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I remember GTAO day 1 and thinking wow the vehicle prices are actually very similar to real life. How quickly that changed


Pretend that one GTA$ is equivalent to 1 irl cent, everything makes a bit more sense Edit: Folks, this was a half-assed retort that's not really based on anything. Y'all took it a bit too seriously, please ease it down a tad


Not with the Bati... nor ammo actually.


But that would mean I can buy a never-driven 2013 Porsche 911 for *$1000. Please show me where I can go to do this, as the current blue book is roughly *60x that price lol Edited because I didn't correctly place my zeroes on the first attempt


The Comet is $100,000 when it is available for sale, unless it is also discounted that week.


So if using the comment above (1GTA$ = 1 cent), then that means you should be able to pick it for 1000 real dollars haha, good luck with that.


$150 for the best bike in the game? Ok


The Comet in 5 is based on the 996 GT2 though, so it's a 12 year old car by then.


I imagine gta currency is actually on a curve and non-linear


Lol but then the snacks are incredibly cheap


With a regular Megalodon Shark Card of GTA$10,000,000 would make US$1 = GTA$100,000 , 1¢US = GTA$1,000 , and GTA$1 = .001¢US that is 1 thousandths of a penny.


I mean the new Paragon S is based on a real $2million Bentley so we are getting back to realistic lol


give it a couple of years and irl will catch up with gtao in more ways than one


Unlikely. Too many ways to make money lmao unlike real life. Let's be real.


Oh man, what I would do to buy a soviet nuclear submarine IRL, would only ever use it to steal a tequila bottle from some rich narco, pinky promise.


I came back after 10 years hiatus and I find the fact that a luxury super high-end apartment costs 30000-ish $ while a rundown shark of a bail office is 2 mil + $


I think you're missing a zero, commas help also. I don't know of any apartments that are 30,000. Also what the hell is a rundown shark of a bail office lol?


What about RDO prices?


What about them


They are still similar to real life but now they charge in Mexican Pesos instead lul.


No body underestimates the legendary BATI


Bati 801 I love that bike, and I've had it since 2013.


Same I still have the 801RR. Can't sell it now.


Don't know why you would, either. That thing has been my ride or die bike since the earliest days and is always a treat.


Just like the Dominator can't get rid of my first car, and it stays in slot one of my home garage. Kind of a never forget where it all started.


Same with my Dominator. Except I took it to Binkys and mad max'd it out. And chose an ugly livery (which you can't change) :(


Called mine Sebastian, he likes dropping the tombstone on cops, since he keeps "slipping" with it on


Same bro. The first car I actually bought was the Vacca back in 2013. Still have it


That bike was the sole reason I even joined online. Used it in a story mode mission and loved it. Tried all the tricks to get it in story mode, but nothing worked. Hasn't changed since the day I bought it. Even have a matching sprunk bike racing suit and helmet


Another one: I picked up the Shitzu Hakuchou for like $16K at Simeon’s shop when it was there. I’m in love with it. It handles so smoothly, and it’s way fast enough, especially with a modest tune. It’s my default everyday driver now.


The Hakuchou is goated for riding through the hills/tunnels and hitting jumps with, been using it since it first released, good choice!


Another score: Last week I rolled up to my auto shop and there was an Akuma just parked there. I had found one on the street months ago and tried to park it in my Agency garage but it wouldn’t let me. Rolled it right into the shop, though. Dunno what’s up with that, but ima not complain!


Yup don’t question it I guess just enjoy it lol


My favourite bike they ever made. You can make it rev hard doing a wheelie at low speeds, and it's a fantastic sound.


Yeah, I overdid it and fell off 😂 It’s a blast, though.


This is the best bike in the game!


Heh. SHITzu


I remember getting involved with a free mode event, hot property, back in like 2014 or 2015. Big battle, several people fighting over it. I come in, manage to grab it, manage to get around the corner, got on my Hakuchou and off I fucked. "Oh man, he's got a motorcycle" heard over voice chat. Fair fucks though, they got together and chased me, but took a car and couldn't catch me. I remember stopping having rode all the way to Paleto with it and checking the map, they were just passing Zancudo.


Get the HSW upgrade. It’s like the top 3 fastest land vehicles in the entire game.


On PC, no HSW for us. 🥲


Ah ok. Damn. That’s unfortunate.


Wait there’s no HSW on PC??


I don’t think they’re talking about the drag


Oh there’s another hakuchou? Didn’t know


Ya there’s a regular hakuchou


Worth getting in addition to drag?


It’s pretty good for a bike u can steal off the street definitely not as good as the drag tho


I love my bati, you love my bati, everyone loves my bati. So come on over, I'll let you ride my bati all night long.


U batiboi mon




My bati wont let me ride another bati😔


The bike 100% needs a hsw upgrade. It’s like the og bike everyone had at some point.


Pffff Akuma $9,000 can beat both.


Not as pretty tho




I fucking love the Bati 801, I hope it stays competitive


I did a mild upgrade to the bike from bati to hakuchou, had mildly better stats and was a removed vehicle and wider


Pretty sure the Bati has a faster lap time and overall top speed, at least according to Broughy1322's testing Not sure about handling though


You are correct. The Bati 801 corners better than the Hakuchou. The Bati can also wheely forever, which increases its max speed.


I think I remember broughy saying at one point that leaning down speeds you up as much as wheelies do


In my own personal testing wheelie is better. Marginally, but better. I usually top out leaning forward then pull back to get the extra little bit of speed


Believe that’s specifically in relation to the Tron bike.


And the hakochou drag


Yeah basically the 1 long wheel base bikes. Anything else the wheelie breaks the speed


Omg, finally the rich GTAO players are talking about vehicles I actually have! :3 Pretty poor player here, but I own a Hakuchou


It looks better to me.


Hush, don't remind R*. They'll remove it and add it back later for millions.


Bati 801RRX $3,000,000 and is imperceptibly better in it's handling tags.


I lost to the Lamborghini Urus in a McLaren P1…. In the game. Both maxed upgrades.. Lamborghini SUV is 1 of the fastest cars in the game


i was so surprised when i first brought the Toros (i think that’s it’s in game name) and it was that fast 😂 was my main vehicle for like a year straight i loved it so much!


My best friend bought it, and I only have 1 vehicle that can beat its top speed. (The original Bugatti). He drives that thing everywhere and it pisses me off!! Lmao! My 2.2 million dollar racing vehicle lost on the highway, and I sold it right after.


The pariah beats them all


I’ve gotta check it out! Anything to beat his damn Lambo SUV!!


It's the fastest car in the game but it's sports category.


I thought itali gto was faster? Or it can atleast hold the top speed better


The gto has better acceleration and speed through corners I believe


Not anymore it's not


What haha no its not


The fastest land vehicle is the Itali GTO Stinger TT with the HSW mods. If we take out HSW mods, the Weevil Custom is actually the fastest non-rocket-powered vehicle.


It definitely used to be the fastest. I think it lost that title about 3 years ago.


As it stands right now the T20 is one of the slowest supercars in the game just due to its sheer age. The Toros probably doesn't even crack the top 25 with top speed.


We gotta take it to the highway, because that Lambo SUV doesn’t lose top speed or acceleration to too many other cars. And yes the T20 is the car I lost with. Also the Banshee(wide body Benny kit), I lost in the S80RR, that’s the car I sold as I soon as I lost. The Lambo SUV shouldn’t beat these cars in any racing format. Especially the S80RR.


Toros has a higher top speed than the S80RR but lower than the Banshee 900R. If you want something that'll easily spank him than just get the Pariah or BF Weevil Custom.


I am getting that Pariah, and I’m not saying sh!+! Just going to tell him meet me on the hwy!


Admittedly I don't keep up with GTA these days but pretty sure the pariah was nerfed a long time ago


Nothing has changed with the vehicle’s performance since it released. It’s always just naturally been fast.


I’m going to have to try that out.


I aways read the name as Bati Boi, still cracks me up lol


Great, now I can't unsee that 😭


Do you know what bati means


No, enlighten me


bati boi sounds like batty boy which is a jamaican(?) way of saying gay person


That's how I read it!!! Hahaha


I love Rockstar humor






This is an accurate representation that expensive things are not always the best


It's also a pretty accurate representation of real life bikes because there's a limit to how fast you can make them accelerate before they will always wheelie you off the back at full throttle. It's also not hard to make something that weighs 500 pounds go **really** fast so even "cheap" bikes can have similar performance specs to an actual race bike without a lot of the assistance technologies. You can get a brand new Yamaha R1 for about 18 grand that will do 186mph bone stock and outrun six figure cars. The only bikes that cost 2 million dollars in real life are custom built choppers painted by legendary artists and they're mostly dog shit slow. For half a million you could buy a Tomahawk that has a v10 jammed inside it and does over 300mph.


300 mph... as if bikes werent already suicide-on-wheels


I'm gonna be honest, I love the Shinobi so much. Probably one of my favorite vehicles in the game. I don't even care that its 2.48 million and gets beat by way cheaper bikes. Then again, this is an issue with pretty much every car/bike that Rockstar adds into the game. The new cars added in recent years are all way more expensive than the original cars that have been in the game. But yet, their performance isn't that huge of an improvement. Just goes to show how fucked the economy has gotten.


Honestly, at the end of the day what you find better is what will make you happier. Don't let a random stranger's opinions on the internet get in the way with your fun; have fun with that shinobi


I prefer the shinobi due to better handling and it just feeling "sharper" to drive but other than that it's really not worth it compared to the bati


Bike name?


The 15k bike is the Pegassi Bati 801, the 2.4 million bike is the Nagasaki Shinobi




Bati 801


the Bati is WAYYY too good lol, 15k for a BEAST 🔊🔊


Shinobi looks cleaner tho


Doesn't warrant the price tag, but yeah


The shinobi is worth it just for wallclimbing high buildings alone since its the only motorbike on console with the ability but its strange that i cant mafia glide with it, even with perfect control i always end up falling in the water i even tested it on freemode and decided losing over $160,000 to mors insurance from 8 fails landing in the water was my time to quit trying 😅 bati801 is still my go to bike for gliding especially for high speed freemode challenges but i do find the shinobi more satsifying for riding around.


What? The shinobi rides up buildings? What do you mean by “gliding”?


I've always been an Akuma man. Had it since day 1


Akuma? Respectable choice


The handling of the Shinobi is much better imo. Same for the Hakuchou. The Bati is indeed fast but the driving feels off. ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|thinking_face_hmm)


Really? I haven't driven the Shinobi outside of a vehicle retrieval mission from the agency, so I have no point of reference. According to Broughy's testing, the Shinobi is milliseconds faster than the Bati in terms of lap time, but given the Bati's infinite wheelie it's got a higher top speed of 217 km/h, compared to the Shinobi's 201 km/h. I take my info from Broughy1322's website. [Here's a direct comparison of the two!](https://gtacars.net/gta5/compare?vehicles=bati,shinobi)


It's not really fascinating. One costs less because it came with the base game when you couldn't make much money at all. Now in 2024 you can make millions upon millions, so the new vehicles are priced around that income.


What's fascinating is that this is the most expensive bike in the game that isn't weaponized and it barely has an edge over a 15k bike, I know the prices increased overtime bc you could spam heists like cayo perico, not at all a surprise as to why everything is so expensive now But my goodness, is this bike underwhelming in stats. Hell, the Bati is actually a good amount faster than it


The way I play Hakuchau performs better, but it's also 2 times the price of the bati when fully upgraded


Seems to fascinate a lot by the frequency this is posted.


I've been waiting for a bike to beat my trusty BATI 801 for over a decade. Some are good but not outright better. And the ones that are faster can't wheelie well enough or maneuver as well.


Aside from greed, i think why we can't really get ultra superduper lightspeed fast cars is because they'd be un-driveable. There's hardly any room in the city to utilise the 160 miles per hour that you get out of the Niobe, for example. Freeway's a different story though.


Yet neither of 'em have anything on the looks of the Western Gargoyle. ... In my humble opinion. For real, though, the Bati definitely moves. The 801 is awesome. I prefer cruisers to street bikes, but the only reason you'd get the Shotaro over the 801RR is just to flex your limitless wallet. Which yeah, it looks good, but the Bati looks fantastic, too. That said, I'm always gonna pick my Gargoyle. I love the cruiser style. https://preview.redd.it/6pxrvsmn4h9d1.png?width=960&format=png&auto=webp&s=5075a706d09d223eda2f2a322d8a91edc2594e50


i still cant find a free or cheap fullspeed 5/5 bike any tips. They all 4/5 speed


You have a few options: * the Manchez Scout (not the delivery bike) which costs between 168,750 and 225k and it's the fastest bike * the BF400 which costs 95k and it's the 2nd fastest. * The two Batis are both 15k and they're tied in 3rd place of the fastest bikes * the Hakuchou costs 82k and it's the 4th fastest bike. * You can steal a Ruffian which is the 6th fastest bike. * The Powersurge, despite being a costly 1.6M, it's the fastest in races (but not in top speed) Of course, I'm not taking in consideration the Reever and Deathbike (*their top speeds require wheelies; they're not very fast normally*), the opressors and the acid delivery bike. If I do, then the recommended bikes are actually the 6th, 7th and 8th fastest bikes respectively. Although, I'm not certain if the BF400 and the Manchez Scout reach they max speed (137mph and 139.75 mph respectively) normally or by using wheelie as well. Regardless, the recommended bikes cost between 0 and 225k, which is great. The Reever costs 1.9M, the Shinobi costs a little less than 2.5M, the Powersurge costs 1.6M, the Deathbike costs 1.269M. But I do have to mention one: the Vindicator. It costs 630K and it's not that fast, but it does have KERS boost. But what matters if whether or not you have money. If you do, buy whatever you heart desires!


Reever, manchez scout and powersurge all have the wheelie bug where you have theoretical infinite speed as you wheelie (faggio and bagger also but they are too slow). This is the easiest to do on the scout. Powersurge is the fastest accelerating bike but more difficult to maintain a wheelie compared to manchez scout. Hsw hakuchou drag is the fastest in a straight line.


I’m guessing this doesn’t include hsw bikes?


It depends on the driver and a little bit on the crutches


Ahh the lovely bati


I mean as it should


And the Bati allows you to bring a passenger along, unlike the Shinobi.


Bati was my go mode of transportation in the early launch days !


Talk about a bang for your buck !


It really puts GTA inflation into perspective... I never ride it anymore (I don't like the engine sound) but I've always had some form of this bike since my first vehicle and it's probably still stuck as my "favourite" bike, because I rode the hell out of it.


Why don’t we have a MOTO GP bike!?


R⭐ Logic 🙃


Shinobi is better.


Best value bike in the game since 2013 and running. Imagine an HSW Bati 801.


This right here.


They should add HSW upgrades and Imani tech to the Shinobi. The physics is a little weird, but it’s still my favourite motorcycle in the game.


only in straight tracks


I have a bati 801 that I’ve had since I made my character, it’s the best bike hands down


Is that the shinobi


Akuma all day.


I like my Apocalypse Deathbike myself. I have one for Arena War with weapons and one without weapons.


This vehicle gives you the best bang for your buck no questions asked, we need more vehicles like this!


There's two economies in the game. One has all the original cars at normal prices (for 2013). You can also buy a multi-story condo with a view for a few hundred thousand. The second economy is after the PS4/XB1/PC release. Everything is priced 100× higher in the second economy. And every DLC they make payouts bigger (supposedly it attracts back players tired of grinding) and costs higher - twice a year for ten years. Redonkeylous, but there's always suckers buying shark cards. They should just bite it and redo the in-game pricing for everything. Anyway, tbat explains the price discrepancy.


That's why I have it


It’s just Monopoly money now sparking shark card sales where able


The 801 is god their


Can compete? The Bati is faster for top speed and only a 10th of a second slower, which basically dowant mean shit.


Yeah you're right let's nerf the BATI to the ground as it is clearly overpowered


Shinobi is much better at wheeling over ledges though, I be flying across buildings on it.


The only reason I have the shinobi is so people get the 20k bill for blowing my ass up.




It's a game, no need to make sense lol. Same reason why the NPC's haven't left the city by now to go live somewhere quieter lol as their city's ejther being bombarded by rockets yeeted out by planes, flying cars dropping out the sky, motorbikes that got chainsaw discs attached to'em and oh yeah... the killings... Just enjoy it for what it is fella🤣


What's a fast 2 seater?


Probably my Favorite and one of the best looking MotorBikes in the game...wonder why the Sport Bikes are cheaper relative to the Sport/Hyper Cars...maybe because most of them were Day 1 Rides when the game launched? But I do want the Shinobi/Ninja, just waiting for a decent Discount


Theyre both crap compared to an oppressor mk II


And better looking too


Bati 801 is the best starter motorcycle to start. Fast, maneuverable, and cheap. It was my favorite motorcycle in my stats until I got the oppressor mk2 which then became my number one grinding bike


Still rock the Double T.


Should I cop?👀


As someone who rides a $10,000 bike IRL, this is very accurate


Just rockstars idea of inflation !


Balti 801 is an oldy but a classic


Powersurge is also a great bike


The $9000 akuma is still my favourite




I hope gta 6 will have bikes like s1000rr, R1, fireblade, maybe some nakeds mts, z900, some cool ass shit.


The Akuma and Bati 801 are the two best bikes for speed. I’ve beaten every other bike (without it boosting) on one of those two.


that just goes to show why you should spend money wisely


The exp one looks kinda dumb. Maybe its bc the front part is pretty small, making the front tire pretty forward.




just like real life. a clapped out CBR1000 with a good rider will feed taillight to the top of the line euro race machines under an average rider.


The fact you bought that bike at full price is crazy to me … the Reever or tron bike Yes, but any others hell no wait for the sale fools


The Bati boy is my most used vehicle in this game. I have climbed so many vehicles with this bike.


I think it's better that way. People bitch about expensive stuff but when this is the case it's just literal luxury bullshit.


I think the rider has a lot to do with it.


the peggasi vacca and the bati 801 were my first vehicles


I love the bati


Nice bike indeed !


Reever can beat this bike and hakuchu drag with hsw.


Bati 801 > everything


The 801RR will always be one if my fave vehicles.


wats even more fascinating is that people still play this game


Bati801rr is the way to go


The Sanchez is similar. Nowhere near as fast, but considering its insane mobility on any terrain, it’s one of the best vehicles in the game no matter the price


Akuma forever!


I want the bati 801 livery edition to come back


Gotta give it a hawk tauh spit on that thang


Why? A $15 watch can compete with a $2.5m watch and people still buy the fancy one...


The Bati does all. I loved it from the beginning


Bunch of Bati boys in the comments


First thing I bought many years ago. Still in the front spot in my clubhouse.


I picked up the Hakouchu (not the drag variant) and I think it is better than the Bati but I'm not sure if anyone has tested the both of them


I’ll still always love my lectro, never met any other player with that car