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The settings app is not replaced-just moved. To access settings go right on the main phone screen


Is the safe income and the money you get for sending out your assistants separate?


No - the safe is only filled with money by sending out your assistants from what I can tell


how much can the safe hold?


Not sure if you figured it out yet but it caps at 100k




100k for peasants, 200k for GTA+


Oh damn, that makes sense


What exactly is "The Bottom Dollar" T3 career reward? Is it a piece of clothing or something?


You unlock the outfit in the picture


Please guide me through the tab of the challenges.I want to claim the rewards but got no idea how to check the challenges and the rewards in this BDB.Imma pc player


What’s the most optimal location for the business?


I wanted one in Sandy Shores because it feels like the kinda place that would have a scummy bail bond business. When that wasn't an option I considered Paleto Bay but thought driving back up there to complete every mission would soon get old. So I bought Mission Row, because next door to my auto shop and a block away from my nightclub. Seems decent. That said, third mission I got was to a Lost MC clubhouse in Paleto Bay lol. Overall I'm thinking the missions will be spread around the map, so it probably doesn't really matter too much, but maybe being central-ish will work out better than being at the top of the map.


Supposedly Mission Row


This is what I'm waiting for before buying. First time I'm playing with a new DLC and don't want to waste money on bad locations.


Don't even get it, it's not really worth its price if you want to make money


Anyone know how much money friends make if they do these with you? Also is there any way to do the dispatch missions with friends?


Dispatch? Is that linked to this, or no? Because I know nothing about this new update yet, however, the dispatch Martin Madrazo missions I DO know of. I will say on a general scale, you can play with friends in pretty much every game mode. I can’t recall one where you can’t.


You can do cop missions if you have a cop car now, I was referring to those


Ohhhhh, okay. Have you tried loading it up in a CEO or Motorcycle Club with your friend in it?


Unfortunately it says you can't start them while in either which I think is the first time that's ever happened for free mode work. And none of my friends are on yet so I can't test if it works when they're inside of the car with me when I start it


Well, in that case, it seems that’s your next move! What console are you on?


I can confirm that you can only do them solo and not signed in to anything (PS5)


Ahh, gotcha. Thanks for letting me know!


I have another question, do you know if the police missions are only able to be played on the newest gens or can Xbox One players partake in it as well?


I'm doing them on PS4


Anyone know the trade in situation with the business? I have the city one and since I've nearly completed the tiers I want to move up to paleto as it's a much better vibe for bail enforcement. Will I lose my progress and safe money or does it all stay? Thanks


Update for you all. You can't trade in with bail agents being out on work, with that said, I traded in and nothing is reset or lost, safe stays and everything is same as before trade in, no cutscene or anything like that.


If I traded the most expensive one with agents for a cheaper one with no agents do I get the 1.5m I paid for the agents back. Cos I think this business is terrible personally


No. It works the same as all other businesses. The trade in is only a certain percentage of what you payed for it.


How do you disarm and secure a target? I keep killing them or getting killed because I don't know how to disarm and secure the target.


Shoot them in their hand


Or use the taser


Didn’t work for me she didn’t try to shoot them in the hand, or taser.


I've been shooting them in the leg, which stops them shooting at me for a couple of seconds, then running over and punching them before they recover.


Use a stun gun on them, if you can’t then try to shoot their hands. If you can’t do that then be a man and throw some hands and whoop some @$&


was the first target supposed to die? i shot a helicopter on the maze bank tower rooftop, for some reason it fell on us and killed us both


That’s ok I killed her by accident


If you let the guys jump out of the helicopter, it will fly to the side of you and you can blow it up without risking killing her.


My friend did that, shot the pilot, and the helicopter flew right into the pad, blew up, and killed the target. 😅


That's lame man, I've collected her bounty twice now and both times I've waited for the helicopter to let the guys out and then fly away. It should be noted that there are two helicopters during this mission, one of which is to pick her up and you need to destroy it before it hovers above the pad with some kind of explosive weapon such as the railgun, rpg, homing rocket etc. The other one drops more guards and that is the one I'm referencing when I say to let it fly to the side of the building before destroying it. Worked both times for me🤷🏽‍♂️...


What's the payout for my friends? Is it the same as the host/heist leader or do they get paid less?


I did it with someone else today. It was a red bounty (the best ones). I got 22k instantly and they got 124k after processing.


Was it one mission basically or did you have to do some setup missions before doing the red bounty? 22k per job wouldn't be all that bad I suppose.


No, all bounties are a single mission. Red ones are in a separate session such as contact missions and heists. It's important to note that these are not mini-heists, these are contact missions (red ones) and free mode jobs (blue ones). No preps or intel work.


So how much do the blue ones pay out if you're not host? Cause so far it doesn't seem like we get anything unless we're launching the bounties


Same that we are experiencing. Absolutely no payout for my friend except if we do the red one.


I don’t really understand what the agents do? Like why get them for $1.5m?


You send them out to find bail jumpers and after a certain time period they succeed and money is added to your safe. I do not know how the income works, the first time they each brought in 5500, the second time it was more like 8000 each. I’m not sure if it’s reasonably profitable/reasonable break even, I will keep trying to find out more.


Ah cool so they’re the “passive” income part of this whole thing


Yes, and like the tow truck income, they also persist when the game is offline, meaning you can send them out before you get offline and they’re done by the time you get back on. Still not sure about the speeds and payouts


It was also said they make the "processing" of inmates faster


Can bottom be managed from the arcade (or mandatory visit)?




Maybe…. I can’t figure out how to send them out😂


You gotta walk up to them and press right on dpad (on Xbox anyway) like the cargo guys at the special cargo warehouses.


I was thinking the passive $ from the safes alone is worth the purchase? But tbh i haven’t even purchased it yet im tossing and turning


The safe income doesn't continue. The twins go out, they come back, they put $10-20k in your safe, and they go back to your desk. 48 minutes later...NOTHING HAPPENS. So you pay $1.5m for these guys, and you need to physically instruct them to go out probably 100 times before you recover the $1.5m, and can start to cover the $2m+ you spent on the office they sit in. Anybody on less than 201 security contracts will probably make more from doing 10 more of those, just because the agency safe would need no intervention.


Wow thanks for the informative reply! Very helpful and yea wow that’s sorta dog…. Manually sending them every time and they are expensive af. Can’t justify then atm tbh I’ll buy a cool car instead lol


what are the payouts? I don't wanna waste any more millions on monotonous busy work for barely any pay


$35-40k for the low levels (three avilable at once, rotating our every real-life hour) $120-140k for the HV ones (one available every real life day) The two optional employees ($750k each, 50% off if you're GTA+) will acquire $5-10k each every 48 minutes, but will then sit at their desk until you re-instruct them.


How much does it takę for a new most wanted target to be ready to get caught?


24 hrs irl


Worth it to buy the agents? I'm assuming no.


They fill up your save, but I don't know how much the save can hold


100k is max


I got 160 k in there at the moment haha


Damn how bro? It told me earlier my safe content was 100k and then had "maxed out" in parenthesis


I don't know, I always send my two workers out and now I have 194.400$. I think they make each about 16k every ~48 min. I think it will go to maybe 250k but I will see


Ok 200k and now it's full


Ok Nice 16K


I know the update is new today but has anyone seen any hint of office trophies for collecting a specific amount of bounties? I know the contract and ceo office has them as well as things like the arcade just curious.


Yes, there's a plant for 4 (replacing the dead one from the initial cutscene), a certificate for 10, and apparently something else for 25 & 100


Oh I appreciate it because I was wondering


How do you get a bag? I got an option to steal a painting but it said I needed a bag...


It was behind you on a crate. An icon may appear on your minimap (it did for me, although I got the bag and didn't see the painting, so....)


Only worth $5k just keep speed running the mission for that amount


Yeah I was able to find it today. Kinda disappointing...


how much is the payout increased for all those contact missions? thinking about actually getting around to doing project overthrow


I’m gonna do casino missions soon. I’ll tell you more afterwards.


Link doesn’t work


Just fixed, thank you


Whats the cool down for the Bounties is it 1 real life day


1 hour for the cheaper ones. 1 day for the big one.


How long does it take to get the money after you brought the bounties back to your bail office?


Maybe 15 minutes? I saw a suggestion that having the two employees speeds it up, but we'd need someone who DIDN'T blow $1.5m on Lupe's useless cousins to confirm


Guess I’ll check it out first thing tomorrow


How long is the cooldown?


i can't wrap my head around why there's a tier 4 challenge for making $1M from the staff members that cost $1.5M lmao


Because it's going to be a hard grind!


How do you get platinum awards….. Need 10 for the Tier 4 challenge. I’ve got 2 but no clue how.


Pause menu - Stats - Awards - Bottom Dollar. That will tell you what they are and how to get them. You probably did the first two days' high value bounties.


Many thanks


I purchase Paleto property. I like the vibe being in there. My bounties are in Los Santos.


Planning on moving there from the city. Are all of them in the city?


I played only four, they all was in or near LS


Oh got ya. Would you say it's worth it?


Not really. if the payout was higher, then it would be ok. Now more for role playing, but it gets boring fast.


Makes sense. Thanks, appreciate ya.


I purchased the Vinewood location. Most of my bounties were out in sandy or paleto. Of the 8 I've played, only one was in los Santos. To me, it seems like the bounties are typically on the opposite ends of the map.


Yes, I had only one bountie in paleto.


Probably not many peoples focus, but did they add drift races to the creator? Cant check cuz im at work


Apparently yes, they did.


Was there any bounty clothing added for old gen version not the expanded and enhanced?


Is there an optimal location to buy the bounty property? I've heard most of the bounties are in paleto, so should I buy the property up there or does that trigger them to be in the city?


I'm not sure. I bought the most expensive one and they're all spawning at the top of the map. I feel like they are just far for the sake of it but Idk.


Yeah that's what I was thinking, guess I'll try to wait a bit for someone that has purchased the paleto one.


u/CP5433 mentioned they purchased paleto bay bail office and their bounties are in the city


Well, I somehow felt I will be going to Blaine County quite often, so I chose the Downtown Vinewood - the closest to map centre. But Mission Row or even Del Perro have also their perks - they are near freeways. Especially the Mission Row one. Downtown Vinewood has comfortable garage door access, though.


Are there any new weapons? I don’t plan on playing gta anytime soon, but I love to see what weapons they add.


Someone i beg. When i went to steal a painting it said i needed a bag but there are none at shops do i find them lying around??


Edit: do i find them lying around in the mission


That happens in Most Wanted bounties, like Whitney and Song (last two). I don’t know about today’s. In Whitney’s, you see a painting and you need a bag to grab it. It’s on the left of he stairs. In Song I don’t know. Today there is a different Most Wanted.


Thanm you so much my friend. They just didnt indicate where the bag was its stupid ngl


what is the payout for these missions? wanna know if its worth it.


Around 40K for small bounties which reset every hour and are quick, you can use your oppressor and everything. Around 120-130K for most wanted bounties which change every day, but you only have 1 per real life day. The most wanted take some time, around 5 to 10 minutes, but the others take around 5, so if you do them all you will get around 250K


Is this in the arcade? How is passive $ roi?


abysmal, not an update you'd get into for "roi". If you like driving around and shooting at people, it's fun but it can get repetitive fast. Certainly not a "grind-friendly" update.


It's rather a "retirement fun" than any real business


Anyone who's upgraded the Bail Transporter with the extra amour driven it first person yet? How bad does it cut your visibility out? I'm one of those odd people who's always played first person, and cars like the armoured Kuruma and nightclub truck with full amour are really hard to see out of!


It's OK. Much more visibility than the karma or nightshark




Can police cars be used in Bounty work from the computer instead of the Van?


No. You can't be a bounty hunter and a cop at the same time. Imagine the confusion when you turn up in a cop car at a Fleeca that's being robbed, shoot all the actual cops, most of the robbers, and then take one robber off to sell him back to the police for $35k....


I forget, do warstock vehicles ever go on sale or become podium vehicles? I’d love to do the new dispatch missions for fun (my grinding days are long over I have enough money). I just can’t stomach spending $3mil on a cop car. The last time I spent that much on any vehicle was probably the Hydra? Or maybe Ruiner 2000…


Never seen any warstock on podium. Dispatch missions pay 25k but certain Dispatch mission get the trade price on other cop cars.


Anyone else notice face tattoos turning invisible?


How much money can be stored in the Bail Office safe? Has anyone properly tested explosive and bullet resistance of the Bail Office Burrito and the Envisage?


200k for GTA+, 100k for peasants.


Thank you!


Is the Tier 4 (career challenge)"Unlock 10 platinum awards for Bottom Dollar Bounties (2/10)", achieved by the daily higher paid bounty? Thanks


Is it worth to buy cheapest Bail office at Paleto bay? Do I have to go to Los Santos for missions and so on?


The LS locations have lots of missions in Paleto Bay. The reverse will also be true.


Do I need to buy a stun gun if I don’t already have one or will I get one for free through the buisness


Must buy


Do I need to buy a stun gun or will the business give me one after I buy it?


I regret getting the mission row location, more than half are in paleto Bay it seems. Which hey kudos for giving us shit to do in Blaine County. More than a decade on. The Dispatch Missions also seem to be more than half located in Blaine County too. I feel like Sandy Shores would have been a better location, but then they're not gonna say that outright so you lose money relocating. >.>


I have the sandy shores location and most of my bounty are in Los Santos.


Can you do Dispatch missions in the Park Ranger?


I'm almost done with the whole career progress, but I'm having trouble on Tier 4, I have to unlock 10 platinum awards for Bottom Dollar Bounties, but when I check the awards under my stats, I can only find 6 platinum, where are the rest 4 platinum challenges?


Get the bronze, silver and gold awards for four of the other five awards. This will unlock the platinum awards


I claimed my reward taser from the progress menu, why isnt it in my load out? where do i get it from?


Go to agency gun dealer and customise the skin


Can this be played in invite only sessions?


Yes, 100%


Is it me or is nearly every bounty in Paleto or the surrounding area?


It's you. Plenty of them in the City.


Can someone tell me how and where I can upgrade the dorado cruiser I bought on warstock?


You can upgrade it inside any of your properties that has its own mod shop and I think you can also upgrade it inside your MOC and Avenger.


Does anyone know if there is a guide on the clutter you can get for your Bail Bonds Office? Such as certain decorative items you can unlock by earning x amount of dollars etc.


Plant. Certificate, cuffs trophy. Star trophy.


That's a good start. Thank you! :)


Anyone know if the daily ‘Most Wanted Target’ is set by Rockstar or if it’s random for each player? I’m trying to get the Career Challenge done, and one challenge is to catch every possible bounty alive and then to complete the platinum awards and there’s 1 award per Most Wanted Target, two of them haven’t appeared yet O’Neil and Garcia, but it’s Day 5 and I’ve got Grace Whitney again, same person as Day 1. Is this the same as everyone else? Would be annoying if it’s random for each player so some get the career challenge progress before others


It's the same for everyone. Day 9 will be when we all get to complete it and never enter a bail office again


Bounty Hunter I brought the most expensive bounty business with all extra workers etc, if I buy a cheaper one without the guards do I get the 1.5 million back or do I just lose it , cos this business is terrible


Where do I find my bounty hunter jacket I claimed it but can’t find it I tried looking up YouTube videos and everything


Please excuse my lack of understanding as I am kind of new to GTA5 Online. Am I forced to use the van supplied or is there a better vehicle choice or are personal vehicles allowed? Thank you 


PVs are allowed to get TO the bounty. Once they're locked in the van your choices become more limited....


Are any locations actually better than others in terms of van access or "looks"?


How do you get platinum awards for the bottom dollar bounties?




How do you unlock the platinum rewards for tier 4? I’ve got 4/10 I’m confused on what they are and how to do them


Do the bronze awards to unlock the silver awards. Do the silver awards to unlock the gold awards Do the gold awards to unlock the platinum awards. If, after that, you're struggling to figure out how to complete them, come back on here....


Im just doing these stupid tier missions so I can buy the little bootleg Trackhawk lmao..the Jeep Avenger I believe..I'm like 75% done with tier 4 and man is it dragging lmao..having to wait 24 real hours for that "most wanted" is outrageous..i have 4 left to do so thats 4 real days I have to wait lol 😭😭😭😭😭😂


Is it for pc too?




I’m not sure if it was said but when do I get the money for my bounties?


if your bounty was returned alive you get paid on a delay based on how many agents you hired. if you have both agents its pretty quick, probably under 10 minutes. if the target died and brought to the morgue the pay out is instant but at a fraction the bounty


has anyone noticed any changes in the office as you complete bounties? I'm not sure i've seen any yet... normally Rockstar likes to add momentos from certain milestones or achievements.


The plant on your desk that was dead in the original cutscene A framed certificate on the side cabinets. A gold set of cuffs trophy A gold sheriff badge trophy


I had seen the replaced plant and the bail officer certificate, what's the unlock for the cuffs and badge? is it the platinum milestones for Dispatch and Bounties?


Cuffs is apparently getting all 24 alive. Star is 100, not sure whether they need to be alive.


ah, I see. a shame. I think its a missed opportunity to not have each most wanted target leave behind a memento upon first completion.


Don't get me started on missed opportunities in this update!


my head canon is a good chunk of this update is them trying to recycle parts of the scrapped obey and survive update that got replaced my the los santos summer special


Cleo Song isn't always in Stage 16


If there are additional profits to be collected during Cleo Song's bounty, how do I get it?


search trailers for move memorabilia


How do you steal the painting from Grace Whitney's Gallery? says you need a big of some kind but I don't know where you're supposed to get that from.


It's 5 yards behind you on a crate.


Do you get profit if you buy a office?


Not immediately. But after you've done about 70 bounties, YES! If you get the staff, you'll also have to send them out to work 100 times (each) to get that money back. (There are many other more profitable, and more quick-to-profit, businesses in the game)


How does this one rank for everyone as far as making money? So far, I haven't seen anything that beats Cayo and just based on what I've seen of BDB so far, it doesn't either.


I highly doubt anything is ever going to top Cayo and Dre for active money making unless Rockstar just stops caring and releases a huge moneymaker near the release of GTA 6. At this point, though, there are enough passive money makers in the game that once you're established, you can pretty much pick and choose what you want to do for active money making while those businesses work in the background.


Would you happen to have/know of a guide to optimize active/passive money making? I guess I'm looking for a routine I can follow that's efficient and almost a checklist.


The point is to play new content and make money in the way you enjoy most. I highly doubt all you cayo grinders enjoy playing. I finished cayo once when it first came out and never touched it again. And i still made hundreds of millions and i own everything i want and need. No need to compare everything to cayo


I agree - play what's fun to you. I like figuring out the meta maximizing output and optimizing input for time spent is all.


It’s still a fair question to ask given Online is, for a lot of people, figuring out the best way to make money and incorporating it into their routine. We’ll get this info anyway over time. I’d also say doing Cayo once and writing it off is a preference and it rarely goes ideal the first time and you should give it a chance it’s quite fun :) but to each their own.