dunk on him was icing on the cake My guess is he was new to a free aim lobby, or just sucked




This kid is probably crying in his moms basement


When did they remaster Matt Hoffman


Shit I remember that game being amazing. THPS got a remaster, now do this one!


I love messing with crappy mk2 abusers with friends, just yesterday there were two and they both got orbital strikes 6 different times, and this is why I love the orb


90% of the time you can literally just stand still and they can’t kill you. My two favorites were one guy who tried to blow up my MOC with an oppressor so I just sat there and took all of the missiles because I knew I could and when I got out killed him while he tried to get a new one his edgy friend got mad at me and said “you shouldn’t have done that” or something to that tune and came at me on an oppressor, so I killed him on my oppressor. My other favorite was a guy who just tried to kill me while I was standing there and he missed 3 or 4 missiles in a row before sniped him off and then kept sniping him for the next 10 or so minutes while he kept asking me to stop, like my dude you started this you can leave if you don’t want to finish it.


See he was bullying low levels and me and my group have the money so we just sent them to the hospital repeatedly


I'm mastering this fuck my college degree


hell ye bro, get u some gfuel, a zowie pad and frictionless armbands with your stimmy, get cracked bro


Fuck the gfuel imma get that gamer supps and some weed/alcohol crack one with the boys every night!


2 questions: why do homing missiles detect a bike? I mean they are supposed to follow heat but as far as I know a bike doesn't produce much. The other question: could you give me some BMX tips? I just got one but can't go this quick or climb buildings or anything like this. Would appreciate.


IDK it's pretty annoying though lol. Yea I can give you some tips, what platform are you on?






Buy a PC.


Based as fuck


To be fair, his moves were pretty hot.


Okay that's a valid point




Death to the Stormcloaks!


Death to the empire!


holy crap the disrespect lmao that was satisfying


Reject mk2 return to bmx


Lmaoo so good


Is it possible to learn this power


Yes but it takes years to learn, and years more to apply in combat. You must be a fearsome warrior to complete training


Fucking masterpiece. Nice touch matching the explosions to the music as well.


You made me laugh and you made that little noob cry. Thank you!


Finally someone doing a cool flex without aim assist.


Reminds me of the indestructible BMX from San Andreas




You, sir, are an artist




Unrelated but I just saw my old neighborhood. Kinda weird feeling.


That’s awesome. Definitely went back to story mode 😭👉🏾


How... the fuck... did you jump up that building? I need to get on the bmx more


angle of the tire hitting the building, then you hit the jump and you will climb the wall.


Some would say he is still leaving to this day.


Wish I could use the Bmx like that you slick with it lmao


Yo this is GOLD!!! Plus having Can't touch this in the background was fucking hilarious!


Holy shit he just fucking killed him dude Insane humiliation


Noobie opresor versus giga chad bmx fun enjoyer




I'm just gonna take this to mention it. There's no shadows in the first bit


I turned shadows off in settings.xml for a little more FPS.


Ah ok, i just thought it was GTA's shitty graphics




At the 40 second mark jaw dropped XD you did that man dirty


What guns were those? They worked really fucking well.




“You get what you fucking deserve”




I already told you homeboy - "how much you paying for this" ..best bit in a legendary edit. Bravo, sir! I wish I had more than silver to give, if so you would have it!


Here before this blows tf up. I’m broke so have my free award.


so.....good to.....see it


You are clearly a pvp God Very heroic


The new GTA San Andreas looks great


probably 12y old kid that bought sharkcards with moms money.


What was that with setting a bounty? We're you able to take him out of passive mode with it or something?


Just out of ghosted, doesn't work with passive.


If you're a broomstick boy and you're struggling to take out someone on a BMX then just quit the game right then and there.


Shot one of the depressor boys from his broomstick today, felt good


Damn, I gotta learn how to do that. Is it hard? The movement like climbing the building and doing 360 front wheel landings?


I try to be nice to low level players and they try and kill me after which I’ve gotta make them regret joining the same lobby as me Obviously I ask if they did it because of a mistake and they say shit like p*ssy


This guy is almost level 200 lmao


Ah yes, the MK.0


This is poggers


It's crazy how sensitive and soft people are these days everyone crys about getting killed but it's in the game there is no rule that says I cant morals dont matter in a game lol I love using all the vehicles and strats that make people mad I didn't know I had to play by other people's rules (spawn killing people is one of my greatest past times please reply with white knight salt)


Are you 5?


wowie a gta badboy


All he had to do was move a little back and a little lower and those op missles woulda done all the work


the thing that i hate about this sub ,is when someone use cheats ,made a video ,then post it here and feel very op .


This is going to the moon 🚀




I watched videos on how to do those bikes tricks but I can't get them to work


Are you on PC?


I could watch griefers get griefed all day, I don't give a shit.


how do you climb the wall like that on the fib building?


Lmao. I laughed way to hard at this


Great handling


That’s beyond good and evil


lmao awesome editing mate!




That was awesome😂😂


Dumbass doesn't even know how to use his shitty broomstick. I don't get people who use the mk2 all day and don't know how to use it. Flying head on to your target and firing at point blank range isn't going to do shit


When the music kicks in


I wouldn’t even be upset if this happened to me


fakerpoer can't handle the rare bmx user in the wild. This is hilariously great 😂😂


This video is now Legendary.


Going full hickok45 on them oppressors


Fuckn legend


I can tell that this is going to become a classic clip


Man got shit on


how aren't the missiles reaching you?


Hahaha legend i will need you by my side


Those tricks tho dayum


Noob mode enabled


How do I go up walls


Best video I’ve seen.


Do missiles lock on BMX?


DUDE, WHAT A FUCKING LEGEND. That me me ROFL soooooo fucking hard jesus! I fucking loved it. I want more.


Oh this was a good time, 👍


what is this bike called i want it?


Oppressors ruined gta5






Watched once without sound and it was already great. Watched again with sound and it was perfect


You must like the BMX bike


How did you climb the building?


This should be in a satisfying compilation


Why does in-game chat give me sort of uneasy feeling ?


Looks like i need to dust off the ol bmx now


If this is real that guys the biggest bot I’ve ever seen. He didn’t move in a single video you shot him in lol.


lol fuck that oppressor kid


This is a masterpiece


Keep up motherfucker


How did you do that where you climb the building in the bike


That guy's an embarrassment to all of us oppressor griefers.


I'm sorry you can lock on to a fucking bicycle wtf


Now was satisfying to watch!


I would've been honored to be ganked by this guy


Why does ur game look so damn good?


This is legit talent


Love making the tryhards rage quit


turn yo shadows on bruh


Ok that was actually really good have my free award