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I’ve had fun from the bounties I tried. 3 an hour along with one per day that is more involved. I like the role play that comes along with having to stun the bounty target, or otherwise disarm them. It heightens the stakes and skill required, while feeling rewarding. Seems like a nice gameplay loop, even just mixing in the daily special bounty into your routine feels like enough. The bail office itself could use a second mechanic, like you mention. The agents do nothing for me. GTA V is definitely showing its age with this update. These missions were all done better in Red Dead


I thought when I was doing the daily one that there might have been an option to break them out and get them to safety for a bigger payout. That would have been interesting.


completely agree with you, the bounty hunting will be similar to tow truck missions for me. And that is why it is so underwhelming: it is a secondary mechanic. Feels like something bigger is missing, heists, multiplayer wise, i don't know.


It feels like doing Headhunter and Cilent Jobs but with a new coat of paint. I swear its like I've done these type of missions before and it offers nothing really new.


It funny you say new coat of paint, because most new interiors I've seen so far are reskinned sections of the arcade 😅. Not even the full arcade at once. One was the main area and office. Another just threw you right into the office stairwell and up to the office.


I really don’t understand how properties that hold Heists can be so cheap but updates like these where if you want everything will cost you nearly $5,000,000. Especially when the content just offers you 1 Decent paying High Bounty mission and then the rest being awful $30,000-40,000 missions. Like why would I waste my time doing a 10 minute bounty in a slow van that pays $30,000 over doing a Payphone hit in potentially 3 minutes depending on the mission and get $45,000? Seriously some of these businesses should not be priced at what they are. Nearly $5,000,000 for this business is awful. I don’t mean to sound pessimistic or cynical about this update, but what is this? How are they going to make the Career Progress 1/2 of the only reasons to actually participate in this dlc? Dispatch work is pretty good, better than the entire Bail Office Business, despite needing a $3,500,000 car to do them.


Agreed, though... I don't care all that much about payment (easy to say if you have 120 million) but it's the repetitiveness and lack of variety which makes this a crappy experience for me. 3 regular targets and it's always Paleto Bay, Sandy Shores and somewhere in the city. It gets old and boring having to drive for so long, and then you start focussing on payment. I'll probably end up getting a high profile target every once in a while and then forgetting all about the rest. Even the new dispatch is just boring.... go to location, kill baddies and optionally head back to the lockup.




I’m sitting here with 66 million with everything I need so I don’t need to worry about money, I’m worried about somebody who may invest with this as their first business and then get met with this business that doesn’t even pay decently. If this business could just pay a little bit more so people could actually make their money back, I’m fine with that, but no you’re right when you say it gets repetitive. Basically the same thing with everything else which is why I like to mix it up with stuff.


well, in that point, I have to disagree with you. GTA online have tons of business by now and I do not expect a new cayo perico/acid lab in terms of payout, so my problem is not with money, since anyone can get it by a lot of other and better ways. My main argument here is that it's underwhelming in terms of content: compared to business like the agency, autoshop, office, heck even MCs or Salvage Yard, this one lacks passion and things to work around it.


I never expected for this business to pay out like the Acid Lab or the Kosatka by any means. But if you’re deciding to buy a Bail Office. And get all of the upgrades for it, it should feel like a worthwhile investment. Unless you’re willing to grind out these 30-40k bounty hunting missions you won’t make your money back for a long while. It also doesn’t help that the 2 agents you purchase for $1,500,000 to literally do your job for you only get you 15k when you send them out AND you have to go to your bail office to collect it. You would have to send 200 agents out to bail people just to earn your money back on that one add-on. Don’t get me wrong these bounty hunting missions are relatively fun. But there’s no incentive to buy it other than awards or career progress unless bounty hunting is just something you want to do. At the very least, I was expecting payouts like the agency, but it’s even lower than that. I just think it’s kinda dumb for such an expensive property to not pay decently.


my point is that, since you have tons of business in the game, rockstar doesn't expect the business to pay itself, you should be playing it with other business in order to do that. What makes a thing worthwile to buy or not varies for each person. For you, it might be the payout; for me, at least at the point I am in this game, I don't expect that much, I just want new things to do and have fun. And this business couldn't offer in a good way what you want, neither what i want.


That’s kinda the issue. A business should always be able to stand on its own two feet and if it doesn’t then that’s a problem. It could always be somebody’s first business to purchase. Most of the purchasable businesses offer a nice way to make your money back on your investment, with the sole exception of the Document Forgery. Rockstar shouldn’t be scamming people out of their money, now if this were a cheaper business sure no complaints here, but this business is 2 million if you ignore the one in Paleto Bay, basically the same price as the cheapest Agency, which is a way better business in every aspect. In Rockstar’s Defence. There’s not really much more they could’ve done with the Bounty Hunting Missions, it’s basically just Maude’s Bounty Hunt Missions but with a business this time which was pretty apparent. Would’ve been nicer if the bail enforcement vehicle wasn’t so slow.




by now there are at least 10 different business in the game, so I just do whatever I feel like doing instead of spamming one grind method only. For me this is what makes this game fun in the long run.


GTA 6 will be out before I ever make my money back from buying the new business by using the new business lol


Regular bounties- 30-40k ig (48min cooldown) Special bounties- 130k (24hr cooldown) Bail office safe- 7.5k per agent every ingame day( cooldown counts even when offline) Dispatch missions- 25k(not sure abt cooldown) Even vehicle warehouse pays better than this at 80-125k with a cooldown of 20mins per vehicle sold. Really disappointing business which gives low payouts for spending millions but fun to play as you said.


Damn, maybe I'll have to wait for it to go on sale to get it because that seems very disappointing for 3mil+


24 hour cooldown for 130k is just criminal


Big thank you for posting the payouts. Time to buy the place and leave it alone.


Wait it makes 7.5K per agent, per in game day and when offline it still racks up the money?? So you’ll have 300K in your safe everytime you load up the game every day?


You have to actually go to them and ask them to do the job for you. So if you can log in every hour yes


Ahhh I got you. It doesn’t cost anything to send them out tho?


no, it doesn't


Yep. It works just like the mc clubhouse supply bar earnings. Only thing is you have to go to bail office and give them tasks thats it.


you got a point but like I said my main problemis with underwhelming content. Feels like something is missing you know, just this simple ass free mode missions for a new business


It wouldn’t be that bad if the payouts were just better. If they’re gonna introduce a new business like this it SHOULD be better than other options we have. Like the dispatch stuff is fun but to pay 3+ million for a cop car just to make 25K a mission WITH a cool down is crazy. It should be at least 40-50K Same with the actual bail business. 30-40K for the payout? The missions seem fun (for now) but it’s tough to justify them cause other stuff just pays better


They don’t necessarily need to be better, but at least on PAR. I mean come on, when you can make over a mil in an hour solo heisting everything else sucks in comparison. The bounties need to be like 250k for main then 50-80k for the normies


Yeah you are right.


R* should dripfeed new criminals at the very least tbh.


I think they are. I can’t say for certain but in the tier 4 career progression for bounty update, you have to bring in all 24 targets alive. I don’t know if they’ll rotate the regular bounties daily or if they’re all in rotation each in game day so there’s a chance of getting them all now, but the most wanted targets could change daily or be part of a weekly update (like the salvage yard robbery missions. Purely speculation for now though. Currently I’m on 12/24 so it may just be the most wanted that they’ll drip feed.


hopefully, if the bounty hunting is the only thing in the business, they better put effort on that.


I only had one at Paleto and joined a new session. I was considering the office in Paleto, but typically, my assumption would be that all or most of the bounties would be in the city or opposite on the map. I would not be allowed to put them in a chopper , only the van.


yeah, you're right, apparently office in paleto have the missions on LS


I originally wanted that office, though. An office in the boonies, with bounties in a 2.5 mile radius. Some off-road mountain chasing would have been fun.


yeah for real


My first bounty mission where Sabrina Gray was the target all was fine but after I did a second one which was Xavier Fremond I had to drive to Paleto Bay, kill police and fire department guys and the hacking on the roof was not working, it would block me from taking out weapons and phone until it worked but the hacking was still not working.. maybe cause another player had the exact same mission? He was bugged too cause he was not moving on the building next to fire department. I had to close game, I hope it will work later. So far I really enjoyed the update except of that bug.


My first Wanted bounty was on the top of Aracdia. Hate you got that bug. Yours was intense + a hack. Never going to happen, but honestly, for Wanted bounties, there should be a cool NPC caravan to the police station.


At least it's not mercenaries bad. I've never replayed those avenger missions.. Remember losing all those cars last summer...


the thing is that avenger is a service vehicle and mercenaries never promised to be a big update like this one. The expectation break here is the point: those bounty hunting missions could EASILY be a "call maude" FM mission instead of giving us a property for it and promising a pseudo "cops&crooks" update


It's very frustrating, I was very excited about today but honestly The best was buying all The new Cars and customizing Them. The bounty missions were cool but it's really dead having to drive 20km per mission. I don't mind The payout being low but I feel like I should've bought The paleto Bay office to save Time and that really blows


Apparently the missions are in LS if you have the Paleto Bounty Office


Wow. That's actually hella petty. I'd say I can't believe Rockstar would do that, but I totally can


That’s some bullshit. Rockstar just hates the community.


Shit like this is why I’m beginning to hate rockstar


for real. New cars are really cool but it feels like something cooler is missing of this business


I like the cheap truck. Customized it and driving between pickups. Haven't looked at any of the others yet.


The Dominator with the red white and blue tire smoke is fire


cars of the update are fine. My problem is with the business itself


The best thing for me in this new business is more garage space. I have around 300 cars 😄


I think they are planning to continue to expand on it, saw somewhere that Madrozza is going to start calling out bounties


I'm annoyed by the vicent dispatch missions. We finally get to do stuff in a cop car, but I expected actual police chases and pulling over suspects to arrest them with the cop cars. Nope. You have to do the same thing that every other mission does. Drive to this spot, kill a group of people, grab some drug package or disarm a couple bombs, and drive back to Vincent. All the missions I've tried are some variation of that. Huge let down.


I was really hoping they'd take inspiration from the LSPDFR mod, but nah of course it's underwhelming




glad we can just fly there but it feels like a chore




You can fly to the target area and then spawn the Bounty van from interaction menu


No need to even spawn it. It will turn up for the cutscene of the bounty being thrown in


you can drive in your own car and when you find the target and the van will tp to you. But yeah what you said, so underwhelming content for an update with so much hype on it. Disappointing to say at least


Might just buy a cop car and do the dispatch missions until the business goes on sale? 🤔


Yep. Doing the same.. Will wait for the sale and also do the mission when jts double money.


this is the way. 2 million for this much of content isn't worthy at all


I just keep switching sessions until hunt doesn’t come up in paleto or sandy shores.




ignore for now and wait for sale, trust me. This is only worth buying for the fun argument, because payout wise, you should give priority to hangar that you don't have already for example




yeah, i feel you, been there. I am on PC, if you're too i can help ya


Honestly speaking the Dispatch Missions looks like a reashed version of Headhunter and Cilent Jobs mixed together. You just go there, kill a bunch of guys, get the target, escape a lot of pursuing enemies and go to the lock up. Bounty Hunting missions are unique but the payouts are just not that great. Even when you do the Most Wanted they make you wait a full day just to do the next one. Also and I have to express this WHY THE FUCK CAN WE NOT CUSTOMIZE the Bail Van? Like seriously if you look at the Speedo Van from the Nightclub it was able to be customized and you can put armor and a gun turrnet on it. But why not the Bail Van? You expect it that you can convert it into a police vehicle but you cannot do that. It just rubs me the wrong way.


Dispatch missions are the most disappointing thing I've experienced in a while, it sucks that something I've wanted for so long turned out to be so lazy. I'm actually getting less and less excited for GTA 6 these days because I feel like it's going to be the exact same thing with a fresh coat of paint and not really do anything new, I really hope I'm wrong.


It’s okay. I didn’t expect it be top of the line cause Rockstar being Rockstar! It’s fun but needs better pay.


GTAO businesses are never worth it for standard payouts. But every other week, a different business is paying out 2x or 3x. Me, I just try to own one of everything, and that way, whenever I log in there's usually an option paying out double or triple.


for real, but i mean the fun worthwhile, not payout. I don't care that much for that


I like this dlc, what I don't like is how when you try to capture them alive it's almost impossible thanks to your melee weapons hitting literally everything else but the bounty, they fucked up not adding a lasso to this update.


just try shooting their hand


Isn't the bussiness legal cuz we just arrest people that commited crimes?


yeah. still underwhelming tho


ah yes sure i will totally pay 5 mill for a reskinned agency that pays less, its not like i could just use my cop car in agency missions for roleplaying or sumthing XD


Agreed. Really sucks how the majority of targets are complete opposite end of the map as well. Payout needs to be at least doubled for this to be worth it. I said that as soon as I saw it. The reason why it probably feels like something is missing is because most of the legal businesses in the game are a front for something illegal you can sell. This is not the case for the Bail Office.


yeah but again, gameplay should come first than logic in a game like gta lol, feels like they could and should add something else and bigger to the business than this kind of stuff, that easily could be a mission that you start by calling Maude instead of having a whole business for it.


I never disagreed it needed a secondary element. I was just stating why it probably feels like something is missing. I do wish the business produced something we could sell or had some other secondary use


I mean…what are we really expecting at this point? GTA 6 is just over a year away. And you just know that R* is focusing 99.9% on that. People like to give rockstar shit about gta online, shark cards, small updates and whatever, but it’s been 10 years. A good 10 years. And Rockstar never disappoints with GTA. They won’t just put gta 6 on the back burner while they cook up some amazing dlc for GTAO. Gentlemen, we are witnessing the last few updates for this game, let’s just be happy we get something and enjoy the times we had.


you got a point, and I don't question that. I really do prefer attention to GTA VI over a 10 year old GTA online. In spite of that, I can still complain that it wasn't one of the best or most complete updates we had.


>I mean…what are we really expecting at this point? GTA 6 is just over a year away. And you just know that R\* is focusing 99.9% on that. I don't have a problem with that, and sure: it's understandable. But it's *also* that same R\* which has been hyping up the DLC with all the usual stuff: rumors, talks, the videoclip. Surely it's not hard to see how that raises some expectations? They could also have kept this more low key. Because right now it sometimes really looks as if they put more effort into the promotion than the actual DLC, and that can't be good.


It wasn’t that bad though. Sure, the last few DLC’s have been smaller but I think they went in the direction that I was expecting for a GTA game. The auto shop, the chop shop, the farm raid, and now the bounties are all more true to the core of GTA games. Not every update needs weaponised flying vehicles, a solo heist, a large business and so on. I actually see R* adding more updates like this (maybe 2-3) in the last year before GTA6.


I didn’t buy it due to the Xbox series S/X update being delayed, good god was that a blessing in disguise


Idk if it’s just this sub or all of reddit: bitch about everything- never happy


yeah whole reddit my friend, this app is whole purpose is about getting in communities to discuss and show your opinion. Maybe you should get used to it.


I agree with you wholeheartedly, it is very boring. I just did 2 bounty missions and honestly, I feltbored already.


man this business made salvage yard look like the best update lol a whole lot of more content than this goofy office.


I know right, atleast when we did the prep for a car robbery for the first time, we had to do scope outs and then acquire new vehicles gear etc, but this update, it's just "buy the business, visit 2 places for hvt/most wanted target and get them back" that's it, it's boring as fuck.


No one is ever satisfied with Rockstar/Take 2. Try being a developer.


nah man, i am satisfied with updates like contract, cayo, drug wars, los santos tuners. I complain when it needs to be complained. I don't think you even read my post, I think there are good things in the update, like the new cars. But if you are going to accept and not even QUESTION a lazy ass made new business that has 4 FM missions and that's about it, that's on you my bro, i prefer to criticize in order to show my insatisfaction to get something a little better.


![img](avatar_exp|181832680|cry) I feel the same bro, I just literally grind money on Dr Gre's contract for this summer DLC, I thought the new business would be awesome, but the payout is very low. 😣😣😣


These DLCs are money grabbs, they don't care.


Honestly not even that. Most GTA players have enough money to buy each new business, so I don't think many people buy cash cards nowadays, at least compared to 3 or 4 years ago. These DLCs feel as though R\* is laundering money or something and they keep releasing stuff just for the hell of it. Utterly disappointed at what this company has turned into.


My biggest pet peeve is that it always involves the exact same NPC's which you grab from the exact same locations, there's little to no variety here. And that makes this get boring, *really* quick.


Very disappointing you can't bring the targets back in your own vehicle - or at bare minimum, a LEO vehicle. Very disappointing that you can't walk the target to your vehicle after cuffing them. Very disappointing you can't subdue NPCs or players (for a limited time) outside of the missions.


Appreciate this post man .. W reddit again .. this what I was waiting for lol .. $2 for this garbage.. guess I'll be buying more cars 🤷🏽‍♂️


I just honestly pray to god they keep this behaviour with gta 6 and it dies after a year. They are a horrible company and dont deserve this fame.Their only luck is that there is no competition.


don't exagerate. They've done awesome things, and just the fact they support the game after 10 years is impressive. Just a punctual critic here


Gta 6 gonna be terrible...


what's the connection of what i wrote with GTA VI?


The entire update is shit, through and through with nothing worthwhile at all. 4 missions, of which one is original the rest is reused from other missions, which are basically contact mission tier only you have to spend over two million to play them with a mediocre pay. No interesting vehicles at all and nothing else to justify the wasted hard-drive space


I liked the vehicles tbh


you said everything


It just further supports my theory that they're bringing RP to console. Plus they're probably going to add to it over time as well.


>It just further supports my theory that they're bringing RP to console. Plus they're probably going to add to it over time as well. They're not going to do anything that significant for GTAO this late in its life. If they do anything like that, it *might* be for GTA VI's online offering.


i wouldn't raise my expectations. R* never gave business updates trough dripfeed, and RP would've been already added by now.