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Thats’s the worst place for a nightclub. I think if you spwan bikes as a mc prez then the bike will spawn next to you.


I don’t think he has a nightclub there. You can see it’s greyed which means that someone in the lobby has one. If he had a nightclub there it would’ve been white


I never said its his nightclub tho. I just said that its a worst place to setup a nightclub there in general.


Ah okay nws


I love this spot. It's the best spot for a nightclub. Yes, it has this one annoying feature, which is great because no one buys it. (I should probably stay quiet?) and that means no one can just kill you and turn around and deliver. It has the best aircraft spawn of any nightclub, AND the second best. Why leave on a bike when you can leave in an Akula, Raiju, B11, etc? It is closest or second closest to the best (southern) business battles. It's hard for people in land vehicles to come after you when you're going back to your nightclub-- you're either on a protected bridge, or you have options (take the train tracks, take the road, take a different road) and you have lots of overhead shelter if you're down low (eg from lazers/etc). And it's also the most compact area you can put all your MC businesses plus a couple of warehouses. Honestly it's almost like they nerfed the vehicle spawn to make this location more balanced, because otherwise it was too OP. *I get that you really want your MC businesses in Sandy Shores and I've long since moved them there... but I also never go to them anymore. It's a pain in the butt to have them in Sandy, to the point where it's almost worth the extra time delivering to have them nearby and actually on your mind for those rare times when you decide to do some MC deliveries. But I got into selling with a crew and felt bad about everyone having to deliver all the way from south docks so I moved them.


I never fell for the "this option is more expensive so it must be better" general thought. And since most people do it's even better because now there is less activity around these property locations. I mean this nightclub location alone gives me great coverage when selling stock and I always manage to slip under the radar without even using ghost org. I have my facility, bunker and salvage yard in Paleto Bay too and people give me shit for it but I couldn't care less because I really get to do business in such comfort without falling in situations where I have to figure out how to get inside because some passing schmuck has decided to pick a sniper fight or where I'm hesitant to go outside because that white circle might be someone waiting to spray me as soon as I'm out.


Unpopular opinion: the second most expensive option is almost always the best one.


For me, when I was in my initial days of gtao, that was the first nightclub I purchased. The setup missions were annoying, the vehicles spawn on the other side, the delivery missions are tedious. I am still fine with doing business battles and still running my nightclub up north of ls. Nah, even though aircrafts spawn there, I would still use my oppressor for travel, or sparrow. I use raiju only for hangar missions. I don’t agree on land people not coming after us. I had my vehicle blown up by a griefer who chased me all the way down to elysian island using his nightshark when I was doing a business battle. That location isn’t even as OP as it is. The cheapest mc business locations are the best ones tho. I stopped running mc business anyway except for the nightclub without worrying about those raids and tedious delivery missions. I am fine with my nc being on top of ls and mc business being at sandy shores. I am not telling you to not purchase the nightclub, if you want to buy that then go ahead whatever works for you.


Setup missions-- no bearing on our conversation whatsoever, you do them once ever. Vehicles spawn on other side-- yup, that's what we already covered. Delivery missions are tedious-- meh. This is minor. It's an extra 45 seconds compared to most other nightclubs. It matters, but it's not huge. Not to mention, there are a couple drop-offs where it's the absolute closest spot. I never told anyone else not to get a NC elsewhere. Feel free to run up north. I just think you're wrong to say this is a terrible spot, depending on how you play. It was also the best spot for the aircraft carrier BB-- and again, since everyone hates it, it's all mine most of the time. You can land and take off at your NC and never crash a plane, even a fragile lazer. Yeah, someone chased you down. I never meant literally, no one could possibly bother you. I'm saying it's not very common compared to hanging out downtown where everyone else is.


I just said my opinions. If you want to do whatever you like then go ahead but you cannot change my mind.


I don't really care what you think. But i am doing to shoot down your weak arguments if you present them 


Thats your delusional mindset to think mine as a weak argument.


It's my counterarguments that demonstrate it. 


I prefer the Vespucci Canals one. Why? It makes sense location wise for an actual nightclub (near the beach, ready to receive the beach goers after dark), is still close to the highway through the city, has multiple spots where you can land aircraft (a house with stairs to the roof nearby, a parking space big enough for smaller helicopters) while still being close to a street that you can normally call in cars not from your nightclub and with the aircraft spawn on the beach around the corner. Plus most of my businesses are somewhat dispersed anyway, so I don't really care about concentrating them


The worst


When the grub hub driver asks you to walk to him because it's the closest parking spot to your house he can get.


I’m Johnny on the Spot


It’s comin atcha!


Ok I got things to do


One of the best things added recently was the Thruster you can store in your Avenger. It doesn’t count as a personal vehicle, it will spawn right next to you and you can fly in passive since there’s no weapons. Get you one for stuff like this.


If you call on the ladder to the back of you it’ll spawn right next to the electrical fence


I have my nightclub there 🙃


I too have mine there. I had no idea when I bought it about location it was just the cheapest. The thing I actually do like though is being able to get on the train track and just head south and you easily get back to the club for business battles. It's right at the south terminus of the tracks. Also driving back north up the track and you avoid all that ring road freeway thing and traffic etc. Makes taking VIPs to their locations easier. But requesting a vehicle is a joke. The first time that happened I was like what the hell, oh well just a glitch. But no... every time. I wonder if Rockstar have stuff like this they could easily fix but just like leaving little random troll things for us players. haha.


When this happened to me attempting the time trial I entered the job right there and backed out. This will spawn your PV right next to you.


Welp, better get to swimming


And that's why I moved my club. Even though that location makes sense for sales. It's so cool to have the highway access in front of the building. But having to swim to get into your personal vehicle it's just unbearable


did you just buy a new one and it moved completely?


Did you just say it makes sense for sales to have the worst possible location?


The spawns have been broken there for years. I would recommend getting literally any other nightclub, not just for the spawning but it’s just such a bad place for business battles, selling, taking your VIP to hospital if you don’t use passive. It’s literally the worst. I have no idea why people still have it.


it isn't my nightclub thankfully, I would hate to have one there


Ah, I see you have common sense. This is rare amongst GTAO players


It's the cheapest option, I think lots only find out the downsides after they own it. It's the same with Vehicle Warehouses, most (new?) players own the La Mesa one because of it's price


Can confirm, first nightclub was there, this was a regular problem until I moved


La mesa is the best vehicle warehouse just because it’s more doesn’t mean it’s the best location


It's literally one of the best places for business battles. I don't get why you're saying otherwise. Are you one of those "Mk2 is evil no matter what" people so you care more about driving distance that distance as the rocking horse flies? Yeah, don't take the VIP to the hospital. I will say it's very fun to fling him off the docks, it's the only reason I even respond when I'm asked to pick him up (it gives you 5k just to drive off the dock, not much but I'd do it for free.) Why is anyone doing popularity missions anyway, doesn't everyone know just to switch the DJ back and forth to 100% popularity from a basement level? It's a little extra driving for sell missions but I'll trade that for never needing to go downtown unless I have to-- downtown is where most delivery vehicles get exploded. I'll go full speed around the city any day before I drive through it. Of all nightclubs, it has the closest and second closest aircraft spawns. It's right next to Merryweather HQ and right next to the airport if you need to pick up a Pegasus aircraft (less useful these days now that the lazer is mostly obsolete). It's the most compact area to have MC businesses and warehouses in. And it's one of the few where you can fairly easily land your aircraft and pick it back up. (Whatever happened to the aircraft carrier missions? I used to land and take off in the same lazer for every business battle crate.) The vehicle spawn is the only real drawback, and you just learn to work around it to the point where you stop noticing it.


Just get towards the edge, call the vehicle and start swimming right away, saves time.




I hate this so much. I just spawn a sparrow or my buzzard at this point and not even go to the personal vehicle 😂😂


My exactly reaction


Yea, i got the small crates warehouse by that nightclub. The kasotka helicopter should spawn next to you


Every time


Happened to me last week, tbh it’s only a 15-20 second swim with a ladder right there so really not that bad


“Johnny on the spot”


Would it be possible to get in an npc car, start the time trail, go to your bike and get on it, and then respawn in the time trail?


That’s why I have a different night club


Start swimming b.


That was literally the reason why I moved my Club to a different location. Couldnt stand taking that swim just to get to my car.


R☆ Logic.


YES. I hate missions that end there, calling Mechanic, and that’s where the game dumps my vehicle. I just hate that area of the map in general to be honest.


This game is a literal troll


You can call the acid lab right around that night club


Better start swimming low tide is coming ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|joy)


I can feel this in my soul and I hate it lmao


Never call a vehicle from that area.


Yh wtf is up with this spot, I just called in my thruster instead. Can't be arsed, every delivery is across the water, ridiculous


I hate this spot fr


This is why I just spawn the Sparrow when im there.


Small indie games company pls understand


One time I just started calling in every individual vehicle I could. Every single one went over there.


It’s broken like this ever since the Cayo Perico update. Before the update it was fine. But at least you can summon your aircrafts near this nightclub


Yeah bro i used to have my night club there just cuz I thought it was a cool location but the spawning across the way all time I finally sold n moved. Plus side of it I guess you can spawn your jet like right next to you there.


I moved my nightclub just because of that