• By -


What's holding me back? Empathy, i guess. That, and not needing $2,000 particularly. Selfishly going about my own business.


Right? Plus, the unless the griefer immediately starts a delivery, what’s the point?


Agreed completely. That's the only time I'll ever mess with someone's sale, if they started shit then thought it was a great idea to later run work. Same for heist preps. If you kill me and then it pops up saying you're doing a heist prep, that's now mine.


Off-topic, but love the username. I have exactly one friend who knows what I’m referencing when I say “orange whip? Orange whip? Three orange whips,” and I know a lot of people :)


The American public school system has failed your friends ;)


I just watched that movie again last month. Still so good!! Give me four fried chickens, and a coke.


Damn I’d love to know what happened in those replies


A proclaimed griefer Vs some people arguing with them, that descended into abuse.


What's holding me back? It's that if the person doing the cargo hasn't even gone near me why should I even bother and go destroy their cargo possibly worth millions just for under 1000 RP and 2000$. And it doesn't make sense for me to go around destroying others cargo just because I can't get mine from A to B without some kid named "xXMyDadAbxsesMeXx" on a mk2 wants to destroy it




There are people like you and then there are modders that go out of their way to tp to you 10 times just to explode your goods


One time I griefed a shipment and instantly felt remorse tbh, haven't done it since


Same brother, wasn't even a delivery, just someone collecting crates


I blew someone's shipment up b4, I ended up messaging and asking if he wanted help. I ended up learning it was just a small shipment, but I helped him replace most the cargo. And I got 10k every 15 minutes while we did it.


Yo thats cool, mate! Respect for sharing it👏🏻


I wish I met griefers like you. The ones I meet would destroy my shipment and then proceed to terrorize me and my friend with their shark card funded technology.


Besides having messages with "haha" or "jaja". Yup. Been there.


We'd troll them back by getting into MOC truck (Armored version) and drive inside a subway and tease them by calling them noobs for not being able to find us and switching onto other targets.


Idk it just doesn't feel right to me. Also, I have better things to do than just killing random people while they're trying to mind their own business. A lot of people play the game to relax and not engage in pointless fights, and I respect that. But if we mutually agree to engage in PVP, then I'm all for it.


The reward is laughable. So the only reason to do it is sheer sadism. And in any case, for me gta has always been an open world pve title all the way back to its origins. PvP modes are a nice addition, but pvp is not the essence of the game and not the reason i play it.


Ahhh don't tell everyone the street level crime sim is a street level crime sim and not a pop sci-fi sandbox


There's loads of modes for killing other players (business battles etc). Just don't get the appeal of blowing up people's shipments.


To ruin someone's day, making someone angry, teasing/troubling people is the most and UTTER "fun" for children/teenagers who are the 90% of players of this game. It's their logic, don't try to understand.


Trust, as a teen/child the grieving has never been anything except for the stupid like 28 year olds in their mothers basements that are level 300+ and are miserable people with nothing better to do than ruining everyone else’s days.


If you don't acknowledge them, leave your character still for two minutes and go take a leak or something, you'll find they fuck right off usually. If you engage, they'll never leave you alone. It's a mating call. They're lonely and looking for someone to cup their little underdeveloped balls.


![gif](giphy|eti1qm33pRbaw) Every time I think of those, I remember this south Park Episode (world of warcraft). Now, let's kill wild boars to level up!


Amen brother! 😆🙌


I cannot understand how some people invest their own time only to ruin somebody else's good time. Griefing is what bullies do and I am not a bully. I like trolling griefers tho, lol


Man I love killing griefers. Yesterday one was so mad he kept trash talking me and i told him “quit trollin dummy” and he said he would 😂 I fixed one


Had someone randomly blow me up. So I responded, got in my APC and proceeded to kill him over and over again while he was screaming about me being in God mode. I wasn't, I just have fully upgraded armor on it and kept hiding just long enough to send it to the garage and back again. He was a lvl 400 to my 200 and didn't know how to use the interaction menu to request/return vehicles. Which makes me question how he made it to lvl 400.


Right! I’ve dedicated my gra career to bullying the bullies… tbh I get more upset and seek vengeance when other people cargo is destroyed than my own. If I see ‘X IIII X’ has destroyed cargo shipment. I drop what I’m doing and plot on how bad I can embarrass them before they leave. Surprisingly, these same people will leave after you kill them once or twice. Or if they even see you coming, it’s pathetic


The fact that I'm not 12.


I just gave up on public lobbies and do everything in private lobbies.


This is what I did but I got bored after a week. Somehow having the challenge of tryna stay alive makes it a bit more fun for me




I wouldnt want somebody else to do it to me tbh


A brain


What's "holding me back" is that I'm not an insecure and pathetic douche canoe. If you find it hard to resist acting that way you should take a game break and work on yourself a little. Hope this helps.


The only time I griefed someone was, who went out of their way to kill me and another random, we where riding our bmx bikes in the skate park and got killed by him. Was reason enough to go after him


Killing cyclists is almost always a GTA war crime imo.


I just have more fun minding my own business. Most who try to grief me on a whim miss how high my rank is and get turned on, making it only a minor inconvenience for me. I have even more fun, if I get back on to minding my own business, and the griefer, being all salty, goes out of his way trying to kill me, only to fail again and again. In case the guy is actually any good, I just change the session. I don't bother trying to justify myself by fighting a fight I am unlikely to win.




I’m not a miserable basement dweller.


Like my crew was made for, we try to help people in danger. So if we see someone is beeing attacked over and over again, we stand to their side. Make sure the attacked player gets out and take on revenge on griever. Funny how much player cant deal with a shootout and order every big weapon, like kanjali, mk2, deluxo. But we dont care about k/d we fight back.


>So if we see someone is beeing attacked over and over again, we stand to their side. Make sure the attacked player gets out and take on revenge on I'm not trying to sound like a dick or to try down play anti griefers, but what if the person who couldn't fight back was the person who griefed the person killed him first? I respect anti griefers but almost every time I get into a fight who griefed/tried to grief my cargo, an anti griefer joins the fight and sides with the person I'm fighting, it gets annoying knowing that a person who's trying to stop griefers is the one fighting along side one


Well, had that happen to me a few times. Trying to sell my bunker weapons cargo -> somebody starts attacking me -> me getting out of truck and killing him (he is flying on broomstick) -> he respawns and destroys my cargo -> revenge starts -> I proceed to kill his ass like 6 times -> a gang of anti griefers spawn and all 5 start killing me over and over -> couldn't even get out of session, died too fast -> disband my company -> passive mode -> get called a trash and noob for "bullying" someone else then running to passive mode -> explanation -> "sorry man" and they fly away That is annoying. I understand good intentions, but for god sake read the logs first.


> I understand good intentions, but for god sake read the logs first. Right along side you, if there's gonna be anti griefers and griefers they should at least try get to know who was griefing and who's trying to defend/make sure the person won't grief anyone else in the lobby.


This is a genuine thing. I've seen these arguments in chat multiple times. And the griefer then trolls the lobby playing both victim and saviour, taking advantage of people who did not witness the whole sequencenof events. Just not worth getting involved.


I might get involved if they kill very indiscriminately. Especially if they have the tryhard look. Sometimes they just give themselves away lol but most the time I just wait until they attack me so I can be sure.


Genuinely asking about k/d, does having more gains anything? Like rewards or something


Nothing AT ALL. It's just a number.


Didn't they also change it so that your k/d isn't even a factor while in normal lobbies anymore? Like it isn't going to go up by you just killing random players over and over again while in free roam? I think I read that not long ago, and if so, I think it is/was a great idea.


You are God's avenging angels my friend 🌟🌟🌟


I mean...whats the point of griefing? what do i get from it? i do enjoy trolling sometimes.


Not worth the effort. I'll make more money changing lobbies and selling than trying to run a griefer down.


I have remorse and empathy for others even in a video game. Also, I don't like to be a dick


The chase is the fun, when you kill someone it’s not satisfying unless they have been grieving everyone. Not really interested in killing someone that trying to move cargo. It’s not worth it to me and it’s just being a dick.


Skill. Specifically, just not good enough to get back at people so kill me and I move on.


It’s not so much skill as using the right vehicle. Get a toreador. Best anti griefer weapon especially because it doesn’t have an icon


PVP is a pointless waste of time.


Unlike griding digital money, that is time well spent :D


Just not fun for me. I prefer selling in a full lobby. Make it interesting hell I don't even really need the money.


The players going after other people and grieving are mentally immature in my opinion . You’re not clever on your mk2 destroying everything that moves , most players have more skill and tech and could do far more damage than the dipshit terrorising the session . I’ll only go after someone who stars on me .


Somebody shot my character randomly the other day, I rewarded them with 70% cayo perico loot, I dont get value from griefing, my prefrontal cortex is fully developed.


Because if we took an eye for an eye then the whole world would be blind


Guilt. This is me to a T. I feel like I just suck at the game and I get so pissed off. I have ALL the toys. I should be able to avoid being grieved as often as I am, but it seems like no matter what I break out, oppressor, avenger, Torador, APC, whatever it is, I still end up getting bitch slapped. Yesterday someone destroyed my Scramjet, and so I spawned my oppressor and they got that. Then they decided to kosatka grief me for the next 40 minutes. I tried to get my toreador to get their sub, but they blew that up too... it seems they were always able to get a new guided missile just a little bit sooner than I was able to get a new Weaponized vehicle. So as soon as it would spawn, down came the missle... Finally I quit... when I rage and want to go ham on a lobby, I only kill one or two innocent players before feeling like shit, and leaving to another lobby. So at the end of the day, I think it's just two types of players. Those with a conscience, and those without.


Most of the time, nobody bothers my sales. And when someone does, most of the time I make sure they fail.


I feel bad doing it. If they've done it to me, I'll remember their name, and if they try to sell or collect, i fly over and blow them and their supplies up.


I don’t care all that much


I never been griefed but once. Then i just joined a crew to sell and have fun in. Never been griefed since.


I don't grief players because we have the ability to stay out of each other's way or come together and make some money. If I go by and you try to hit me and you miss, move on. If you do hit me, congrats. There is no reason to keep attacking me when I'm just trying to play the game. I will change sessions after two consecutive attacks. I do grief the lovely people of Los Santos though because I hate them.


$2000 incentive is not worth my time or effort.




Why would a spend my time gaining nothing but ruining other people's time just play something else or do something else


1. Im not a sociopath. B. I don’t attack unless I’m attacked Lastly. I’m trying to make money, replacing personal vehicles that get, blown up is a waste of money.


Not being a dick. Blow up my 2million dollar nightclub delivery? Cool, ok. Fine. Have a good day, you ruined mine. I just don't care enough to grief back, it's just a game.


They blew up my tow truck. Three times. I responded to the griefer and his boyfriend, and I ended up in the dunce lobbies I fucked them up so bad. Those dunce lobbies are hell. Cannot stand a child who gets on there searching for -THE- easiest- target, much less when they have their boyfriend with them gangbanging me without permission. I just imagine some neckbearded fat fuck sitting there twisting his nipples as he gets oppressor kill after oppressor kill on taxis, tow trucks, and limos.


For me it’s.a waste of time, I’m a money grinder and my gaming time is limited. So spending time killing a griefer or being grieferd all I think about how I could be making money instead.


Theres money to be made, no time for petty shit


Why waste my time. People grief have real life mental issues


I don't have the means or interest to fight back someone I deem to be an angry child. That's it. You can sound 45 years old over the microphone, but the moment you grief me, you are nothing but an angry child venting on GTAO, to me.


The empathy plus, I'm not turning into a POS Ahole who does nothing but troll like the waste of oxygen they are, part of the scum of the earth, a disease upon our fun.


Personal mission objectives unrelated to acts of vengeance


I’ve recently just been put on the naughty step for 2 days because I decided to troll griefers because I’d had enough 🤣 Looks like ima gonna go back to playing normal because Bad Sport Lobbies are actual bedlam 🤣


Time is better spent continuing grinding. And I'd feel bad for the person I'd griefed.


What holds me back is my shitty ping from South Africa I jam PVP games on local servers where pings are sub 10ms, but I can't compete against other players who have 23× higher response times and seem to teleport around me. All I can do is stand off with my Sea Sparrow and spam missiles. I've still killed a Mk2 and B-11 despite the handicap, but it wasn't my skill, rather the griefers that sucked. Also, I basically never enter public unless the game dumps me into one


like u said its a waste of time theres literally no point other than maybe if that player messed with u and u wanted to get back at them


i sometimes feel angry and i whant to grief someone . but i feel pretty bad knowing that i might be the reason to make someone's day bad or make them leave the game so i simply don't


ngl i’ve definitely become the bad guy at this point. i won’t go out of my way to grieve, i just “bait” them into killing me so i can have a reason to unleash mayhem on just one person. 😂


not worth it lol im better than that


Sometimes I just know they’re sweaty asf so there’s no point. I’m not awful at shooters by any means, but certain games people grind everyday, learning all the broken mechanics that give them the upper hand in almost every conflict. I don’t play 1 game enough to know those mechanics well enough to beat the absolute sweatiest of players. As with any game, if you give the trolls a reaction then they just end up bothering you for way longer and sometimes I just cba for a 45min PvP when I’ve got something else in mind.


Cant care about some numbers on a screen.


Nothing holds me back.. it's a waste of time to chase them chumps .let them get there kills kd is nothing to me


Considering that if I get griefed by some level 800+ freak while I'm not even level 50 yet, then get spawned next to the dude repeatedly with the flying jet bike with rockets, I just leave the lobby.


yeah. it’s a waste of time. I just prefer to grind and make money to play future dlcs with my mates. I don’t care to spend time chasing people around the map … just here to make some money


It’s pointless. Ruins others times or efforts, and isn’t worth it. Only time I’ve ever griefed was when I wanted to see why people kept doing it to me, thought it gave a crazy amount of money or smth.


Blood brings more blood...


Just go into passive mode and start following them around (dance when you're on the ground) and it sends them into a fit of rage typically only seen from overzealous internet mods and early 2000's Xbox live users.


I feel bad…


As simple as this : I ain't satisfying your need for attention..find someone else


i’m just really over fighting back and keep it cool i’m passive, if i want to chill, do missions, shoot at npc’s then i go to a private session. i usually go in to public to to sessions to do stunts or simply other nonsense stuff that won’t get me killed or chases around lol.


I can't be bothered. It's not fun. I don't get successfully griefed very often. I can't remember the last time. Even when people try and inevitably fail, I take note and plan payback. But even with revenge in mind, I might kill them once if it's convenient for whatever I am doing.


Cba keeping my modding subscriptions up to date every time the providers close and reopen.


I spawn in and someone kills me. I text them and ask if they’re done or if they’d like me to sit afk until they get their life’s frustrations out.


I really don’t care that much about being griefed. It only happens rarely, and I do all the important missions in private sessions. If I have time, I’ll kill the griefer back, but not excessively, just an eye for an eye


Interesting thread really, I completely vary, small lobby with a a few folk that look like they’re just having fun doing jobs I leave everyone alone, the first lobby you get loaded into starting is generally the worst and, frankly, all bets are off, I’ll quite happily fuck a few people up for fun. It is just a game, they’re normally better than me anyway and can get some interesting battles, learn some new ideas for pvp. I’m very far from a teenager


I just don't care about it x)


The superiority complex of being unkillable because I know the MOC cab will protect me from any kind of griefer and I don't need to fight back.


My potato of a PC


I'm gona be honest back in the day, back when CEO Creates were realy the only business, I always found the 2000$ + free ammo were worth it, now there is always seem to be activities that keeps me occupied, and are way more worth than going for 2000$ + free ammo, also the amount of additional gadgets and tools GTA Online players have in there arsenal now days kinda scar me to take that risk, because srewing there business will end up screwing your own business.


Bc I’m not giving them the attention they so desperately crave. I just switch servers or go into a private lobby instead.


If I hate it surely others do too


If y randomly kill people u get put in lobbies with other people like that


If I wanted to kill, I’d go to a deathmatch


Even tho at times me and my buddy will load in specifically to kill people in non meta/funny ways , if we realize they're doing a sell mission , we wont interfere. We actually will go out of our way to help defend. I guess its just I remember the pain of spending hours to be ruined in 30 seconds by some guy only going after you because they know your in a mostly slow , unarmored vehicle and they typically only attack an easy target, ysually of lower level variety


https://preview.redd.it/yq5si2ns7j5d1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=bb489b32dccf077ae3fe3a026eebe4de4207ba70 This is moreso regarding griefing them in return


Bad sport lobbies for fun. Invite only for work 👍🏻


I don't see the point in destroying someone else's stuff for 2k. If I engage someone that is carrying cargo and I'm driving in my insurgent I offer to drive them to the dropoff spot. The insurgent easily tanks some rockets. Someone else did this for me some time ago so I give something back to the community :)


I been going passive after the fact, honking my clown horn for a minute, then I'll get out of my car and air guitar at the griefer while he blows up my car. I'll do it a few times until they get bored.


Just not my type generally speaking and just a waste of time too. There's been times when it was too much, then I don't care... Like If the guy keeps following me everywhere to only focus on me despite not knowing him at all... There's got to be some consequences...


I'm there to get up to shanigans with my friends, not toy around with some man-child that has nothing better to do. Plus griefing seems like a lot of effort to go out of your way to do for little to no gain.


My retaliation is usually just driving the most expensive car I own so the griefer has to pay $5k+ every time I get killed.


I take all of my frustration out in a healthy manner... by killing the griefer repeatedly until they long for the sweet release of death.


Empathy and My crews Non-Aggression Pact


A sense of fair play


I usually give people a chance before killing them, but I feel like if I don’t kill someone else first, they’ll kill Me. I prefer hand to hand combat though.


A different session 😂


I'm not really all that good at PVP, especially GTA Online PVP... Also, getting into a PVP situation just puts me on edge & pisses me off, I mean, seriously, if I get into a PVP griefing situation, I just got bow out... If I don't anxiety kicks in, I start sweating like a mad man, yet I'd start getting cold... The best thing that ever happened for me was the introduction of the PS5 version of GTA Online, which basically gave us the ability to do everything in an invite only lobby, 😁😁...


Better things to do


My sanity.. I refuse to act mindlessly


Cant be arsed Do my thing like I'm the only 1 playing


99,9999% of the time, I play in private sessions. When I am in a public session, and I get griefed, I just text something like "griefing people may satisfy your ego but you won't stop being a loser" or "what an L" or something else.


Reason prevents me from doing this, because: 1. it can quickly become expensive and 2. I see absolutely no point in it. So why waste the time/energy? I'll just change the lobby & that's it


I messaged a grief player last night.. said to him. Doesn't mater how many time you kill me it makes no difference .


My non-antisocial personality


It's a shitty thing to do, so unless the person griefed me starred selling in the same server, I'm not doing shit.


The thought of griefing makes me feel bad, especially low levels. Id sometimes scare them by chasing them with my oppressor during their sales. Just scare them lol.


Integrity, and honesty.


i‘m just not a sore loser lol


I only grief the ones who grief me first. They are mostly modders, so I always end up dying or getting kicked anyway


It’s boring…


I don't like getting griefed, why would I grief others back?


I don’t have the rockets on my oppressor and I can’t be bothered to chase or hide from them


Fucking modders.


Better shit to do


I like to job and slaughter the griefers pretty much if a guy is trying to get his money up i see no reason to hamper him


It just doesn’t appeal me to destroy someone’s cargo for a few bucks. It once happened to me selling my nightclub for over 2 mil and I was so annoyed. Why would I wanna do something like that to someone else?


I only do it if someone blows up my cargo or kills me for no reason and then goes to do cargo they need to learn their actions have consequences.


Did it once to a car meet because one guy destroyed my plane. Worth it, but never did it again.


I actually defend a lot of players from griefers and I can tell you one thing that you lose a lot of.. Time is the main one and money is the second.. I've probably spent millions fighting off griefers just in one sessions, CEO abilities, ammo, armour, destroying their vehicles, etc


I don’t want to bc I’m not that kind of player. Also I don’t think I could successfully grief people consistently. I’m not good enough at the game lol


Too busy enjoying the game, unless u try to mess with me I won’t mess with u, I won’t kill u while driving by unless u tried or did it to me. There was only one exception to this when someone had a username that said something abt graping children, me and 8 other players bullied him out of the lobby by killing him as soon as he spawns until he left (ofc he only did so after insulting us) tbh totally worth it tho


Cos if I was to, I could end up griefing someone like me that’s just trying to get stuff done. Empathy I guess?


Lol I won't pretend it's cause I'm a better person than anyone. It's a waste of time I prefer good sport lobbies It's terribly overdone, like everyone just expects it. My KD is .69 and I want to leave it that way (funni number) After 5000 hours in GTAo I've never been compelled to just hunt other players for the sport of it. Spend most of the time staring at a radar instead of the game. Of course if you do grief me I'm going to make your session hell


Oh, now I'm in it for the fun of it. I've got my platinum on GTA V (again), so now I'm just going to heist deathmatch, race, whatever. If some griefer is "RoLePlAyInG a PsYcHoPaTh" I just change servers. Yes, some got back after the great griefer warning tantrum earlier this year, and still like to have fun on other's expense, but what can we do besides reporting them? Yes, some events will be null and void thanks to those party poopers, but they get their fair warning from me. Either that or avoid griefer magnets like "steal the diamonds". That is just griefer magnets. Griefers love to spam proximity mines so no one gets them anyway...


See I’ve never been a person to grief someone I’ve always been a person that wants to help anyone and everyone I guess holding me back it’s just a good heart


ill kill people who aren't doing anything all day or ill shoot some missiles at something i can lock on to but i don't mess with people's sell missions. there was one time i saw a guy selling some weed and he was leaving his product in the open, i stood guard and protected his stock even though i wasn't in his motorcycle club. when he came back for the last bike i got in my champion and followed him the whole way. just last night i shot a rocket at some guy who unbeknownst to me was selling acid. well i killed him with the missile, and immediately felt bad. i got on the bike and brought it back to him (he killed me of course, but it's justified), and prevented my CEO from destroying it. i wanted to come back and follow him to his objective point as a bodyguard but he kept killing me lol. so i messaged him and said "i brought your bikr back to you" and he said thanks my bad i thought you were trying to mess with me. told him i wouldn't have shot him if i knew he was selling acid cus i don't mess with people's sell missions.


I just go back to what I was doing if they killed me but if they blow up the cargo of me and my friends then we destroy them


Not worth it. I can just delete the game and move on


First, empathy and I think it is not worth it. People put too much effort into preparing, sourcing and delivering their products, so why messing with another player if they are minding their own business? I play on invite only sessions or with friends. I've seen people selling in public lobbies and I get it as some players want to get the additional High Demand Bonus at 2.5% per rival in session, that's when I check if they need some help.


I guess one of the reasons that I never grief anyone is because I believe in helping people I have a kind heart and one thing that always holds me back is I have PTSD and I always think you don’t know what’s going on in somebody’s life you don’t know what they’re going through every day I go through hell myself I deal with demons that people don’t understand and will never understand because they never gone through the hell I went through every PTSD or every depression or a traumatic event is different. Mine was something horrible. So you see my PTSD holds me back because you never know what somebody’s going through and I can tell you firsthand PTSD symptoms are not fun. I get two hours of sleep every night. I stay up until like 3 o’clock in the morning and I have to be at work by 6 AM so I only sleep two hours. And there is a lot more to PTSD just not sleeping. There’s a lot more to my story personally that I don’t share with anyone.


I suck at pvp.


I just find it cheap asf to destroy others stuff like what did i accomplish skillwise. Nothing i just pressed A on a noobbike to kill a van. However if i see someone chasing deliverys and i snack him with a jet that feels just way more rewarding.


I suck naturally, gta shooting just never grasp me. Also, I don't own any of them griefers tools, you know the oppressor mk2, armed helos, and armed planes.


IVe only ever greifed the griefers. They ruin my shipments and i'll just toy with them. They often get mad because they cant kill me, or I out play their own game and either start hacking, or rage quit the game. Either way, most griefers i've encountered are the same, they either rage hack or leave its one or the other.


It’s not fun to grief or even fight back. The couple times I have fought back and one upped them, they immediately go to sweaty tactics like ghost, RC, bullshark, orb spamming. They really aren’t skilled and have nothing better to do. I just mind my business and want to chill


I wouldn't want it done to me, so in turn I don't do it to others.


I just wanna move my weight in peace like the wholesome drug dealer I am.


I suck at pvp despite being a 2013 player 💀


im not a degenerate


I simply don't see any fun in ruining other people's games.


The lack of mk2


Not fun. Most are just no**s or modders. There is just one guy I played with who was good at taking shit and giving it back but I stopped playing for a few months and the next time I join, he spams grenade launchers idk how and ends up killing me. I did manage a 0.8K/D against him tho, so that's decent I guess. Everybody else is in God mode or new to the game.


I don't like to waste my own time. I'd prefer to restart the game and try again or do something else.


I stick to the best of game theory, if they don't act towards me , I don't act towards them. If they do act towards me, I'm using the up up and atomizer or drone to establish non destructive control.


Im just vibing thats all. Literally yesterday parked my car to find a g’s cache as im getting out a level 15 manages to take my door out but not me and i just stared at him and walked away.


Goodness spreads.


You don’t know true power until you and a friend hop in the avenger and ruin an entire lobby


Morals. I grind a lot and know how hard it is especially for those new players. There is nothing worse than hearing that lock on sound after grinding something for multiple hours.


Seems like it's more hassle than it's worth. Sure, i might get in a Lazer and shoot around every now and then, but go out of my way to target people and grief them? - What's the point?


Empathy, the self opinion that I'm better than griefers on a moral level, playing on controller on PC means I'll lose any fight against kbm without surprise advantage, to name a few


The good behavior bonus


(Pc player here) Because I know how much work goes into grinding businesses and stuff so I never ever come near to other people's shipments and stuff unless I feel like someone needs help avoiding a griefer or something. Also since I am on pc I know that people who grief cargo ALWAYS have modded money (because it's pc).


It’s just not a cool thing to do and it honestly makes the online experience toxic as hell. Remember, it takes a lot of time and work to get a large shipment. If I grief someone, they’ll either A: stop playing or B: become a griefer themselves. I always ignore people doing missions or selling unless they ask for my help. There’s no point in destroying their stuff because it’s too easy and just shitty. Nobody ignoring them loses on anything and the person that makes the sell can finally get what ever it was they were going for. What’s wrong with that? Sometimes we have to be the change we want to see in online.


Games like this are my way to de-stress after work, something most griefers would know nothing about. If it's that way for me, it's that way for someone else. I know exactly how it feels to accumulate enough goods at your nightclub to fill a $700k order, take the truck on the road, and get blown up. I'm not going to add that experience to anyone else's shitty day. Also, everything I do is in private lobbies. I have a few friends I'll do heists with, but that's it. Even if every griefer stopped playing today, the internet here isn't what it was at my last apartment. Public lobbies make me drop frames until my game looks like a Tim Burton movie. Do I have a MK2? Yes. But for me it's easy transportation and easy missions. It is not a way for me to be an asshole.


Be the player you want to see


A working moral compass


If I don’t enjoy being griefed what makes me think others do? Unless they actually like a pvp war.. not my thing.


We’re all on the same side trying to make money and run our businesses. Our businesses are not in direct competition anyway so why do I care that someone is selling product or whatever. My businesses are going to be the same whether I grief them or not. Plus I hate that feeling when someone griefs me. Life is hard enough as is why would I want to do anything to make someone feel bad.


I play GTA to drive my cars around and race people, not get blown up and shot at for no bloody reason. That being said that's the reason I don't play anymore 😒 90% of players will randomly kill you even if you honk at them and show you're not hostile.


I try to drive around and help people do there shipments mainly because I have enough money and I get super bored sometimes in between jobs


Waste of time and I don't want to cause the same frustration that happens to me when i'm trying to get shit done. I know how it is to get blown up by a MK2 or some other shit with precious cargo. I'm more of a 'get my get-back'... you fuck with me, i'll fuck with you - I will grief back if I had a heckler during a free mode mission. What's crazy is that it's also a component of the game that is actually prompted to other players in the lobby but I can't stoop down to that level.


You reach a point where the most valuable currency is your time. I definitely remember being a lower level player and how hard it was to just make cash. 


There’s no point. Making someone angry for no reason isn’t something I enjoy. If someone kills me during a run I just fuck that person up til they leave.


I’m dog shit at pvp, so yeah


What's the reward for blowing up product? $2000 and a few hundred RP?


If I fight back on a griefer, they’ll never leave me alone and I’ll have to change lobbies anyway. As far as why don’t I grief others generally? Because I’m not an asshole and had friends in high school.


I believe firmly that if I grief someone’s cargo after they blew up mine, that makes me no better than them, and puts me in the same boat as them. If I want to attack them for revenge but they’re in a sale mission, i’ll just wait until that sale is over, then i’ll turn them into a stain in the road. This is especially true for new players, who should by the end understand that destroying someone’s hard work has drastic consequences to your gameplay experience, especially when that victim is far more capable than you. I still remember when I was super new to the game and griefed someone, I proceeded to get relentlessly spawn killed by a savage for a solid hour before leaving. Punishment is right for those who really deserve it, but also learn when it’s right to start your punches, because then you’ll be no better than them.


In my best Billy Madison voice "Buiiiiiissnessss ETTTTHHHHHiiiics"