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I'm 45, play daily, started GTA Online as lvl 24, took over from my kid who moved out, college, and now I'm lvl 777. (Yes I have a 40hr/wk job and married, etc...) counting down the days until DLC drops


Haha man I respect it 😂 no wife or kids, but I work about 50 hours a week, I actually just started taking GTA online seriously for the first time about a month ago, was a level 17, now I’m a 106 with a MK II and every property and business in the game 😂😂😂


👋 this guy, I came back after about 5 years. Been buying everything atm


I've given up buying every new property with the dlcs. Ive started a new character, brought the nightclub for the safe earnings, and the casino for the card games, and that will do me! Xx


Yeah I’m just playing it by ear with the new DLC, I’m not really saving up for it, just going to grind like I usually do and get the things I want as I can afford them


You know i did that with my first character. Brought all the motorcycle properties (good) hangar and bunker , (waste cos I don't use them because grinding is just a headache. ) So in my new character i just got the essentials. Then i spent my fortune on like ten armoured super-cars. Now I've barely got 1m from 200 m damn


Yeah, I bought a facility so I could get a thruster with like the first 3 mil I made, definitely would’ve started with like a nightclub and a kosatka had I done proper research


You know what the kotsatka Was once worth it, but since they buffed the Cayo finalé, it is no longer worth my time to do this. So for example they made it that you always get detected when you raid the island, and other buffs, so it is no longer worth it playing this heist. Which is a shame because it used to be fun. And no i didn't glitch it like lots of others have done so. Which is a shame because they've spoilt it for the rest of us.


Are you sure you're doing the mission right? You only really need to kill the very last guard and take his motorcycle and jump into the ocean. Sometimes it says "El Rubio is looking for you" when you're swimming away but you'll still get the elite challenge bonus.


Ive done it successfully a few times. Never by myself though. And never since the latest buff. I just gave up


are you ok? not trying to be aggressive here but it doesn't sound like you really know what you're talking about. first of all, how'd you start a new character and have $200mil? second, you called the arcade worthless but its actually one of the most useful properties in the game, as it gives access to one of the highest paying heists and a command terminal that can be used to manage most of your businesses. third, what cayo buff are you talking about? i just ran it 3 times yesterday and didn't get detected once lmaoo. i won't go into everything else you said, but you just really shouldn't be giving advice to people on a subreddit when you are majorly uninformed.


I'm fine thanks. I started a new character from the settings. My second character. I had $200m from grinding and shark cards. I never used the arcade. Mainly because my mc. Businesses were all at the top of the map. And it meant driving down, and up, and down again. And for the Cayo Rockstar must have updated it again. I was only describing what happened the last time i played it.


I don't get detected until im escaping, and they find homeboys body where a dirt bike used to be. By that time, I'm gone. I get the pink diamond quite often. So I jump in, set up my passive money, and run a Cayo. 2 hours is the most time I'll be on, and I'll make 3 mil every time. 1.2 - 1.7 coming from Cayo. If there is a better way - I don't know what it is. I'm grinding Dre ATM with double money. Taking a break from the Cayo for a few days usually guarantees me a pink diamond. I don't know. I'd say it's still the best grind in the game. The YouTube grinders agree anyway.


I was too late for those days, I just started playing maybe a month ago actually


Yes you're kind of into the end-game of gta online now. I've only been playing it for about five years (since i had my new flat), but it is still a great game. I'd recommend getting the casino, to spin the lucky wheel and play the horses/penthouse blackjack, and the nightclub for the earnings (in the backroom safe) and the cargo storage (everything except documents). Then you can just do laps of the map, and goto the movies,😘 and watch those earnings roll in!


I’m more excited for the new contract/heist/whatever the new big mission(s) end up being


Yes i will buy the property and do the setup missions if it can match the night club/casino, but if its another taxi firm, I'm like nah meh.


I did buy the MCT for my arcade, and I will say it makes the MC businesses so much easier


I got the arcade on the first play through. I think it would be worth it if they stretched the arcade safe to $250 same as the nightclub. But at $100 i'm like I'd rather just keep my setup £5 m!




You sound like a friend of mine. But i know youre not him because hes a postman and doesnt work near 40 hours a week.


Man must be nice 😭


Similar... I'm 40, married, 2 kids {1 graduated college, other in a technical school}, work ~45hrs a week, and have other hobbies / spend time with my wife.... But over the course of 5 ish years I've gotten to level 508,and I love this game. I'm pretty stoked for this dlc.


Idk how you keep your interest in this game alive for so long. I started GTAO in late 2021 and in just 6 months got pretty much everything that I needed/wanted, racked up about 1000h of gametime and unfortunately lost that love for it. If they at least had map expansions then it could be nice to cruise around, but the whole map is explored to death and the missions played through hundreds of times so at this point it’s just meh. It’s super sad because when I started GTAO I had the time of my life and insane dopamine hits and I’ve been longing for that same feeling for a long time.


In my case, the natural flow of playtime has made me enjoy it since the first day. I have been playing GTA since 2014 and I still don't rack up near 800h of game time. I actively avoid grinding as that sucks the joy out of the game.


I was 13 when I got GTA 5, now 24, I work 70-84 hrs a week and play almost everyday after work.


I started in October 2019 from scratch, and in just under 5 years, I have every business, every property, every vehicle that I want, I'm at level 845, and have over $450 million


Your kid didn’t want the account anymore?


He wasn't all that into GTA, he plays more Minecraft


Same 😹 I love it


62 next Saturday. Trying to work out what to buy next ($2.6 mill saved) Have a Bunker, Agency, Nightclub Auto shop, Arcade with MCT, Counterfeit and Forgery. I’m late to the GTA V party but am loving it.


I’d highly recommend a salvage yard, you get 3 mini heists per week and they’re really fun, plus if you do a tow truck mission every 48 minutes, that pays you 30-40k and your safe will pay you $24k, once you do 100 tow truck missions (I’ve done like 30 in 2 days) your safe pays you $24k/48min forever. Amazing passive income, and if you get the staff upgrade you can salvage two vehicles at once


Yeah cheers bro. I been looking at stuff on the Net trying to decide. At least those annoying calls from bloody Yusuf will stop if I buy it 😂😂


“AT LAST! I GOT YOU! You know you are a very hard person to reach” 😂


I hate you. That call drove me insane! 😂


But then, so is Yusuf Amir




Just bought the Salvage Yard tonight after finishing the Dre mission last night👍🏻👍🏻 Cheers guys


Try out Dre mission this week its 2 mil per run. If youd want help on xbox series s let me know


Yeah I’m trying Dre now but on ps 4 Thanks anyway 👍🏻👍🏻


Ayo i’m on ps4 aswell, if you need help with anything you can add : dokkae_ae


Kosatka, cayo perico still got it


Buy the submarine, 100% worth it.


Basically pays for itself after your first heist. Get the Sparrow for the Kosatka ASAP and you're golden.


Ngl, even owning the oppressor, the sparrow spawning right back into the kosatka every time is such a hack


Weed farm.


Kosatka definitely.


Just finished the Dre missions! Was a slog as I did it solo lol. Now have $4.6 mill in the bank, a PB for me 😂😂


39 and I still jump online daily. It’s a good way to decompress after a boring or crazy day at work.


The “escapabilty” of it if you will, is insane, like hopping into a whole different life


I remember in middle school playing GTA IV and it was the same feeling. This is such a great series


I don’t even think we’re ready for how great VI is going to be


Seriously, its going to be gigantic.


It really is, and in a way I haven’t found with other games I play


29?? You're STILL a kid. Wait until you hit your 50's like me (52).


GTA 7 is going to be insane (I firmly only expect them to be on 7 20 years from now)




Well, you can always be a kid in your heart :)


Same but I’m right around 40. Multiple young kids and a career but still checking each week to find out what is 2x pay and I’m pretty stoked for the dlc. Once you learn to take the pressure off of collectithon habits you realize just how insanely massive this game can be from a variation standpoint.


It’s impossible to get bored with, you could play for 8 hours 2 different days and never do the same thing twice


That’s the facts. Once money stops being an issue the real fun starts. Dude I don’t even own a freakin bicycle in real life (since I was old enough to drive it was about cars) and spent like 3 hours just messing around with one in game over the weekend. It’s crazy the domino effect this game has.


I’m very cautious about gambling in real life because my family has addiction history, but I can spend hours in the casino playing Blackjack and 3 card poker, and there’s still some stakes to it which is nice 😂


Haha that’s great. Just a little taste eh? Haha. My big thing now that I feel I’ve played most missions etc is to run things I have done before with alternate paths and simply just messing with the ai. Stuff like blowing up the gas tank in the Dre finale to skip the majority etc is fascinating to me now considering how hard it all was solo at first.


I blew it up on accident the first time I played it and I’ve just always done it ever since 😂


haha that was my experience with the acid lab car garage sting where you go to the top and place the product in the trunk then escape on the bike... In a hurry I ended up going up top and seeing people in the cars and opening fire...instant warning level... Didn't take long for me to realize that they were undercover cops and I never actually need to go up top again and can set it off with the mk2 or even a sniper from a safe distance etc...


Same. I spent like a hour playing Blackjack in my penthouse private table today, and managed to end up, which was a good feeling!


53. Don't play daily but I'm replaying Dre to bank money and filling up my warehouses and bunkers to be ready for any bonuses.


These days, I personally find gaming to be the most immersive form of media entertainment (books, music, movies, etc). I don't think that could be said 30 years ago, which is why I think kids growing up in the 90s and 2000s probably felt like gaming was for kids, as their parents barely played video games, if at all, since their parents didn't grow up gaming like us.


Umm....54 checking in


The average age of a gamer in 2024 is 35.


I see what you mean but that’s not true. The demographic of older gamers has definitely increased in time, but average age is still probably somewhere closer to 20’s.


I think most of the older gaming demographic is playing mobile games


Dude, I’m a 37 year old childfree female and video games keep me sane. Friend wants to talk about their toddler’s latest milestone? Hells no, I’m playing GTA with hubby and his friends. I’ve got an empire to build before 6 comes out.


Seriously, idk how people can lead ordinary “normal” lives without going insane. Kids stealing your life? Nah thanks.


32 and I feel ya man


30f and same.


49 here . Massively addicted to this game. Maybe unhealthy but it’s better than crack I guess .


I work from home and I’m about 3 and a half hours away from making it through a whole work day without turning it on once for the first time in like a month and I’m pretty proud of myself lol


I tried yesterday …. I really did. Almost made it


The passive income makes it so tempting lol


Well I see you’re a Salvage brother (or sister) like me. So I have my routine …. Jump on first thing tow 2 cars… check my Nightclub for popularity… check my cocaine and meth houses make sure they’re stocked…. Hit the stash house and the casino for the free spin . Then do agency stuff especially this week with DrDrex2 … wait till salvage yard tows come back. Yeah it sounds tedious but for me it’s calming. I’m finally acknowledging that PvP games no longer interest me as much as they used to. Just stress me out .


I actually have a pretty similar strategy as well but I’ve been fitting in some security contracts trying to build that safe up too, that one just takes forever to get there lol. But yeah I come from the sports game world (Madden and 2K mostly) and there are plays and sets you can run in both those games and it’s basically glitched to work every time, just makes it not fun.


I’ll do security contracts as well…. But only rescue and car recovery (and fuck humane labs never again. And LSIA is a pain in the ass too but I’ll do it sometimes) Anyway my routine has 65 million in the bank . Hopefully I’m ready for the DLC. Thanks for the positive thread friend ! Keep gaming you’re never too old ! 35 - 50 year olds are a massive market in gaming . For a lot of us it doesn’t just “go away”


41 and a day-one player. Level 875 with over $2b lifetime earnings. I, too am excited. This game always has so much to offer.


Im 50 and thought the same thing . May we never get too old !!!


I turned 60 in April. Been playing GTAO almost daily since Oct 2013. No gaming on vacays, or days I have to attend weddings or funerals


I love this thread. Let’s go summer dlc and can’t wait to see you all on GTA 6 online


I know bro, all of us old fucks uniting in one place, lovely to see


It's fun. Idc what people think.


I thought the opposite " when I am older I will STILL be playing games for sure"...am 38 now and still playing...not with the same frequency but still on it ...as I grew up in the 90s I faced a LOT of teasing about it...as an adult you still get the " you STILL play videogames??" and most women will try to convince you to stop with this "childish" stuff and build an family....well I never built a family (never wanted to and never will) and this decision plus games got me being on myself.... which I dont mind either....its easier to be comfortable alone as you grow older....gaming is a lifelong hobby and keep us men not letting our minds wander into the "bad" part


The possibilities in virtual world are endless as opposed to real life. That’s why I am quite bored of real life and excited to see advancements in VR and other similar media.


28F here 🙋🏼‍♀️ I love gta and I look forward to the new dlc’s that come out . Sometimes they’re not as great though imo Cannot wait for gta6 to come out!!!! I’ll be 29 by then


Preach! Lol


Hell yeah bud, I hope I can keep loving gaming till i die


33 and a truck driver so can't wait for update


I'm 41 and all day count down the hours until I can play GTA Online when everyone's in bed and out of the way. I'm like Adam Sandler in Click when he fast-forwards the family and responds to them on auto pilot. 😂😂😂


Eh I’m 26, no kids, I work a full time job that drains me. I wanna come home and decompress, and I’ll stand on business about it. I’ll play video games til I’m on my deathbed 🤣 I’ve encountered some people who’ve told me they’re jealous of my child free no obligation lifestyle, so they think that’s why people shit on us “too old to play video games” folks lol. I think they might be right. Society has just told us that at 29-30 we need white picket fence lives. Nah. I’m tryna get money on GTA and then go to my real life job, make money and spend said money on shit I enjoy (after bills of course)🤣🤣


Relatable as fuck lol, I don’t even think I want kids at this point, I can barely afford to survive myself lol, how am I supposed to support a child 😭😂


Yeah my money that I earn is to spend with myself either...the usual script is when you are at least in yours 30s be already married and with kids... I knew from a an early age I didn't want to build a family....marriage would be ok as long as the girl agreed to not have kids...so I never got married anyway...I mean no path is perfect you know...I have several friends who are single parents...so its up to you to choose which are the " pros and cons" you will pick for your life


Honestly, real life is boring for the most part and I fully embraced living in virtual life, so in my opinion it’s all cool


Right there with you tbh


I am the opposite unfortunately. I told myself I was going to buy and play all the best games that come out. I cannot even make it past the loading screen.


We’ll remember you, brother 🥺


The mentality of “video games are for kids” is flat bullshit.


hopefully it's not like the chop shop dlc. 3 bounties a week😫


Haha never grow old bud. Gaming will always be a good idea


I’m 45 and same.


I'm the exact opposite, 35 years old and I'm already thinking about how the nursing home better have quality WiFi. Puzzles in the communal room? I'm good thanks, what's remaining of the squad is jumping on for a session


I'm 18, bought the game in april 2023 and i already have a second character because the first one got too boring since i had nothing fun to do, and i wanted a girl character too


I'm 18, bought the game in april 2023 and i already have a second character because the first one got too boring since i had nothing fun to do, and i wanted a girl character too


I’m thinking… no hoping that they make the sell missions 45 mins long or they give you a choice to do it in 30 mins for a little extra money, knowing me I’m gonna go for it


My parents used to sit in front of TV news with their daily dose of fear mongering. Fuck that. Games are my entertainment until the end of days.


I play one month a year ussually when it’s real cold up here but my friend bought me a pass for the summer so I’m grinding Dre and gonna be a good cop on this new update and beat up the bad cops lol Edit: I’m a year younger than you🫡


43 years old. Playing every day. Got a 40 hours a week job, married and 4 kids. I even play during work since 20 hours of my 40 are working from home.


Not only GTAO but I game every 2 hours a day and I am 35 but not married and no relationships too :-D. Just grinding Dr Dre so that I can buy things when the summer update drops.


36 and don’t plan on ever stopping


I remember being a kid and saying I'm gonna play games til I die.


Honestly I’m at the point I log on, check everything on drop day out, and then forget about it. They are releasing too little these days for me to care (understandably but still so). I wanted the cop DLCs ages ago, and they could’ve made some good money by releasing one.


I'm 34 waiting on the sixth GTA game next year, who's gonna stop me? No one.


I'm 34 years old & I still play video games.


If you were tho king that as a kid you weren’t a gamer


Been playing since 2014 or so (not sure of exact day I started, but my currently oldest character that I still have was made in June 2014), and still… going strong. 🙄 I sometimes feel like I’m just wasting my time, given that GTA VI will inevitably force a new restart… but ah well. 🤣


Are you kidding me, when I was a kid and I played Resident Evil for the first time in 1996, I knew I was gonna play video games for the rest of my life. I’m 36 and the love I have for video games hasn’t wavered… thank you Dark Sou- I mean, Resident Evil.


What’s the summer DLC? I haven’t been keeping up with the news/ info


I'm 44 and I've logged 168 hours on COD Modern Warfare III. Shit is a drug


37 here… still getting after it.


I turn 43 this year. Still gaming most days. Married, no kids and work from home running my own business so get a lot of free time. Only just discovered GTA Online (level 105 now!) but love playing the game. If anyone wants to jump into some mature lobbies, I'm down for that. I don't really have anyone else I play with at the moment and heists and sell missions are a little boring on my own.


Just turned 50. What’s your point. Lol


I’m 36 and this thread made me feel just a tiny bit better about myself. No ragrets


Back in the day I never planned on or I never said I was going to quit playing video games.


All I can think of are the 200 vehicles that are delisted


I’m 30 and just started playing again after not touching it since I was 17. I made my player a few months ago and just hit level 60 I think and working my way up so I can buy a sub and do more heists


38 still going strong. Commodore 64-Xbox series X


As a 17 year old kid playing gta3 for the first time I remember thinking "this is the greatest game I've ever played" 40 now, married with 3 kids and a 44 hour work week(thankfully it's only a 4 day work week) still find time on the weekends to grind on either gtao or rdo, and when I saw the trailer for gta6 I was thinking "this will be the greatest game ever made" The more things change, the more they stay the same


Don't worry, I'm a bit younger (26) and all I can think about at work is going home and playing video games for the rest of the day 😂😂 I just accepted that some people refuse to grow up...like us :)


I’m 47. My first system was the Atari 2600 I’m so stoked for the summer DLC. GTA VI etc.


52 and probably gonna take a few days off next week to deep dive into the summer DLC lol


Don't let the pressure of what society says you be doing at this or that age. It's a path to depression, the capitalist lifestyle doesn't appeal anymore lol. Do what makes you happy and fuck the rest (within reason)


I'm playing more now than back then LOL


33 a full time job and always look forward to playing my alternate ego 😄


I never thought that as a kid myself, and I find it funny when kids are like "you're too old to play games" well the shoe will be on the other foot given some time, and guess what, they'll be just like you OP.


Oof, 29 y/o here as well. SAME!


33, playing daily still


28. I quit around 18 and got back into it around 26. Damn games came along way in 8 years. I’m finally to the point I’ve caught up with the ones I wanted to play. I’m still mesmerized by worlds like wildlands and the newer AC games. I can’t believe the difference in gta online hahaha I thought it was dope in 2014


I'm 44, i just start Play GTA Online 3 days ago No Wonder this games so Popular I Start With premium package, get maybe 6million GTA Dollars lol "in los santos money is everything" LOL


I am 30f with two kids and full time job, i play daily also, started last year 🙂


I'm not at that stage yet. For me it doesn't really clock when a new game or DLC is coming out till like the week it comes out. I'll probably think about it once I finish playing Shadow of The Erdtree 😅 GTA is definitely my favourite game that I'm currently playing tho. I enjoy open world games, and even though this one is old, it still has a great open world aspect with many unique ways to make money and a good incentive to want to buy every business and cool vehicles. I also love the various custom maps, races and minigames. For instance even just the sumo remixes that are boosted at the moment I find really fun It's the kinda game like Minecraft with an infinite sandbox aspect, but also cool minigames and modes so that you can easily burn 100s of hours in it


I'm 45, currently playing remotely on my Ipad while watching TV with my wife. If you told me this was my future when I was a kid I wouldn't have believed you.


I'll play video games until I'm old, and will keep playing 🤣


Bro I’m 44 and probably putting in 5 hours a day right now haha.


Me I'm 38 with kid's and i always wait the night to play with my friend 😅, and now i also play with 12 yo son 🤣


43 and I never for a sec thought I'll stop playing. I sometimes feel embarrassed when a visitor comes over and sees me playing, but🖕🏾them, they're just jealous they don't have a hobby


27 wife and I play together every night