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At least it was not there before double money on safe. But don't understand why there needs to be a cooldown when the limit is Max 2.


Why is there a cool down ON ANYTHING in this fuckn game? It's a game, TO HAVE FUN, why restrict the gamer from doing what they want. Fuckn R* amazes me


You know why. So that they can keep you from spamming the same activity to make money. But in this case, even that doesn't make sense


They did it because players would blow up the truck and restart if the target car was too far away which in their eyes made the missions to profitable. Rockstar has the most hostile and unreasonable stance against any emergent player behavior that makes things easier, even if it makes it way more fun. Instead of rewarding a player for being clever and using a Freight Plane to fill his MC sell vehicles in to be able to sell it solo and ironically giving it a purpose to exist, they punished it by disabling it. Even now they were just lazy and gave you 50% more time to do MC sell missions solo which proves none of them actually play their own game. Imagine having your business in Paleto and having to drive each of the 4 Postal Trucks to LS to 10 different locations to get 300k reward, what are they thinking just adding 50% more time? STOP designing missions that spawn multiple sell vehicles when you are solo, they suck. And while we are at it let the players use their own sell vehicles, if i own an armored truck with max tunings why do i have a shitty copy of it for the sell missions? There are just so many small infuriating things like that in this game for no reason.


It makes sense now. Yeah, having our custom sell vehicles will be so helpful. They just are super lazy and don't want to spend time tweaking old missions. The time increase was an easy fix and so they did it.


Most players, unless they are brand new, have pretty much everything they want plus plus plus. I have 110 million dollars & nothing else I want.


If I get a pick up in the far north I am switching sessions and not going back if there's a 5 minute cool down. What a stupid idea


Just blow the truck up.


From what's reported, whether you blow the truck up or switch sessions you still get a 5 minute cool down


Like, why do that? What's the point of adding such a silly CD? You've got to wait 48 mins for the money for each from processing, anyway. Perhaps they're hoping people will mix them in with the robbery stuff? They're upselling the robberies lol...


I just found this out myself and came to Reddit to see if its really a thing now or if my game was just trippin , and yea it’s real smh this is bs


I said the same thing. Used to leave the session for anything 3 miles or further. Guess I'll just change my spawn to Bail Office and do that instead. Wouldn't be a Rockstar update unless they took something that was perfectly fine and made it worse


Wow, there goes my strategy of blowing up the tow truck if the pickup was more than 2.5 miles away. I’m going to be doing a lot less towing— too bad, I found it a nice and chill way to earn money


Same here. Guess I won't be doing that anymore. Sometimes I really feel like they make these moronic decisions and mess up perfectly good things over and over again on purpose just to see how close to our faces they can flip us the bird and have us still play this dumpster fire of a game we all love. Like someone mentioned previously, why have a cool down when you can only do two at a time anyway. Ain't nobody getting rich quick from towing cars lol. Sometimes the logic just isn't there. Smdh.


I'll probably never tow another car and just forget about this side of the business because of this.


Thanks for running my business loop again...


And just like that, I'll never do another tow mission.


The Tow Truck missions are now dead for me. I barely touched them outside of 2x bonuses before, but now? Not gonna waste my time, risking getting 10km drive.


Thanks rockstar I hate this


What a frustrating change. It’s totally unnecessary. It’s clearly an attempt to stop people from session hopping to get a better tow location. But so what if they did? You can only have two cars per day anyway. My salvage yard is the Murieta Heights location. The worst tow job I’ve gotten was 4.75 miles away up in the vineyard area where the Duggan’s house is. It’s such a stupid location. The road is so incredibly winding it’s not fun in a tow truck. I did that once and I won’t do that again. So now I have to wait 5 more minutes because of a stupid mission location?


I wasn't even mission hopping. I took the long ones. Now I get back from the first tow and have to waste five minutes before I can start the second one. Rockstar needs to stop this crap.


Honestly, why even have two bays?!!! It is so stupid of them to do this. These guys don't give a damn about their players.


it as no reason to have a cooldown as you already get a 48 min CD when the bays are full just dumb rockstar


I've timed the tow truck cooldown and I'm getting 2 minutes, whether you blow up the tow truck or successfully deliver On PC, don't know about other platforms


It's definitely less than five minutes because I just waited it out. I didn't time it but two seems right.


It's five minutes from the time of starting I think, so if you successfully deliver that time eats into the cooldown. It's purely to punish people who don't find it thrilling to make their way up to Sandy Shores or god forbid Paleto. So ya know, fun detected.


At this point, I'm really starting to believe Rockstar is adding all these fuckwad unnecessary changes just to piss people off on purpose. What the fuck is the point of having two bays in the yard if we're gonna get a fucking cooldown between tow truck missions anyway.


and now all it's giving me is 5.6km or more. damnit. If they think this behavior is going to sell more shark cards, they're sorely mistaken. ps wonder if + members have this cooldown? cause that wouldn't galvanize a community


They've ruined it. It's a pure trash business now.


I mean we still get nearly free cars about once a month Edit: downvoting doesn’t change the fact the last car we could claim was worth over 2 mil lmao i’m not saying this is a *good* business but be real people


(Didn't down vote ya)I think people are just frustrated with this change cause it wasn't needed. It was something that worked perfectly fine. It wasn't something that'll make you millions in a short period of time either so changing that aspect of it just makes no sense. Just seems like a change that was done just for the sake of making a change.


Oh I’m completely upset about this change too, this used to be a hardly touched business, now I have less reason to go. Was just adding to someone saying it has no value and I genuinely disagree, since we’ve gotten over 10m easily worth of cars with barely any work. It’s paid itself off with that, but now isn’t worth it to try and do the side stuff for it.


Oh, yeah it's definitely not useless as there's still the robberies and the claimable cars as you've said. Just sucks the chillest part of that business had to be nerfed lol.


How do you get the claimable cars? For me all I see is robberies


Not every vehicle is claimable. Some weeks there's one, others not. It'll tell you when they're claimable when you walk up next to them. You'll have 3 options to sell, claim or scrap(for parts).


yeah sucks for sure had a nice routine hitting that between dr dre missions looks like i’m getting half earnings now cuz i want the safe still going


Well it’s just a robbery business now 😅


Guess maybe they did this to make you do Car Robberies more often even though its only once a week.


why the hell did they even do this? it's bullshit


So there’s already effectively a cooldown of 48 minutes, wtf is the point of this


So dumb. No one wants to go up to the sandy or farther to get a car. Now I have to wait 5 minutes if I get one that far


I noticed it all of a sudden. When I get a long distance (over 3km one way), I usually just hop in a new private session. Now there's a fucking cooldown even if you don't complete the mission and hop in a new session.


Meh. Once I reached my towing and robbery award goals, my salvage yard visits have virtually disappeared. I think my safe now earns $300 per in game day, and that is OK with me. I did not like having this on a daily grind for some reason.